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Who is running a 4E Greyhawk campaign?

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What I recommend that if there's a 4e element that doesn't really fit, then don't mention it. If a player wants to play it, for example a Dragonborn, then they can be the first one ever!

Someone had to be. Why not the PC?

That's what I did when I converted my 2nd edition game to 3e and a player wanted to play a dwarven wizard.

On another topic: Eladrin. Isn't that just another name for the gray elves?
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What I recommend that if there's a 4e element that doesn't really fit, then don't mention it. If a player wants to play it, for example a Dragonborn, then they can be the first one ever!
That's close to what I have planned. I am considering having their origins be secret and develop through the campaign (mostly likely with player input). Still, I am looking for ideas and inspiration.

That's close to what I have planned. I am considering having their origins be secret and develop through the campaign (mostly likely with player input). Still, I am looking for ideas and inspiration.

How about just using the Dragonborn statistics for Half Dragons? You could leave a hint that there is more to it. Either Half-Dragon are actually a unique race (dragonborn), or maybe that the Half-Dragon have begun to found their own society (maybe starting with an adventuring band/mercenary guild, or they are connected by a unknown link).


The 8th Evil Sage
I'm thinking of running a 4E Greyhawk game to wrap up some unresolved plot threads from my region in Living Greyhawk (Geoff, if anyone's curious). Just about anything will be in. Dragonborn will be as common as draconic people in 3rd ed - not very, but they're out there. The grey elves in the region will be eladrin.

My one frustration with planning is that there aren't enough statted PC races in the MM. I know it's easier to create new monsters in 4th ed., but what I really want to do is just pluck them out of the MM, and I can't.

The Grumpy Celt

I placed dragonborn as originating from the far south, beyond the Amedio jungle.

Tieflings are from the Horned Society. The name is just far too good a fit for them!

Having the tieflings come from the Horned Society is good - pretty much perfect. Though I still prefer the dragonborn to be a result of something Iuz did and they wandered over the boarder, to the surprise of all.

I think an interesting development might be to kick the time line up a few decades and model events after the Peloponnesian Wars. Following yet another invasion of everyone by Iuz’s forces (a stand in for the Persians in this scenario), forces from Grayhawk (a stand in for Athens) and Ahlissa (a stand in for Sparta) reorganized themselves, rallied and saved the day. However, in the years following this victory, political and military maneuvering would eventually see Grayhawk led forces at war with Ahlissa led forces, while Iuz watches. If the PCs want to improve the situation, then they will have to work for it.

In the mean time, the usually assorted craziness of dragons, demons, devils, undead, cults and the like make a nuisance of themselves.

Greyhawk 4E

I am presently running/developing a Greyhawk based campaign. I have taken a unique route I think on adapting the 4e fluff.

A brief summary wuld be that the followers of the Elder Elemental Eye succeeded in unchaining a portion of thier trapt dark destructive power. The ensuing chaos covered the whole of Oerth, rending continents apart and spilling oceans.

The gods for good or evil banded together to stop the unmaking of reality. The gods with the help of powerful mortals managed to trap the released avatar of the Elemental Eye in a crystal prison and hurled it into the abyss. Many of the participants were lost or trapped in pocket dimensions before it was over. (Leaving me with opportunities to bring back cool gods or NPC's). However, much of the places of power were strong enough to survive the partial sundering of Oerth. Leaving remnants of past ancient sites like Tovag Baragu (or any other I want intact.)

In the ensuing vacuum of divine power many would be powers took the opportunity to advance themselves, namely Vecna and Asmodai's ascenion to godhood. Others lesser aspects of older gods have ascended aswell (those unfamiliar gods, Melora = lesser aspect of Ehlonna; The Raven Queen = possible relation to WeeJas etc.) Only the remaining elder gods know for sure, but they are distant and occupied with the rebalancing of power. The world is growing dark. The heros and saviors of old are dead or missing and it has been 1000 years since the Breaking of the World and few remember thier history.

With this being my premise I can move forward having my players rediscover the ancient history of Oerth and piece together the mysteries of the world, while trying to keep the points of light lit.

Tieflings created thier empire of Bael Turath in the ashes of The Great Kingdom.

The Dragonborn initially were invaders from the Fire Land far to the east of the Flaness. Establishing an empire in the barbarian holds nort of The Great Kingdom (Bael Turath.) They began thier invasion in the Great Kingdom (Bael Turath) and then scattered througout the rest of the Flaness when those Empires mutually fell.

Warforged are a wonder from the City of the Gods. The forges were reactivated by a hapless band of adventurers. When the world sundered the forges were damaged and made inoperative, but there still remains much to be discovered in those ruins.

Shifters I see as a natural evolution in the world.
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I'm also currently fleshing out my 4e Greyhawk campaign, set in the year CY 691. This allows the setting to more naturally integrate the new core races and establish their cultures. I'm also a big proponent of Greyhawk's awesome array of villains, which no other setting can match.

- In the early 600s, shortly after the fall of Iuz, the Elemental Princes of Evil united their forces and waged a war upon the entire world of Oerth. The War of the Princes lasted for many years until they were finally brought down by the sacrifice of many of the world's greatest heroes. Their Iron Cube-Fortress of Acheron destroyed by the artifact known as the Bringer of Doom. Very few knew the true purpose behind their war, and those few who did learn of it, swore never to speak of it.

- The Dragonborn were exiles from the Elemental War from the distant west. Their great houses fractured, many settling into Ket, Furyondy, Veluna and the new Shield Lands, some of their more ambitious ilk to the Hellfurnaces and the new empire the Fire Giants were raising there.

- Iggwilv is Greyhawk's marquee villain now. She recently completed her apotheosis to a true goddess after having stolen a portion of Demogorgon's power in the aftermath of The Savage Tide. After Iuz lost most of his holdings in the Reckoning War, Iggwilv supplanted her son (who now serves her as a general along with her daughter Drelnza) and now rules from a growing empire that is based in the Howling Hills. Fortunately, the invasion of the Abyss by the forces of Hell keep most of her attention away from Oerth... for now.

- Any territory claimed by Iggwilv's forces is displaced her abyssal holdings and those who are born in these lands are born Tieflings if they are not true demons already. Many tieflings have fled these lands though and over the decades have scattered across the continent, predominantly in Neutral or other Evil held lands. After Iggwilv sacked Mitrik and destroyed the Crook of Roa, no tiefling is permitted to set foot in Veluna upon pain of death.

- St. Kargoth has returned with a retinue of Death Knights with dreams of raising the Aerdy Empire once again. He has also sworn vengeance against Iggwilv for her involvement the destruction of his master.

- Lord Kas has also returned, now master of Citadel Cavitus (a floating necropolis/fortress from Vecna Lives).

- Eclavdra has seized her opportunity in the advent of Lolth's lessened interest in Oerth of late. Over the last century, she has crushed the other houses in Erelhei-Cinlu and formed alliances with other powerful races of the deep realm. Her city is now a vertitable metropolis and is in the midst of negotiating an alliance with Iggwilv.

- Graz'zt openly supports Iggwilv, but in secret fears her power which now exceeds his own. The fact that she has not made a bid to claim more of the Abyss for her own means she has even grander designs in motion. Graz'zt uses Tuerny the Merciless to subtly undermine her on Oerth and learn what her plans truly are.

- The Domain of Greyhawk has expanded over the recent years with the rise of the new Lords of Greyhawk. They have annexed the Duchy of Urnst and even territory in Western Nyrond. They now control the entire southern Nyr Dyv with their eye fixed on claiming Dyvers. An enraged Furyondy contemplates annexing Dyvers themselves "for their own good".


I'm not running 4e (I'm playing a Wilderlands 1e game atm), but some of your ideas are making me more curious about 4e. I'm sure I'll pick it up eventually, just don't have a burning need atm....

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