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Who is Your Favorite B5 Character?

Who is your favorite Babylon 5 Character

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Urgh. So hard to pick just one; if the poll allowed multiple choices, I might have to pick as many as half a dozen.

But just one? Has to be G'Kar. I cannot think of a character in any TV series who has gone through such a dramatic run of character development, and yet had the development feel so natural. The depth and dimensionality of the character was incredible for a TV series. And frankly, G'Kar is just damned cool to boot.

It's a shame Andreas Katsulas passed away. :( He was an amazing talent, and I'd have loved to see more of G'Kar in the upcoming straight-to-DVD stories.


I know what you mean. There were so many amazing characters from the show it's hard to just pick on.

I would have to go with Londo. The character had so many facets to him. Good or bad he was great fun to watch.

Londo and G'kar were both great fun.

But my favorite was always Sinclair. He always came across as a man out of his depth doing the best he could and never giving up. Loved that.


I choose Sinclair. He might not have been in the best season, but I prefered him (and the actor) above John Sheridan. He had a powerful and calming presence.

But this answer wasn't truly honest, I just think he deserves some credit, even if, in the long run, I much prefer Londo Mollari and G'Kar. These two were amazingly crafted and played characters.
Garibaldi is a close follow-up, as would be Bester.


Londo Mollari. His story was just the most interesting; from buffoon to villain to tragic hero. With each role played with verve to spare.

G'Kar is a close second, though.

And I'll go with G'Kar, with Londo a close second. :D

They both cover roughly the same scope of character development, I think, but I just like G'Kar's trajectory slightly better--but only if I'm forced to choose.

Teflon Billy

I voted G'Kar...he and Londo both progressed so much as characters as the series wore on that it was hard to choose.

Though, if I'm being honest, my vote would go to a "meta-character" I refer to as Anyone But Zack.

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