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Who plays paintball?


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Haven't played for many a year. My paintballing dates back to Tippman SMG's and .50 Pistols.

I was playing once at an indoor field (about 16 years ago) and everyone was armed with .50 6 shot pistols. I saw my friend sneaking behind some bales so I popped over and shot him. Range was about 2 feet, and I was aming for the back (I fact that was all I could see when I becambe committed to the shot. As I was shooting, he had somehow turned and started to stand, so my shot hit him right behind the ear. He dropped like a rock and started to violently twitch. It took a few minutes for him to stabilise and then he said he was alright. We helped him up, but as soon as we let go of him he fell over again. He could not stand/balance on his own. At the hospital, they said the liquid in his inner ear was completely foamed, destroying his sense of balance.

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Boss said:
chakken98 - man, that is almost worth filing charges on the guy, it is definitely assault if you guys were no longer playing, etc.. Idiots like that give the sport a bad name. I hope you have a better time the next time around.

Nah, no charges filed. Still would have to work with him on a day to day bases and that would have just caused more issues then I needed. But he felt pretty bad and to this day still says he's sorry and buys me lunch now and again. Still upsets me that it happened, but what can you do but move on and hope not to get blasted in the dome piece again... :lol:


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Davek said:
Haven't played for many a year. My paintballing dates back to Tippman SMG's and .50 Pistols.

I was playing once at an indoor field (about 16 years ago) and everyone was armed with .50 6 shot pistols. I saw my friend sneaking behind some bales so I popped over and shot him. Range was about 2 feet, and I was aming for the back (I fact that was all I could see when I becambe committed to the shot. As I was shooting, he had somehow turned and started to stand, so my shot hit him right behind the ear. He dropped like a rock and started to violently twitch. It took a few minutes for him to stabilise and then he said he was alright. We helped him up, but as soon as we let go of him he fell over again. He could not stand/balance on his own. At the hospital, they said the liquid in his inner ear was completely foamed, destroying his sense of balance.

ummm...wow....did he recover...cause I think that would just suck...bad...


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chakken98 said:
Nah, no charges filed. Still would have to work with him on a day to day bases and that would have just caused more issues then I needed. But he felt pretty bad and to this day still says he's sorry and buys me lunch now and again. Still upsets me that it happened, but what can you do but move on and hope not to get blasted in the dome piece again... :lol:

Heh, well if you are getting free lunches for it still, then it is all good in the end. Just as an FYI, if you are worried about head shots, JT now makes a helmet that covers the entire head, not just the face.

Davek said:
I was playing once at an indoor field (about 16 years ago) and everyone was armed with .50 6 shot pistols. I saw my friend sneaking behind some bales so I popped over and shot him. Range was about 2 feet, and I was aming for the back (I fact that was all I could see when I becambe committed to the shot. As I was shooting, he had somehow turned and started to stand, so my shot hit him right behind the ear. He dropped like a rock and started to violently twitch. It took a few minutes for him to stabilise and then he said he was alright. We helped him up, but as soon as we let go of him he fell over again. He could not stand/balance on his own. At the hospital, they said the liquid in his inner ear was completely foamed, destroying his sense of balance.

That's not good at all. I hope he was able to recover from it eventually. Funny how those things happen though. I used to study martial arts when I was younger and jokingly struck a friend in a pressure point on his face (not saying where). For about 30 minutes he was unable to speak because he couldn't move his jaw. Scared the he** outta me (I was about 14 at the time). I didn't joke around with strikes around the head anymore after that. Ahhhhh, the stupidity of youth.


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I used to play a lot way back when in high school, but evetually quit because this same reason...

krunchyfrogg said:
What really grinds my gears is when these "regulars" come with their paintball howitzers and play against me and most of the people I know who are just renting the crap guns. It's not a level playing field.

...all the little rich kids who shell out their parent's money for "heavy artillery" and fully automatic paint ball guns, while my friends and I were still toting around our precious pump-action Tracers.

Though, my buddies and I did soup our Tracers up with sights, homemade rifled barrels, and higher powered springs... They made great long range sniper rifles.

Davek said:
I saw my friend sneaking behind some bales so I popped over and shot him. Range was about 2 feet, and I was aming for the back (I fact that was all I could see when I becambe committed to the shot. As I was shooting, he had somehow turned and started to stand, so my shot hit him right behind the ear.

My buddy and I had a similar experience...

Indoor paintball arena, and we'd been playing for some time so the concrete floor was really slick with paint. I'm crouched, kneeling, behind a barrier sniping at the other team, and picking off one by one through knotholes in the barriers and exposed heels and such. My buddy sneeks up around the other side of my barricade... Out of the corner of my eye I catch a bit of movement. There he comes, lying on his side, sliding along the floor in the paint, gun already at the ready. We both fire off snap-shots simultaneously. He nails just below the kneecap, and I peg him right between the eyes in the goggles. He can't see and I can't stand up.

After we help each other off the field, we strip down to head home. I had not just a welt, but a bloody ring-shaped spot where his paintball had broken my skin and left a nifty little scar for several years. He had a pair of black eyes from his goggles that made him look like a raccoon. :D

And then there was the time we were playing outdoor paintball against a bunch of rich kids who'd gone and bought a bunch of paint-grenades that they'd set up with trip wires as traps... So next time, we brought along a three-man water balloon sling shot, a pair of walkytalkies, a bunch of water balloon and a bucket of water-based paint -- and set up paint balloon artillery, complete with forward spotter. :]


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Back in the early-mid 90's I not only played regularly but work as a ref at an outdoor field. Every year the field would host a continuous game that would start at 9 am Saturday morning and go until noon Sunday.

I've only been paintballing once, about 4 years ago. I had an absolute ball. I would play a lot more often if more of my friends were interested, I didn't have to drive 2 hours to get to the field and it didn't cost so much to play.

I was thinking about doing it for my buck's party last year but decided to go with Laser Skirmish instead since it was closer and cheaper.

Still a lot of fun though (both paintballing and laser skirmish).

Olaf the Stout


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Boss said:
That's not good at all. I hope he was able to recover from it eventually. Funny how those things happen though. I used to study martial arts when I was younger and jokingly struck a friend in a pressure point on his face (not saying where). For about 30 minutes he was unable to speak because he couldn't move his jaw. Scared the he** outta me (I was about 14 at the time). I didn't joke around with strikes around the head anymore after that. Ahhhhh, the stupidity of youth.

The doctor in emergency gave him a shot of something, and within about 20 minutes his balance stablised. the realy freaky thing was that there waas a garbage can lid on the wall behind him, that had been used for target practicing. It was covered in fresh red paint from the previous sighting in session. When my friend fell, he hit this lid, and then slid down the wall, smearing the red paint down the wall. It looked just like in the movies when some one gets shot and the blood splatters on the wall.


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Davek said:
The doctor in emergency gave him a shot of something, and within about 20 minutes his balance stablised. the realy freaky thing was that there waas a garbage can lid on the wall behind him, that had been used for target practicing. It was covered in fresh red paint from the previous sighting in session. When my friend fell, he hit this lid, and then slid down the wall, smearing the red paint down the wall. It looked just like in the movies when some one gets shot and the blood splatters on the wall.

Yeah, every field I go to does not allow the use of red paint. Makes it difficult for the refs/first responders to see if there is actually blood or not when someone gets injured. There is one field in central Texas where the owner prefers red paint... says it is more realistic. Personally, I think he is an idiot. :D

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