Who wants to be a Wayfinder?


The man with the probe
Darn it, I was hoping for a hot sorceress type. Though a hot girly wizard works fine ;)

I haven't seen the explorers handbook myself, but a Diviner sounds like a good specialist focused on exploration and finding things, perhaps even aiming at the loremaster class, with the thought that you're looking for lost lore and expanding knowledge instead of just researching what is currently known.

Just a though.

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First Post
Ha! I'm in a contest to see how many Eberron games I can join!

Good Moonsight (or whatever its called) Shifter Cleric of the Blood of Vol!

However, the game IS looking quite full. Feel free to reject me.


I will be posting Patruk's views of the others soon, but I just wanted to throw in a bit more of his personality real fast. While Patruk is a necromancer, he has no desire to summon undead and adorn himself with grisly trophies. He is more of a scholar of death and how it applies to life itself.

His travel clothes consist of plain but functional garmets, and only his spell pouch gives him away as a student of the arcane arts. I am going to shift his skills around some to give him some ranks in heal, as well as purchase a healer's kit for him, as it only makes sense that someone who has studied the human body as much as he has to have knowledge in that area.

So, while on the surface it may seem that he could not function with a paladin, he could as long as they both had an understanding of each other. Patruk is a student of death, but he does not seek to bring it to others.

Hope this clears up his mindset some for everyone.

More of his thoughts to follow soon.


Plonk: Although I was initially wary of having anything to do with another gnome, I must admit that Artificer Plonk has given me several true laughs, although I will also admit that they were mainly due to the collapse of one of his many “gadgets” and “toys”.

However while many are only able to see madness in his methods, I am not foolish to underestimate the potential that he has once he comes into his own. If he is able to find his focus, I have no doubt that he will be truly great at his craft. On the same vein though, if he continues to run rampant with no one having the strength of will to help him harness his energy, he is just as liable to kill himself, as well as any who happen to be near him, with a failed project.

Boromar: While the warforged and I have spent several evenings in the cadaver hall going over the various aspects of how the human body is driven, I do not think that Boromar will truly understand the uniqueness of his creation. His body has none of the weaknesses that plague the majority of the sentient races, yet he still wonders if it is possible for them to truly die.

Boromar also has an almost childlike fascination to hear stories of the darker aspects of my field of study. How is a skeleton summoned? How does one become a vampire? What are the weaknesses of a ghoul? Try as I might to convince him that I have no interest in that field, he has yet to grasp that concept. However, he does make an ideal assistant when I examine the inner workings of a cadaver, as his experiences in the war have made him as immune to the sight of death as I have now became.

Teivel ir’Torn: While I have heard my friends speaking highly of the young ir’Torn scion, I will admit that I know little of him. I do believe his older brother courted my sister for a time, but I am not aware if Rhea returned his attentions. However, even with the strained relationship I have with my family, I do not think they would omit a marriage in their biannual letters to me.

I do know that the ass he rode in on bore the Sivid stamp, but that is where our commonality ends. It will be interesting to see how he reacts the first time his chain shatters a real skull. Will he smile and pretend it does not bother him? Or will he heave his morning meal at the smell of the body’s involuntary release of the bowls? Only time will tell…

Midian Rightson: As another son who has strayed from the path his parents chose for him, it would seem that he and I would have much in common. However while I have embraced the cycle of existence after the heart has stilled, Midian is a student of birth and the process of creation.

While we are cordial enough with each other, I will not go so far as to say friends, there is a coolness that exists between us that can only be explained by the lessons his professors have given him about any who study the “dark” path of magic. I do not seek to disrupt the balance he loves, but convincing any of that is a daunting task to say the very least. However, I do hope that once we have taken to the road, he will see that there is nothing to fear from my presence. After all, isn’t death just as crucial in the cycle as life?

Glaw: Whereas Boromar and I have a good deal of time together; the warforged Glaw is a relative stranger to me. Besides a few idle words in passing during a class, I have only Boromar’s stories of him to form an opinion. An accomplished woodsman and tracker, I am sure any who travel with him will benefit from his expertise.

Tel Montayne: Although I was given a small amount of coin to help tutor Montayne, he truly had no desire to learn. His mind’s eye has shown him his glory to be had, and now he merely waits for it to come to him. While I do not hold out much hope for his intellectual pursuits, his strong arm and quick feet will serve him well when he brings his blades to bear. My only fear is the day when he is presented with a problem no brawn can solve…

Johan d’Deneith: While his impulsiveness and seemingly insatiable libido make him charming to those around him, I see the young knight as a powder keg waiting to be ignited. Those in a position to teach him structure are intimidated by his family’s name and give him a greater berth than many have been allowed.

Perhaps my unnatural dislike for him stems from the fact that I believe he is what my parents had envisioned what I would become, or perhaps that he is the very opposite of everything I believe in. There is a beauty in logic and structure, yet to hear him speak they are the blackest sins a race can ever embrace. Should he decide to travel with us, it will be a long road indeed.


The man with the probe
Primus said:
Ha! I'm in a contest to see how many Eberron games I can join!

Good Moonsight (or whatever its called) Shifter Cleric of the Blood of Vol!

However, the game IS looking quite full. Feel free to reject me.
At best, you could be Lawful Neutral (Only 1 step away from the religion's allignment, which is Lawful Evil).

You can be a Good Cleric of The Traveler though if you're looking for an odd god.


First Post
As I understand it, the alignment restriction for clerics doesn't apply in Eberron. So a severely delusional LG cleric of the Fury is possible (however unlikely) They just have to find a way to correspong their faith with their religion.

LG cleric of Vol would work more easily than some:

They would beleive in the innate goodness of Nobility. Certain bloodlines, and therefore certain people pass their virtues down to their children. They would likely think that Thrane has commited an atrocity by being ruled by someone not of noble blood. They would believe that Death is the ultimate evil, and that in cheating death, you are defying evil. Finally, he would probably beleive that, in order to truly know someone, you must study their geneology and their family. If someone's father was a deceptive theif, then they have it "in their blood" to be deceptive. Conversely, if someone's great-grandmother was a great hero, then they have the potential, however unlikely it may seem, to be heroic.

Mista Collins

First Post
No Blood of Vol followers (for reasons I cannot explain quite yet)

I will be posting more info on exactly what I need as for characters, back story, and the teams set up, sometime later tonight.


First Post
I would be interested in joining. First time for PbP but have been playing (and DM'ing) in 3.0 and 3.5 for a few years now and have time to post a few times a day.

I would like to play a Spirit Shaman.

Do you allow Level adjustments at all? If so, I wouldn't mind trying a poison dusk lizard folk from MM3 (LA+1) and taking spirit shaman at level 2. I have a concept of a lizardfolk learning all he can about the culture of the warm blooded to help his tribe survive human encroachment. Bit of a hike from Q'barra to Aundair though.

If that's a no-go due to needing to study my class at the university, I would like to play a human.

Let me know which you'll allow and I'll put up some stats tonight.


First Post
Fine. :p I kind of want to make a Dreamsight Shifter... never made a shifter before, but I can't pick a good class.

How about a Female Half-Elven House Lyrander weather magus?


First Post
*holds up hand and wildly waves it around*

Oh! Me! Me!

I've been looking for a game to play this idea I had for a Changeling Sorceress for AGES!

Still recruiting? The name is Whisper...I see focus on Enchantment and Illusion, with enough other schools to be credible in combat. Whisper is a "reality seeker" changeling, who stays in her natural state most of the time, but wears a mask unless imitating someone else's features. She believes in the power of secrets, you see...and her motivation for exploration is to find and collect as many as she can.

I'll post statty if there's still space in the game for a lonely changeling sorceress.


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