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Who's looking forward to Man of Steel?


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Hopefully this thread won't get too hijacked by the "Superman is the most boring superhero" brigade like every other thread about him on the web is!

So who's looking forward to it? Two trailers out, and a new one imminent. It's clearly going to be the most action-oriented Supes flick yet. On the negative side, I personally *hate* the suit. Too dark, too shiny.

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Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
Never really was a big fan, even the Reeve stuff, but this one has me intrigued (and I'll certainly see it when it releases).


Mod Squad
Staff member
I'll probably see it, if only because it comes out in the summer, and there's times when spending a couple hours in air conditioning with a soda and some popcorn is a good way to spend an evening.

But, I gotta tell you, I wanted to be thrilled by this, and I'm finding it is falling flat on me. I think maybe the heavy action orientation may be part of the problem. I'm starting to become one of the "special effects and action are not enough in themselves" brigade. And nothing I've seen tells me the story or characterization will be particularly interesting.

This in contrast with, say, Iron Man 3, where the personalities and story are apt to be at least as important as the amazing slugfests...

I think part of it is that in movies, nobody since Chris Reeve made him a *person* you cared about. Again, as compared to Downey's Iron Man, or Toby Maguire's take on Peter Parker.

But maybe this one will break the trend. I'd like that a lot.


Very interested. I have ten years of Smallville on the brain, so I'll be looking for interesting takes on the issues of identity, disguises, lying to protect loved ones, etc. And will enjoy seeing him in situations that require him to use all of his powers.


First Post
I'm in. Love Superman, and while I wasn't thrilled with the last one, I'll be at the theater for this one. I like the tone of it, and the recent trailer sold me on it some more.

When Pa Kent says "You ARE my son", it get's me right in my Dad spot.


I'm looking forward to it. It will be interesting to see how it performs the reboot. I'm probably one of the few that enjoyed Superman Returns, even for all/through all of it's faults.

I just wonder if DC/WB can get it's act together to start generating a proper DC shared movie universe akin to Marvel's Phase 1/ Phase 2 / Phase N movie sets. (although it'll be interesting to see how Marvel handles changing actors out eventually)


The Superman cartoon by Bruce Timm did an excellent job with Superman, so if it is boring, it is because the writers/directors/producers chose to make it boring.
Don't go to theaters any more, but I am looking forward to the DVD when it comes out in November (just in time for Christmas, everyone!).
I don't mind the colors, but why do all the costumes suddenly have to have that texture? Is it to hide/blend with the CGI models?


First Post
I have watched the trailer and it is nice. I'm not really a fan of any superhero. Anyway, I hope the entire movie is great than the trailer itself.


Yes. A lot more than I thought I would, actually.

For me, there were two things a Superman film absolutely must not do:

- Change the music
- Change the costume

So, when I heard that this film was doing both, it immediately became one to skip. But those trailers have really turned me around, so I'll be there to see it.

As for "Superman Returns"... it's not a great film, but like "The Phantom Menace" it will always have some hold over me. See, "Supermen III" was the first film I ever saw in the cinema (also not a great film, to put it mildly), and so when I went to see SR and John Williams' music came on, suddenly I was transported back 25 years. Only two films have ever done that, and it's worth a great deal.


I'm very much with delericho on Superman Returns. I saw it in the theaters, and it was the first movie I'd seen in a theater since Return of the King that made feel it was time and money well-spent. That said, I've never really had much desire to see it again.

With Man of Steel, I saw the first teaser trailer and thought, "Huh. Looks interesting." But the movie was not on my radar at all.

Second trailer, I thought, "That doesn't look too bad. I might actually have to see that in a theater." But frankly, I was more excited about Iron Man 3, which is a bit sad because I was one of those kids who ran around the house "flying" with a red cape. Superman has always been the hero for me.

Third trailer, Ho. Ly. Crap. That trailer summoned up the 7 year old in me. I've watched the trailer probably about 2,538 times, and right now I want to watch it again. The trailer obliterated the desire to see any other movie other than Man of Steel. I'm ready to camp out for a midnight showing. Then I found out that while it's coming out in June for the rest of the world, it won't come out until August in Japan. So right now, I really hate Japan.

So yes, I am indeed looking forward to Man of Steel.

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