why do we....


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to start this topic off, i'd like to say that these are my feelings and i mostly expect that they will be twisted around to make me sound like im ungrateful of the isrp

why do we come to en world, unlikely heroes, or the den.. to make friends, escape everyday life, be someone we cannot be, reconnect with old friends from wizards or where ever this first started, who knows... id like to say on something else that from my personal experiances i've noticed that the long time players from wizards seem to hand around only other long time players that they know well or have on their messenger lists ect. the newer players go to talk to them and they are shrugged off like a coat or something. ill admit that not all long time players are like that but most of who ive seen are that way.. this isnt meant t be hateful or disrespectful to other players or the magi.. i just want to know why do we come here and why we play with only those we know the best...
if some people were given a chance then others might get along and more stories were able to include everyone in them they we would all have more fun.
sure this post will most likely get mixed responses or get me into trouble with the magi.. but who cares.. again these are my feelings and opinions

thank you

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Excluding about a year of playing a long time ago, I have only been on ISRP for a few months. When I first came back, I did not know anyone on the site, but I never felt ignored. On the contrary, I have made several friends who have been playing for over ten years, and except for a few of the more arrogant players, I have been welcomed and accepted.
It is possible that you have only run into the more aloof of the experienced players, or that your characters simply are not the type of people that their characters would like to be around. In any case, I wish you luck, and hope that you don't give up just because of what you've seen so far.


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Itzquahpilli said:
It is possible that you have only run into the more aloof of the experienced players, or that your characters simply are not the type of people that their characters would like to be around. In any case, I wish you luck, and hope that you don't give up just because of what you've seen so far.

Adding to Itzquahpilli's thoughts, it's also possible that the way your character is attempting to include him/herself isn't working well. A person walking into the tavern and sort of looking around and saying hi may or may not get spoken to. This is something I witnessed happen twice today... both times, the characters I had in at the time were in the middle of a fairly intense discussion with others. When about a minute or two passed without a response, random-hi character declared that "you people are boring" and left again.

But no one was intentionally ignoring that character for the sake of being rude. Everyone present was simply engaged in conversation already, and random-hi character was not (as far as I could tell) approaching any one person in particular. A better strategy for being included might be to bring your character in and have him/her sit down and order a drink and simply -listen- to the conversations happening. Then s/he could possibly contribute to an ongoing conversation in a meaningful way, or else single out a person who isn't already in the middle of an intense discussion and strike up an acquaintence that way.

After all, would you (generic you, not you specifically) walk into a bar or nightclub in real life, not knowing anyone, say hi to the patrons at large, and expect someone to walk over and promptly make friends?


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I've been around since Wizards which makes me a 2 year veteran of ISRP. When I first started coming around I never had the problem of being ignored except by the rare few people who stuck only with their cliques. The best thing to do is think about your approach and also your chars personality. Is your char shy and reserved? Bold and sassy? Or just laid back and observes. A shy char isn't going to walk into a place and yell out "Hey everybody!" instead they would quietly slip in, find the bar and try to stay unoticed at first. Now a very outgoing char or one who is too drunk to care might walk in an announce their presense. I have quite a few chars that get noticed because they are being the quiet and reserved one and so someone attempts to break them out of their shell. Also if you have a char that is obviously hiding something about theirself and also is just uber dark alot of the goody goody chars aren't going to want to associate with said dark mysterious type. Basically the best advice I can give ya is look at your chars personality as well as what kind of chars are in the room at the time. If you try to fit it best then you are more likely to get the desired effect.


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MistyThorin said:
A better strategy for being included might be to bring your character in and have him/her sit down and order a drink and simply -listen- to the conversations happening. Then s/he could possibly contribute to an ongoing conversation in a meaningful way, or else single out a person who isn't already in the middle of an intense discussion and strike up an acquaintence that way

Shhhhhhhh. Stop giving away my secrets :D! Heh, I suppose I'm an oldy, though I'll deny it vehemently. And I honestly believe I have more peoples newer to the site as my friends and acquaintences than older ones. Maybe it's coz the old guys wont have me! *Sniff* Anyways I love meeting new and interesting faces, and I've had a few times where I've gone out of my way to get to know a character and get ditched. But I figure that's the way things go. Hell, I admit I have my comfort zone, in peoples that I have met, conversed with, RPed with, what have you whom I will automatically choose over an unknown. Sure, a flaw in my personal real life character, but I'm only human after all. But hey, I spend hours lurking, esp with Ariel, in the tavern, talking to no one, just watching, doing nothing. Call me boring! I'd love to RP with anyone who approaches her, albeit that she's not the most approachable character in the worlds! I'm not sure if that clears up your problem, or makes it worse. I'm known for making things muddy! Either way, 'tis my bit. Another nice easy way to get to RP with the few busier peoples is to ask 'em ooc if they're up for it. I'm always up for it provided I've got the time! Then you can settle on a time and place and it takes the interruption stress out of it.

I may as well be straight here...

When I first came to ISRP, it was at Wizards just before it got moved. I, as a player and as a character, was pretty meek and afraid to socialize. But, after a few times of coming into the Tavern and observing, I became much more aggressive. Granted, my character has become a complete whirlwind because of it, but it got me and the character well acquainted with the lay of the land here.

Now, not every case of coming in like I did will entail the same result, but maybe the move from wallflower to social butterfly will be a tad easier if you merely assert yourself IC as well as OOC, as Ariel has stated before.

Something else you may wish to try, and maybe notorized for later on, is enter in, bide your time then do something completely outlandish to catch attention. Or, again as Ariel stated, direct yourself to the attention of a particular character via OOC communication, then pull whatever out of your hat.

So really, the older members may have their predestined cliques or whathaveyou, but don't let it bog you down. Be assertive! And hell, if need be, aggressive. Have fun, while you're at it...


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*looks thoughtful*

...am I stuck in a clique then? I try my hardest to socialise with everyone, new and old alike.

Man... I've been coming here for so long... six or more years now...

...vaguely depressing... :\


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It's a classic, Bhryn's been here for six or more...I've been here for five or more and I dont recall ever socialising IC or even OOC with her...*giggles* Unless of course, she's got some mysterious characters that I dont know about! Sheesh, I must really be a bummer ya know! But hell, I'm sure one day I'll find a reason to harrass everyone, and if that dont work, figure out a way to get everyone to harrass me! You know, attack Ariel, make some smart alek comment, tell her she's ugly, lol, or beautiful depending on which way you swing. Compliments're a great way to get started, just dont make 'em too flowery, or like you're cracking onto them...*chuckles* Fine line to tread that one, but hell, it's funny. Or steal Rajak's idea and comment on people's dress sense or lack there-of. Make something unique. Hell, it's not overly special but Ariel loves carving and woodwork. It's what she does when she's bored or needs to think; I've had a lot of interactions begin because peoples are curious as to what she's carving. Jeez I -need- to shut up dont I...who started this brainstorm?!


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I'm SURE I've roleplayed with you!


...I must have! It might have been as one of my other lesser characters though...


ARGH MY MIND IS GOING NOW I'M OLD-ER! *cries in a heap*


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*Pokes Ariel, Hugs her too*

I am not around as often as I once was.. I confess.

I do try and interact with everyone.. at least give them a chance. Although if someone is just way out there "OMG pr0n, typs 456 if u want 2 talk 2 me..LOL D&D sucks." I probably will avoid them.

Some of my characters are offensive.. *cough* Kyra *cough* .. and sometimes you won't know it's me because I am in disguise :)

And sometimes I'm just really really busy, and it might seem like I am ignoring people, but I do not mean to.

As I said, I try and give everyone a fair chance, it's how we grow and develop as RPG'ers. Even so at times there may be a style or character that I might not wish to interact with, for whatever personal reasons and ideas I hold. And people may dislike me.. But I do not want that to be taken as "cliquish" or the like. That is simply a personal decision that we all must make when we encounter other gamers and gaming styles.

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