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D&D 5E Why does 5E SUCK?


from the stuff off the top of my head im going to be replying to a few things over-all
I Felt like 4E/5E did more then 1 battle a day better via reward with extra abilitys / faster ability respawn Example Short Rests or Encounter powers in 4/5E and such made the game encourage you to do more then 1-2 battles in a single day

Feats and such while they do offer some varity in gameplay/customization its not strictly cannon / Most of the ppl i know refuse to allow it in there games, So yeah I dont get to see this (I admit its my biased option but its there its something 5E allows)

I get how the current arguement is its hard to figure out what someone means exactly without faceol expressions
I stated things i dislike just on the top of my head without giving it much thought, But another thing that pisses me off is the community of 5E players over-all both IRL and online. They annoy me to death at times and recently IRL ive been in fights with people all coz i didnt like 5E that well, That was the excuise they needed to start a fight.
Honkey thats BS, So Yeah Take it the most hateful way you can Puck 5E.

Its online communities in general. Eventually 5E will die and 6E will come along and the sheep will bleat about how good 6E is or turn into CapnZapp who only likes 1 edition of D&D as far as I can tell. I like 5E its not perfect or the be all and end all of D&D (its in my top 3 D&D list I don't have a number 1).
Whats better Xboxone or PS4? I don't care I have both.

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My group stick to 3rd and pf, they said warriors are too OP and wizards can't compare to them in 5e. But the 3rd condition is as imbalance as(if not more, you know, wizards) 5th. I am not getting their opinions entirely, maybe they thought it's unreal that no superpower human's guts strength can outnumber perpetual motion magic earth wall plus five;). Rationalism as they are.
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First Post
My group stick to 3rd and pf, they said warriors are too OP and wizards can't compare to them in 5e. But the 3rd condition is as imbalance as(if not more, you know, wizards) 5th. I am not getting their opinions entirely, maybe they thought it's unreal that no superpower human's guts strength can outnumber perpetual motion magic earth wall plus five;). Rationalism as they are.

My group is similar. They like PF very much.


First Post
Because 5e doesn't enhance immersion in the game. It becomes a game onto itself and the focus isn't on the story or the character, it's on how many dips you make into other classes, what feats, what spells you have what your damage output is. It becomes a war game. Combat systems are there to facilitate the role playing. With 5e, it's the other way around. No small wonder that the entire role playing part of 5e is a small box of skills and the rest of the sheet is dedicated to feats, spells and weapons. When in one game the pally, barb and ranger wanted to play new characters when they hit 7th level, and I was about to see a party of 7 spellcasters, I knew that this game had issues and I stopped the game right there.

In the time that I ran 2 5e games, I saw 24 characters rolled up (roll20 often has high turnover). All but 2 were spellcasters. 18 of them were elves. Numbers like this reveal that an entire crop of D&D players are coming into the game purely thinking about min/maxing, not about creating a character or bringing it to life.


Because 5e doesn't enhance immersion in the game. ... No small wonder that the entire role playing part of 5e is a small box of skills and the rest of the sheet is dedicated to feats, spells and weapons. ..

1. In my experience, roleplaying in character has never required rules.

2. As a dungeon master, I reward players (with treasure, favours, influence, information, secrets, quests, inspiration) who roleplay or who try to solve a situation creatively. DPS means very little overall in my games, although I do provide at least one good fight per session to satisfy those who like to roll dice.


Guest 6801328

Because 5e doesn't enhance immersion in the game. It becomes a game onto itself and the focus isn't on the story or the character, it's on how many dips you make into other classes, what feats, what spells you have what your damage output is. It becomes a war game. Combat systems are there to facilitate the role playing. With 5e, it's the other way around. No small wonder that the entire role playing part of 5e is a small box of skills and the rest of the sheet is dedicated to feats, spells and weapons. When in one game the pally, barb and ranger wanted to play new characters when they hit 7th level, and I was about to see a party of 7 spellcasters, I knew that this game had issues and I stopped the game right there.

In the time that I ran 2 5e games, I saw 24 characters rolled up (roll20 often has high turnover). All but 2 were spellcasters. 18 of them were elves. Numbers like this reveal that an entire crop of D&D players are coming into the game purely thinking about min/maxing, not about creating a character or bringing it to life.

Yeah, that powergaming $#!^ never happened in 3e and 4e...


Expert Long Rester
In the time that I ran 2 5e games, I saw 24 characters rolled up (roll20 often has high turnover). All but 2 were spellcasters. 18 of them were elves. Numbers like this reveal that an entire crop of D&D players are coming into the game purely thinking about min/maxing, not about creating a character or bringing it to life.

The bolded part is only a logical conclusion if the players playing these plethora of spell-casting elves are new to RPGs. Even then it relies on extrapolating your table to be typical of 5e tables.

For myself we have had only 2 elves and 2 half elves over the course of 4 years. And we always half at least 3 non spell-casting classes in the group.

However I would hesitate to say the entirety of 5e gaming is a reflection of my table.


I think this thread is one of life's greatest mysteries. First, how it was even allowed to go without being blocked because it's one huge blatant edition warring thread (imagine if I created a thread about how 4e sucks). But how it's been allowed to continue is really baffling, as it's been full of said edition warring, and on top of it, keeps getting necro'd.


No, it's not. It is fun sometimes to attack the powerful. I myself love 5e, but sometimes it still bothers me.
I'd say that my main catches against it are mostly centered in 2 classes, druids and clerics, and some spells.
Druids are just cheesy to me. Polymorph at 2nd level without any real restrictions (can't be interrupted, dispelled, etc) is powerful. And I'm not talking about power gaming shapes, but cats, chickens, cockroaches, rats, and other small and useful shapes. No one will suspect of a goat or donkey. Also, goodberry and create water erase any possibility of survival adventure. Crossing the Big Waste? You don't have to worry about water or food.
Laser Clerics just step on any other class. Need a tank? Shield of Faith! Need an ability boost? Guidance! Need a more powerful boost? Bless! Enhance ability! Need energy damage? Sacred flame and guiding bolt! Need more attacks? Spirit weapon! Need healing? Pfff.
The worst part is that clerics and druids don't even have to choose their known spells: they learn every damned spell whenever they reach the damned level on which they cast them! And they even have the benefits of weapon and armor training!
All in all, both classes come to me as unbelievably versatile, and an auto solution to most problems without any concerns or real options.
I think this thread is one of life's greatest mysteries. First, how it was even allowed to go without being blocked because it's one huge blatant edition warring thread (imagine if I created a thread about how 4e sucks). But how it's been allowed to continue is really baffling, as it's been full of said edition warring, and on top of it, keeps getting necro'd.

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