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Unearthed Arcana Why UA Psionics are never going to work in 5e.

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5e Freelancer
First, you compared gunpowder when it was invented to magic that has long existed, is well developed, and is capable of doing far more than gunpowder did. Those aren't equivalent things.
So, I compared gunpowder to magic. Not magic when it was first invented. Magic is harder to use than gunpowder (please don't make me explain why again, you know why) and this isn't a perfect comparison. Technically, nothing from the real world is a truly perfect analogy for magic, though technology and gunpowder are close to it.
Second, you just said that it would take only 1200 years(less since guns took over centuries ago) to be everywhere and control the world. Gunpowder was invented in the 9th century and guns were spreading across the world in the 12th and 13th centuries.
Then, yes, it took 1200 years to get guns to the state that they're at now. Combine this with the fact that guns/gunpowder=/=magic, and that magic is more complicated and dangerous than gunpowder, you get that it would take longer for magic to become widespread, like eberron. I was not saying that it would take 1200 years for magic to dominate the world, as it is much more complicated than gunpowder and guns.


So you are deliberately ignoring valid reasons to go to remote places. Why? So you can win the internet?

You called me disengenious for not agreeing with my post from the DMG. I told you I did not post that, that I had never seen that.

You decided to respond that you agreed with whoever had posted it...

Well great, wonderful for you. Still wasn't me, so I'm left wondering why you decided to accuse me of something. So yeah, still waiting for an explanation here. Whatever other reasons wizards might go out to remote places has nothing to do with your accusation.

Then, because I tend to try and respond to the entirety of a persons post, I addressed your points. Not ignoring them at all. So, that is two false accusations.

They would have food, the supply most in need at that point.

That might be the thing they are least likely to have a surplus of. A remote mountain village might not have enough food to feed an additional team of people for a month. Storing food is a difficult process and they would likely be cutting pretty close to what they need for themselves, not having excess for travelers who would rarely show up anyways.

Just because I don't want to type of the literally dozens of easily thought up reasons, doesn't mean that they don't exist.

"Just because I don't feel like defending my point doesn't mean it isn't defended." is again, a poor position.

But alright, I refute those dozen reasons. It is pretty easy, I just don't feel like typing them out.

For items. Potions are explicitly enchanted herbs, waters from sacred places, etc.

The DMG does not make any distinction between items and potions, no enchanted herbs or special water mentioned either.

Feel free to quote the page where it is though, I'd like to mark it since I generally find the DMG crafting rules severely lacking


Morkus from Orkus
I'm done talking about wizards and magic. Acererak brought psionics back into it. If you want to discuss psionics, I'll chime in.


seeing a lot of people talking about how long it would take to develop magic to the point we are at in the setting i have to make a counterpoint. it wouldn't take warlocks or clerics long to develop as their powers are given by someone else. unless you want to claim that gods and patrons needed time to develop. even wizardy would be somewhat faster than most are assuming as they can study the changes in the weave cause by creatures with innate spellcasting so they have a head start. observations of bats and dolphins allowed the development of sonarr to move forward very quickly and the same would be true of a lot of spells


Yeah, even if Warcraft and Starcraft were always meant to be their own properties, it is almost shameful how much the two ripped concepts whole cloth from Warhammer. Thankfully both have developed since their conception into their own things, but still is a little gross considering the successor is more popular than it's inspiration.

I mean, look at the difference;

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View attachment 121158

When we say it was supposed to be Warhammer
We mean that Games Workshop had contracted (then tiny) Blizzard to make a video game version of their Warhammer game.
Then, after Blizzard had spent lots of time, and money, on the project. GW pulled the plug and left Blizzard looking at financial ruin.
So Blizzard rewrite the plot, changed the map and names so it was a different world, and released WarCraft, Orcs and Humans.

So yes, shameful. Butit is GW that should be ashamed.

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