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Wildwood Red in Tooth and Claw [IC]


King's Blessing and Warning

You are quickly granted an audience with the king who listens to your request.

The king encourages his subjects to explore and learn about the areas and peoples outside of the Dover territory and so as expected he gives his blessing for your proposal. He offers warnings though as his dealings with the goblins has demonstrated their unreliability and the need to watch ones back with them.

He says though that this is a good opportunity to observe their southern neighbors. During the previous conflict the dover and elves scythed through their invading hordes and forced them to abandon their war of aggression. After the peace settlements and the deaths of many goblin warriors a faction favoring trade became ascendant among them, but many still favor death and slavery for all non-goblins and it is always good to get a sense of how things currently stand.

Their chieftan is a faust named Galak. Faust he explains, are a powerful but bestial type of goblin known for their wickedness and treachery. Galak generally construes even the smallest etiquette breach as a grave insult and when within Goblin territory you are within his power so if you deal with him, tread carefully. He has proven to be quite exacting in interpreting the terms of the peace agreements made and within his recognized territory he commands the hunters and can call a hunt upon any he chooses. His favorite past-time seems to be boasting and appears to be in favor of the trade faction, at least for the moment. If Doverspeak speaks truly, the king says, then Galak is not throwing his weight on either side of the mine issue. In any case, he says, t would be in the dover's interest that the trade faction remained dominant in goblin politics.

The king therefore grants his blessing but asks you to keep your ears pricked and your noses to the wind as you enter the goblin's internal politics.

"Good hunting."

With the King's permission granted the party informs Doverspeak of their intention to accept his offer.

Reeking of the animal fat concoction that helps keep dry goblin skin from cracking under the Forge's two suns, Doverspeak grins broadly at your acceptance and says he will be leaving in two days time, travelling late to take advantage of as much of the night shadow as possible.

The journey will take over a day's travel by the narrow twisting game trails that separate the two territories. While the trails within the territories and over the bridges are wide, the unclaimed wilderness between requires traversing single file. Once to the goblin village and his goods are unpacked his plan is to lead you the half day's travel to the mine during the day so you can take them at their weakest, and then await your succesful return at his uncle's warren.

Alan agrees to this plan, and spends the next two days in training and meditation, honing his skills before the excursion.

Cursed readies himself for the journey ahead, gathering the necessary focus items to aid him in his spellcasting.

Noni bows in response to his King's will.

He will spend the next two days crafting a few additional arrows.

The evening of departure comes and the goblins pack up their new trade goods into stuffed packs. Tefan has some porter goblins who take on the heavy packs and two warrior types with shields, javelins, and spiked clubs for the front and rear of the procession. Another leather clad goblin with a small spear is their pathfinder and leads the way through the trails squinting in the declining red light of the evening sun.

Tefan has timed the journey so that the return occurs in the week long summer season when the nights are almost nonexistant. He hopes this will give the hired non goblins an advantage against his siblings.

Alan takes the right flank, his mindblade lighting the way.

He keeps his attention on the woods... although he's hardly an expert, he's learned to recognize some of the dangerous predators by now, and he's determined not to screw up on his first mission.

Cursed walks stiffly next to the merchant, his 'eyes' sweeping the darkness, 'hearing' for any sound of movement.

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Fight or Flight

The party journeys with the goblins, spread out among them as they follow the Dover maintained trails then the narrow game trails of the no man's land wildernes between villages, the goblin pathfinder leading with Tur and the goblin warrior close behind. Everyone staying alert, particularly after leaving Dover territory. Alan's psionic blade is kept active, ready for action as he keeps his eyes out for predators.

Doverspeak seems quite nervous with the tall elf-like being walking stiffly near him, as do most of the goblins. He keeps staring at the tattoo eye images where normal eyes should be then blinking and looking away quickly. A big unsure grin seems plastered on his face showing many small fanged teeth. Apparently to cover his nervousness he keeps up a line of patter.

"Midok I could expect this of. He always been power hungry. Always tell everybody what to do. Since earned black robes turned back on uncle to be own top goblin in family. Apprentice no more! Full of hidden moon power. Always want more, more, more. He young and stupid, fearlessness of youth plus ambition. Want command, tell others what do. That sickly snotling Jahk though, I was surprised he has gumption to stand up. He hate everybody but so weak and sniveling. Always scared before. Wheezy we call him. Bad lungs. Not sure how he kill mom, dad. Mebbe Midok magick him. Traitorous cousins follow Midok, call him new family leader. Midok important one kill. Dead, dead, dead." He gestures to Cursed's crossbow, "Arrow kill him dead. He no tell any what do then."

From the rear of the line as Noni and Alan pass around a bend and the two hindmost goblins are briefly out of sight Noni hears something big off in the distance moving quickly in a charge through the underbrush. It leaps out at the flat-footed hindmost goblin and both Noni and Alan then hear the high pitched screams of the goblins one of which is cut off abruptly. The next goblin in line screams "Leao!" in a horrified shriek. The call is quickly passed up the line as the goblins start fleeing down the trail.

Noni 18
Tefan 18
Goblins 12
Alan 10
Tur 9
Cursed 8
Leao 6

Noni has an extra standard action during the charge thanks to his listen roll. Whatever is back there is out of sight around the bend. Tur in the lead of the party will have to wait one round before taking an action. The beast was not within Cursed's echolocation range when he passed by the area.

Noni draws an arrow, nocks it and backs slowly towards the rest of the goblins, waiting for the leao to appear.

Happily oblivious to the threat, Tur continues on his way.

Alan immediately turns around and runs to face the threat, a baleful curse forming on his lips as he moves.

(double move to get to where he can see the thing, and then he curses it, whatever it is)


Keep turns the corner and sees the leao, a great tawny cat with a broad face and large mane. It stands over the goblin rear guard bloody of tooth and claw, the goblin mauled badly beneath it. The other goblin runs past Keep to the bend shouting "Leao! Leao!."

The curse flings through the air upon the leao but the great beast shrugs it off.

The leao provoked by the goblin's flight and an easy kill leaps after the fleeing goblin past Keep. The human takes the opportunity to strike the beast in the side with his mindblade and inflict a minor wound.

Noni fires but the arrow falls just behind the beast as its great speed carries it through the air to land upon the goblin with all four clawed paws tearing, drawing blood despite the terrified goblins desperate dodges. The goblin goes down in a spray of blood.

The goblins start fleeing down the trail, Cursed turns and heads towards the fray with his crossbow, listening with his great ears for the shape of the leao to target. Keep charges the beast but his mindblade is checked as the leao spins and keeps the human at bay with slashing claws. Tur hears the commotion and starts loping back quickly as well unlimbering his axe. Cursed lets fly a shot that goes wide and curses.

Tefan 18
Goblins 12
Alan 10
Tur 9
Cursed 8
Noni 6
Leao 6


First Post
Goblins scream past him, careening off his legs in their desperation to flee the leao, but Tur is barely even aware of them. The thrum of his heart drowns out their crys and the world is narrow enough to include only him and the great beast. Unconsciouly shifting his grip on the axe for an overhand strike, he crouches down, throws back his head, and bellows the ancient two-toned battlecry of the dragonkin.

ooc: rage & charge: greataxe +8 melee (1d12+6); AC 12 (next round AC 14); Str 20, Con 18; HP 16.


OOC: Not sure where we are from the posts and the confusion, so I will post pre-emptively

Noni draw another arrow and fires


End round 2

Noni's arrow flies true striking the leao and causing it to roar and snap at the stinging pain.

Spinning back to the mindblade wielder threatening him, the leao roars and snaps at the air next to Alan. As Alan dodges the leao lashes out with claws extended raking Alan and drawing blood. As Alan staggers back a step the leao takes the opportunity to snatch up the unconscious goblin in its jaws, picking up the limp orange-skinned porter easily.

ooc Noni 18 hit 4 damage. Leao one hit on Alan 9 damage.

Round 3
Tur declared action to rage and charge.

Tefan 18
Goblins 12
Alan 10
Tur 9
Cursed 8
Noni 6
Leao 6


First Post
Grimly hanging on to consciousness, Alan ceases his offensive, becoming totally defensive in his actions. He steps backwards, hoping to get out of melee range with the thing.


round 3

Grimly hanging on to consciousness, Alan ceases his offensive, becoming totally defensive in his actions. He steps backwards, hoping to get out of melee range with the thing.

Goblins scream past Tur, careening off his legs in their desperation to flee the leao, but he is barely even aware of them. The thrum of his heart drowns out their cries and the world is narrow enough to include only him and the great beast. Unconsciouly shifting his grip on the axe for an overhand strike, he crouches down, throws back his head, and bellows the ancient two-toned battlecry of the dragonkin.

As Alan backs off carefully the leao hears the new theat barrelling towards him and spins aside as Tur's greataxe swings through the space the cat occupied. With the goblin dangling from its mouth it turns its attention to the lizardman warrior.

Cursed slaps another bolt home, sights and squeezes firing the deadly missile at the Laeo but the bolt also whizzes past where the cat was.

Noni draws another arrow and fires into the melee as well, just grazing the beast but not piercing its thick hide to inflict a wound.

Tur has fully caught the leao's attention, diverting it from Alan. It slashes at him with its claws, not releasing the goblin from the tight grip of its teeth, though it does not seem greatly impeded by its small prize. One claw slashes threateningly in the air next to Tur while another rakes across the lizardman's chest drawing blood.

Alan five foot step back full defense,
Tur 10 miss after charging to attack,
Cursed 12 miss firing into melee,
Noni 18 miss firing into melee,
leao natural 1, 26 hitting Tur for 8 damage.

Round 4

Tefan 18
Goblins 12
Alan 10
Tur 9
Cursed 8
Noni 6
Leao 6


First Post

OOC: Ouchie!

Slightly off-balance from his mighty swing, Tur fails to evade the great beast's swipe. Barely noticing the seemingly greivous wound, he shifts his grip yet again and swings his enormous axe back on the upswing.

OOC: RAGE (round 2 of 7): Greateaxe +6 melee (1d12+6, x3) and bite +4 melee (1d4+2); AC 14; Str 20, Con 18; HP (14 + 2[rage] - 8[dam]) 8.

Operating on a purely instinctual level, Tur moves to his left in attempt to flank the beast.

OOC: 5-foot step. I understand it won't happen next round.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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