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(OOC: I’m actually Will the DM’s irl son who lives in another state. He'd been trying to get me to play from the beginning. Also! I meant to say “now in his fourth DECADE” in my first post as I don’t think a four year old halfling would be very useful... 😜)

Jhary kept waving the wax-sealed scroll for a moment before thinking better of it. He wasn't completely confident in his forgery, wondering if maybe he should just stick to the details and avoid any flagrant lies.

Quickly he tucked the parchment into his belt, extending his hairy hand instead as the gnome approached.

The small white mouse in the halfling’s pocket spun in place then ducked in and out of sight with an audible screech.

Just relax, Jhary, they can sense your jitters. You're just busking in the market square, same as ever… The hobbit’s mind raced along as the party approached the breakfast table.

“Sorry…” He coughed, “My mind is fuzzy from the Balrog Blast I shared with Weleand before I came after you. You... You must be Clalick.” He glanced over at the dwarf. “And… The lady Dorana, right?”

It wasn't hard for the halfling to pretend he was hung over; he was sweating bullets, barely remembering the names after repeating them in his mind over and over and over.

“So glad I managed to catch up! I'd honestly thought I'd lost you and this wonderful opportunity!” Jhary wiped at his forehead with his sleeve. “Barely managed to find that damn wizard!” He started to laugh unconsciously.

Wrap it up, fool! The young urchin thought to himself. Keep it simple…

“Anyway! Here I am. Mind spotting me for breakfast? Weleand wasn't able to pay me my half up front… He was in a hurry…”

Almost on cue, the little white mouse popped up again, sniffling its tiny nose at the smells of sustenance.

“Thanks!” The halfling abruptly ended, shoveling any available food into his mouth, almost as if to avoid speaking.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Aego was about to ask the innkeeper about the magic used to shield the place against intruders, when the newcomer arrives.

The elven wizard studies the halfling with a blank face, not giving away his thoughts. Then Aego watches the reactions from his companions to Jhary's story.

To the elf, it does not really matter if the halfling is truthful or not, but if he can convince the others of his story, then his skill is without question. That could be useful.

After all, Aego can always discover the real truth through eldritch means.

When he is satisfied about his companions' reaction, Aego once more turns to the innkeeper. "I wonder, dear Frat, how do you enable the magic that protects this place? Is it a spell I can learn, perhaps?"

William Smith1

Frat says: "Sounds like ol' Weleand is gettin a bit daft in his old age, forgettin about this chap and all. As far as the magik, that's Weleand's doin. All I have to do each night is snap my fingers and say the word he gave me and I'm as snug as a bug in a rug, or a mouse in a vest eh Mr. Jhary?"


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Aego nods, smiling despite his disappointment. He'll have to ask Weleand about the magic.

"Alright, after breaking our fast we should be on our way," the elf says, looking at his companions and including the halfling.

"You start without me; I've got to prepare my magic for today first."

With that, Aego produces his spellbook and finds himself a table and starts reading and mumbling to himself.


THIS doesn't add up. Clalick thinks to himself trying to make the mental connections through the morning fog in his head. I need time to think this through it doesn't make sense.

"You are a wonder Aego. I can't figure out how you do that on an empty stomach, I'll eat first." Clalick states softly. Being sure to sit outside of arms reach of their new guest.


"Like I said to Mister Frat here, name's Jhary, Jhary O Connah..." The halfling trailed off, letting his extended hand turn into a wave to the group as a whole.

Whew! They're buying it! ...at least for now...

The street urchin was grinning ear to ear as he noticed the elf accepting him as one of the party. The smile slightly lowered as he noticed the gnome pulling his chair out of arms reach and disappeared completely as he saw Dorana's puzzled staring.

Wasn't there another dwarf? Jhary thought to himself. A gruffer, a more scary-looking one? Perhaps he'd been accosted by the ruffians he'd mentioned in passing. Hopefully not... We need him between us and those hordes of rabid kobolds...

Jhary made a cringy face toward his little pet mouse as if the rodent could hear his thoughts. The entire dramatic effect was lost behind all the food Jhary shoveled into his face.

It seemed the little hobbit and friend hadn't eaten in days.


"So Jhary, may I call you Jhary. Weeland made sure that we were all introduced to eachother. Because you were late to the party I find myself not knowing you. Please tell me about yourself."

"As you seem to already know I am Clalick. I am the son of a merchant and study the art of Illusions."


"Well like I said..." Jhary said, not sure if he actually HAD said or not, "Came up in the City State of the Invincible Overlord. Mind you not that I've met him myself. Mind you not that I was born in the City...I do recollect some green fields from my younger days...I think maybe my momma was from there...not that I remember much else..."

Jhary was talking through biscuits and jam being shoveled into his hobbit hole. After rambling for a moment, he thought he might be saying too much and instead started to eat even faster to cover up the words.

The little white mouse seemed too agitated to eat, running to and fro on the table.

The halfling finished breakfast in a more subdued manner, trying to blend in to the party's regular routine. Although, it was hard for him to slow the pace of his eating. He was eager to take a look closer at Weleand's crude map and formulate a plan, but didn't want to appear greedy.

"Almost to Bobby Bard's, aren't we? How many kobolds do you reckon there could be? You think they might have a leader of some sort we could reason with like civilized folk?"

O Connah tried to sound business-like.

The little white mouse ran up Jhary's arm and back into the halfling's front pocket.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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