• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

[Win8 App] PRD Grimoire (and more)


Grimoire is a spellbook app for Windows 8 based on the Paizo Spells Database. It contains the spells of all magical core and base classes from the Core Rules, the APG and Ultimate Magic. It also allows you to create your own spellbooks for your casters.

http : // apps . microsoft . com / windows / app / a9bd044e-9072-43d1-8c42-9ae443826ba7

Please excuse the whitespaces in the URL - I am currently not allowed to post links here. Alternatively you can open the Windows Store and search for "Grimoire".
Let me know if you encounter any problems or want to see a specific feature included in a new release. I would be glad to see a review, too - anything that allows me to improve on the user experience.
From the linked page you may also access my other Win8 Apps. To install an app just click the green button "View in Windows Store" and click install there.

(Paizo Spells Database. Copyright 2011 Mike Chopswil, d20pfsrd.com)

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Word Generator available as Win8 App

The Online-Word Generator (http: // heldenhaufen.de / Wg /) is now available as an Offline-Win8 App (http: // apps.microsoft.com / windows / app / word-generator / 341d6b9e-77b9-4738-a4ad-295ca38d94a4).


Word Generator for Windows 8+ now supports loading your own languages - you can create your own custom language online by just providing a list of sample words!

Word Generator for Android 2.3.3 and up is now available for free: https : // play.google.com / store / apps / details?id=de.jochenLinnemann.wordGenerator


Grimoire R5 just went online...

...though it may take a few more hours until it gets listed in the Windows Store. This release features a preview of the upcoming PDF grimoire export and provides direct access to the associated G+ support community.


Via the Win8 Store review mechanism I sometimes receive user questions that I cannot answer as I don't have any means to contact the reviewing user. Therefore I'll answer such questions in my G+ support community:

https : // plus.google.com/u/0/communities/107930799249021555444


Grimoire got downloaded for the 1000th time yesterday and as far as I can tell it actually gets employed during sessions. I want to thank all fans/supporters/users of the app and gift a little goodie to you in the next release. Any wishes?

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