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Witch Girls Adventures


So I was trolling Gaming Report when I saw the post for this game. Witch Girl Adventures I like the concept and wish them luck getting girls into gaming, but I'm wondering if they haven't missed their mark by just focusing on girls.

What's everyone's thought about this? Any of the ladies want to chime in and give their opinion of the game.

Note: There is a free PDF of the fast play rules for making a character at the website.

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Penguin Herder
When I went to the website, my mind immediately classified the girls in the picture as WoD Mages: Entropy, Matter, Spirit on the left, and Forces, Correspondence (Virtual Adept), and Life (Verbeena) on the right.

No experience with Witch Girls, but Mage was fun.

Cheers, -- N


First Post
I like the idea of a game marketed specifically to girls. In my ideal world, popular fantasy gaming would be less marketed to guys, or at least marketed to both guys and girls, but since I don't see that happening I'd settle for this.


First Post
We're really focusing on bring ing new players into the hobby.
With new players Table top RPG's are deader than disco.

Our goal (long term) is to try to bring Table top RPG's in the form of our Drama Diaries game to a neglected and growing community of imaginative people.

If you look at the growth of anime, manga/comics. The rise of fan fics, shipping and the like among girls then you'll see there is no reason those girls shouldn't be gaming.

The reason they are not is no one is writing for them or focusing on them (Or so we think).

Playtesting at Anime Cons and non-gaming events (Girl scout gatherings and the like) we discovered girls are up to the task big time. We also discovered most of them had no idea table top RPG gaming existed till they played our game.

I have to ask what's wrong with an inndustry were an entire generation has no idea it exists?

Thank you for opening this discussion by the way . If you have questions just ask
Channel M Publishing
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Very, very interesting.

With the success of the Bela Sera CCG, I think it's great the we're starting to see TTG's finally start targetting girls.


First Post
So I have a few questions.

What kind of supplements do you think we need?
We have a few things coming soon, some free some for sell. We're keeping our prices low (all supplments under 12 dollars is the goal)

If you were us how would you promote or products?
We have done a lot of things but We're open to new ideas.


I like the idea of a game marketed specifically to girls. In my ideal world, popular fantasy gaming would be less marketed to guys, or at least marketed to both guys and girls, but since I don't see that happening I'd settle for this.
Seconded. I've gamed (mostly D&D, with some M&M) with a lot of women but I'm very aware of the fact that they're playing the game despite the fact that its marketing and much of the gaming community is (admittedly sometimes unthinkingly) exclusionary to them. So anything which works against that is a bonus in my book.


First Post
I'm very aware of the fact that they're playing the game despite the fact that its marketing and much of the gaming community is (admittedly sometimes unthinkingly) exclusionary to them. quote]

Sadly there are a lot of people in the game publishing industry against of expanding the Hobby's base.

They would rather try to hold on to what they have (auidence) then expand. I say all the above from actual arguments I've had on Game Publisher forums and live panels.

Two suggestions on your main page.

The left text scroll needs edited
I presume "...Designed for aimed at girls it allows ..." really means "..Designed for and aimed at girls , this game allows ..."
Ick.. I just read the rest of that sentence, which looks like a copy/paste from the books intro.
Since I can not get to the Parent FAQ page, I am not sure if this game is supposed to assist in reading comprehension and grammer skills. This intro suggests otherwise.

Not sure that this pure marketting speak should be written this way. I am a computer geek, so the web page itself speaks more than the content.

For instance:
- Your FAQ frame page doesn't have active links.
- Your second frame {with content} has the 'click here' hand enabled, even tho you can't click on 90% of the page. Makes looking for links to look into the product a bit annoying. Example.. looking for details on why there is a 'Wicked Edition'.. normally you click on the picture to get details..and there is a 'click here' hand...but either the link is broken or doesn't exist.
- You are using mini inline frames with long scroll bars. As long as the broweser settings are right, this can look and work well.

As a parent of a 14 year old girl..
- 'Girl' may not be the right thing to call her if you want her respect {sometimes.. you know how it is... :-S }
- I might be interested in pitching this to her if there was more than the core book. The first 'real' module isn't scheduled until Sept 2009?
- Whats the 'Wicked Edition'? She is sure to ask...

Just my >2 cents :)

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