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Witch Hunter: Are you playing? Yes? No? Why?


First Post
Heh, hiya Red Wolf! It's not my usual hang-out, but I try to learn a new trick every now and then...

Genevieve and her pistols are looking forward to rebuffing more sailors at DragonCon :)

Red Wolf was very impressed with Genevieve's healing skill, though her skill at pistols was probably sufficient to discourage him from expressing that admiration openly. ;)

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First Post
Well, you've talked me into ordering a copy, gents. :)

I've had it with d20/D&D stuff for a while, if not forever, so this should be a refreshing change.

There are a few things that I'm definitely going to tweak in the background, but one idea that I do like is the continuation of the Aztec empire. Nothing like a ferocious, pitiless blood cult on a massive scale with bizarre, rather demonic gods to provide perfect adversaries for a campaign like this. ;)


First Post
Well, you've talked me into ordering a copy, gents. :)
Our nefarious plan has worked!

There are a few things that I'm definitely going to tweak in the background, but one idea that I do like is the continuation of the Aztec empire. Nothing like a ferocious, pitiless blood cult on a massive scale with bizarre, rather demonic gods to provide perfect adversaries for a campaign like this. ;)
Check the Grand Tome of Adversaries and look to the Skinwalkers society for oh-so-good wicked Aztec Empire stuff there (in addition to the other baddies in the rest of the book).


First Post
And if you haven't played it, tell us and expand on why.
No, I'm not playing:

1) I've never heard of it.
2) I've never seen it.
3) I'm not interested in new games (nor do I have time to play them even if I did).
4) I'm not interested in 'historical' (or anything related) games.
5) Is it PDF only? I hate PDFs. (If not, see #2 above.)


First Post
No, I'm not playing:

1) I've never heard of it.
2) I've never seen it.
3) I'm not interested in new games (nor do I have time to play them even if I did).
4) I'm not interested in 'historical' (or anything related) games.
5) Is it PDF only? I hate PDFs. (If not, see #2 above.)
This thread is in response to 1 and 2, as there are many in that boat. As for 5, no the game is in print and in distribution, though also available as a PDF.

Ignoring the commentary and just looking at the title; no I'm not, and the reason is because I've already got d20 Modern + d20 Past that does that concept well enough for me.

I guess I've moved into a phase of my life with the hobby where I don't need (or even want) a whole new game just to give me a new setting.


First Post
Ignoring the commentary and just looking at the title; no I'm not, and the reason is because I've already got d20 Modern + d20 Past that does that concept well enough for me.

I guess I've moved into a phase of my life with the hobby where I don't need (or even want) a whole new game just to give me a new setting.

Without the comentary, or reading the work, you may very well think that d20 Past will provide all that you would want. You can, in fact, play a 17th Century game with magic using d20 Past.

What you will not get is the setting that is included in the "Witch Hunter: the Invisible World" rulebook. You would also want to adapt / invent a system to govern the moral balance of the characters, which is a key theme in the game. You may also want to integrate an action point system, maybe from Unearthed Arcana, and then you are going to want to create new adversaries to face your characters from whole cloth. You are also going to want to fully integrate the action point system with the morality system in such a way as to give tempting mechanical benefits to people willing to stray in the direction of evil.

Or you could just pick up "Witch Hunter: the Invisible World" and get right to the fun.

Teflon Billy

What scenario are you running, a pre-made one or a homebrewed? I think I'd like to run a WH game as well but I'm not sure what to run.

My own.

Takes place in the Caribbean. Character writeups are as follows...

Knight-Bishop Don Diego Morales: A witch hunter's witch hunter. A member in good standing of the Crusaders Inviolate, the stoic, humourless Morales is (in)famous in witch hunter circles for being the man to put the Satanically corrupted Grey Brotherhood (a lesser guild) to the torch. Morales' stern, glowering presence is usually enough to silence most offense from lesser souls. In the few instances where this is not true, his opponents quickly learn why he is considered one of the finest swordsmen in Barcelona.

Morales is unaccustomed to such concepts as "Compromise" or "Grey Areas". But in the rough-and-tumble milieu of the Caribbean, it is well enough known that the reed that doesn't bend with the wind...snaps.

Augustus "The Red Dog" Hawkins: An Ex-British Privateer and the New Dawn's premiere man in the Caribbean is well known (and loved) in every grog sink, brothel and tavern from Port Royal to Tortuga. He is equally well respected at most of the governors dinner tables throughout the region. Hawkins is roundly considered to be a "good guy" if not a "Good man". He walks a precarious path; balancing his drinking, whoring and other shady behaviours with defending the weak, cheering the sad and helping where help is deserved.

Despite his questionable acts, whenever The Adversary has well-and-truly made his presence felt, Hawkins has been there...Cutlass and wheellock pistol in hand.

Crazy Snake: A Kickapoo shaman and one of the Ghost People, Crazy Snake has crossed the gulf of Mexico from Texas into the Caribbean with a group of Buccaneers. Crazy Snake's people have long since been annihilated by constant attacks--not from supernatural sources--but from both Comanche and Apaches, and he has found himself largely without direction or hope. His spirit guides have led him to Port Royal, but have been strangely silent on the reasons why.

Crazy Snake is a very shattered man without his people to defend. He might fall prey to the many and varied solutions for despair that Port Royal can provide unless he can rediscover his direction.

Brojan Szabo "King of the Gypsies": Szabo is a Dusk Walker in the truest sense of the word. Originally nothing more than stone-fisted muscle for his Rom family back in Europe, he has since earned a reputation as a brutal and effective Vampire Hunter (though, in all honesty, the 'Muscle' mentality is never far from the surface). Brojan, from his upbringing, has a better than average understanding on a variety of occult topics, and more than a little skill in scams, cons and petty crime. A giant of a man, Brojan tends to have a short fuse regarding most sorts of disrespect toward him, and a variety of ways to settle such scores. He is handsome enough that his personality can cover the flaws enough for him to be considered a "ladies man"

Brojan's larcenous tendencies die hard. He takes his duties as a Witch Hunter seriously, but taking property from those who have much (when he has so little in comparison) is not an act that weighs heavily on his conscience.

Madame Genevieve DuMaurier: One of the few women to endure the trials placed by Witch Hunters Orders on Hermetic Wizards and survive. Madame DuMaurier heads an secret order of hedonists, artists, and occultists in Paris, and spends her considerable fortune traveling the world in an effort to battle supernatural threats. Though her magical powers are considerable, Madame DuMaurier is an accomplished fencer...and an experienced duelist.

Madame DuMaurier maintains a level of privacy in her life that is nearly unheard of. Only her closest associates in the Secret Order in Paris have much insight into her.

Brother Vincenzo Mariello of Porlezza: Brother Vincenzo was once a Bendictine Monk, before his monastery was overrun by ghouls. It took months, but Vincenzo--having joined the Sunwise Circle in the intervening time--led a group of Witch Hunters to the monastery and put it to the torch. His piety, education and concern for his fellow man are at odds with what has been called everything from "Warlike nature" to "Bloodlust". What most don't know is that what led Vincenzo to the Benedictines in the first place was belief that his soul was in jeopardy due to his actions as a mercenary.

His life as a Witch Hunter is like a balm to his soul. Vincenzo believes that not only is his love for bloodshed and mayhem no longer a sin...it is, in fact, penance.

Time will tell if he is correct.

Voidrunner's Codex

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