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With a subscription to DDi Character Builder, buying a PHB2 isn't necessary.


I was referring to the thread title more than the "truthiness" of the subject. As has been pointed out D&Di and the physical book offer related yet distinct features and benefits.

Yes you can build a Shaman with the CB but you don't get fluff, art and non-crunch rules info that you get in the book. At least that's what the copy of PHB2 on my desk shows me.
Plz mail this book to me now so I can check for myself.



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First Post
I think the fluff/art is worth it when you present an important option like that to a player, but it wouldn't kill me to go without it.

Foundry of Decay

First Post
My group and I are all buying a copy of the books as well. There are several reasons that were listed above (art, non-crunch stuff, clarifications about play, etc.)

In my case there are two big reasons: Artwork. I love artwork in print. I *still* lament that I can't sit with Dungeon or Dragon and peruse the art and maps in high detail like I used to. Print art is much different to art plastered into a PDF, and the character builder offers up no artwork whatsoever or at least very limited 'icons' of races.

Secondly, sometimes you just want to sit with a coffee, a book, and read without all the 'noise' going on around you. I can't do that on a laptop. I certainly can't sit and enjoy a good read of the Character Builder. I find it too tempting to surf around or get distracted when I'm on the laptop, and sometimes its just nice to unplug from the world for a while.

But I will say I'm extremely appreciative that they offer the new material and classes for no extra charge in the DDI. Especially things from Dungeon and Dragon. I think back to the abject nightmare that was the eTools with its extra costs per module and shudder still.

Daniel D. Fox

I think the fluff/art is worth it when you present an important option like that to a player, but it wouldn't kill me to go without it.

That's what it is for me.

I love the elegance of the system, but am not keen on the fluff - mostly due to that my players and I have a very specific vision of our campaign world, and the core fluff doesn't mesh with it whatsoever. The CRUNCH is really all I care about, so the DDi app with the PHB2 updates will likely sate my appetite for new material.

I have a strong feeling that my players will still buy their own copies so that they have positive reference material in front of them, but for me the DDi app is about all I need. :cool:


First Post
Personally, I love the feeling of a book in my hands. I can't read off a computer screen, and I love reading through a new source book from start to finish and see if any new PC ideas come out of it.

INDEED! And I loved the same feeling with a magazine in my hands. Namely, Dragon magazine and Dungeon magazine.


To me, the builder is just a tool.

I still want the source material for this particular type of thing.

True, there are some books that I don't "want" as hardcover, but a PHB is certainly one I want in physical form to read for ideas and inspiriation. With the builder, I am looking specifically for things that conform to the build in mind. But when I have the hardcopy, I have more freedom to browse (be it other powers/feats/even pictures) and that browsing often leads to inspiration to try an idea or concept I wouldn't have considered before. Plus, I like to step away from my computer...

It all really comes down to personal preference and such.


I subscribe to DDI AND I plan on buying all the books. I like the convenience of the character builder and the compendium but I prefer having a physical book in my hand. DDI is just a supplement for me.

Case in point, if Dragon and Dungeon were re-offered as a monthly physical product I would buy it in a heartbeat.

The day WotC ceases to publish actual gamebooks is the day I quit playing D&D and CANCEL my DDI subscription.


First Post
INDEED! And I loved the same feeling with a magazine in my hands. Namely, Dragon magazine and Dungeon magazine.

Yup, I miss those days.

My group and I are all buying a copy of the books as well. There are several reasons that were listed above (art, non-crunch stuff, clarifications about play, etc.)

Secondly, sometimes you just want to sit with a coffee, a book, and read without all the 'noise' going on around you. I can't do that on a laptop. I certainly can't sit and enjoy a good read of the Character Builder. I find it too tempting to surf around or get distracted when I'm on the laptop, and sometimes its just nice to unplug from the world for a while.

I usually do this before bed, my wife and I both (she's trying to learn the 4e rules), and so will be buying any books we will use (To date, all except Manual of the Planes & Draconomicon)


I crit!
I recognize that there are missing rules and fluff, stuff I'll want the book for. I am also one of those book lovers, and while you'll not get my DDI sub from me, I'll be buying phb2 as well.

Voidrunner's Codex

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