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Wizard Build Suggestions (PHB ONLY!)

Honestly, I'm going to suggest some things that others have neglected based on what I've experienced as the DM.

First lets analyze what your party is going to be doing and what they need. In terms of non-combat stuff they're going to be wanting some of those INT based knowledge skills like Arcana and Religion. Wis based ones like Dungeoneering, Nature, and Insight are not bad either. You're going to be the ONLY ritual caster, so you'll be doing a good bit of that and there are some Nature based rituals that can be worth having.

Tactically in combat the party's main issue is going to be strictly control. With a bow ranger and the artful dodger they can dish out plenty of damage backed up by the warlord and even S&B fighters can put out pretty reasonable damage. The front line is going to be fairly solid in all likelihood. What you're going to be wanting to do is minion clearance and making it so the enemy can't either easily outflank the front line or can't all close with it at once so the damage dealers can handle them piecemeal. High damage is not something you'll care about much at all. As long as you can put some reasonable damage out there when it counts that will be fine.

So I would build an Eladrin Wand Wizard. You'll be able to hit stuff pretty much every time you really need a hit without needing to go to the warlord for a buff. You get to use Eladrin Education for an extra skill, which is going to be pretty handy in this party too.

Don't bother with Thunderwave, its a decent power but you aren't going to be getting a lot of mileage out of it because its going to be tough to avoid hitting allies with it and frankly a push of one or two squares from close range when you can't use it on enemies already in the party's face is pretty worthless.

Scorching Burst is going to be an excellent at-will for you. It will clear minions left and right and with a high INT mod it does OK damage. Its not a GREAT control spell and there are better choices in AP but it works, ignores cover, and targeting reflex is not bad (will is better, but at least its not going vs fort).

Ideally you WOULD like the 2nd at-will to cover a different NAD, but you don't have a lot of good choices. TWave just isn't great and Ray of Frost frankly is pretty poor all around (slow at range 10 is pretty worthless). You could go with MM which fits your character concept and gives you an RBA which the warlord can toss you extra attacks with. CoD would be an OK choice as well but its not clearly better and range 20 is one of those things you die if you don't have when you need it (which is rarely, but when you do, you REALLY do).

I would go with Icy Terrain as your encounter power at level 1. Its yet another vs Reflex attack, but the real point is to be able to throw it out on a flank or catch a bunch of incoming skirmishers/brutes/soldiers and hold some of them back a bit so the melee guys can pick on them in ones and twos instead of all at once.

There is no choice for primary level 1 Daily. Flaming Sphere is simply so superior its not even a question of a choice. It gives great control since nobody wants to go near at (and can't go through it directly) which you can move around to block choke points, etc. Even in an open field battle you can do a lot of damage with it. I'd probably take Freezing Cloud for my backup daily as it works vs fort, has a BIG area for its level, and low level monsters are unlikely to want to go through it to get to you. I doubt you'll really use it, but at least it gives you a cold attack and something that isn't going on reflex in case you run into stuff that resists fire or something bizarre like that.

Definitely go for Shield as a utility power. Expeditious Retreat is not bad, but you have Fey Step which can already do about the same thing. Jump is a good second choice early on but you'll likely only use it once in a very long time.

For level 3 encounter power go with Icy Rays. Immobilized is a good effect and the damage is good. Again you are trying to slow down the enemy and keep them off your guys so they can be picked off one at a time or to thwart a flanking maneuver. Its also a great power for stopping "runners", which is something you may often be wanting to do.

As for a stat allocation I'd basically go with the fairly obvious. Take the 16/14/14/12/11/8 array and get 18 INT, 16 DEX, and 14 WIS. You can throw the 12 and the 11 in CON and STR which will be good enough to get you into hide armor at some point and a shield (it will be a while, but at least you can pick up the shield proficiency pretty quick).

You will have longsword to start with and you will be set for WotST or Battle Mage.

Go with Improved Initiative for your feat. With your DEX bonus at +3 and another +4 you will almost always go first in any fight. This allows you to drop in an area attack well ahead of the rest of the party so you can hand them a nicely canned tactical situation with Icy Terrain or blow up a wave of minions with Scorching Burst before anything else happens. Often before monsters can scatter and make it hard to mass target them.

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Corellon's Implement seems like a pretty crappy feature if you still have to wield the implement in question to get the implement mastery bonuses.

"Hey guys! I don't need my wand to cast spells, except when I need my wand to cast spells. WTF?"

Getting a 13 dex with human is awkward:
Str 8 (-1)
Con 13 (+1)
Dex 13 (+1)
Int 16+2 = 18 (+4)
Wis 14 (+2)
Cha 12 (+1)

-Gak Toid
I think you get the mastery bonuses, but not the +1 AC while wielding a staff.

Hmmm, yeah, CI does say "when casting your spells" which tends to imply that it doesn't work for implement mastery since IM feature stuff are not spells. Odd since the Eladrin Sword Wizardry feat works for everything and even lets you emulate ALL types of implements, no picking one required. Ah well.

when you don´t have powers that are based on wisdom, 12 wisdom is sufficent. Thus you could even use such a spread:

13/13/14/16/12/8 which gives you instant access to hide and a shield and shield specialization later. You can raise wisdom or dex at level 4 and 8. If you are worried about actually using your sword.

13/12/14/16/13/8 and raise strength and wisdom at 4 and 8. This will even allow for heavy shield at level 11, quite passable defenses and more or less reliable opportunity attacks...

@ GakToid: character builder told me otherwise... for what it´s worth... ;)

The Iron Mage thread implies that you get the +1 AC when wielding a longsword.

-Gak Toid

Yeah, and I was just thinking about the whole issue. What would "when you are casting your spells" MEAN anyway??? Neither staves nor orbs have any effect during the casting of a spell in a general sense. Wand of Accuracy would work as it is invoked during the use of a spell, but CI certainly seems to be written as if you're gaining something by choosing orb or staff as the implement to emulate. I'd have to say that my feeling is it is supposed to work like "its the same as having the chosen type of implement". The "when casting spells" may be more along the lines of telling you "otherwise its just a longsword".

when you don´t have powers that are based on wisdom, 12 wisdom is sufficent. Thus you could even use such a spread:

13/13/14/16/12/8 which gives you instant access to hide and a shield and shield specialization later. You can raise wisdom or dex at level 4 and 8. If you are worried about actually using your sword.

13/12/14/16/13/8 and raise strength and wisdom at 4 and 8. This will even allow for heavy shield at level 11, quite passable defenses and more or less reliable opportunity attacks...

@ GakToid: character builder told me otherwise... for what it´s worth... ;)

True, for the wand wizard build you really have little use for WIS, aside from possibly skills you might want, but there are certainly a lot of choices. You could also switch wis and cha and go with 13/12/14/16/8/13 which gives some decent skills and access to at least one fairly nice feat (though probably at the cost of better ones come to think of it). I do kind of like the 13/13/14/16/12/8 distribution though for hide and shield. The AC otherwise is pretty scary, lol. I mean having Shield and Fey Step will PROBABLY keep you mostly out of trouble, but there is that danger of getting ganked by some lurker or other, or having a grumpy DM pour all the archer minions arrows down on the poor wizard...


As AbdulAlhazred mentioned, you really don't need to worry about damage.
With the party you outlined, damage is taken care of. As you've chosen to play a controller, you really need to focus on what a controller does.
So my advice is forget damage only spells. Go with anything which has an effect or an area.

The only reason's (outside of character concept) that I'd choose magic missile are:
1 Range
2 it's good to have a backup power that only targets one square so that you don't hit your buddies every round.

Cloud of Daggers fits with point 2.

And in case it crossed your mind, Expanded Spellbook isn't as great as you think. Long rests typically come about too infrequently to make being able to swap powers useful.

As AbdulAlhazred mentioned, you really don't need to worry about damage.
With the party you outlined, damage is taken care of. As you've chosen to play a controller, you really need to focus on what a controller does.
So my advice is forget damage only spells. Go with anything which has an effect or an area.

The only reason's (outside of character concept) that I'd choose magic missile are:
1 Range
2 it's good to have a backup power that only targets one square so that you don't hit your buddies every round.

Cloud of Daggers fits with point 2.

And in case it crossed your mind, Expanded Spellbook isn't as great as you think. Long rests typically come about too infrequently to make being able to swap powers useful.

Yeah, CoD is in many ways as good a choice as MM. The range is adequate for 95% of cases and the effect can come in handy now and then at low levels or for that oddball situation where its really worth a standard action to make sure a minion dies. However MM will be pretty good in those situations as well, so its kind of a tossup. Neither one would be my first choice if I had AP available.

Expanded Spellbook CAN be a good option for a Wizard who is geared towards being a super utility caster, but I wouldn't pick it up until higher levels at best. If I were building that sort of character specifically though I would probably go with INT/WIS human staff build and toss some points into CHA as my 3rd stat. That gives you a more useful skill mix and lets you really maximize ritual casting utility while still allowing for good control. I think I'd still pick pretty much the same spell load out with that build though, but I might consider TWave to be a better choice of 2nd at-will after Scorching Burst in that case.

Overall PHB1-only wizard is pretty constraining. Of all the PHB1 classes wizard really gained by far the most from its power book and even just having items from AV1 and some of the PHB2 feats and MC options really helped a lot. I'd certainly be lobbying my DM hard to at least consider allowing that material into the game at some point, even if just to provide existing PCs with a few new options. The first group I set up was of course PHB1 only, but even they've benefited a LOT from being able to pick up a few things here and there out of the newer books.


We've discussed as a group allowing other books and the consensus is that people are content with PHB only. We'll see if that continues as we gain levels.

So, here's what I've come up with so far.

race: human or eladrin
class: wizard
implement: unknown

minimum ability scores:
Str 8
Con 10
Dex 13
Int 16+2 = 18
Wis 12
Cha 12

Extra points will go into con/dex/wis depending on implement.

at-will: cloud of daggers, (scorching burst for human), thunderwave
level 1 encounter: chill strike
level 1 daily: flaming sphere, sleep
level 2 utility: expeditious retreat, shield
level 3 encounter: color spray
level 5 daily: stinking cloud, web
level 6 utility: dimension door (levitate for eladrin), wall of fog
level 7 encounter: winter's wrath
level 9 daily: ice storm, wall of fire
level 10 utility: arcane gate, blur

level 1: Warrior of the Wild
human: Human Perseverance
level 2: Armor Proficiency (leather)
level 4: Improved Initiative
level 6: Action Surge/????
level 8: ????
level 10: ????

I'm not going to worry about paragon until we're level 8 or so.

If I go eladrin, I'll probably pick up Eladrin Solder and Weapon Focus(longsword) and then Wizard of the Spiral Tower.
If I go human, I'm not sure which path I'll take. Possibly Spellstorm.

-Gak Toid

Voidrunner's Codex

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