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Wizardly Tactical Advice Wanted - My players keep out


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Advice welcome. I'll try to keep this post fairly to the point.

Setting: Drow Outpost in City of the Spider Queen is the home to a school of mages known as the Inverted Tower. In the school are four arcane guards (F2/W5), two students (W10), a head student (W11), the school master (Wiz13/Arch2), and the devil the archmage has summoned (Gelugon).

The devil is kept within a circle of holding (3rd floor) and can't get out unless freed. The students are in their rooms on the second floor, the archmage is in his room on the 4th floor. The inverted tower is a large four story room that looks like a tower has been turned inside out. You enter on the bottom, and there are three doors (one at each floor up). The arcane guards are in their quarters/guardpost on the first floor.

Background: The outpost has recently (within weeks) switched hands from a Lolth worshipping house to a house controlled by worshippers of Kiaransalee, the drow goddess of undead. In otherwords, major leadership change. The mages are working alongside the new rulers, just like they did the old ones. They are not particularly religious in one way or another, and just serve whomever is in power (unless they can take power for themselves).

The PCs have broken into the outpost twice now. The first time they were beaten back and got no where near the inverted tower. The second time (two days later) they broke through the outpost defenses, ransacked the outpost's barracks and have moved on to the Inverted Tower. They used lots of silence spells and other trickery to do all the above without the alarm being raised in the Inverted Tower, Temple, Bazaar, or Common Area (the four areas of the cavern built outpost that are left).

When they ended last time, one of the arcane guards made it into the middle of the inverted tower, and out of silence range. He cast a fly spell, in hopes of going to warn his master (the archmage). The party cut him down before he could. I ruled that like any normal fight, since he was not flatfooted, he died with screams/grunts of pain. Those echoed up the inverted tower, since it has no sound dampening items (rugs, tapestries, etc) and anyone who has been in a hollow space without such things knows that it echos to high heaven.

So I looked up the listen rules. For being distracted and having two doors and 40-60 feet between them, the students and archmage all had -19-20 on their listen checks. Then I looked up what the listen check would be. Sounds of battle. -10! So on a roll of 9-12+ these four are gonna hear them? I made an arbitrary adjustment of +5 to the DC to reflect that it was a moment sound, not a long battle. Then with the skill check mods (drow like all elves get +2, but they had nothing trained in listen, so it was +3 with a wisdom bonus of +1) the rolls were still only 12+ or so. So I rolled for the drow wizards.

All of them suceeded. All four of them. Oh, and the devil heard them too. So the next question is how hardcore are these guys going to react? Are they instantly going to launch into buff spells, teleport/dimension door and start attacking? Are they going to group up a little (the two students get together... the head student dimension dooring to his master's room, etc)?

I'm trying to get a feel for exactly how these guys would react. They are in thier rooms studying, reading, what not and they heard the momentary cry of one of the guards getting killed. Really if the four gang up on the PCs I expect a TPK (they are 6 PCs ranging from 10th-12th level).

Also I had decided to make the two students tougher than they were originally written since the party is 6 people not 4.

1. The drow all launch into full scale battle mode, after all they are under attack. They each cast the requisite buff spells without contacting each other, then DDoor or Teleport, flying, into the Inverted Tower and start blasting.
2. The students get together, buff themselves up and wait to kill whomever comes onto their level. The head student Ddoors up to his Master's room. The archmage buffs up then Teleports himself and his head student to the Inverted Tower room to parlay with whomever. He is noted in the adventure as being motivated to talk first, since he would love if the PCs took out the drow in control of the outpost.
3. The drow all four get together, buff up, and assault the PCs together as a coherent group.

Sorry for the length of this. Advice welcome.

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First Post
I imagine they'll react fairly cautiously. After all, hearing a single scream/yelp of pain is a) probably not that unusual in a drow settlement anyway :p and b) is not definite proof of an attack.

If I was one of the wizards I certainly would not want to go straight into 'full attack mode' and buff myself up to the eyeballs on the basis of one noise - if all it was, was the guard falling over and hurting himself/slave being killed/animal noise then I'd have waisted some serious spell resources, and what if the genuine attack then actually came later on that day and half my defensive spells were already gone?

My first action would be to cast one or two minor magic defences, seek out the other students and try to certify what the cause of the noise was, preferably by remote magical detection ie scrying/clairvoyance. If it turns out to eb a threat, then go to town with the buffing spells!


First Post
Normally I'd say that there would be a good chance of the Wizards ignoring the occurance altogether. Screams aren't such a strange happenings in Drow society. But since the PCs attacked the outpost earlier, and escaped, the wizards would obviously be more wary of any disturbance. Plus they would probably have alarm spells (mental) set up to warn of anyone approaching thier tower. Thus:

I think you should mix it up. Since each of the Drow have different personalities you could have one student that's a real egoist, and he can buff up, and take the PCs on full force, bringing various summons and Simulectroms/Golems to bear. Using mobility and the tactical advantage of terrain knowledge, he could do some hefty damage. I recommend that this guy be the "head student" since he would have to be pretty sure of himself to employ such a direct attack. Don't make him too foolish though, just brazen.

Maybe have another Drow also attack head on to help the Head Student, but more conservatively. Focusing more on debilitating magics (spectral hand with touch of idiocy/Contagation/Hold spells) and counterspelling the PC spellcasters. Perhaps he's a common ally of the Head Student, and they employ this tactic in most of their fights. Maybe their personal relationship is more than that, who knows. You don't have to worry too much about the PCs finding the subtle wizard if they levitate/fly high enough into the cavern out of sight (unless the PCs also have darkvision, in which case an Invisibility spell seems prudent before DDing to the cieling), the PC's own Silence spells will make it impossible for them to locate them unless the wizard uses a ray, or some flashy attack (which he/she won't).

Meanwhile, I'd have the last Drow scrying the entire battle. Once things start heating up, and going poorly for the Head Student, he teleports to the area and Nukes both the PCs and the Head Student, killing him. This move accomplishes two things, Damages the PCs (which is always good), and allows the divining wizard to elimate a rival in total Drow fashion.

While all of this is going on, the Archmage sends in his pet demon, and decides what his role in the battle will be. Depending on the situation, he may or may not even show himself. If the battle looks to be evenly matched or his students are losing, he'll show up and pound the PCs with a series of devistating attacks. I recommend Reverse Gravity(best for party) or Power Word Blind(best anti-spellcaster spell next to AMF) since both don't allow Saving throws and the party would be weakened enough for PWB to work. While the Players are stuck hovering in midair, the archmage lets loose with Chain lightning, maybe summons another demon via Summon Monster V and then continues to clean up the act with his enchanted arrow abilities.
Of course transmuting the ceiling/floor to mud, and then the mud back to rock, might be an interesting tactic to 'bog' down the group. But that would use all of the Archmage's 6th level spells. Which wouldn't be fun at all.
The Archmage also needs to have the manditory Contingency:teleport spell cast, set to go off if he is in mortal danger (ie reduced to 25% of his hp) this will take him back to his sanctum where he can heal up through potions and get ready to face the PCs a second time, or flee, becoming a villain that can come back to haunt the PCs later)

The PCs really should have thought this one through and done a little recon/information gathering about the place before attacking.

I wouldn't worry about the PCs being reduced to the consistency of toast. If they're dumb enough to attack a wizard sanctum head on, without knowing what's in store they deserve the kick in the teeth. On the other hand, if they manage to win, they'll sure be happy when they get increased exp for a tough encounter. Not to mention all those nice magic items the wizards are sure to have. Although if its turning into a total slaughter, which I think it will be. (Your party is 6:10th-12th level PCs while your enemies are 2-10th, 1-11th, 1-15th and a demon CR13) you can weaken the damages of the enemies spells by like 10-20% to help your party out.

Hope this helps! Sorry about the length :D


First Post
Carnifex: Nice name. I have three of them in my army. BEARDY!

Anyways... back to the discussion at hand. I was envisioning the sort of dieing screams someone would let out when getting shot with an arrow then hacked down with a bastard sword. Then echoed up through the chamber. So while I wanted it less than battle sounds due to length, I kinda figured it was obvious that someone was DIEING.

There are no slaves in the Inverted Tower. Its strictly a small school (only has room for four students, three are in attendance) of magic. Also I kinda figure that the drow are a little ready for something since the outpost was attacked by surface dwellers a couple of days ago (the PCs) and the entire Outpost just went through a forced change of command not to long ago.

I am leaning toward what you are saying though, but maybe with a bit of urgency. Say the Arhcmage told his students in the last learning session about the attack and said, "If you hear anything out of the ordinary, assume the worst. But do not kill whomever it is. I want to talk to them. But be careful, surface dwellers are apt to shoot first and ask questions later."

So the students, upon hearing the noise would kinda gather in the hall outside their rooms and discuss what they heard, casting a couple minor defensive buffs. They might listen at the door to the tower and try to use some divination type spells.

If surprised they will probably retreat into one room, and make a defensive stand, trying to parlay, but definately responding with as much firepower as they can till the PCs agree to talk or kill them.

So its coming together a little. More advice or thoughts welcome.
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First Post
I'd likely have them send a familiar or some other flunkie to see what was up. Once the party was spotted they would prepare themselves then send out the devil to talk :) (via some sort of binding). The gelugon's task would be to find out how powerful the party is and what kind of threat they pose. Keep in mind that in the Nine Hells gelugon's are often ambassador's (despite their appearance they are canny politicians). An interesting tactic would be to send the gelugon in clothing that would mask its form.
*edit*: Ack, damn... didn't know the gelugon was uncontrolled. Well... I'd likely send out the caster most capable to flee battle to parley :).

Of course during the entire conversation the drow wizards would be preparing for one of several events:

A) An ambush on inferior opponents. Male drow wizards would likely be very cautions about joining battles. They of all people know the penalty for understimating opponents. Anyway, such a battle is likely to have several illusions and misdirecting tactics in order to confuse the opponents. Anything from illusions of other gelugons to animated skeletons dressed up as drow wizards "casting" spells, etc...

B) A political truce with an equal or slightly more powerful force. If the wizards feel their opponents are too evenly matched, they would likely not risk heavy casualties and would seek a mutually beneficial resolution. Well, until they can find a way later on to gain the upper hand :).

C) Flee if the party is clearly more powerful then them. Staying alive is the main concern of all creatures. This is something that's often forgotten in RPGs.

Anyway, just my 2 cents :). Sounds like it's going to be fun btw!
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First Post

You bring up a good point to all the NPC motivations. So here is how the book defines the NPCs.

Archmage: Wants to turn the outpost into a magocracy. Willing to parlay. If threatened will turn the party to molten toast. He has Teleport 2/day as a spell like ability, and has an empowered Chain Lightning and a Twin Lightning Bolt in his 8th and 7th level slot. A quickened Agnazzar's Scorcher (which I'm swapping out for Scorching Ray), disentegrate, and Summon Monster VI for 6th level, and cone cold and dismissal as his 5ths. 4th is a stoneskin, fireshield and Improved Invisibility. Etc, etc. So in combat, Rd 1, Empowered Chain Lightning and Quickened Scorching Ray should turn some people to slag. Follow that up with Rd 2's Twin Lightning Bolts or Disentegrate, and people could really be hurting. He won't even go into a fight without his buffs and his MSVI being cast (whatever demon or devil it nets acting as his shield).

Devil: The Gelugon is uncontrolled and wants freedom so it can go try to kill the Archmage for calling him.

Head Student: Shadow Weave user, and very into illusions and such. Would rather be left alone, and has illusions in his room to make it look like an empty room, etc.

Other Two Students: Not really detailed much as far as personality. These two are the ones I think the Party will deal with first. We'll call them hot head and the back stabber. One is into disease and curse type spells (he'll be the back stabber), the other is supposed to be 'eccentric' in his spell selection. I turned him into mainly a summoner type (he'll be the hot head).

So here is what I am thinking.
Rd 1. Archmage will start with trying to scry what is happening.
Head Student casts an improved invis and makes sure his illusions are set and finds a good place to hide.
Backstabber starts listening at his own door and casts Improved Invisibility on himself, just in case.
The hot head thinks he can get a leg up by destroying impudent surface dwellers so he casts up a spectral hand, and redies a potion of fly.

Rd 2. Archmage continues to scry.
Head Student casts a stoneskin and waits.
Backstabber keeps listening and waits, if he hears anything that sounds bad he will cast a fireshield.
Hot Head summons a bearded devil.

Rd 3. Archmage scries some more, wanting to see what the surface dwellers are going to do. His main concerns are if they are headed toward him or the Gelugon (he doesn't want it freed accidentally).
Head Student stays hiding.
Backstabber waits, if he hears no one in the hallway he sneaks out of his room (invisible). Casts a protection from Elements (Fire) on himself (he plans on fireballing, and just in case wants to be protected).
Hot head teleports himself and his demon into the inverted tower, acts very impressive (he so wants to be head master, and acts it, calling the place 'his tower' etc) and orders his demon to kill everyone. (note I fully expect them to dismiss this guy in two seconds flat...)

Rd 4. Archmage casts a buff spell, etc. Goes back to scrying. Keeps an eye on things.
Head student hears sounds of battle and casts his displacement spell.
Backstabber goes to the door to the tower room and listens to the sounds of battle, waiting for a good time to fireball the lot of em.

Etc. Basically when a round or two have gone by, the backstabber will throw open the door and fireball the combatants in the room. He will then demand any survivors (probably all of them) surrender. When they don't he offers to take them to the archmage if they don't kill him. His main concern is that the Hot Head die.

The Head Student will stay in his room the whole time. Basically not wanting anything to do with any of it, hoping the whole thing will go on without him being involved.

The Archmage will only get involved if the party gets near his devil or his own room. He will keep an eye on them through some sort of divination, scrying, etc. Thoughts?


First Post

I think that your line of thought is spot on - the Archmage won't get involved into late in the game - the party will be beneath his interests, and besides, he has flunkies for all of the menial stuff. ;)

A bit off topic, but, I read your website and see that you are not looking for another player right now. If that changes, feel free to drop me an email. I am just south of you and have a hankerin' to game now and again.... :D


First Post
I don't see why they would fight the PCs in the narrow confines of the tower where the destruction of their personal belongings (name magic items, scrolls, rare tomes and such) can be damaged, ESPECIALLY by fire. The last thing they want to do is burn their house to the ground which fireballs are notoriously good at.

I think the Hothead should procede as you've mentioned but engage the PCs outside if at all possible. Perhaps parleying first. I think that the guy who doesn't want anything to do with anything should be the designated observer for the whole group, communicating with the Archmage via telepathy or a ring of missive or something, about what's happening and would serve as the advanced scout, letting them all know what's going on. That way, he can ensure he is taken care of, without lifting a finger. The Back Stabber, would be best at teleporting far above the PCs, to the cieling of the chamber where its dark and observer what's happening from there.

He could hide out and use his spells subtly to make it look like its just the one caster doing all the damage. While looking to see if his rival dies at the surface dwelers hands. He wouldn't blatently attack the hothead unless it looked like he was about to win.

The Archmage I think should proceed as I described. First observing the party in action to get a measure of their abilities, and then engaging if the situation seems dire enough. If there are any surface elves in the group, he might engage sooner than otherwise just for the fun! He is a drow after all. Also, I would think that a wizard of his level would have at least one loyal follower as a bodyguard. Drow aren't loyal and with 3 powerful students wanting his position he'd need the support. So he should have a golem of sone description in his sanctum. If you play the Archmage too conservatively the PCs will end up fighting 1 or 2 10th level wizards by themselves which isn't much of a problem for 6 characters of equivolent level making the encounter too easy. But if you play them each to their max, it would be too hard.

I really like what you did with the xenophobic one. Keeping him out of the battle just might be the ticket to your players victory.

But he can't stay out forever and if he thinks that the PCs will defeat his allies, he would probably get involved. If he didn't raise his hands to blast something every once in a while he wouldn't be a 10th level wizard.

A good way to have your Shadow Weave user enter the battle without leaving his room is by summoning Incorporeal undead, or more specifically Shadows (I'm assuming he can do this?). These undead can move through matter and thus can attack the PCs from beneath. He can use a Wall of Force spell to block off the enterance to his room while his minions attack through the walls.

But I would definately avoid fighting in the tower at all costs. Blasting the PCs from battlements would be a good idea though.


First Post
Given that there was an unsuccessful attack just two days before, I think they'll start preparing for battle as soon as they hear something amiss. If I was them, I'd invisibly scout the attackers first, probably throwing a few illusions at them to see what they've got. And I'd 100% certainly contact the archmage. If the PCs are obviously capable of storming a tower by flight etc., I'd probably attempt to negotiate before fighting.


Ragged idiot in a trilby.
Having recently gone past this encounter, I'd say you got all the individual NPC's characters almost spot on. That said, I opted for a roleplaying route...

After the PCs had finished hacking up the guards on the ground floor, I teleported the Archmage (invisible) into the top of the tower, and he announced himself to the party.

After a fairly nervous chat, the players decided they didn't want to take on an archmage and all of his students, and actually reached an agreement with him (as hinted at in the book). The Archmage would withdraw any arcane casters, and the PCs would leave him (and a lot of the drow commonners) alone.

As the PCs had already butchered every drow arcane caster outside the Tower, the Archmage wasn't actually giving the PCs anything at all, but they didn't know that. Which struck me as suitably "drow" thinking...

...Mind you, after 39 days (mostly spent resting and equipping in Dagger Falls), you wouldn't believe how many encounters they've missed or avoided by accident!

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