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Wizards, Whiskey and Wonderful Things - Concluded

Silver Moon

Chapter 138, “Hands and Rings”, Wednesday, March 22nd , 1882, 11:00 A.M.

Jake, Ruby and Neil ride into town carefully from the northern hills and make their way over to the back of the Silver Dollar where they lock up the horses. It is just before noon. Neil says "I'll see the two of you on the stagecoach in a couple of hours." Ruby asks, "Mr. Cassidy, I have a questions for you. You've been around Tombstone a lot longer than I have. Could you tell me where we might find someone... French?"

He says, "Yes, I believe that the tailor and dressmaker is from France. Why?" She replies, "Oh, just a silly question Jake and I have a little argument about. We decided the only way to get the answer was to ask someone from France. Where can we find him?" He replies, "I think his shop is over on Fremont Street". After he answers Ruby says, "Thank you. And see you on the stage." She nods to him then she and Jake head off to the hotel.

Jake and Ruby make their way back to the grand Hotel. On the way Jake tells her what was said at the cabin when she went outside. She shares Wyatt's request to her. Near the hotel Jake says, "Leslie is probably still looking for us. We just enjoyed the morning, another nice ride before we have to head back to Promise City." They go inside and make their way up to their room.

Once back in their room she changes back into her traveling dress. She starts slowly packing her things back into her bag. Jake can tell she is still off in her thoughts, day dreaming while moving around the room mindlessly. Every once in a while she glances down at the palm of her hand. Finally she sits on the edge of the bed. Looking up at Jake she asks, "How did you sleep last night?"

"I was too drunk to know." Jake chuckles. "I'd rather think about the parts of the evening before sleep," he says grinning. The grin fades when he sees the expression on her face doesn't change with his attempt to make her smile. "What's wrong?" Ruby looks at him nervously. "Something happened last night... something... well... I'm afraid to tell you, you'll think I'm crazy."

She looks back down at her palm and rubs it. "I think I'm crazy." Jake comes over and tries to take her hand and open her palm. She resists, and he says sarcastically, "You going to make me ask pretty please?" She frowns at him and he pulls her fingers open. "That is not a scrape, it is a puncture."

"I know," Ruby says hanging her head slightly. "I didn't want to lie to you, I hate thinking of us not telling the truth to each other. You're the only one who I can tell the truth to but this is just... unbelievable." She picks her head up and looks Jake in the eyes. She takes a very deep breath and says, "I had a dream last night, except it wasn't really a dream, I don't think it was a dream. I was cold and alone and I woke up feeling cold and alone, even though you were right next to me." She looks at Jake, trying to gauge his reaction before she continues.

Jake's brows come together, "You had a dream except it wasn't a dream? Ruby, I don't follow you. Were you sleep walking?" “I don’t think so.” Ruby shakes her head, “I told you it was crazy!” She is quiet for a few moments again. “I only ever have nightmares. And this scared me, but it wasn’t like a nightmare. It was, well, it felt REAL.”

“In my dream there was a beautiful woman, the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, with long blond hair and she was flawless in every way. She seemed not of this world. And at her feet sat a child, a baby, who carried a bow and quiver filled with red arrows. And she asked me, why did I choose to live a life as barren as cold desert we were standing in. I replied I didn’t choose, it was forced on me. And she responded that I had done nothing to change it. And that as long as I ignored her, them, I would never know love or happiness, and that my time was running out. That the priestess Minerva would know what I had to do.”

“And something else. This woman, she created a garden out of nothing, in the middle of this desert. A garden of roses. And she asked if I knew why she chose the rose as the flower of love. And as she said it, she handed me a rose, but she closed my hand tightly around it and I was injured by the thorns. And then I woke up. And that was in my hand,” Ruby says pointing to the perfect red rose, “And this is from that.” She holds out her hand to Jake again. Her palm has a few deep thorn marks, but in the center is the deepest, the one that resembles a heart.

“So, I don’t know how you could NOT think I was crazy as I think I was visited by Aphrodite and Cupid.” Ruby hangs her head again, obviously embarrassed. "Mierda." Jake says flatly and looks at his own scarred palm and then up at Ruby. "Mierda." “What? Are you thinking about just how insane I must be for even telling you this?” Jake sees she has a scared look in her eyes.

He replies, "No. I was just thinking that maybe a temporary bit of insanity might be safer than being noticed by the gods." He finds the bottle of bourbon that still has a little bit left in it. He has a swig and hands it to Ruby. "I believe that the gods sometimes, uh, communicate with us mortals through our, um, dreams." He looks at her rather pathetically, "Or I was insane for several years."
Ruby looks at the bottle before taking a long drink from it. “I don’t think it was a dream or how could I have gotten this?” She holds up her palm again then takes another gulp. “What are you saying? This has happened to you too?”

"I don't know, maybe, not exactly the same." Jake looks down at his feet before continuing. "I used to get dreams, very vivid ones, that told me to do things. If I didn't do those things straight away, I would get more dreams each more unpleasant than the last until the nightmares were so bad I couldn't sleep." He looks up at her. "I came to believe that Hermes was in my dreams. Silly, huh?" He looks back down at his feet, "I decided one day to see if I could, you know, outlast the bad dreams. I wanted to see if I was master of my life." Jake's voice cracks and he coughs a couple of times. "I did, it was hard but I did."

"Remember yesterday you asked about this?" Jake holds up his right hand, with his scarred palm facing Ruby. "That is what I was all cocky about, Jacob Cooke thought he had outlasted dreams sent to him by the god Hermes. So that day he heads off to the market ready to strut his stuff." Jake laughs a little nervous laugh. "So the hard lesson I learned was this; the pin I stole, the pin that embedded in my hand, that got infected and made me suffer for over two weeks had the Kerykeion on it." Ruby looks at Jake without comprehension at this revelation. "The symbol of the messenger of the gods is two snakes wrapped four times around a staff. It is called the Kerykeion."

“And Hermes is the messenger of the gods?” Ruby pauses to take this fact in. “Mierda.” She takes another big gulp before handing the mostly empty bottle back to Jake. “So that’s why you follow Hermes and believe in him. Because you tried to defy him and he sent you a message anyway.” She looks him right in the eyes, “There’s a lot I don’t know about you Jacob Cook.” Ruby runs her fingers through her hair and sighs, “So,” she says quietly, “If I don’t do what Aphrodite commands then what she said will happen, I will be lonely and unhappy forever.”

Jake finishes the bottle. "I don't know, Ruby, I just don't know. My experience with the gods was an unpleasant one for me. I wouldn't say I follow Hermes, but I give him his due. I have no love for that bastard." Jake tosses the empty bottle on the bed. "I am certain the priestess will tell a different story. Perhaps her relationship with the gods is more cordial. I can only tell you it can be perilous to defy the gods."

"We need another bottle," Ruby says matter of factly. "Do you still have the dreams?" "No." Jake says quietly. "Not since," he pauses and takes a breath, "not since I left Philadelphia.” “I guess that would be good reason for you to stay away.” Ruby looks down at her palm again before grabbing the sheet next to her. “So you believe that the gods really do exist and affect the things we do?” As Ruby asks she twists the sheet in her hands. “Do you think your…gifts were given by Hermes himself?”

Jake snorts, "My gifts! What gifts?" He spits on the floor. "That is what that pompous priest said to me. Each must contribute back the gifts the gods have given them. Pah." Jake goes back to packing his gear. "I do believe the gods exist, I can't prove it but I believe. So I guess I believe they can affect the world."

Ruby blinks in surprise at Jake’s sudden outburst. “Well…,” she starts slowly, watching him pack, “You are really good at cards, one of the best I’ve ever seen. That’s because you are smart and quick, quick thinking and quick witted, and you’re really good with your hands…” A smile comes unbidden to Ruby’s face. “Really really good. And you spin that Colt around like no one I’ve ever seen either. You’re cunning, shrewd, crafty, clever, extremely insightful And…,” a small blush comes to Ruby’s face, “There is something about your eyes, it’s like you can see right into me. I’d call those things gifts.”

"Maybe you are right. I'm sure Senorita Florencia would advise us that all we are comes from the gods. I only know how I have been treated. I don't really care what others say, I judge a man or god on how they deal with me. Maybe the goddess does want to help you, maybe she is benevolent. I wouldn't know. Maybe the goddess gets something out of helping you." Jake stops and looks at Ruby, looks right in her hazel eyes. "It really comes down to this; What does the goddess want from you and are you willing to pay the price for what she promises? That, Ruby West, is something only you can answer."

Ruby lets Jake’s statement hang in the air for what seems like an eternity. “You know,” Ruby continues quietly breaking Jake’s gaze, “I could never understand why my parents hated me. It was easier to think the gods had abandoned me, although I could never figure that out either. Easier to say they just didn’t exist then accept I had done something wrong to push them away. But when I was young I would have done anything to make my parents love me.”

"I guess I was lucky,” Jake says with a laugh, "I knew exactly why my father despised me and why I despised him." Jake comes over to Ruby and takes both her hands, being gentle with her wounded palm. "What if, as a child, you hadn't done anything to deserve how you were treated? What if it was not your fault at all? Who said life is fair?" Jake chuckles and says, "Old Caleb White once told me, if the gods had more respect for money, they would have given it to a higher class of people."

"It should be no surprise to you that I am a naturally distrusting kind of guy and I just don't trust the gods. Wouldn't it be nice though, if for you it was all just a misunderstanding and Ruby West had a patroness?" Jake kisses each of her hands in turn. "You deserve it."

Ruby smiles up at Jake, then stands. She pulls her hands away from him before suddenly wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug. She doesn’t let go but she pulls her face back to look at him. “She says I’m to honor her, give her my heart and soul. I will speak to the Priestess as soon as I can and find out what I have to do.”

Ruby gathers up all her flowers into a few huge bunches. "I don't think I really thanked you earlier for these. They are very beautiful and very romantic. I wish we didn't have to leave here." She places her perfect red rose behind her ear. "That should stay safe there for now." She looks over the room. "Are you ready? We should go run our errands. And we should eat something before we get back on the coach."

As quickly as possible Jake and Ruby find a large, safe looking bank in town where Jake deposits $500. Then they arrange their return stage seats before heading over to Fremont Street and the French tailor. They walk up Fremont Street until they find the tailor shop. They enter and see a man working diligently sewing a hem on a pair of pants. Ruby approaches him. “Bonjour, monsieur, vous sont le… errr…tailor?”* she giggles, “I don’t know that word in French.”

He states, "Oui. I am Jacques Francois DuBois. How may I be of assistance to you?" She glances around the shop to make sure no one else is around. "Well, I have a question for you. You might think it's silly. It IS silly, but humor me." She looks him in the eyes with a serious look on her face and holds out her hand. "I've heard the french people are good at identifying certain items. Rings being one of them. Since I know nothing about this kind of thing I thought I would ask someone who might have that particular talent." She holds out her finger with the ring on it. "Do you know what I mean, Monsieur?"

He states, "Ah, what a beautiful ring. But why would one go to a tailor to have it identified, a jeweler would know far more about metals and stones. Perhaps it is, how do you say, the ambiance that you are more interested in? I could certainly tell you my opinion, but perhaps you would be more interested in a dress? I have many over here on the rack to choose from."

Ruby smiles with confidence. "Your dresses are certainly beautiful and I might want to purchase one before I leave. But I would like your opinion on the ambiance, as you put it, of this particular ring." He states, "Ah, but to properly view a woman's ring it should be on her hand...and she should be properly attired. Choose a dress that you wish to purchase and try it on, then I will be able to better view the entire picture!" Jake says, "My girl can't have too many dresses, go ahead."

"Well, let's see..." Ruby walks over to the rack and runs her hands over the dresses. "What do you think Jake? They're all very pretty but which do you prefer? I don't have a pink dress yet. Or maybe the lilac?" She holds up both dresses in front of her. "Lilac." He says and looks pleased. "Lilac." Ruby takes the dress behind the curtained off section and changes into the lilac gown. She sweeps back out into the main room. "What do you think?" she says spinning around. "I think you need to buy it." Jake says with a grin.

DuBois says, "Ah yes, but there is now the matter of the price. This lilac dress would normally sell for $ 8.00, but you also wanted an opinion on how well it would go with the ring. Let's say $ 20.00 for the clothing and opinion, that of course would include tailoring." She replies, "My darling boyfriend says I must buy it, so we shall buy it. And I look forward to your opinion." Ruby holds out her hand again and as she does the straps fall off her shoulders and she giggles. "I need the tailoring too," she laughs.

He takes her hand and says a number of words in French. Ruby notices a slight glow from his hands that covers over her ring finger and the ring. The light returns to his hand. He looks up to her and says, "A fine ring indeed, although hardly one for the desert. This ring would be more at home near a body of water. I feel that at such a place you would stand out in this dress and be radiant, all the world would look to you and even the water would welcome your presence and allow you to glide across it as though it were solid ground."

"Well, that is quite impressive, Monsieur," she glances at Jake. "Of course, I look radiant most places I go," she grins. "I wonder, do you perhaps sell other items that might be more inclined for the desert? Or perhaps for getting shot at while in the desert?" He states, "Ah, accessories to compliment a desert wardrobe. Alas, I have none at the moment. But I will keep my eye open for such a thing and notify you as to when I have located some. Now hold still while I take the proper measurements to alter this garment to properly fit you."

"That would be wonderful!" Ruby tries to hold still while the tailor takes her measurements, holding her arms out to the side. She giggles as he measures around her bust, "I know, all my dress are big to fit that particular blessing of mine." She smiles at Jake while he takes the rest of her measurments. Jake returns her smile.

"Accessories or clothing for men or women that are especially durable are of great interest to us. Those that might prevent bullet holes would be just the addition to our wardrobe." Jake says to the French man. Jake gives the man their names and explains they own the Lucky Lady. He instructs him to contact them if he can acquire or make such items. The tailor says that he will. He asks Ruby to change and says that when the dress is ready he will send it on to them in Promise City unless they wish to come back the next day to pick it up. "Vous remercier bon monsieur," Ruby says. As they walk out the door, "Well, those french lessons with Kate are paying off. Although that's about all I know," she laughs.

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Silver Moon

Chapter 139, “I wish I was homeward bound”, Wednesday, March 22nd , 1882, 1:00 P.M.

Ruby says, “Let's go find Josie." They make their way over to the theater. They stop at the bar for a drink and again ask for a pen and paper. This time Ruby writes a note. As she does she asks the bartender to please tell Josie that her friend Ruby is here to say good bye. He leaves to find her.

Josephine Marcus comes out of the back room and invites Jake and Ruby to join her. They head into the room where two other members of the acting company are present, a handsome young male actor who she introduces as Mr. Fabian and a costume/script girl named Hannah Powers. She introduces them to Ruby and Jake, explaining how she and Ruby once acted together with a company in Omaha, Nebraska. While Hannah and Fabian engage Jake in conversation at normal to high sound levels Josephine and Ruby move a short distance back for a short conversation.

Ruby says loudly, "My dear Josephine, Jake and I will be leaving today so I wanted to say goodbye. It's been so good to see you and other friends." Ruby leans in and hugs Josie, whispering in her ear. "Wyatt is very concerned about you. Behan is involved in the Cowboy Gang and he asks that you leave Tombstone as soon as you can." Ruby pauses but stays close. "He really cares about you, Josephine." She gives her a squeeze, then lets go, standing up straight.

"I am so jealous. While I love singing on the stage, I really wish I was acting, I wish I could be as good as you!" Ruby laughs. "We're having a festival in Promise City and the local Priestess is a friend. If you have the chance maybe you'd like to stop by, perhaps even participate. The Priestess wants a play but I'm not sure I'll have enough time to prepare one. She'll have to do with my singing. Anyway, it's next weekend, if you get an opportunity."

Josie replies, "Next weekend? I'll talk to Pauline Markham about having the Entertainment troop make a visit there for the festival. I'll send you a note if she agrees." "Oh!" Ruby impulsively hugs Josie again. "That would be wonderful! And we could spend more time together, our visit here was so short." As she hugs her Ruby deftly slips the previously written note into her pocket, which reads:


Please heed Wyatt's words and leave Tombstone as soon as you can. I have admired you for a long time and would be devastated if anything were to happen to you. The Cowboys mean business and they will stop at nothing to get what they want. No one is safe.

I meant what I said about the show, it IS wonderful and you are a great actress, I admire you and your talent.

Take Care.

Ruby West

PS Feel free to contact me anytime at the Lucky Lady in Promise City.

Ruby says, "Well, it is time for us to get going unfortunately. The show is wonderful, good luck with it and I hope to see you soon." She says goodbye. Ruby and Jake make their way back to the Grand Hotel to collect their luggage as it is almost time to board the stagecoach.

Ruby and Jake head upstairs to gather their belongings. Ruby places the tiara back in her pocket and without a word hands Jake the black velvet box for the diamond ring. She keeps her single rose behind her ear and gathers up her bunches of roses and carries them herself. Jake carries the weapons pack, everything else they leave for the valet. Jake stops at the desk and pays up with the clerk. Then they head to the coach.

While they are walking but before they get to the stage Jake says to Ruby, "I especially enjoyed myself here with you, I'm glad we did this. Would you come back with me again another time?" Ruby takes Jake's hand as their continue to walk. "You know, I hadn't decided if I was returning back to Promise City until yesterday. Nanuet had said something to me to make me reconsider after he got shot but it wasn't until I spent the day with you yesterday that I really realized it."

Jake gives her a sideways glance, "Realized what?" Ruby smiles. "Realized I couldn't leave if I wanted to. Between you and them, our friends, I can't leave. I just wish my brain would understand that already!" Ruby gives Jake a small peck on the cheek, trying to remain balanced as they walk and she holds her armful of flowers. "Of course I'll come back with you, anytime you want."

The Wells Fargo Stage is sitting in its usual spot for the return trip to Promise City. Chuck Nevers and Newton Gilly are busy loading luggage onto it. The entire top and rear are stuffed full of trunks, suitcases, boxes, crates, a few small pieces of furniture and a wire basked with two live chickens. Roger Fly and Neil Cassidy are standing alongside with their travel bags. Neil asks "Should we put our bag insides with us?" Nevers replies, "No room, full trip this time. Pass up your bags and I'll tie them down."

They load Jake and Ruby's bags up top too, but she takes her flowers inside with her, gently placing them underneath the seat open. Every once in a while she moves her hand to touch the rose behind her ear. "Mr. Cassidy, did you find out about that Faro table by any chance?" she asks while climbing inside. "No, afraid not," he states.

Ruby, Jake, Neil and Roger climb in and sit on the available bench on the rear side of the carriage. The front bench is filled with a family, comprised of a woman and her nine children. Seated on the bench are the woman and four teenage children ranging in ages from 13 to 17. Each of the five also have a child in their lap, ranging in age from 1 to 6. All ten have the same carrot-orange colored hair and faces of freckles. Of the nine children the oldest and youngest are boys, the other seven being girls including what appear to be two pairs of twins.

Jake tips his hat to the woman, "Afternoon 'Mam." He introduces himself and the others. Ruby keeps her displeasure to herself as she plasters a smile on her face. She squeezes in between Mr. Cassidy and Jake, trying to get comfortable for the what was now going to be loonnnggggg ride.

The woman speaks with a thick Irish accent. She introduces herself as Meghan O'Hara. She then introduces her children in descending order by age as Patrick, Shannon, Cathleen, Colleen, Mary, Caitlin, Kellie, Patricia and Shamus.

The door of the stage opens up and Chuck Nevers pokes his head inside. He looks at the bench with Jake, Ruby, Neil and Roger and says, "Better squeeze over, we've got one more." Helen Barker begins to enter the coach and then notices who is inside. She gives the bench with the four adults an angry stare and then says in a voice full of distain "I'll ride up top with the drivers." She leaves and slams the door behind her. "How rude," Mrs. O'Hara exclaims.

"You have NO idea," Ruby mutters. "Oh my," she says louder with fake sincerity, "I HOPE it doesn't rain." Mrs. O'Hara says, "I should hope not. Our items would get all wet and take forever to dry. Who exactly was that rude woman? Do you know her?" "Yes, ma'am, I know her. That is Helen Barker Eastman. Her and her husband Stanley own a photography studio in Promise City." Roger Fly interjects "I'm afraid that she was rude on my account. I operate a photography studio in Promise City and she does not care for the competition."

Ruby asks, "If I might be nosey, why are you coming to our little city?" She replies, "My husband passed on recently. My brother-in-law Shamus O'Hara works there in the largest of the town's mines. Shamus has spoken to his employers and they have offered my son Patrick a job there as well."

"Well, my good friend is starting a school, which no doubt you will be interested in," Ruby smiles. "As for Helen, it's not just Mr. Fly as the competition, she is mad that her cousin fell in love with me. It's caused much discord as of late. Where will you live?" Mrs O'Hara says, "I don't know yet. Shamus lives in a boarding house so I doubt they'd have rooms. We'll find something though, Bridgit and Diancecht always provide. Now, this school of your friend, is it a public school or is tuition required?"

Ruby replies, "To be honest, I'm not sure. But I'm sure that if tuition is involved something can be arranged, for my friend is very kind hearted and I'm sure will not turn anyone away." Ruby smiles kindly at the woman, for her children are behaving. "We are having a festival next weekend and I believe that some of the funds raised are going towards the new school. Perhaps you can work out an arrangement with Mrs. Kale to help with the festival in exchange for tuition."

Mrs. O'Hara replies, "Aye, After my Patty came to America with his brothers and we remained in Ireland I found work at the University in exchange for schooling for the four children that we had at that time. If your friend is willing I'm sure that a comparable arrangement could perhaps be worked out." The eldest girl interjects "Mother, I am old enough to work as well." Mrs. O'Hara replies, "That you are Shannon, although I am not certain what employment there is in a mining town that would be suitable for a young woman such as yourself."

Ruby asks Shannon, "Certainly you have some gifts, what kind of things are you good at?" Shannon replies, "Well, I am fairly good at painting portraits and landscapes, but I doubt there is much call for that in a mining town. Beyond that all I know are the common household skills of cooking, cleaning and sewing as I've helped mother take care of my siblings all of my life."

"Sweetie, don't worry. You'll definitely find a job with those skills." Ruby smiles. "And maybe one day you can paint something for me for our Saloon. When we arrive in Promise City let us know where you are staying and we can put you in touch with Katherine Kale." Ruby settles back in for the ride but refuses to let her tired eyes close.

The next two hours of the stagecoach ride proceed in relative quiet. The entire O'Hara family uses the family productively, with the five youngest each using hand-held drop spindles similar in design to a child's toy top to quietly spin wool roving into yarn. The twin thirteen-year old girls hold and read a book together titled "Liberty" by John Mills. Shannon is reading an economics book by the noted Scotsman John Smith. Patrick and his mother hold up a Tucson newspaper that they simultaneously read together.

When Meghan and Patrick finish with the first section of the paper Neil Cassidy asks if he can borrow it. They pass it over and he starts to read. A short while later Neil comments "This is interesting. It says that the author Samuel Clemens, who writes under the pen name Mark Twain, will be coming to Arizona next week. He'll be lecturing about his new book 'The Prince and the Pauper' in Prescott on Tuesday and in Tucson on Thursday. He'll then be going on to Albiquerque the following week."

Neil pauses and says "You don't suppose that we could wire him an invite to this Festival that the Priestess is holding do you?" Roger Fly says, "I hardly think it would be appropriate. It is a religious festival." Neil says, "I've read his books, he frequently speaks of the Greek and Roman gods." Fly answers, "Yes, but in a sarcastic manner." Neil says, "That's his style, and it's the absurdity of people he is commenting on, not the gods themselves. Twain is also known to enjoy a good party, which is what it sounds like we will be throwing."

"Mr. Clemens also enjoys playing poker." Jake states matter of factly. "It certainly doesn't hurt to ask if he'd like to attend our festivities. And if you know how to ask in the right way you can usually get what you want," laughs Ruby. "We would just need to figure out how to contact him in Tucson." Ruby looks to Jake, "Won't the priestess be surprised with all the guests we're lining up for her festival? I think we've done our fair share of work. I still have to work on my costume, I haven't started that yet!"

"I doubt the priestess will be satisfied that we are done working on the festival." Jake leans back with his hat down over his eyes. "Just a hunch." "I didn't say done..." Ruby's voice trails off as she sees Jake get comfortable. "Humph." I guess our conversation is over... She wasn't sure how she was going to keep herself awake the next two hours but she was determined.

It is 6:00 PM on Wednesday evening when the Wells Fargo Stage arrives in Promise City. Helen Barker immediately climbs off and suitcases in hand marches back towards her home before she has to interact with anybody else on board.

Chuck Nevers opens the coach door for the others to exit. He asks Mrs. O'Hara if there is somewhere he can take her to so that her family won't have to drag all of their possessions through the street. She replies "My brother-in-law boards at the Cochice Boarding House so I guess you can bring us there for now." The O'Hara family remains on board while Ruby, Jake, Neil and Roger exit.

Newton Gilly helps to unstrap and hand down their luggage. Neil tells Jake and Roger "I'll go inform Burton Lumley that we're back so that he can schedule the Merchant's Association Meeting for tomorrow morning." Ruby says, "Mr. Cassidy, we'd like to get started building on addition soon, so we'll be needing supplies from you. I've never had to do any of kind of business like this before but I believe it's customary for us to discuss prices?" Ruby gives him a sweet smile.

He replies, "Well, I'm not quite up to a night of poker but I'll stop by the Lucky Lady tonight anyway and we can discuss that further. Lumber is in scarce supply these days, what with the Seawell-Morand Mining Company buying most of it up for their mines, but I'll make sure to take care of your needs." "Thanks Mr. Cassidy, I appreciate that." She nods at him then Ruby and Jake head back to the Lucky Lady.

Silver Moon

Chapter 140, “Ceremony Preparation”, Wednesday, March 22nd , 1882:

Wednesday morning she had Ginnie bring her something to eat upstairs, then hurried out with one of the kind men who worked at the El Parador. Perhaps they already knew why she needed an escort, perhaps not, but they were nice enough not to ask or complain about spending some time accompanying her.

She spent the morning visiting the families with children she had not yet had the chance to meet, letting them know that she would be starting a school fairly soon and listening to any ideas they had. She then did some shopping, picking up some of the items she would need for the festival. The games for children here would be more active than those she had often played. These were not children who spent their hours in a parlor.

By afternoon she was on her way out to the ranch to do some work and chat with Sonoma. She had not had a chance to speak to her since they were last out, and she wanted to lend an ear in case Sonoma needed to talk. She returned to Promise City, soaked in a hot bath, and was back at the Cantina by late afternoon in time for dinner.

Minerva spends the day keeping to herself and taking care of festival business. She continues working on her loom, making little tapestries to sell at the festival as well. After her bath, Kate had gone back up to her room. Her hair was loose as she liked to leave it when it was damp, and she'd dressed herself in her rust red dress. Half-gloves covered her hands. You're just putting off the inevitable, you know, she chastised herself and pulled them off. Shaking her head she went down to the evening meal at the Cantina.

Dorita comes over to the table to take Kate's order. She says, "Whatever you have on hand today is fine, Dorita. I would like some tea though. Have you seen your Grandfather this afternoon? I hope Ginnie hasn't been driving him crazy with her questions." Kate said, chatting away a bit nervously. "I see Mr. Booth isn't here yet. We had a little disagreement the other day, I hope I haven't chased one of your customers off."

She replies, "Mr. Booth here for lunch earlier. Grandfather went on errand with two of Arcade's Gang, say he be back later. What can I get you to eat?" "Well, that's good. As I said, tea, and whatever you're making for tonight." Dorita's eyes narrowed a bit and she quickly muttered out some specific items. She grabbed her napkin off the table and began to twist it in her lap, but stopped when she noticed light flash of the new ring. "I'm rather hungry tonight, if you have a little dessert tonight I'll take that as well," she finished with what she hoped was a distracting smile. Oh, stop it, she said to herself and folded her hands neatly on the table.

Just as she finished speaking Miss Florencia hurried into the Cantina and up to her table. She spoke excitedly, overriding whatever Dorita was about to say. She reminds her of what she must do to prepare repeating the same instructions that she gave Ruby. You should bathe in Rose scented water and leave your hair unbound. Do not wear any type of adornments and meet me, with your horse, at the Comstock house as soon as you are ready. "But, I just... Nevermind," she finished as the Priestess ran off. "I guess dinner will have to be when I get back, thank you Dorita," she said and gave the woman a kiss on the cheek. Then she left to bathe. Again.

As they walk back into the Lucky Lady Ruby comments. "I need to find Minerva as soon as I can. And then I need a bath!" The puppies come running out to greet them as the near and Ruby happily stops to pet them. Once inside Jake greets Niles, "Afternoon Hoover. Anything exciting happen while we were away?" He replies, "No, it's been pretty quiet around here. Uneventful night last night. Glad to have you back."

Maria comes running out of the kitchen and hugs both Jake and Ruby. She starts asking a barrage of questions and Ruby just laughs. "Si, I will tell you all about the trip and the show later..." she smiles, "But for now can you put these beautiful flowers up in my room? Gracias." Maria takes the huge bouquet of flowers, minus a handful Ruby keeps, and takes them upstairs. Ruby places the others she kept separate in a glass on the bar. When she finally looks up she notices Nanuet, Minerva and Chester all eating dinner together. She smiles and strides over.

"Nanuet, Chester, Minerva" Ruby nods to them. "I hope you haven't missed us too much while we've been away." Ruby notices Nanuet start to say something but stops, almost embarrassed. She takes note but says nothing. Instead she turns to the priestess. "May I speak with you in private, Minerva? I have something important I'd like to discuss with you."

"Senorita Ruby!" Minerva exclaims and turns with a bright smile, when she hears the familiar voice "You are back! I hope your trip was as exciting as you had hoped!" She narrows her eyes when she sees the slightly fearful look on Ruby's face. "What is wrong? Let us find a place to talk." Ruby smiles and takes Minerva’s arm. "Yes, it was very exciting and a lot happened. I'd like nothing more to talk." Ruby leads her upstairs to their room. As they walk Minerva notices a perfect red rose in Ruby's hand.

"Jake's downstairs chatting, and you know how he likes to talk. We should have some privacy here for a while." Once they sit on the bed and get comfortable Ruby begins her story. She tells Minerva the dream in its entirety, concluding with holding out her hand to show her the wounds on her palm. "The goddess said to speak to you, that you would know what to do. I thought perhaps I just had a very crazy dream, except for this," she holds up her hand, "I would have thought that true. I have so many questions."

Minerva listens without interruption and then closely examines the wounds on Ruby's palm. She looks up in awe, "It is quite rare for the gods to leave a mortal with proof of their visit through the Veil. Venus must believe that it is imperative to sway you, to leave you with such a tangible warning. The gods cannot force us to their will. They can only show us our choices. Have you made yours, Ruby? I will answer what questions that I am able."

Ruby quickly sends a barrage of questions at Minerva, "The Veil? What is that? So this wasn't a dream? I don’t understand what she wants from me. She said I was her favored one, what does that mean? Is she saying that if I don't honor her I won't ever have love or be happy? And how do I honor her, how do I give her my heart and soul like she asked?" Ruby pauses, then continues slowly, "And she said love demands the greatest price. What is the price?" Ruby looks at Minerva with the same scared face as earlier, her hazel eyes large and frightened.

A smile flits across Minerva's face and she holds up her hand, "O.K. You have many questions,” she laughs. “Let me see if I may answer them....one at a time. She referred to you as her favored one? If this is so you are indeed blessed!”

“No, I do not believe that what you had was a dream. Your spirit actually journeyed through the Veil. I may have explained the Veil when I told you of my journey there. It is a door way to place between our world and Olympus. In rare instances, when the gods cannot get our attention though normal dreams, they are able to summon our spirits to this place to make their message clearer. Does this make sense to you? It is like the difference between a telegraph and a face to face encounter.” Ruby nods but stays silent.

“You ask me what she wants from you? She has made herself clear. She wants you to accept her and recognize her and her son, as the bearer of all your wonderful gifts." Minerva reaches out a hand and strokes Ruby's fiery red curls. "She has certainly favored you with far more gifts than is usual.”

“As for the price of such a gift? I fear to think of it," she shivers and crosses her arms thinking of Nanuet. "The acceptance of such a gift bears the greatest price of all. You will surely receive much love and happiness in return, but to love so whole heartedly you also risk an equal amount of sorrow. For to receive such a boon you must open your heart wide and make yourself vulnerable to both. As she told you, you cannot love and remain unscathed by it."

She looks deeply into Ruby's eyes and mirrors her own fearful expression. "There is no greater wound than an injury to the heart, Ruby. In order to accept this gift you must give love to the gods in return. They are a greedy lot, Venus and Cupid most of all.” “I know how much you love Senor Jake. If you choose this path, I will tell you what to do. I will help you,” she says and embraces Ruby with tears in her eyes.

Ruby hugs Minerva tightly in return. “I do love him, with all my heart, I can’t help myself," she says quietly, glancing at the door. "I would do anything for him.” Ruby pauses and bites her lip, trying to decide if she should reveal her secrets to Minerva. With her voice soft she continues, “I’ve been through some things, bad things, that happened in my life and I swore to myself I wouldn’t let it happen to me again, I wouldn’t let myself get used or…hurt. And that I would never love anyone because I was very wrong about it before. And then I met Jake and it was like a fire was lit in my heart, or even in my soul, and I knew from the beginning…” Ruby’s voice trails off.

“But the last thing I want is to hear he loves me and it not be true. I have a hard time…trusting people. So many men have said they love me and I know it’s not true, for they don’t even know me or what’s in my heart. But Jake does, he knows. And he cares about me, I know he does, but he struggles. I tell him that I love him and how I care about him and he cannot answer in return. Sometimes I feel like he loves me so much and I am happy and content to feel that way without the words but other times I feel like he wants to tell me something, tell me he doesn’t care like I do, but he can't. I am very confused.” This time the tears come to Ruby’s eyes. “I will honor the goddess Aphrodite but I don’t know that this feeling will ever go away.”

Minerva holds Ruby close and gently rocks her. "Shhh, you must have faith Ruby, I too have had my dealings with the gods and know that their ways often seem cruel, but I believe that they show us both sides of the coin to enable us to choose for they cannot force us to accept or love them.”
“If they did not show you darkness, how would you be able to measure the strength of the light? Yes, you have had a hard life. Do not be bitter for it is this dark path which has made you strong and allowed you to see that which is not love.”

“Do you not see the lesson? It is the darkness that enables you to recognize the light. Because of your past you will know and treasure the strength of the love which the goddess shines upon you in equal measure. I am certain that Senor Jake loves you deeply, I can see the light of it in his eyes, but even if he were to say the words to you, you would doubt him. You must accept the source of the love before you can accept the love.”

“You must choose to accept that all love ultimately comes from the goddess. For all things under heaven and earth come from the gods and they demand to be recognized. Venus, or Aphrodite as you call her, must love you very deeply to have journeyed through the Veil with you. Trust in the goddess Ruby. You are her favored one. Did she not say so?"

Ruby wipes the tears away and smiles. “Yes, she did say that I was her favored one. It’s sort of hard to believe. But I will do my best to have faith.” They talk quietly for a long time. Minerva reassures and instructs Ruby on what she must do to prepare for the ceremony. She tells her how Katherine has come to her also and asked to give thanks to Diana.

"It is an auspicious sign that we three mortal woman are destined to give thanks to the three goddesses at this time of renewal. Only wonderful things can come of it." Ruby does not ask about Kate’s change of heart, she is too busy trying to sort out her own confused feelings. But once Minerva leaves she is confident about what she has to do.

Ruby sets about quickly unpacking a few items by throwing things from her bag to the floor. She gathers up a simple fresh dress and takes off her jewelry, except her heart shaped earrings. Jake finally arrives upstairs. "Ugh, I'm exhausted!" He says dropping his bags to the floor. "I need a drink and a nap before poker tonight." Then he notices Ruby is focused on what she is doing. "What's going on?" he asks.

"I spoke with Minerva. She told me what I have to do, and what I have to do is tonight." Confident things are in place she turns to him. "I'm to go with her into the desert. First I have to go take a bath." She runs her fingers lightly over her earrings. "She said no jewelry. I haven't taken these off since you gave them to me. Would you hold on to them until I get back please?"
Jake seems confused and concerned. "Ya, sure, I'll hold them."

He takes them and puts them in his shirt pocket. It seems like he starts to say something several times before finally, "Good luck." Ruby takes Jake's face in her hands. "I'm doing this for me, but I'm doing it for you too. Maybe it was always meant to be this way." She kisses Jake with a lot of emotion before stepping away. "Thanks baby."

So much to say, thinks Jake, but now is not the time. I want so badly that the goddess does mean you well. Jake just nods and follows Ruby to the door when she leaves, waving as she goes. Fear for Ruby and other mixed emotions wash the thoughts of a nap away. When she is out of sight he makes his way over to the El Parador.

Minerva leaves Ruby and hurries off to Gilson’s to bathe. Minerva arrives just as Laurie Gilson was getting ready to close, but she agrees to stay open longer and has Jules fill up a tub. While they are waiting Laurie asks Minerva some questions about the upcoming festival and what role she can have in participation, commenting how it feels so unusual to be socially active again.

"I know what you mean. I was alone for a long time too. It is so wonderful to be able to interact with people. And the People of Promise City are so friendly and helpful. I think the festival will help to bring the townspeople even closer together and get us all working in a positive direction. There is nothing like the feeling of knowing that you make a difference in your neighbors life.. Do you not agree? " she says as she sprinkles rose water into the tub and steps into the warm fragrant, bath.

Ruby heads for Gilson's. She knocks and Laurie answers. "Your friend Minerva is here, she said you were coming. Is there something special going on tonight?" Ruby just smiles. "I need some rose petals please." Laurie hands Ruby the rose petals and shows her to the bath. Once inside Ruby slips into the steaming hot water and spreads the rose petals around her. She breathes in the scent with her eyes closed and it reminds her of Jake, the flowers she gathered on their picnic and all the beautiful flowers he just gave her. She washes her hair first, then the rest of her thoroughly.

Once done she dons her fresh clothes and leaving her long hair unbound she heads to the El Parador. She doesn't go inside, instead heading for the stables and her new black stallion. She guides her horse to the Comstock, pets him quickly, ties him up and goes inside to Minerva's room.

Kate kept her bath short, having bathed already not more than two hours ago. She took her time back at the El Parador, sifting again through her box of Tom's things. After a time she thought long enough for Miss Florencia to have finished her bath, she slipped down to the stable, got Meribel, and went over to the Comstock House in search of the Priestess.

Minerva answers the door when she hears Katherine's soft knock. "Come in, Por Favor, Ruby is already here." Katherine enters to see Ruby sitting on the bed and they smile at one another in mutual re-assurance. Minerva opens a cedar chest and pulls out some garments. Once everyone is ready they quietly descend the stairs and mount their horses.

Silver Moon

Chapter 141, “Service in the Desert”, Wednesday, March 22nd , 1882:

It is a clear spring night. The previous day has marked the vernal equinox, it is a time of balance, a time of renewal, and a time of new beginnings. It has been an exceptionally good year for rain and the gods have been kind, providing a profusion of desert blooms. Their sweet perfume and muted, evening colors add to the surreal scene, as the light of Sol turns soft and gray.

Three women ride silently into the desert. They are identical in their attire, and can only be distinguished by the contrasting colors of their cascading hair and their varying height. The leader, although similar in height to the one that follows, has rich dark locks as black as a moonless night while the other has a mass of flaming red tresses that flicker and dance as they catch the light of the setting sun. The third also has rich black hair but is quite petite and could easily be mistaken for a child as she silently dismounts and stands shivering in nervous anticipation.

They walk in a single line, toward the sun god Sol, but he slides over the horizon without bidding them good luck or farewell, leaving them to wait in shadow for the coming of Diana. They are a haunting sight, as they continue to move, bare footed, and silent as wraiths, through the warm sand. Upon each of their brow sits the familiar olive leaf laurel that Minerva wears as part of her Sunday Service attire. Simple white robes cinched at the waist with gold cords enhance their eerie ghost-like appearance as the moon goddess rises up in the sky to greet them.

The Priestess Minerva turns to the other two and gently but firmly admonishes them; “Know this. Just as every god demands tribute so does every gift bring a penalty. This is how the Fates weave destiny. Whatever comes of this night, you must remember that you chose your path freely and without reservation. Do either of you wish to recant your choice?”

"No, for once my destiny is clear," Ruby smiles while pulling her unbound hair off her shoulders, confident in her answer. Katherine speaks with quiet resolve "I cannot recant. I have already received and accepted my gift. I have realized what some of the penalties will be in the days since. The value of the gift far outweighs them.” She unconsciously places a hand on her stomach. “I cannot imagine a penalty it would not outweigh."

"Very well, let us begin," the Priestess says with resolve. She retrieves a large silver bowl from her saddlebag, returns to the two women and places it on the desert floor between them. The three women form a circle around it as the moon goddess Diana smiles down in approval. The Young Priestess raises her hands in supplication and prays silently over the bowl. It miraculously fills with water causing the luminescent light of the moon goddess to reflect in the bowl and cast her light back upon the women, bathing them in her unearthly aura.

In unspoken readiness all three women simultaneously drop their robes to the desert floor, revealing their innocent feminine beauty to the gods above. All semblance of modesty vanishes as they firmly clasp one another’s hands and, as one, raise their arms and faces skyward toward Olympus. There is no sense of shame in their posture as they stand proudly and powerfully feminine, legs slightly apart and stretch up on their toes to offer thanks and acknowledge that they are created in the image of the three goddesses whom they have come to pay tribute to.

Minerva’s sweet voice rings out in the still desert air. “Through the will of the gods and the Three Fates, the lives of Ruby, Katherine and Minerva are intertwined. We have come here this night, as one, to pay tribute and to accept the gifts of the goddesses. Let the bonds of friendship and trust that are forged here under the sight of the three goddesses hold true. Let the circle that we form bring us together and hold fast against our enemies, for this is the will of the gods."

"Venus, goddess of love and beauty, we acknowledge you and pay you tribute. We accept that the greater the gift, the greater the price that must be paid and so it is that with great love comes great heartache. This is the will of the gods. Grant us your favor and guide our hearts that we may remain open and unafraid of your power, which is love. As we acknowledge your gifts of love so are we able to recognize the love of others."

Ruby steps forward and places the bloodied rose from her dream in the bowl gently. "Diana, goddess of the moon who shines her light upon us in our darkest hours, goddess of fertility, nurturer of life, we acknowledge you and pay you tribute. Grant us the ability to nurture one another without the need for understanding, as does a mother to her child. Shine your light upon our path. Guide and protect the love which grows within each of us.”

Minerva looks into Katherine’s eyes and with warm affection, glances at her belly and smiles knowingly. Katherine places her wedding band, the mortal symbol of the eternal circle of love, life and wisdom into the bowl.

"Minerva, warrior goddess, goddess of wisdom and strategy we acknowledge you and pay you tribute. In your boundless wisdom, grant us the gift of compassion for one another. For compassion is the best part of wisdom. But grant us also, your courage to stand and fight when we must and the wisdom to know when to walk away. Guide our steps so that we may love and live wisely thus completing the circle of life." Minerva takes an olive leaf from each woman’s crown and places it in the bowl. The three women reform the circle and once again join hands.

“Let us celebrate Love, Life and Wisdom, as we give thanks to you, Venus, Diana and Minerva. We acknowledge and pay tribute to these three for without one the circle is broken and the rest will cease to be.” She then recites poetry:

For from Love springs Life
From Life grows Wisdom
And from Wisdom, Love is renewed.
May this circle remain eternal.
It is the will of the gods."

When the ceremony is complete the three women lower their arms and Ruby walks over to the silver bowl. Her eye is caught by a bright gleam in the bottom of the bowl. She lets out a cry of astonished delight as she reaches into the bowl and pulls out the rose, and then the three olive branches, and Katherine’s wedding band, which are now perfectly preserved in hard ice like material.

Kate hurried over and pulled out her ring. "What is it?" she asked, turning the glittering ring in the moonlight. With a sudden panic she tried to put the ring back on, to make sure it would still fit her finger with this coating on it.

Minerva rushes over when she hears the commotion. " By the goddesses it is another miracle!" She holds up the olive pendants. "They are so beautiful. It is as though the moon goddess has wrapped herself around them!" She gives one to Ruby and one to Katherine. "Let us each keep one as a reminder of this night and what has transpired between us." She hugs them both close.

Katherine allowed herself to be embraced, but her mind was in a fog and her own arms stayed in front of her, touching the wedding band that thankfully still fit her finger. The olive leaf was clutched in the other hand. "I um... I'm cold," she said once the Priestess had released them and she went back to get her robe.

Minerva picks the bowl and her robe up off the ground. She places her arms through the sleeves of her robe and walks over to her horse to put the bowl back into her saddlebag. As she nears Katherine she stops and places her hand on her shoulder and softly asks "Are you alright, Senora? Do not be afraid I shall keep your secret safe for as long as you wish it to remain so."

"I'm alright, just.... it was not what I expected. Services in Boston were never anything like that." Minerva laughs "No, I am certain that they do not have services like this in Boston.” Kate reached into the pocket of the robe and pulled out the other ring and slipped it back on. "I don't want it to be a secret, well maybe from the boys," she said with a little smile. "But how can anyone believe me? I tried to tell Ruby, but even the idea that I had been with my husband... she thought I was mad, I'm certain. I didn't even get around to him," she said, glancing down.

Minerva replies, “You may be surprised to find out who will believe you. And as for those who do not, the ones who truly love you will continue to do so despite what they believe. Trust in your friends to stand by you. That is my advice to you. It may take them a while to accept the truth but they will come around.”

Kate replies, "It is a secret from most, for now. Especially the boys, they'll lock me up and throw away the key. I'll bear the penalties, but sometimes it will be hard.” Minerva answers, “Yes it will be hard but trust in the gods Katherine. They will show you the way... And if they are too slow than we shall figure it our ourselves. Kate says, “There's someone it's going to hurt very much, in more ways than one, that is the worst of them," she said with eyes full of tears. “ Minerva says, “You are speaking of Senor Booth. He seems to be a man of honor and he cares about you. Perhaps he will surprise you.”

Kate shook her head and found a smile. "I think the time to tell Ruby is now, while she's still receptive to the idea." Minerva replies, “I am not certain that tonight is the right time, we are all weary and she has much to think over herself right now. Perhaps tomorrow would be a better time but I will leave that up to you." She says and leaves Katherine to her own thoughts.

Katherine nodded. The Priestess was probably right, they were all a little dazed and Ruby would have her own thoughts right now, just as she did herself.

Kate wandered slightly away from the others and sat on the ground, pulling her knees up to her chest. She still felt naked to the moonlight, as if her skin no longer hid her soul and the hard knot of distrust she carried within her was clearly visible. It had been there so long she had stopped noticing its weight, and yet it didn't feel quite as tight in her chest as it had. Kate wiped her eyes and sat for a moment longer before going back to find Ruby.

Ruby accepts Minerva's embrace but she is really in a daze. After Minerva lets her go and walks away, Ruby stares at the rose in her hand, twirling it around, watching it shimmer and shine in the moonlight. It was captivating and mesmerizing, and Ruby felt she couldn't break her stare on it.

Finally a cool breeze surrounds her and she shivers slightly. She grabs at her robe with one hand and mindlessly slips back into it. She keeps staring at her rose, completely lost in her own thoughts and a small smile comes to her face. Ruby couldn't wait to return to Jake.

Kate notes that there was a new light in her friends eyes, a kind of peace, perhaps, that hadn't been there before. Kate approached Ruby, who still held the perfect rose in her hand, and gently hugged her. "I'm glad you're home. I missed you," she said simply. Ruby snaps out of her trance hearing Katherine's voice. She smiles and returns her friends embrace, hugging her tightly. "I missed you too. I'm glad to be home."

She glances around the moonlit desert, it's beauty looking somehow different than it had before. "I'm surprised to see you here," she comments. "Then again I'm surprised to see me here," she says while suddenly looking Katherine right in the eyes, "But things are different now, Kate." She looks down at the rose in her hands, "In a good way though."

She looks up and declares, "I'm hungry! I haven't eaten since this morning. And Jake will want to know we're ok. If we're done here for now let's go back. We'll have plenty of time to talk later, I have a lot to tell you." Ruby is lost in thought for a moment before her hazel eyes suddenly become alive again as the final bit of her haze falls away. "Yes, let's go back." She takes her olive leaf and gently places it in her robes and keeping the rose in her hand she hops up on her horse and waits for the others. The three ladies ride silently through the cool desert, all engrossed in their thoughts over what they just experienced.

Two hours earlier, Jake arrived at the El Parador and shortly thereafter the halfling named Chumbley comes bounding into the saloon with a stack of newspapers in hand. He is almost always in a cheerful mood, but tonight seems to be especially excited. He loudly proclaims, “Promise City Mirror! Volume One, Issue One! Get one before they’re gone! Only a nickel!”

Jake waves the Halfling over. "I'll take one shorty," and gives him a nickel. "I take it from the new name and number that you accepted the position with the new paper." Chumbley replies "That I did. I’m hoping that the name change will help to keep advertisers from both papers. I'm told you wouldn't allow the Herald to even be sold at your place of business, I hope you don't feel that way about The Mirror.

The Herald’s main advertiser was the Palace, and I’d hate to lose a patron who buys the entire back page. But he hates the Lucky Lady. I want to advertise for you guys too! You’re my friends! Anyway, I didn’t have time to solicit advertisers for this issue so I ran a bunch of free ads. I didn’t do one for the Lucky Lady since Adair paid for his ad this time out and I didn’t want to upset him, but I did run one for Hoover’s Liquors, so that should still help your business some."

"I understand Chumbley." Jake nods and hopes he can get on with his business soon before the short man starts talking endlessly. "Adair is a dead end, but not a nice guy to cross either. We'd be happy to advertise in your new paper. Come back and talk to Ruby about it, between the Lucky Lady and all the other businesses that we are friends with it will more than make up for Adair." Jake waves goodbye and searches for Pedro.

When he finds him Jake greets him warmly, "Hola Amigo! Listen, I have been meaning to ask you something. The night that Ruby and that Eastman guy got really drunk and made spectacles of themselves here what was it that Ruby said? Somebody told me she climbed up on a chair or table or something."

He laughs and says "I don't remember the exact words but basically she climbed on the table and screamed to that Eastman guy that she wouldn't marry him, she was in love with Jake Cook." "Gracias, Pedro mi amigo, gracias," Jake replies suddenly seeming distracted. He rubs his chin and then refocuses on Pedro. "Have you seen Senor Gonzalez? I need to speak to him."

Pedro replies, "He went out of town with a couple of folks from Arcade's Gang. Should be back later tonight. As for Miss Ruby, I'm not sure if I should congratulate you or feel sorry for you. Probably a little of both." "Heh." Jake laughs as Pedro's comment gets his attention. "This from the man who married Dorita." Jake pats his shoulder in a friendly way and says, "Could you let Senor Gonzalez know I would very much like to speak with him in private? Gracias amigo, buenos noches."

Silver Moon

Chapter 142, “The woman in white”, Wednesday, March 22nd , 1882:

Once the ceremony has ended the three women ride back to town. The other two women look a bit dazed and Minerva, feeling strangely unsettled, also rides silently, contemplating what has occurred and what it means to her. "Ruby seems to have a real glow about her as does Katherine. It is odd that I should be the one to wonder what this night has meant to me. I was so hoping that the solution to my own dilemma would be revealed to me this evening.

Perhaps, I am not being open enough to the will of the goddesses? Oh, but it is such a frightening step to take, to reveal my heart to one that I know so little about. I have told him too much already. My head tells me that it is unwise but my heart feels like I have always known him." She continues to argue with herself. "Am I willing to open myself to such pain? Could it possibly be worth the price that I will be asked to pay? " Minerva sighs, feeling no closer to the answers than she was earlier.

"Perhaps Ruby holds the answer! I have always thought that there was much more than fluff under that pretty head of hair" She perks up as the idea hits her. "Yes, I shall speak to Ruby. I am not accustomed to turning to others for assistance, but after this night, I do feel much closer to her now. Perhaps this is part of the lesson that I am meant to learn." Much relieved that she has decided on a course of action.

Nanuet had managed to keep himself busy most of the day and was glad to see his friends return to Promise City safely. Ruby had disappeared again as quickly as she had appeared. Jake also seemed busy, and Chester was not around, probably busy with his new position Nanuet thought.
Nanuet continued to work into the evening, one companion of his that could always be found and in which he found comfort. It was easy to take your mind off things when there was work to be done.

Jake makes his way back to the Lucky Lady to take up the mantle of dealer for the evening. As Jake is just settling into the evening routine at the Lucky Lady when Job Kane strolls in. "Hi Jake, good to see you again. I wasn't sure if you were coming back today so I stuck around instead of heading up to see my lady friend in Wilcox. How are you doing?"

Jake replies, "Very well, Job, very well. Thanks for looking out for things again. When are you going to bring that lady friend closer to your business, you deserve her company more often." Job says, "I may bring her down here next week for this festival."

When Jake has an opportunity he takes a look at the newspaper. The paper is eight pages long, consisting of three pages of news and five pages of advertisements. The paper sports a wide and elaborately drawn title “Promise City Mirror” beneath which it reads “Hezekiah B. Chumbley, Editor-in-Chief”. Both of the front-page stories have his name for the byline while the other stories are a mix between his stories and those by Angelica Young, and one short piece about leatherworking has the byline of Josiah Young.

The front page story reads “Wyatt Earp Wanted for Murder”. It has only a brief summary, as Chumbley had left Tombstone on Tuesday shortly after Behan had received the telegram so Chumbley didn’t have time to gather more facts.

The other front page story concerns the New Douglas Gang. It states: “The Gang spent the first week of March in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Safecracker Mae West apparently made the mistake of using her actual name which was recognized by a local businessman who alerted W.A. Eaton, the editor of the city’s newspaper the Cheyenne Transporter. Eaton then contacted Editor Chumbley by telegraph for detailed descriptions.

The initial story appeared on March 9th and 10th in different editions of the Tombstone Epitaph and would have appeared on the 10th and 11th editions of the Transporter except for the fact that the Douglas Gang spotted Editor Eaton watching them and took the man prisoner. Eaton was found tied and gagged but otherwise unharmed in the Douglas Gang’s boarding house on Monday, March 13th. The Gang apparently had last been seen in town on the evening of Friday the 10th.

On the same day that Eaton was found word reached Cheyenne of the robbery of a stagecoach a day’s north of Cheyenne that took place the day before. The stage was traveling from the goldfields of Deadwood, South Dakota with three prospectors and their gold. The bodies of the Wells Fargo driver, a guard and a soldier sent to accompany the stage were found dead several days later. The three prospectors were tied up and left in the nearby forests.

The New Douglas Gang took the entire stagecoach and neither the stage or its team of horses have been seen since. The Wells Fargo Company has posted a $ 1,000 reward for the safe return of the rig and team and also offered a $ 2,500 reward for the capture or killing of the New Douglas Gang.

At around 9:00 PM Burton Lumley comes into the Lucky Lady to inform Hoover and Cook that the Merchant's Association Meeting will be at 7:00 A.M. the next day at the town hall. He asks that they open up the Lucky Lady prior to that so that people can borrow chairs to use for the meeting. They tell Lumley they will have it open as requested. Jake goes back to finishing his game for the night, wondering about Ruby and the other women. He keeps his eye's open for Gonzalez just in case he decides to stop in and save Jake from going back to the El Parador after his game is over.

At around 9:45 PM a neatly dressed man carrying a single long-stemmed pink rose arrives. He stands six-foot-four with short strawberry blonde hair worn in a crew cut, clean shaven and attired in a robins-egg blue three-piece suit, polished shoes and a sliver ring with a clear blue stone on his right hand. He checks a long-barreled colt with Jeff Mills at the door. Jake takes a look at the man's face, initially suspecting that it could be another of Manuel Gonzales's disguises, but the eyes are unfamiliar. The man takes a seat at the stage and listens to Clarisse’s singing.

Job Kane heads over to the table and states "Welcome to Promise City Kevin, glad you decided to pay a visit my saloon. Can I get you something?" He smiles and replies in a British Accent, "A glass of red wine if you don't mind Job. Are you dealing tomorrow?" Kane replies, "No, my partner Mr. Cook has the table tonight and tomorrow. I'll save you a seat for Friday if you are interested." The man goes back to giving Clarisse his undivided attention as Job gets the man his drink.

Once the women had arrived back at Promise City Ruby wastes no time tying up her horse at the El Parador. Without asking what they are doing for the rest of the evening, she gives Katherine and Minerva hugs and a quick kiss on the cheek before heading out. Minerva returns to the Comstock house and retires for the night. Too tired to even remove her robe, she falls on the bed and does not awaken until sunrise the next day.

Ruby meanders her way back to the Lucky Lady dreaming, forgetting her clothes are at the Comstock and she is still wearing Minerva's white robes and is barefoot. Jake is a bit startled to see Ruby enter the Lucky Lady dressed like a priestess. “Mierda“, he thinks, “What has Aphrodite demanded of her?”

She walks into the Lucky Lady and seeing Jake is playing, doesn't want to interrupt him so she heads for the kitchen, giving him a wave but not knowing if he saw her or not. Maria stares at her new outfit but Ruby doesn't comprehend, instead asking for a plate of food and nibbling on some cheese while she waits.

Nanuet made his way into the kitchen and noticed Ruby, he had to take a second look when he realized that she was wearing robes similar to what Minerva wore to Sunday services and was lacking shoes. "Umm... good evening Miss Ruby, I never got a chance to say welcome back. I hope your trip was good and that you got a chance to relax some. Still have never gotten a chance to see Tombstone myself, never quite made it there last time I tried" he chuckled "and when I first took the stage from Tombstone to Promise City it was only a quick stop on the way."

"When you have few minutes I need to talk to you in private, nothing dangerous, but I need your advice." Ruby turns when she hears Nanuet's voice. "I missed you!" she says cheerfully. "Sure, I have time now if that's ok." She grabs her plate and says, "Is the front porch ok or would you like to go upstairs?" Nanuet replies, "I guess I would prefer upstairs as my... my issue involves someone else whom could possibly appear on that porch too. If you don't mind of course, now would be fine."

Clarisse finishes singer her set of songs. There is some applause, most notably from the nicely dressed gentleman who Job referred to as Kevin. Clarisse gestures to her pianist, Harry Rote, who stands and takes a bow before heading back to the front door to relieve Jeff with the gun check duties. As Clarisse descends from the stage the well dressed young man approaches her and says, "That was wonderful. I had heard of your singing and it is as beautiful and moving as I was told." He then holds out his hand with the pink rose and says, "This is for you Miss. West."

Clarisse smiles and says, "Why thank you, but I am afraid that I am not Miss. West. My name is Clarisse Townsend." He is clearly embarrassed by this revelation but recovers quickly, stating "Then I must apologize. I had been told that Miss. West was the primary singer and this establishment and that she had a voice that the Gods would envy. After hearing your wonderful music I naturally assumed that was you.

Regrettably, this rose must go to another. I was not the sender although I was pleased with being assigned the errand when I though you to be the recipient. When I next come to hear your voice I will be sure to bring you more than just a single flower. And as much as I would prefer to stay and speak with you further, I do have a duty to perform. Where might I find Miss. West?"

Clarisse says, "I believe that I saw her go into the kitchen." He excuses himself and goes to the kitchen door, knocking upon it. Nanuet hears the knock on the door and spins around. He gives Ruby a puzzled look and walks over to the door and opens it. "Of course, we can go upstairs." Ruby starts walking towards the door and just as they are going to walk through, there is a knock. Ruby looks curiously to see who is knocking on their kitchen door as Nanuet opens it.

As the door opens a tall well dressed young man is standing there holding a pink rose. He looks at Maria, Nanuet and Ruby, and focusing upon Ruby asks "Miss West?" When she replies, "Yes" he then hands her the rose. Before she gets a chance to speak he says, "Judge Nathan Isby requests the presence of your company tomorrow at noon for a meal at the Rio Grande Cafe and Hotel. I am to await your response to his invitation."

Ruby takes the rose, puts it to her nose and inhales deeply. "I love roses," she says with a smile. "Yes, I'd be honored to meet the Judge for lunch. You may tell him I accept." The man thanks her, nods, then leaves the Lucky Lady.

Chester notes with some interest when the messenger goes up to Clarisse. Must be a fan. He leaps out of chair when the messenger gives her the rose. Before he can make his way to the stage, she gives back the flower and directs the stranger to the kitchen. Chester gives Clarisse a kiss. "Who was that?"

"He thought I was Miss West. He had a message to deliver to her." She pauses. "Are you jealous?" Chester looks at the ground. "Um. Yes, I am. Sorry." She touches his arm. "Don't be, silly. You're the only one for me. But it is nice to get flowers." Chester laughs. "I get the hint. Now rest that beautiful voice of yours. Let me get you some water."

Ruby turns back to Nanuet. "My schedule fills up so fast!" She takes his arm, "Let's go upstairs."
As they walk through the Lucky Lady to get to the stairs Ruby stops behind Jake, puts her arms around his neck and whispers in his ear, "Hi Lover, I'm back." She kisses his neck then continues on her way up to her room with Nanuet. Jake notes that when she comes by and embraces him, she seems happy and relaxed. He thinks, “At least I don't have to worry about them making it back safe. Maybe the Cowboy gang is the least of my worries.” Jake tries to focus on his game knowing he'll find out soon enough what price the goddess has extracted from Ruby.

She closes the door behind Nanuet. "Feel free to get comfortable," she says while plopping down on the bed. "What's up?" The Indian states, "Not sure where to start. You, the one person I could think of when it comes to handling matters of the heart, leaves for a few days and my need for one of your wisdom becomes a priority." He takes a deep breath and sits hard on the bed, a look of frustration conquering his usually stoic face. "You know that I was courting Sonoma awhile back. Well, to keep it short, lets just say that I assumed incorrectly that my feelings for her were unwanted. I assumed she was not truly interested in her and for some time I have just kept things friendly.

The other day I went out to the ranch with Miss Kate and Priestess Minerva and found my assumption to be incorrect. Sonoma displayed affections for me, stronger than she ever has. Problem is that I have since moved on, and now I know no longer desire her. Not uncommon among my people to have many relationships, but when I tried to talk to her about it she was unresponsive." Ruby begins to speak but Nanuet holds up his hands to stop her. "Wait, there is more, it gets more complicated.

Lately Minerva and I have been spending a lot of time together. She has shared her past with me and displayed a trust in me that she claims she has given to no one else. I find myself wanting to spend more and more time with her, and to also share things with her. She is such a beautiful and lively woman and I can't stop thinking about her. As far as I can tell there seems some willingness in her to advance our relationship forward, but I am at a loss. I am unsure of what to do about Sonoma and also if, how and when I should move the relationship with Minerva beyond one of just friendship." Nanuet takes a deep breath as his shoulder slump forward. "Is it always this complicated Miss Ruby?"

Ruby listens quietly as Nanuet pours his heart out. A smile comes to her face as she thinks, he's asking ME for advice about this stuff? She twirls her roses, one red, one pink, in her hand as Nanuet finishes speaking. "Yes, it is always this complicated but it's also this simple at the same time. From the sound of your voice you are starting to care for Minerva, more than just friends. So it's simple, you have to follow your heart."

"I can't blame you that you would be attracted to Minerva, she is very beautiful and there is something about her that makes you want to be around her and trust her." She pauses, choosing her next words carefully. "Sonoma is very young for an elf. If you've made your feelings known to her then you should feel free to move on." Ruby suddenly laughs. "If you like her, then what are you doing sitting here with me? I guess you shouldn't rush into things like I would. Let's see, tell me what you are feeling about Minerva and we can decide how far gone you actually are."

He sys, "How do I feel about her? Well for the first time since my early youth I have failed to complete reverie because I could not keep my mind off of her. I daydream now at work, and you know I always take my work seriously. Everything about her seems special. The things she says, the smile she wears, the way she walks. I have seen her looking at me sometimes and I feel like she can see right inside of me. She is so opposite if me yet we seem to fit just right, like the pieces of a child’s jigsaw puzzle."

Ruby's eyes widen. "Oh boy... it may be too late for my help, Nanuet," Ruby says seriously then breaks out laughing. "Ok, ok, I'm only kidding! But one thing. You must be sure you want to proceed before I help you. You rushed into something with Sonoma and although you have moved on, it sounds like she might not have. There is nothing worse than a broken heart, so be very sure of your feelings for Minerva before you go forward."

He replies, "I am not saying I plan on rushing into things, but I also don't want to mess things up. How should I proceed, what is the next move?" Nanuet and Ruby spend some time together, Ruby sharing her advice with Nanuet. After a while they come up with a plan on how Nanuet should go about pursuing the Priestess Minerva.

"Thanks Ruby, I knew you could help me. Now remember, not a word to Minerva, I want this to be a surprise. " Nanuet gets up and walks to the door, before leaving he says "I think we all need to get together and have a meal soon so that we can all get caught up on news while we were separated." "We will. That reminds me, I'm still hungry!" Ruby stands. "We have a lot to talk about. Maybe tomorrow night, as it appears I have a date for lunch," she laughs. "Now let's go downstairs."

They start to head for the door but Ruby suddenly reaches out and embraces Nanuet. "Thank you for trusting me with your troubles. It's nice to have friends, huh?" He replies, "I have discovered that having friends is much more valuable than I ever realized, thanks for helping to show me that." Nanuet returns the embrace and ushers Ruby out the door. "I know I kidnapped you from the kitchen so you'd better get something to eat."

"Yes, I'm starving!" They head back downstairs. Jake is still playing cards so Ruby heads back into the kitchen and quickly eats some food. Nanuet makes sure Ruby finds enough to eat. He then heads out to the main room to make sure everything is OK. He sees Jake still playing cards so he takes a seat in the corner out of the way and keeps an eye on the patrons of the Lucky Lady.

Ruby takes a seat at the bar and has a whiskey. She gets lost in her thoughts almost immediately as she sips her drink. After just a small amount of time Ruby finds herself yawning. She hadn't really slept the night before and she hadn't allowed herself to sleep on the coach ride.

Suddenly she remembers she is wearing Minerva's white robes. Slightly embarrassed, she finishes her whiskey and heads back upstairs. Once there she starts choosing another dress but finds her yawns growing stronger and the lure of the bed overcoming her. Jake had left his bag on the floor so Ruby rifles through it and finds a shirt. She puts it to her nose, and confirming it smells like Jake before she slips into it. She falls onto the bed, her still unbound hair spreading out on her pillow, framing her face. She fights to keep her eyes open, waiting for Jake to show up.

Silver Moon

Chapter 143, “More Advice”, Wednesday, March 22nd , 1882:

Katherine had intended to go back to the Lucky Lady with Ruby, but she ran off so quickly she didn't have a chance. Instead she dressed again at the Comstock House, thanked Miss Florencia more warmly than she had spoken to her ever before, then went back to the El Parador. She walked alone, something Jake would not have approved of, but just now she felt very protected. Nothing was going to bother her on this short walk.

Once she arrived back at the El Parador Kate went right to the kitchen in search of Dorita. "I've been very foolish," she said plainly when she found her. "So I'm just going to show you something." Kate then took Dorita's hand so the ring was plainly visible. Dorita smiles and says, "It looks lovely. The stone's color goes well with your eyes."

Kate backed up a bit. "You knew already, didn't you? I had expected... well. A little bit of a fuss, I suppose," she laughed. "I could really use some dinner, I'm starved." Dorita says, "Not my business to pry....but you will make lovely baby. But you must learn to eat first, glad you finally realize that. Me bring food."

"I've been eating just fine for a couple months now," she said and hugged Dortia. "I'm sure you know it's quiet for now. You'll know who around the Cantina will know from the ring, otherwise just your Grandfather and Ruby and the Priestess. I'll need help from you. I don't really know anything about doing this... and I don't think my friends do either. Doing this alone would be hard."

Dorita states, "I help you out and Mr. Booth will too. He make a nice father to your baby." Kate exclaims, "Conrad isn't... It's a long story. I went with Miss Florencia tonight to give thanks for this baby. And I must thank the gods of your people and the Apache as well for giving me a child with my husband. Last Saturday during that storm he was here.

I hope that Conrad will help me. Most of the town will believe as you did, and they'll have no reason to believe otherwise. He might choose to stay away from me. It will be a long while yet before it's obvious, he may be able to avoid the suspicion." Dorita says, "It not my concern who the sire is, I just say that Mr. Booth will make a nice father to the baby. I don't think he will want to stay away from you. He once say that his parents not married to each other, he understand."

"Perhaps he will. But that is a worry for tomorrow. For tonight I think I'll just worry about dinner." Kate picked up a plate and let Dorita load it heavily with food. "There. Now all I need is a cup of tea and I'll be all set." At the kitchen door she turned to look back and said, "Thank you, Dorita." Then she went out into the Cantina and ate her dinner. She even took a turn or two at the piano with Estaban before heading off to bed.

The rest of Jake's game passes uneventfully. He bids his players good night and surveys the Lucky Lady. Chester has gone off with Clarisse, but it appears to Jake the new Deputy Marshall was in good spirits. Nanuet was in constant motion, maybe more than usual, keeping himself busy looking after the saloon. Jake waves to him, "Thanks for looking after things. We'll catch up tomorrow."

Anxious to speak to Ruby and yet unsure what to ask or if he is ready to hear what the goddess has asked of her, Jake leaves the saloon to find Gonzalez. He arrives at the El Parador to discover the old elf has still not returned. Jake uses the time on the walk back to prepare what he will say to Ruby. Back at the Lucky Lady, Nanuet stays until the last customers leaves. He helps close the place down for the evening and then heads out to the grove for his nightly rest. He felt better after talking with Ruby, his thoughts were pleasant as he prepared his mind for reverie.

Outside the door to their room Jake still doesn't know what to say. The gods hate a coward, he thinks to himself and opens the door. The painful irony of that thought hits him as he sees Ruby on the bed sleeping. He is at once disappointed and relieved. He goes about getting himself ready for bed quietly as not to wake Ruby. He keeps glancing at her sleeping on the bed to reassure himself that she wasn't sleeping in the white robe. You are a fool Jake Cook, did you really think she would be wearing it to bed? When he can find nothing else to do before climbing into the bed he extinguishes the oil lamp.

Moonlight still brightens the room and illuminates Ruby's face. It takes on a peaceful look in sleep, none of her worries, guile or manipulation apparent. Her lovely complexion is heightened in contrast to her hair that covers the pillow around her. That hair which still radiates a deep red hue in defiance of the pale color robbing light that filters through the windows. Jake watches her for a short while, trying to give in to the part of him which was relieved that she was sleeping. He fails.
Silver Jake Cook reaches out gently and shakes her shoulder, "Ruby?"

Ruby keeps hey eyes shut, but the corners of her full lips rise into a smile as she turns her head towards Jake’s voice. She reaches out for him and after feeling him, wiggles closer to him. “Hi handsome,” she says in a soft, sleepy voice. She finally cracks her eyes open slowly and her smile grows a little wider when she sees Jake looking down at her. Then she comprehends the look of concern on his face and furrows her brows, “What’s wrong baby?”

"What's wrong? Er, nothing. I was, uh, just worried about you. You look fine, so what's to worry right?" Jake laughs nervously. "Everything IS fine, right?" "You don't need to worry, everything is more than fine." Ruby runs her fingers through Jake's hair, twirling it around her fingers lazily. "I feel really good. I did what Minerva told me to do, what Aphrodite asked of me. And I will continue to do so." Ruby gently pulls Jake head towards her and softly kisses him. "I have confidence that she will keep her word and watch over us now, baby."

"That's good." He says somewhat hesitantly, "You can't have too many friends in high places." He forces a chuckle. "I noticed you were wearing the same white robe that Minerva wears when she leads the services. What did Aphrodite ask of you? It wasn't anything dangerous or ... um, uh, something that was a big change for you?"

“Oh, I just forgot to change when we got back. I was really hungry and I wanted to see you and, well, I was thinking about what just happened, so I left my clothes at Minerva’s” Ruby pauses and turns her head, looking at the perfectly glittering rose on their table. “I don’t think it was too dangerous. We had a ceremony, we being me, Minerva and Kate. We honored the goddesses Minerva, Diana and Aphrodite. We stood in the desert with nothing on but the moonlight and asked them for their guidance and thanked them for their gifts. I thanked Aphrodite for making me in her image, giving me the gift of beauty and song. And they were happy with us, for they gave us a gift in return. Look at my rose.”

As Jake turns to look at the rose Ruby continues, “All she asks of me is that I love her the way I love you, to give her a piece of my heart and soul. And to thank her for bringing you into my life I will surely do it.”

"Ah, good." Jake seems relieved and confused, "I don't mean just good... You know it's great the you have made peace with the goddess and all... um, oh blast." He climbs into bed with her and covers the two of them and wraps his arms around her. "What I mean is it was hard enough making sure I didn't lose you to a rich man, I didn't know how I would fair against a goddess. No that's not what I mean either.... No, you don't have to say anything. I am just delighted to have you here safe and in my arms and not worried about where you are going next for a change."

Ruby snuggles closer to Jake, pushing her nose against his neck, throwing her leg over his hip. “No, you don’t have to worry, I’m not going anywhere. As a matter of fact, you probably couldn’t get rid of me if you tried.” Ruby closes her eyes and enjoys Jake’s warmth for a few moments before speaking. “You know, you never really did have to worry, baby. You know I'm yours." Ruby opens her eyes and looks up at Jake, "Is there something else? You just seem… nervous.”

"I was just worrying over nothing," he says and the tension continues to drain from him. "I was just letting my imagination run wild. Let's get a good nights rest for a change, there is a Merchant Association meeting tomorrow and I need to be there. I don't want to think about it tonight. No worries tonight," he finishes and keeps her close. Ruby again closes her eyes and snuggles her face to Jake. "Alright baby." She yawns and continues sleepily. "Do you want me to go with you to the meeting?" Another yawn and she continues even quieter, "Oh and Judge Isby wants to meet me for lunch..." Her voice starts to trail off. He lets sleep overtake her. We can ignore our worries until the morning.

Jake wakes early with the sun, as he usually does when he hasn't been up all night drinking. His stretching wakes Ruby. "Good morning," he kisses her and slips out of bed before she can tangle him up in her smooth arms and legs. "I need to get to the meeting on time. You can sleep in if you want since we only get one voting member for the saloon. It ought to be interesting though, since we need a new marshal. This town is so polarized I'm sure this will be ugly. If you decide not to come, don't go too far. I bet you'll need to know what happened."

Ruby stretches her long legs and watches Jake start to dress with a dreamy look. As he does she starts rambling on, ignoring his comments about the meeting. “Baby, I had a dream last night,” she says with a small smile, “I want to tell you about it while you get dressed.” She doesn’t stop to look at Jake’s expression just continues talking with a faraway look in her eyes.

“We were at this beautiful mansion, it was huge! I don’t know where it was, I don’t think I’ve ever seen it before, although it seemed familiar. Inside there were tons of people, all our friends were there, milling around and dancing and there was food and drink everywhere. Everyone was dressed up.

I had on this stunning evening gown, it was creamy colored, but in the light it reflected golden threads. It had a huge billowing skirt, and the top was fitted tight and off my shoulders, just the way you like it. It was a very fancy dress, and it fit perfectly! It was the kind of dress I wore as a child to social functions, well, I guess it was slightly more grown up than that. And you, you had on a formal tuxedo, with the tails and everything. You never looked so handsome, all dressed up like that.

And we ate and drank and we talked with everyone and even when we were apart we always looked for each other, catching each others glances, smiling across the room with the smiles we only have for each other. Then we danced and danced and everyone was watching us because we looked so good, spinning around the dance floor. But eventually everyone disappeared to us; even though they were there it was like they weren’t.

After a while we wanted to be somewhere more private, so we snuck outside and down the steps though the garden. We found a spot under these huge trees that were covered with pink flowers and we kissed and kissed and a warm breeze started blowing and the petals were coming off the trees and floating down all around us. So we lay down under the trees in the pink petals and we made love all afternoon and even into the night. But at night the little light bugs came out and it was like fairy lights all around us. And we were so happy, no one shooting at us, no one hated us, no troubles or worries, we had everything we needed and wanted, and we had each other. It was a perfect day, a perfect moment in time.”

Finally Ruby snaps out of her reverie and look at Jake. “I know it probably sounds stupid to you. A foolish girl’s fairy tale I guess. But you know what? I haven’t had a dream that I can remember that wasn’t a nightmare since I was a child.”

Jake had just completed tying the leather lace at the bottom of his holster to his leg when Ruby said the words 'no one shooting at us'. Seems like there is no end of ironies in my life lately, he thinks. Resisting the urge to look down at his Colt he says, "It does not sound stupid at all. We must have a gown like that made for you someday, it sounds stunning. I can't say I have ever worn a tuxedo." He grabs his duster and hat then walks to her side. "What a lovely dream. Whatever your friend in high places is doing for you, it becomes you." Since she didn't really hear what I said about the meeting, he smiles to himself and then asks Ruby, "Leave me a message if you go off before I come back so I can find you in case I have a need. If your social calendar is open, perhaps we can do dinner." He is wearing a friendly smile.

"Darling, you ARE my social calendar." Ruby returns his smile. "Yes, dinner will be lovely. I am meeting with the Judge for lunch today, I am sure you'll want to hear all about that. And I am going to go and buy that ruby ring with the money I won in Tombstone." She looks excited at the thought. "I will leave you a note if I go far, but I doubt I will. I want to find out what happens at the meeting." She settles back into bed. "It will be difficult today, having had you all to myself the past few days, now I have to share you again. Kiss me again before you leave." She looks up at Jake expectantly.

As he kisses her he wonders, What are the chances the jeweler has two of those rings? I better make sure he remembers not to say who bought it. Ruby gives Jake a long kiss, not wanting to let go. I know I can tempt him back into bed but I shouldn't, the meeting is important. She finally releases him, reluctantly. "Off you go Mr. Cook! Go do your civic duty. Don't miss me too much while we're apart." "As if not missing you was possible," he quips as he exits the room.

Jake is at the door and Ruby has her eyes closed when suddenly she bolts upright. "Jake, wait! My earrings, do you still have them?" Ruby looks slightly panicky as she speaks. "Right on your night stand." He calls from the hallway. Ruby breathes a sigh of relief before reaching over and putting them back on. Then she falls back into the softness of their bed.

It doesn't take Ruby long before she falls alseep. Not too much time passes before Ruby hears a knock on her door. She slowly drags herself out of bed and answers it, still wearing only Jake’s shirt. "Hola, Ruby, Como estas?" Minerva says with a smile plastered on her face. Ruby looks at Minerva and shrewdly guesses that something is terribly amiss. "May I speak to you privately?"

“Of course,” Ruby replies, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, “You don’t need to ask. Come on in.” Minerva enters the room and Ruby closes the door behind them. She smiles at her dark haired friend, “I’m great today, really great, but the more important question seems to be, how are you?” Ruby sits on the bed while Minerva paces and begins speaking.

"I know that I have not known you very long, and that I have no right to bother you like this. And I don't usually inconvenience others with my problems, well I NEVER have before but.... I just don't know what to think or what to do...," she says ringing her hands and pacing.

"I have never had a woman in my life to talk too. I don't know how to ask these questions." She glances quickly at Ruby and then glances away. "Please stop me if you are offended." She takes a deep breath and plunges in. "You see, I have these feelings... in my stomach. Like a hard knot. It is so tight sometimes that it makes me nauseous,” she says placing her hand on her stomach. “And then my heart pounds, like it is going to explode right out of my chest and I can hear it, like waves crashing in my ears. It is very deafening and I can't focus on anything. And…and I get light headed and I cannot breath! It is such an awful feeling and I cannot make it go away! I need to make it go away! What is happening to me? What am I to do? I think I might die from it." She says forlornly as she slumps on the bed.

Ruby looks at Minerva with a serious expression before breaking out in a smile. “Let me guess… this feeling starts when you are around someone? A certain elf in particular?” Minerva nods her heads nervously in response. Ruby suddenly takes Minerva into a tight embrace. “Relax! It’s ok… It’s not an awful feeling, it’s the best feeling in the world! As you would say, sent from Aphrodite herself…,” Ruby pushes a strand of dark hair off of Minerva’s face, “You’re falling in love.”

Minerva looks at her, horrified. “How can you say that? You must be mistaken! These terrible debilitating feelings can not be love! I am sure that I am sick. Is there no remedy that you can provide me to make me feel better, perhaps some herb or magical remedy? Please," Minerva says with fear in her eyes. “I need you to cure me.”

”Argh! I cannot fall in love! It mustn’t be so. I have too much to do!” Agitated, she jumps off the bed and paces around the room throwing her arms up. “How can I know for certain? I do not know if I am ready for this. Ah, the gods are so cruel. I am doomed!” She turns and looks at Ruby with tears in her eyes. “He does not return my feelings. He talks of nothing but friendship and refers to me as ‘Priestess’.”

Ruby tries to hold back, but the giggle escapes her lips anyway. “I’m sorry,” she says compassionately, “I don’t mean to laugh. Come and sit here.” Ruby pats the edge of the bed again. “Now listen, being in love IS the most WONDERFUL experience you will ever have. At times the feelings will overwhelm you and make you feel out of control, and you ARE out of control, but that’s what makes them so wonderful. There is no cure for love, you can only give in to it. And you are never ready for love, it sneaks up on you at the most inopportune times. But you shouldn’t deny the gift that Aphrodite has sent you!” Ruby smiles, “She must have really been thankful for the ceremony.” Minerva sits next to her and Ruby wipes her tears away.

“To feel the warmth of your lovers lips on yours, to smell him on you and have that scent always remind you of him no matter where you are, and when he touches you, you shiver in delight and longing, the absolute ecstasy of a night of passion, oh there is no greater feeling!” Ruby gets a dreamy look in her eyes and continues softly, “And to know, through good or bad, you have someone to trust, someone to comfort you, someone who will always care and understand, someone you would do anything for and he would do the same for you, to give everything you have but never feel empty. This is what you WANT Minerva, believe me. And if it is before you, you would be a fool to let it go for it is an elusive and very rare gift.”

“Now about Nanuet, I believe you are wrong about his feelings. Try to remember he is of a different race than us. They are long lived and like to take things slow. And also, I’m sure you know, when he came here to Promise City he rushed into something with someone he didn’t know very well. Things didn’t work out and perhaps he is afraid to rush into something again. Besides, it always takes men longer to figure out what we women know from the beginning,” Ruby chuckles. “Sometimes you have to take matters into your own hands. Now THAT is something I am good at.”

“Minerva looks at her as if she has lost her mind. “Yes well, that is all good and easy for you to say. It is obvious that Jake loves you and you know…Well, you know how to love him back, but I have no experience. I don’t know what to do or what to expect. It’s not like they write books about this sort of thing. And it all feels so … strange. Besides as you have said, Nanuet is an elf. He is not like other men. I will be dead or at least old and decrepit before he realizes his feelings for me. I do not have the time or the patience for it! If I am to take matters into my own hands I am going to need assistance. You have to help me!” she pleads.

“Calm down, Minerva, I will help you!” Ruby laughs and smiles again at her friend. “Try this.” She gets up and pours Minerva a whiskey. “This will help you calm down,” she says handing her the glass. “Now, you may not believe this, but your heart will tell you what to do when the time is right, how to love Nanuet in return. You don’t need experience. Sure, the physical stuff is better when you know what to do, but everything else is just what comes natural. You can’t make a mistake. But we will make him see and understand how you feel about him. Nanuet is a simple man. Let’s start with that.”

Ruby and Minerva speak for a long time. Minerva seems to have calmed down some, feeling better with a plan in place. “And Minerva, one more thing,” Ruby suddenly states sternly, “You are not inconveniencing me in any way, this is what friends are for! To tell you the truth before I came to Promise City I didn’t have any women in my life to talk to either. But that time is behind us now, right? And it was you who said we were somehow connected, from the very beginning. I would be very upset to know you had something to talk about and didn’t come to me, so I am glad that you did.” Ruby hugs her friend again. “It’ll be ok. Just remember, you told me, this is a gift and a curse, you have to take the good with the bad.”

"Yes, it is the bad that I am afraid of." Minerva says. "But since the goddess has led me to you, I will trust that you know what you are about. After all YOU are her favored one." she laughs. "Oh, Poor Nanuet, he has no idea who he is dealing with. He doesn't stand a chance does he?! Gracias, Ruby" she says and twirling back before she leaves, envelopes her friend in a big hug and still laughing, rushes back down the stairs.

Silver Moon

Chapter 144, “The Merchant’s Association”, Thursday, March 23rd , 1882:

Ruby watches Minerva sprint from her room as she shakes her head. Why is everyone always in such a rush around here? Ruby sits in the big chair by the window and pulls her leg up underneath her. Let's see... lunch, jewelry shopping, what other trouble can I get into today? I haven't had a chance to talk to Kate in a while, maybe a visit to the El Parador. Ruby glances around the room, full of red flowers. And today I think I'll wear flowers in my hair.

Nanuet had been outside training the puppies when he saw Minerva leave. Jake is at that meeting, now would be a good time to work on my surprise with Ruby!. Nanuet finishes with the dogs and is sure to find them some choice scraps from the kitchen as a reward. He cleans himself up and then makes his way upstairs and knocks on Ruby's door.

Ruby’s thoughts are then interrupted by a knock. "Miss Ruby, I know you are not sleeping this late! I spent the morning working with your pups, now time for you to help me." She smiles and opens the door. The puppies run in and start jumping on her. She picks up Lucky and cuddles with her, rubbing her nose on the pup's wet nose. "I missed you too!" She turns to Nanuet. "Come on in."

Nanuet spends some time with Ruby working in secret on what they had discussed the previous evening. After some time Ruby reminds Nanuet that she has to get ready for a lunch engagement, he thanks her for her time and takes his leave of her. He makes his way to the Promise City hotel to make arrangements for dinner. "Yes, that is a table for two, we'll be sure to be dressed appropriately. Thanks again!"

He then makes his way to the Comstock house in search of Minerva. "Hello Bea, would the Priestess Minerva happen to be in?" Bea, responds that she believes that Minerva is out back practicing. "She certainly has been spending a lot of time swinging that sword of hers. So much pent up energy. That girl never sits still." she says shaking her head.

Bea shows Nanuet the way to the back yard where Minerva can be found practicing. "Thank you kindly ma'am. I also wanted to let you know that I enjoyed the food you packed for the Priestess the other night, it was delicious." "Oh, you're too kind!" Bea exclaimed, blushing slightly. "Well I have work to attend to." she says as she shuffles off.

Nanuet finds a place where he can watch Minerva while remaining concealed. He studies her form closely, almost like a large cat on the hunt, studying his prey. Her hair, damp with perspiration clung to her smooth skin in dark ringlets. Her graceful form moved back and forth as she swung her rapier at an unseen foe. The gown that she wore hid her slender figure but Nanuet was almost glad for that. Nanuet could feel something moving within his spirit. He fought back the desire to run to her and sweep her up in his arms. Slowly and quietly he made his way into the yard trying to not disturb her practice. He got as close as could and still remain safe from the blade of the rapier before he spoke.

"One of these days you are going to hurt someone with that thing." he says loudly, startling the young maiden. "And with the skill you display I can only hope it will not be me!" Minerva lowered her blade and turned to see the dark eyed Indian grinning at her. Hiding her nervousness she turned and with an exaggerated swing of her hips sauntered over and stood before him. He could not help but notice the way her lightly labored breathing caused her breasts to rise and fall over the scoop neck of her blouse, or the light sheen of sweat which covered her exposed skin.

Standing close she grinned and wickedly replied, "Si Senor, one can only hope." And laughing she wiped the sweat from her brow on the sleeve of her blouse. “This is a pleasant surprise. To what do I owe the honor of your presence on this fine afternoon?"

"Well I am glad to know that my presence pleases you." Nanuet says with a wink. He then clears his throat and in his best impression of a formal voice he states "I had enjoyed your company so much the other night when we chaperoned Chester and Clarisse that I wanted to invite you to dinner again this evening, just the two of us. If you would be so kind to accompany me I have made a 6:30 reservation at the finest restaurant in town."

Nanuet's invitation and bold wink take Minerva by surprise and she looks at him blankly, "Dinner? You want to go to dinner. At the finest restaurant in town... " "Yes, Senorita, Dinner. Tonight at 6:30. Is that agreeable with you?!" he replies, inwardly smiling that he has set her off balance.

"OH! Why Si, Senor, That would be lovely." She looks down at her disheveled appearance and back up at the amused look on Nanuet's face. "Well then, I think that perhaps, I should freshen up before this evening. It would not do to appear at the best restaurant in town dressed as I am. If you will excuse me, Senor I shall be ready promptly at 6:30." she says and regally walks out of the yard. She strolls around the corner and checks to be sure that he can't see her and then bolts back to the Lucky Lady to find Ruby for the second time in less than a few hours.

After Nanuet left Ruby starts preparing for lunch. I wonder what Jake is up to after that meeting? It must be over by now. she thinks as she selects her clothes for the day. She chooses a ruby red dress with black lacing to match her red flowers. She carefully dresses and places three large red blossoms in her hair. She picks up her single red rose from the goddess and puts it to her nose. Even though it is now covered with the glittery substance she can still smell it. Already you set me to work, she laughs to herself, Helping my friends find their love and happiness. Shaking her fiery red hair around her, And my greatest challenge is to be my own.

She sighs and places it back on the table. Fingering her earrings she heads for the door when she is again interrupted by a knock. Minerva had run up the stairs to Ruby's room and knocks frantically on the door. "Hold your horses, I'm coming," Ruby says and pulls the door open. Minerva enters without waiting to be invited in.

"Senor Nanuet has asked me to dinner! I do not know what to do. Not that I think that he would be anything less than proper, he treats me like his sister. I attempted to gain his attentions with my attire the last time that we dined but apparently he did not notice. Por Favor, Ruby. Show me what to do so that he will notice that I am a woman. I don't even know how to kiss a man!" She says in a panic.

Ruby laughs, shaking her head. “Alright, come in, come in.” She guides the jittery Minerva back into her room. “I hope you at least accepted his dinner invitation!” she laughs. “I will help you dress tonight for dinner.” She looks Minerva up and down. Almost the same height and build, she notes. She goes to her closet and pulls out her used to be favorite dress, the red one. “You will wear this gown, you will look like the beautiful and exotic Spanish flower that you are. And believe me, there will be no way he won’t notice you are a woman! Of course, when you wear this dress you’ll be showing off some of your most womanly assets, this is no time to be shy,” Ruby smiles knowingly. “I wore this dress on my first date with Jake.”

“Now, how to kiss a man, well… there are lots of different ways. But in your case, I think the best thing to do is make him come to you, but let him know you are willing. So what you do is this.” She takes Minerva’s arms gently and stands her straight. “Now I’m you, ok?” She stands next to Minerva and flips her hair, pushing it off her face. “You must have a look in your eyes that show you want the kiss, so make eye contact but don’t stare too hard or he’ll get scared. It helps if you bat your eyelashes a bit, you know, look up at him. Then you lean in slowly,”

Ruby starts to lean in, “And make your lips look nice and kissable like this,” Ruby parts her lips slightly, “And only go most of the way. Stop about here,” Ruby is only inches from Minerva’s face, “And then close your eyes and wait. There is NO question that he will come to you. And then,” Ruby hugs her friend, “The sweetest reward will be yours.” "Like this?" Minerva says puckering her lips in the mirror. "No, no, not so obvious! Look, watch me," laughs Ruby and demonstrates in the mirror. "See, soft and subtle like this. Just part them slightly."

Minerva observes Ruby. “Well you certainly do that well, but what if he doesn't respond? I will look foolish standing there with my lips jutting out like a fish!" She says and puckers her lips in an exaggerated kiss. “He will respond, trust me. After all, you are a beautiful woman and men cannot resist our charms!” Ruby and Minerva spend some time together in front of the mirror practicing, puckering their lips, making ‘come hither’ eyes and romancing the pillows until they both dissolve in a fit of giggles.

Kate began her morning two hours earlier with a large breakfast provided by Dorita and some letter writing. The letter Maggie sent to Jake had reminded her that she still had not written Maggie herself. She wrote a nice chatty letter, leaving out most of the danger they were currently in. She had woken early, and as she was finishing up she noticed Pedro getting ready to leave. She heard him mention a Merchant's Association meeting and approached him. "Would you mind if I went with you? I'm going to have to join the Association soon, I'd like to see what it's about."

Pedro tells Kate "You are welcome to attend. Non-members are always free to sit in, although they cannot address the group unless first recognized by the chairman. I would be happy to have your company. Only two of the fifty-five or so members are non-human, myself and Mr. Wong, and I always feel somewhat out of place there."

Jake has found a seat beside Niles Hoover. The Town Hall is packed, with Hoover commenting that the only time more people were ever there was during Minerva's first worship service. Burton Lumley is holding a clipboard and checking off names. When nearly every seat borrowed from the Comique, Lucky Lady and Alhambra are filled Bill Watkins grabs a few men to go get more from the Great Western. They soon return with the chairs.

Niles comments to Burton when he walks by, "Full house, huh?" Lumley replies, yeah, what with all the spectators. He gestures to the side wall where twenty-five filled chairs for non-members sit. Jake recognizes Stanley Barker, Chumbley, Melissa Smith, bank teller and Vigilance Committee Member Derrik Avery, Deputy Sheriff Colin Hunter, rancher Forest Morand, Postmaster Eddie Palmer and mine owner Elton Hubbard among those seated to observe. Among the observers are a blond woman dressed in Indian garb, a half-orc wearing oriental armor and two armed men dressed in cowboy garb.

Niles asks "Who we waiting for?" Lumley replies "Only ones missing are that wood elf Pedro and Ike Sherman from the Papago Cash Store. Ike's not in town right now but his wife Jesse is sitting over with the audience to watch. She asked to vote for him but our bylaws don't allow that."

Chester helps bring over chairs from the Lucky Lady to the Town Hall. Then he leans against the door frame. Eduardo figured that Chester had pulled guard duty before in the service, so he'd be well-suited for keeping a watch for trouble outside the Merchants Association meeting. He holds his rifle in his right hand casually and thinks “I wonder what they're talking about in there“.

Pedro arrives, accompanied by Kate. He takes one of two remaining seats in the members area and she finds her way over to the audience, sitting in one of two empty chairs, which are on either side of Chumbley. "Good morning, Mr. Chumbley," Kate said quietly. "Hard at work already, I see. Are these meetings always so crowded?" "No, never" he replies.

Burton heads up to the podium to start the meeting. The meeting begins with Lumley striking the gavel against the podium to silence all conversation in the room. He begins "The first item is to introduce the Association to two new members, who I ask to stand when your name is called. The first is Colonel Michael Seawell, who is the Managing Director of the Seawell-Morand Mining Company. They have established offices in the building that formally housed Bauer's Union Market.

The second new member replaces Parker Baxter of the Promise City Herald, namely the owner and publisher of the town’s new paper, the Promise City Mirror, Mr. Josiah Arcadiam. Would both of the new members please stand. As Arcadiam stands a number of people point and say "Arcade!" Others point to the two cowboys seated with the woman in Indian garb and the half-orc and comment about them being Arcade's Gang. The looks on the faces of the five Vigilance Committee Members show their displeasure to this turn of events.

Lumley pounds the gavel and says, "All right. Let's get right o it. Most of you have either read the newspaper or heard the rumor that our Town Marshall Wyatt Earp will not be returning. Neither will his brother, Deputy Marshall Warren Earp. Our representatives went to Tombstone and the Earps turned in their badges." Lumley holds up the two metal circles, each with a star in the center. Some muffled comments fill the room.

He continues "So the only items of business on today's agenda will be the appointment of two new lawmen." A short debate follows as to the need for a total of four. Adair states "We should get rid of that wood elf. He doesn't even carry a gun. The only reason that he hasn't been killed by somebody yet was that he was a friend of Wyatt Earp." Neil Cassidy says, "I've dined with Mr. Rodriguez and have gotten to know him. He prefers to use knives to handguns, but is also proficient in using a rifle. He has also done a commendable job as Deputy Marshall." Adair says, "Figures you'd defend him, elf lover." Lumley pounds the gavel to call the room back to order.

Lumley says, "This Association has appointed both Mr. Rodriguez and Mr. Martin as Deputy Marshals and we need to retain them." Mitchell Berg says, "In order to maintain continuity with this change in lawmen I make a motion that both current Deputy Marshals retain their present position for a period of not less than least three-months." Cole Rixton seconds the motion. A short debate follows, with Frank Condon objecting to making any long-term commitments, stating that the new Marshall should have the authority to hire and fire his deputies. Fisk agrees with Condon, but his saying that appears to hurt rather than help that position. Lumley calls for the vote. The vote passes by a vote of 33 to 21.

The discussion then turns to the appointment of a new Town Marshall. A long debate follows about the type of person to find, with the crowd evenly divided between hiring an experience lawman or appointing a town resident. Sam Slade suggests "Let's do both and hire Colin Hunter." Lumley asks Hunter if he would be interested in the position. The Deputy Sheriff declines, saying that for the time being he is content with his present job, given the undefined jurisdiction of the Marshall's job. But he does add "However, if this town ever decides to incorporate I might be interested in running for the position."

Hamilton Fisk then says, "If it is a present Deputy Sheriff that we are looking to hire then another one of Sheriff Behan's men would be a good choice. He has a Deputy by the name of Buckskin Frank Leslie who I believe might be interested." This leads to considerable side conversations in the room, as Leslie's reputation is well know in this county. Chumbley mutters "Maybe I should have stayed in Tombstone. If they hire him I'm out of here." “"I might consider going with you. He can't seriously think that would pass. Mr. Fisk is a snake, but I never thought he was stupid. He's showing his unsavory connections," Kate whispered back.

Porter Norris of the Indian Head Saloon seconds Fisk's nomination of Leslie. A debate follows during which Leslie's history is discussed. Chumbley is called upon to confirm or deny some of the rumors about Leslie. The halfling says "While Leslie is probably the fastest gun in the county, could have given Deadeye Douglas a run for his money, he has a quick temper and doesn't answer well to authority figures. He has a reputation for spending time with loose women, even during his previous marriage to a woman whose husband Leslie killed when he caught them having an affair. He works as a bartender and is known to drink to excess."

The Vigilance Committee Members all express their dissatisfaction over this nomination and several townspeople are swayed. The vote isn't even close, coming out a lopsided 7 in favor, 36 against and 11 abstentions. Frank Condon then stands and nominates Bill Watkins. Zeb Cook immediately seconds that nomination. Watkins stands and begins to outline all that he will do for the town as Marshall in what sounds more like an acceptance speech than a nomination.

Kate clenched her hands around her handbag. Much as Mr. Watkins was a decent man, voting him in would be voting the Vigilance Committee into power. And if they were too morally strict for her.... Leslie might have been better.

Jake asks Lumley to be recognized. "Bill is a fine man and an outstanding citizen. However, he doesn't have the experience necessary for the job, and there is the conflict of interest between the Vigilance Committee and being the law enforcer of the town. This country was built on the separation of church and state.

Both are important for the well being of the community, and the separation of those are also crucial to it's well being. I won't pretend to be able to speak with eloquence on the topic, but neither will I challenge the wisdom of the founding fathers on it." Jake moves his gaze around the room as if to look for someone with more wisdom than the founding fathers before continuing. "Why don't we consider promoting Chester Martin to the position, this group already decided he was the next best choice for Deputy. He has proven he is not afraid of the Cowboy gang, I nominate him."

Doctor Eaton says "Point of Order. Mr. Chairman, a motion is currently on the floor for a vote on Mr. Watkins. A second motion cannot be entertained until that vote is cast." Lumley says, "You are correct sir. I believe that we should hear any further discussion on Mr. Watkin's qualifications." Several more people then speak, all in favor, praising Bill Watkins for his contributions to the town. Hamilton Fisk then stands and says "Are you people crazy? There was a shooting incident last Sunday. The shooters fired from inside Mr. Watkins boarding house while he was there! He can't even police his own business let alone the town!"

The familiar voice of Judge Nathan Isby then speaks from the back door, stating "I believe that I can shed some more light on that subject. I am not a resident of your town but if the Chair would be kind enough to recognize me I believe I can be of assistance." Lumley immediately recognizes the Judge, who walks toward the front of the room.

Isby calls Bill Watkins forward and hands him a round iron ring with three keys on it and says "Is this yours?" Watkins says, "No, I do not believe so." Isby then calls Lincoln Hood, the town's locksmith forward and says, "Mr. Hood, we spoke last night. Could you please tell the Association about these keys?" Hood says, "Yes, I made these last week for Kirby Watkins, he said that his father asked for them to be made." Bill Watkins looks dumbfounded. Isby asks, "Mr. Watkins, where is your son now?" Watkins replies, "Away, doing some business for me in Tucson."

Isby says "No Sir, he is not. Mr. Watkins, my suggestion is that you withdraw your name from nomination, as you now have family matters to attend to instead which should require your immediate attention. Your son Kirby is currently being held at the Willcox Jail. I have a confession from him that he provided these keys to Mr. Pony Deal. These keys are to the Great Western Boarding House's back door and the rooms that belonged to the Earps. He was unaware of what Deal had intended and I have not charged him with any crime. I have asked the Deputy Sheriff in Willcox to release the boy to you." Watkins withdraws his name from nomination.

Lumley takes up Cook's motion which is seconded by Cole Rixton. Frank Condon then stands and says, "Mr. Cook. I believe that your nomination contradicts an earlier vote, where this body decided that Mr. Martin should serve for three months in the capacity of Deputy Marshall. As you know, Mr. Martin worked for me as a guard, he has both his strengths and weaknesses. While I could speak to these issues I would prefer to keep my thoughts to myself. So as not to contradict our earlier vote perhaps you would wish to withdraw your nomination instead?"

"We all have our strengths and weaknesses sir, and there are many stories to tell." Jake locks his gaze with Condon. "If the chairman would allow me, I rescind my nomination at this time to allow for other nominations to be made. However, I reserve the right place the nomination on the floor again for a vote if another suitable candidate is not found. Like all of you, I am anxious to keep the town safe and prosperous."

Silver Moon

Chapter 145, “Finding a Marshall”, Thursday, March 23rd , 1882:

Mitchell Berg stands and says, "I am certain that this body should be able to find a suitable candidate. One whose moral caliber would not be objectionable to the members of the Vigilance Committee but also not looking to close down all of the saloons in town." Austin Blake of Drover's Hotel and Livery blurts out "What about you?" Berg is surprised and says, "I didn't mean..." Don Wainwright of Wainwright's Store says, "Who better than a man who has studied the law to enforce it?" Dick Lester of Lester's Funeral Parlor say, "Well, he's probably one of the most honest men in town."

"I would be loathe to have Mr. Berg give up his services as a lawyer in town, he provides a valuable service. One that is every bit as valuable as the Marshall's job." Jake states and looks at Berg. "However, if Mr. Berg desires to contribute to the community by expressing his interest in the position I will support it."

A smile twitched at the corner of Kate's mouth. Berg obviously wasn't sure about taking the job, which was just as well as far as she was concerned. He might not be familiar with the enforcement part of the work, but Chester and Deputy Rodriguez were. He could do very well. Kate looked over at Jake to see how he liked the suggestion.

Hamilton Fisk stands in anger and says of his rival lawyer "That's absurd! He couldn't practice law and be Marshall! That is a total conflict of interest!" Berg replies, "Obviously I could not bring cases before the Judge as a lawyer if I were also Marshall, but I would hope to still be able to prepare legal documents."

Even Adair then stands and says, "He doesn't even carry a gun! He's just as bad as that wood elf!" Jumping on that bandwagon Fisk asks Berg "Do you even own a gun?" Berg replies, "Not presently, but I have shot before." A few people in the room snicker at that response.

Helen Barker stands and then exclaims "Well, if firearms use is the only qualification then pin the badge on me. I can outshoot any man in town!" That comment receives laughter from throughout the room. When the laugher dies down she turns to Jake and asks "Mr. Cook. Would you happen to have a deck of cards on your person?"

Jake answers, "Mrs. Barker I do in fact have a deck of cards on my person. I'm not sure that I understand how that helps us select a new Marshall. Perhaps you could enlighten us all to your thinking?" She smiles and says "Please humor me for a minute. If you could please remove the deck and hand them to Doctor James Eaton." Eaton says, "Ma'am, I do not..." She gives the Doctor a forceful look and says, "Please, this will only take a moment. Mr. Cook, the cards please."

Jake removes the silver case from his pocket. He opens the case and removes the cards, replacing the case in his pocket. He splits the deck putting a half in each hand, fans the cards, and shuffles them back together. He squares the deck off, taps it on the back of his chair and hands it to Dr Eaton without a word.

Helen tells Doctor Eaton "James, I have often observed you playing baseball in the field north of the town with your sons Tad and Philby. I know that you have a fine pitching arm. Kindly toss those cards up towards the ceiling as high as you can." He says, "Mrs. Barker, I do not..." She sharply says, "Just Do It!" He does as instructed.

As the cards leave his hand she begins to raise her right leg while reaching down to the slit in her skirt with her right arm. In rapid succession she draws her pearl-handled Colt revolver from her boot holster and points the gun upward just as the cards reach the apogee of their ascent. As they begin to separate and filter down into the room she fires off four shots, striking a number of cards while they are in the air.

Deputy Marshall Chester Martin hears the shots and charges into the room. By that point she has already returned her gun to its holster. He doesn't see anybody in the room with a gun, only dozens of cards falling down around various people seated in chairs, with Jake, Doctor Eaton and Helen Barker still standing.

"Very good Mrs. Barker, you have slain my unarmed deck of cards." Jake comments and does not attempt to recover the deck. Helen says calmly and matter-of-factly "Check the aces." Those seated near the fallen cards rummage through the pile, holding up the four Ace cards once they find them. The Ace of Spades, Hearts and Clubs each have a bullet hole right in the center of the card. The Ace of Diamonds has a bullet hole around three-quarters of an inch left of center. She comments, "Damn, I'm out of practice."

Chester points his gun to the ground, but doesn't holster it. "What in blazes is going on in here? Is anyone hurt?" Lumley says, "Everything's fine, Deputy. Mrs. Barker was just giving us a demonstration of her shooting skills." Chester looks at Mrs. Barker. She gives him a look that dares him to say something. Chester doesn't take the bait, shakes his head, and leaves the room. He thinks to himself, “Gunplay in the Town Hall. Is she crazy?”

Isby approaches Chester and says "You may want to stick around." He replies, "Sure thing, your honor. Bet you didn't expect to see me wearing a badge." Isby responds, "I can't say I did, Deputy Martin. I'm glad you decided to enforce the law rather than break it." Chester snorts. "What did you want me to stick around for?"

Up front, Sam Slade exclaims "That must have been a trick, she used magic." Gunsmith Pierre Jacquet stands and says "No, that is how she shoots. I've gone target shooting with her on a number of occasions and have also serviced that revolver many times. It was presented to her by Samuel Colt himself for her marksmanship skills." Town Butcher Ruby Baines stands and says "I'll attest to that, I was there. She beat out over a thousand men at the Baltimore Fair to win it. And most of the guys she was shooting against were Army veterans."

Randall Mason of Mason's Feed & Grain says, "But she just put four holes into our new roof!" Helen exclaims "Marshall Berg can deduct the cost of the repairs from my first month's Deputy pay." That comment causes some commotion in the room and Stanley Barker's face turns ashen at the prospect of that.

Lumley pounds the gavel to restore the room to order. He says, "Well, Mrs. Barker, that was some rather impressive shooting. Although to be totally honest I was even more impressed that you managed to get Doc Eaton to actually touch a deck of playing cards." That comment results in a loud round of laughter, helping to break the tension in the room.

Lumley says, "Mr. Berg, are you willing to accept the nomination for Marshall?" Berg replies, "Absolutely, provided that Helen will give me some points on shooting." That results in more laughter. Berg then says, "I do feel that the town should incorporate, at which time the Marshall will become an elected position. But I am willing to wear the badge until then." Lumley says, "I'll put incorporation on the agenda for our meeting next week. Let's all vote now on the nomination." Berg wins by a resounding 41 to 8 with 5 abstentions.

Kate Higgins of the Long Branch Saloon stands and then says "I nominate Helen Barker for the position of Deputy Marshall." Laurie Gilson stands and says "I second the nomination." Chester comments to nobody in particular, "That's interesting. A woman Deputy Marshall. Who would have thought that could happen?" Chumbley whispers over to Katherine "Ah, this makes sense. Articles of Incorporation would include specifying exactly who has the right to vote. If Barker is a town official that'll almost guarantee that women will be permitted to."

A lengthy and very lively debate follows. Several women in the audience leave the building, soon returning with many of the wives of the various members. Prior to the vote being cast Helen asks for a short five-minute recess, during which time the wives each head over to and speak with their husbands. Helen avoids Stanley, instead heading over to Cook and Hoover. She tells them both "If I win that'll mean I'll be permitted to carry my gun into your establishment again. I'll bring you a replacement deck of cards tomorrow night Mr. Cook."

The vote is called for. She manages to squeak by with a win on a vote of 18 in favor, 15 opposed and 21 abstentions. Lumley quickly calls for a motion to dismiss the meeting before anybody suggests a three-month appointment as they had for Martin and Rodriguez. He calls for the next meeting of the group to be the following Tuesday morning. The meeting adjourns. Helen locks her harm in Berg's and says, "Well Boss, Let's go see our new Office."

Before he can leave the meeting Jake grabs Mr. Hammer and reminds him not to tell Ruby who bought the ring she was admiring. Then Jake runs to catch up with Mitchell Berg and Helen Barker.

"I won't congratulate you two, but I will wish you luck. You don't yet know what you just got yourselves into. I have some information the previous Marshall asked me to share with his former deputies, I think he'd want me to share with you as well. You will need to know all of this for the days ahead not only to keep Promise City safe, but to safeguard yourselves and any of those to which you are close." Jake finishes that sentence by looking at Helen. "Mitchell, when you have settled in gather up your deputies and arrange to speak to me today." Jake leaves the dispersing crowd shaking his head and muttering to himself. "It could have been worse. Of course I still have to tell Ruby what happened."

Kate said good bye to Chumbley and tried to work her way through the crowd toward Jake. He was already on his way out the door before she even got halfway there. Instead she headed back toward Pedro. "Well, that was... Interesting. It could have come out a lot worse. I'm not sure about Mrs. Barker, she seems to have a quick temper, not a good trait for a law officer. But Mr. Chumbley pointed out that with her as a Deputy it will be hard to deny women the right to vote after we incorporate. I have to say I do like that."

He laughs and says, "Yes, I think what we saw played out today was a variation of the ancient Greek play Lysistrata. Are you familiar with that work?" “Yes, I am," she laughed. "I'm glad our ladies didn't have to go quite that far. We would have a lot of surly husbands on our hands."

He states, "Yes, but the question regarding gender is only one of the two battles to be fought regarding who will be entitled to vote. Mrs. Barker made a strong statement today, if Articles of Incorporation are drawn up women may indeed get the right to vote in this town. The other battle however will not be so easy, namely giving that right to non-humans. While many of the Association members have a woman influencing them they don't have non-humans living under their roofs. The support today for Deputy Marshall Rodriguez will help, but it will be difficult."

She says, "It will be difficult. I've met many people here who know that whatever race you are, you deserve respect, and I'm sure that would extend to voting. And then there are those like Adair. You know I'll make my opinion clear to anyone who asks," she finished, squeezing his arm.

He replies, "Yes, but you are not a member of the Merchant's Association. There are only two non-human members and they don't pay much attention to us. And before any Articles of Incorporation are drawn up the Vigilance Committee also has to sign off on them, that will be a harder sell. Perhaps if we ask her Minerva might preach on the subject of tolerance and equality this Sunday. That could help get people thinking before Tuesday's meeting." She answers, "I will be. Before the next meeting if I need to be. I have the money for the dues, and the permanent structure. I don't see why I couldn't start right away."

After the meeting, Minerva approaches Katherine and asks her how she is feeling today and if she has recovered from their outing of the night before. Kate replies, "Mostly. I'm still... It's odd to go from such a thing back to my usual life. I'm afraid it will be some time before I can... reconcile some things." The Priestess then walks over to Laurie Gilson’s bath house to freshen up and talk to Laurie about her offer to help with the festival. As Laurie helps her prepare for her bath, Minerva tells her that she would love to have her assist with the Festival. She asks her what skills or talents she has that she could use to contribute to the Festival.

Laurie replies, "Skills? I don't have any skills. All I can do is manage a bath house. I'm no pianist, or singer or dancer." “Oh, Senora Gilson,” she laughs "You have the most sought after talent in the world. You are able to run this bathhouse, and keep everything straight and organized and keep your customers happy. I am embarrassed to admit that the gods did not bestow that gift upon me. There is so much to keep track of, who's planning what, who's donating what, where all the events are being held and when. It makes my head spin to even think about it! If you could help me keep it all straight, I would be so grateful!"

Laurie replies, "Oh, is that all. That will be easy to do, and I think that Mr. Lacey has already started some of that work. I'll talk to him about that at the earliest opportunity. Between the two of us you should have nothing to worry about." Minerva hugs Senora Gilson gratefully. "Oh, Gracias! You are certainly a gift of the gods. Bless you Senora, you are a lifesaver! Now I must hurry home to get ready for my next appointment. Adios" She turns back as she is leaving. "I will be back tomorrow and you can begin to dig me out of this mess!"

Kate walked back to the El Parador with Pedro and sat with Ginnie as she ate her breakfast. Then, instead of letting her go back to the books, she took her next door to Mr. Rixton's furniture shop.
"Good morning, Mr. Rixton. I hope you'll be able to help me. You might have heard I'm planning on starting a school. I'm going to need school desks, or at least benches and tables. I'm also going to need some home furniture. Since I'll be needing so much, I hoped we might be able to arrange for a bit of a discount?"

He replies, "Oh absolutely. We should probably work out the specifications for student desks. The advantage to buying them locally is that I can have them made to the appropriate size for each student. In the meanwhile I have several tables and chairs in stock that could help get you started."

She states, "That would be wonderful. Much more comfortable for them than desks that are too big for the little ones and too small for the older. I'm sure the tables and chairs will do just fine for now. Is it possible to rent them until I get the desks? We'll also need a couple beds, some parlor and kitchen furniture, and other bedroom things." He replies, "Well why don't you take a walk thorough my store and pick out whatever pieces are of interest to you. Don't worry about payment, we'll work something out."

"That's very generous, sir," Kate said, surprised. "Ginnnie, why don't you see if there is anything you like in particular." Kate looked around and spotted a few sturdy, simple pieces that would do well for the ranch house. For the house in town she chose things a little nicer for the parlor, and a pretty vanity set as a treat for herself. She showed Mr. Rixton what she was interested in and asked, "About how much do you think this would come to?"

He says, "Oh, around $ 80. If you put $ 20 down and agree to pay $ 5 a week until the balance is paid we can get you set up right away." She answers, "I can put the twenty down right away. I'd like to add four more kitchen chairs, if you don't mind. Now, will I need to arrange for moving the furniture?"

He states, "I can get my friends over at the El Parador to help me move them for you, just tell me where you want them delivered to." She replies, "Some of it will go to the old Bauer house. I'll be using it for the school building and be living upstairs. The rest will go out to my ranch, about a mile out of town. I'm not sure I'm ready to have it all moved yet, would it be possible for you to hold it for me for a few days?” He answers, “Of course. I'm always willing to help a fellow member of Dorita's extended family." "Fortunate are we whom Dortia has taken under her wing," she smiled.

She adds, “Oh, and might it be possible to get a few pieces I don't see here? A couple of vanities and chests of drawers?" He replies, "Absolutely, that would be fun. Let me know the number of drawers and size that you want each and I'll get started on them right away." Kate thanked Mr. Rixton and described what she had in mind, telling him to feel free to be creative if he liked.

She then took Ginnie back home and spent some time with her in Mr. Gonzales' rooms before heading over to the Lucky Lady to meet with the others. The meeting left her with much to think on, and she spent a great deal of the rest of the afternoon doing just that, as well as finally taking the time to consider what had happened the night before.

Discomfort didn't get even close to how she was feeling. Her own fear and distrust warred with the feeling of comfort she had experienced during their moonlight ritual. She could never believe, as Miss Florencia seemed to, that the gods had their hands in everything; some control of her own life must belong to her. Giving up any of that control to a god terrified her.

And there was the matter of the Cowboy Gang. Life seemed surreal, going about as if everything was normal, living her every day life, and then finding she didn't dare send furniture to her new home for fear it would be seen and the gang would target the school building. Underneath it all was that radiant contentment she felt, knowing that she had the one thing she had thought she would always be denied. Sometimes it seemed that soon she must split in two.

She cleared her head when a tray of food arrived at her door. Dinner hour was almost past, and as Dorita said, if she would not come to dinner, dinner would come to her. She ate obediently and then dressed in the gown she'd had made for the Lucky Lady's reopening. That would please Ruby for their night of fun, it was the lowest cut thing she had that wasn't an evening gown. Once she was dressed she went downstairs where Grant Keebler waited to walk her to work.

Silver Moon

Chapter 146, “Another Lunch Date with the Judge”, Thursday, March 23rd , 1882, 11:30 A.M.:

Ruby tells Minerva, “Now, I really have to get to lunch or I’ll be late. I’ll come over to the Comstock early like 5:00 P.M. because I also have a date tonight for dinner.” Ruby smiles again. “Oh and don’t forget what we said earlier, about the surprise for Nanuet. Although the dress alone will be a big enough surprise I’m sure!” She kisses Minerva’s cheek and gives her a little push out the door, walking downstairs with her.

Ruby says a quick hello and goodbye without getting any more information to Jeff, Harry and Niles before heading out. She goes the whole two doors down to Hammer's Jewelry store and enters with a smile. "Mr. Hammer," she calls out, "I'm finally here to buy my ruby ring..." He looks up with a smile, sees Ruby and the smile drops. He starts stammering, 'Er, um, Miss West, yes, how are you?" "I'm fine, very well actually. And you?" she asks cheerily.

"I'm good. Actually that ring is no longer available to purchase," Hammer states. "Perhaps you'd like to look for something else?" Ruby smile fades with the news. "Oh. Someone else bought it?" she says sadly. "Well... yes. Are you sure I can't interest you in something else?" "No, no thank you." Ruby responds sullenly and walks out of the shop. Who bought my ring? I knew I should have gotten it sooner! Now I'll always be thinking about it. I really wanted it too.

She sighs, then puts another smile on her face. Then she heads to the Rio Grande Hotel, arriving with two minutes to spare. She glances around, looking for the Judge. Judge Isby arrives promptly at exactly noon. "Hello, Judge Isby, it's a pleasure to see you so soon." She extends her hand to him. "I thought you were to be away for a few more weeks." He replies, "The situation with the Earps and Cowboys prompted my return here. Let's head inside." "That sounds good to me. Judge." Ruby makes sure to sit straight up and be on her best behavior

The Rio Grande Hotel and Café which is a 25x30 foot single story brick building. It had once had hotel rooms but has now been redesigned as a restaurant. The waitress Tricia Christian arrives at the table to take their orders, mentioning the daily special of a T-Bone cut steak with fried sweet potatoes and corn bread.

She says, "Thank you for the rose, by the way. I loved it. Who was that nice man you sent to deliver it?" He replies, "That's Kevin Tomlinson. I telegrammed the Territorial Attorney General from Wilcox and requested an appropriation to hire myself a law clerk. Since the fines I issue bring in provide substantial funding to the Territory's coffers so they didn't argue with me. Kevin lived in Wilcox, doing several part-time clerical and accounting jobs and was the ideal candidate. He's also a crack shot, and it's probably not very safe for me to travel alone these days."

"Oh, you're right about that. It's not very safe for anyone to travel these days." Ruby unconsciously puts her hand to her shoulder. "So what have you been up to while you've been away?" He replies, “Been away? It's been less than a week Miss. West! I have four towns I hold court in. Since leaving here I've just been doing my regular duties up in Wilcox. I was about to head up to my two towns in Graham County when I heard about Morgan Earp. Then on Monday some Cowboy Gang information fell into my lap so I decided that I should come back here instead.”

Ruby looks at him surprised at his reaction. "Well, I was just asking to be nice..." her voice trails off and she sits quietly with her hands in her lap. He says, "Yes, well this is public enough for people to think this a social engagement. That flower delivery should help too.

As you may have heard, I caught Kirby Watkins with two Cowboy Gang members in Wilcox. He was thankfully unarmed, which is why he is still alive, the other two were foolish enough to draw on me. After killing those two in front of him he sang like a bird. Seems he got mixed up with the gang in Galeyville, where he would sneak off to play cards behind his prim-and-proper father's back.

So I had to come back here to let Bill Watkins know what his kid was up to and also wanted to find out what you've heard about the Gang's most recent activities and to also warn you that Ringo has plans to blow up your saloon." Ruby's voice caught in her throat. "Well, uh, we did know that but we thought he might just leave us alone now. Is he still planning that?" Ruby twisted her napkin in her lap and started biting her lip. "Do you have any information about his plans?" Ruby looks at the Judge trying to hide her nervousness.

Isby says, "Yes, apparently he planned that a week ago but was uncertain if some books he wanted were stored there or in the El Parador. Once your friend Mrs. Kale provided him with that answer the other place became fair game. His plan was apparently to do that last Sunday but your friends drove him out of town before he had the chance to. I wish I could tell you more but Kirby only had limited information. But I know for a fact that he told me everything he knew."

"Dammit!" Ruby swore under her breath, shaking her head. Once again Kate's naiveté had potentially hurt them. Ruby West, pull yourself together. It's a good thing Kate doesn't know about these things. It’s everything that is good about her… Ruby shook off her thoughts and took a deep breath, and as she exhaled the smile returned to her face.

“Do I still have your word that what I say to you here is off the record, between you and me?” She smiles sweetly at him as she waits for his response. "Yes, of course," is Isby's reply. He then smiles and adds, "Unless you want to swear your undying love to me. That I'd probably want to have published in the newspaper for everybody to read."

Ruby raises an eyebrow. "I don't think you could handle me swearing my undying love for you Judge. That is a tougher assignment than dealing with the Cowboys." Ruby laughs, "But I'd want someone's undying love for me published in the newspapers too."

He laughs and says, "You know that I'm only joking. The only other thing that Kirby knew was that Ringo was looking for Warren although he didn't know that Ringo and Deal were actually planning to kill him. What exactly have you heard?" "Oh I know you are," she teases back. “Alright, here is what happened in the past week.”

Ruby starts quietly telling the story of how Ringo came to the Lucky Lady and threatened them, Nanuet and Chester were kidnapped and how Ruby’s gang of friends stormed the farmhouse to save them. She tells of meeting with Claibourne in the road and getting shot by him and almost dying, then the next day confronting Ringo at the jail and the shooting of Pony Deal, with Ringo saying he also kidnapped Ginnie and this time Nanuet almost dying. She does add that it was curious that a direct rifle shot to his head seemed to bounce off. Next is her and Jake’s trip to Tombstone. She gives particular emphasis to the information from Wyatt and all she knows about Behan. She tells every detail truthfully to the best of her memory.

"I'm trusting you with a lot of personal knowledge now, Judge, I hope you won't go back on your word and use it against a poor innocent girl like myself. I really am trying to help you know. We would gladly go after Ringo ourselves for the trouble he has caused but he seems well, more powerful than us, to be quite frank. But I don't think we can sit around and wait for him to come and kill us."

He replies, "Miss. West, you will not regret placing your trust in me. The Cowboys are a cancer on this land and any help you can be in their elimination is greatly appreciated. It sounds like the Dos Cabezas faction is gone and that the Earps will deal with the Tombstone faction. Both of those towns are outside of my Territorial Jurisdiction, but Promise City and Galeyville fall right inside my region.

And if it will give you peace of mind I'll share one of my secrets with you so that this isn't just a one-way street. My new law clerk Kevin, that ring which he wears is magical. It allows him to tell if somebody is being truthful or not, which is how I know that Kirby Watson was telling me all that he knew.

We need to move against Ringo and his remaining forces, although I am still not sure how. This Gormley fellow that Deputy Marshall Marshall spoke to might be of help, but Ringo may already know that we're on to him. It would be even better if we could maybe get another of the Galeyville Cowboys onto our side, I'm sure I could obtain a full pardon from the Governor in exchange for information. Kirby gave me a half-dozen names, but I do not know any of them offhand."

Magic, huh?" Ruby replies, glancing at his hand trying not to be obvious, "I'll have to remember to always be truthful then," she giggles. "What names do you have?” Ruby asks, “Maybe I have heard of them." “Okay, their names are John Bell, Lester Olivier, George Otis Grosvenor, Rudolph Foote, Sherwin Allen and Riff 'Alabama' McNally,” Isby replies.

"I don't think I have heard of any of them, although that Grosvenor name sounds familiar... well, perhaps my friends have heard of them. Will you be in town long? Maybe we can come up with a plan together to eliminate our common enemy." Ruby flips her hair. "I think I'll be staying for a while, probably until this festival is over,” Isby replies. “Is there any information I shouldn't share with my friends?" Ruby asks.

"Well, that depends in part on how you define 'friends', you seem to have a lot of them. You should tell all of your coworkers about Ringo's plans for the Lucky Lady so that they can help protect it. Those names of the Galeyville Gang should probably only be shared with the few people who you trust to help you deal with them. And please keep the information about Kevin's ring to yourself."

"You secret is safe with me, Ruby replies, putting her hands over his for a moment. “Where are you staying, in case I need to get in touch with you?” He replies, "Kevin and I stay at the Territorial Building where I now hold court, the former Trail Dust Saloon. The former owners had left behind several cots in the back room, which your hospital explanation now explains why. Ironic, me now staying where the Cowboy Gang was at. Make's me glad I replaced the mattresses with new ones, as well as new locks on the doors."

"Ewww," Ruby shivers. "I would offer for you to stay with us at the Lucky Lady, but that might seem improper to you. And the fact that the Cowboys are trying to blow it up would probably make it less appealing," Ruby laughs. "Well, the offer stands. But you should look into sprucing your new offices up a bit. I mean, it doesn't do for the Judge to not have nice quarters. I had a lot of fun redecorating the upstairs when we did our renovations to the Saloon and it makes it so much more homey."

"Well I appreciate the offer, but I also have a reputation to maintain here. I figure it won't hurt too much having an old coot like me being seen with an attractive young woman like you, they'll figure...well...you can guess what they'll figure. But if I start hanging out at saloons that'll make it hard for people to think I hate all saloons. I don't actually, but I don't care for all the nonsense and foolishness that seems to occur at many of them. I'm a man who likes things orderly and meticulous and above all things, honest. Honest and orderly saloons are few and far between."

"I understand," Ruby replies. "And you're right about saloons; I've been in some pretty rough ones. But if you ever get an urge, the Lucky Lady is known to be the most honest in town. I believe the Comique is also known for their honesty. Anyway, just a thought." After they finish Ruby thanks the Judge and kisses his cheek. "What a very enjoyable lunch, I hope we'll do it again soon!" The Judge blushes slightly and Ruby laughs. "Good day!"

The weight that had been on her shoulders had lifted. The Judge was going to either take care of the Cowboys himself or at least help them. He really wasn't as bad as everyone said he was.

As Ruby wanders her way back to the Lucky Lady she stops and talks with townsfolk here and there. She couldn't wait to sing tonight, it felt like it had been ages.

Once back inside she heads to the bar for a whiskey and sees Jake waiting for her there. She smiles and wraps her arms around him. "Hi baby," she says and gives him a small kiss. "How is your day so far?"

"The best way to describe it is unexpected." Jake proceeds to tell her all about the meeting. "So instead of Watkins or Leslie for Marshall we got Berg. Which is for sure a good thing, but I hate to lose the best lawyer in town if I need to go before the judge again. I don't know what in Hades to make of Helen Barker. She certainly is a good shot. Why she would want the job of deputy I'm not sure. That and the comments she made afterwards about coming back to the Lucky Lady." Jake shakes his head. "I need to talk to that woman and understand what she is thinking before this gets way any farther out of hand."

Ruby nods along as Jake talks and she sips at her whiskey. That's until he gets to the part about Helen Barker. She lets Jake finish speaking, but her jaw clenches more and more before he's done. "Helen Barker is not invited here anymore, Jake, badge or not. This is terrible news, what in Hades were they thinking?" Ruby starts getting that stormy look in her eye.

He replies, "I do not know what they were thinking but clearly the women of the town got behind her nomination and convinced their men folk to vote for her. We are going to need to come to some understanding, it won't due to have her dead body show up mysteriously in town." Jake says with a smile and rubs the back of Ruby's neck in a feeble attempt to relax her. "Not only is she law now, she also has the backing from the women folks. I just don't know what to make of all this yet. Have a little patience and see what old Jake can find out before you mete out any more vengeance."

"Damn It!" Ruby breaks Jake's grip on her and hops off her stool. She starts pacing back and forth. "This is exactly what happened in the last stupid town I was in before I came here! All the women hated me because they were JEALOUS." Ruby kicks the stool she was just sitting on over. "I don't have any patience, and you should know that Jacob Cook." She looks him in the eyes only briefly before turning away and continuing her quick pacing. "And she threatened me, and she's going to put me in jail for doing nothing I'm sure."

She stops pacing and looks at Jake again. "I'm not going to jail. I'm going to have to move out of Promise City. And I had just decided that I was going to stay IN Promise City." She eyes another stool, "Damn It!" she swears again and kicks it over.

Jake takes a deep breath and scratches the back of his head. "I'm not letting you go to jail. Berg is Marshall now and I'm sure he won't let her come after you. Don't forget that the Merchants Association hires and fires the law here, if she gets out of line we will get her fired. Just stay out of her way until I can talk to her and find out for sure what is on her mind." Jake drags another stool over to Ruby and says, "Go ahead."

"Yeah? What are you going to do about it when she comes for me?" Ruby narrows her eyes at Jake then kicks the stool out of his hands before stomping into the kitchen and out through the back door. Once there she slumps against the wall of the building and pulls her knees to her chest. She buries her face in her hands and tries to calm down. Jake sees that Henry has been standing far out of the way and being quiet. Jake shrugs and says, "I think she is done with the stools now."

He slowly follows her out back and sits down next to her. "The last time you were this upset and I was sitting down next to you trying to convince you that everything would turn out right it was outside the El Parador. We were discussing how to make the Baxter paper problem go away. We got through that, and we'll get through this." Jake takes his hat off and tosses it onto the toe of his boot. "Then we didn't have any influence in town, or any friends in the Marshall's office or on the judges bench. We also have money, enough to stay out of most trouble that Helen could cause IF she is going to cause any." He reaches over pries a couple of fingers away from her eye and whispers through a big smile, "I bet Mrs. Barker doesn't have a goddess on her side either. Certainly not that one if looks are any indication."

Ruby can't help herself and she giggles against her own will. She picks her head up and looks at Jake. "I don't know how you do that to me." She looks down the small alley to the street, watching people hurry on their way. "YOU have money, I don't have any but what's invested in this place, which Ringo is planning on blowing up by the way. Because of Katherine."

Suddenly the puppies come running out and start jumping all over Jake and Ruby. Ruby tries to pet them but they are rambunctious and won't stay still. She sighs and says, "I guess I have a lot to tell you too. Although now my good mood for the day is ruined."

"We will have to figure out what to do about getting your good mood back. In the mean time, why don't we gather the others up for a bit and share what we learned in Tombstone. It might save somebody's life."

Voidrunner's Codex

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