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Is it just me, or has WotC really taken a downfall with their forums. I mean there are just so many restrictions with their CoC that ya really gotta be careful with what ya say...for instance, there was a thread in which a couple of people got argumentative with one another, my reply was simply this:
"Now now kids, lets all take a time out, mmm-kay." - and I got an email saying I was breaking their CoC , I'm now under their radar for the next 14 days, to me this is just wrong. What happened to them?

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Doctor Proctor

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So basically you're mad because you were condescending to a couple of guys in a little flame war and the WotC mod called you out on it? It's their CoC, and you violated it, so I don't really see a problem. South Park reference aside, you injected a rather condescending comment into an argument...what were you expecting to happen? Calling them "kids" and asking if they needed a "time out" certainly wasn't going to help improve the situation.


First Post
So basically you're mad because you were condescending to a couple of guys in a little flame war and the WotC mod called you out on it? It's their CoC, and you violated it, so I don't really see a problem. South Park reference aside, you injected a rather condescending comment into an argument...what were you expecting to happen? Calling them "kids" and asking if they needed a "time out" certainly wasn't going to help improve the situation.
You may be right, and yeah, it does annoy me - there's nothing wrong with my statement in & of itself. Suggesting to kids (and I used that term because that's indeed what they were, juveniles) that they need to relax a bit is, IMO - hardly offensive to anyone. Name calling & putting each other down is uncalled for, yet when someone advices that they relax a moment, then suddenly it's a violation of baiting & flaming? I disagree. I guess that's what I get for trying to ease some of the tension. We even tried to change the subject, but it still continued between the 2.


First Post
something you will find is that moderator's universally have a pet peeve: amateur moderating. This could have been more the reason than either the south park reference or the condescension.

Also, do you have any proof that they were children? because otherwise its just your opinion of how they were acting, which is unnecessary.


First Post
something you will find is that moderator's universally have a pet peeve: amateur moderating. This could have been more the reason than either the south park reference or the condescension.

Also, do you have any proof that they were children? because otherwise its just your opinion of how they were acting, which is unnecessary.
Not that it matters, but the topic touched on knowledge through life experiences, it was almost an age competition - quite funny in fact until they turned all sour on each other. It's funny how younger ppl think they have a grasp on life without knowing what's really in-store for them.
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Not that it matters, but the topic touched on knowledge through life experiences, it was almost an age competition - quite funny in fact until they turned all sour on each other. It's funny how younger ppl think they have a grasp on life without knowing what's really in-store for them.
Your use of "ppl" combined with the rest of this thread leads me to doubt you can speak about "younger people" except ironically. :)

At any rate, heading to another forum to complain about moderating on a different forum usually doesn't go so well*. It's their place, their rules; most everyone here gets that.


* Unless you're posting on TheRPGSite


First Post
You may be right, and yeah, it does annoy me - there's nothing wrong with my statement in & of itself. Suggesting to kids (and I used that term because that's indeed what they were, juveniles) that they need to relax a bit is, IMO - hardly offensive to anyone. ...
Stop your backtalk, young man, or I'll put you in timeout!

Your third mistake (1-amateur moderating, 2-complaining on another board) is to complain in the wrong forum! Really, this is a 4E issue? :erm:


First Post
It's a 4e issue because "the kids" are playing it. True D&D fans have always stood by OD&D as the only true form of Gygaxian perfection.

Oh gods! I've been spending too much time listening to diaglo ;)


First Post
LMAO...That's what I luv about this place, it's so easy to get a rise outta ppl around here. Good job younglings.
I'm right with you renau1g. I remember when ODD was new, ya have more of an appreciation for the game. That's what I luv about 4e, they've managed to put some of the elements (and fun) that were scratched from ODD into the system. A lotta trolls knock 4e 'cause they're all about 3.5 - which is cool if you're into rules-playing. IMO, it just dragged and wasn't much fun at all.

Infiniti2000, pushin' 50 ain't so young sonny-boy, now go stand in the corner like a good little soldier...they'll be no milk and cookies for you today.

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