Wood Golems and Sand Golems...Also, the Hangman's Noose!!

Bob Aberton

First Post
Wood Golem
Huge Golem
HD: 10d10 (50 HPs)
Initiative: -2 (-2 DEX)
Speed: 20ft
Attacks: 2 slams +10 melee
Damage: Slam 2d8 +5 and splinters
Special Attacks: Splinters
Special Qualities: Immunities, Construct, DR 25/fire
Saves: Will +3, Fort +3_, Reflex +1
Abilities: STR 20, DEX 7, CON _, INT__, Wis 10, CHA 1
Skills: none
Feats: none
CR: ?

A wood golem is a stick-like figure made of wood. Due to its stiff and unbending wood frame, they are not at all flexible and they are somewhat clumsy. They are often the "poor mage's" golem, as they cost little. However, they are quite weak.

Wood Golems pummel with thick, branchlike fists

Splinters: with each successful hit, bits of the golem's wooden fists break off, causing 1d4 points of damage each round until removed by a Heal check DC 15.

Immunities: The wood golem is immune to piercing and bludgeoning weapons smaller than Large size. The wood golem takes half damage from slashing weapons smaller than Large size, except axes, which deal normal damage.
The wood golem is immune to cold and electricity, but takes double damage from fire.
Golem immunities.

I need help with this one though...

More later...
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Rock Monkey
OK, here's some things I spotted...

HD: Golems don't get any constitution modifiers, so 10d10 is all it should have (i.e. no +5)

Saves: Golems have low saves, calulated as HD/3 (rounded down) giving base save of +3. with modifiers that gives Fort: +3 Ref: +1 and Will: +3

Golems receive no feats.

CR: For a rough estimate use the 'guesstimator' over at the creature catalog site.

Also as an aside, the majority of the cost of constructing a golem is not in the material used but in the magical process. I don't however know that much about this so perhaps someone else would be better equiped to comment further.

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