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World of Design: The Lost Art of Making Things Up

In a previous article I shared differences between entertainment media and how it feels imagination is less often required of people today. What changed?

In a previous article I shared differences between entertainment media and how it feels imagination is less often required of people today. What changed?


Picture courtesy of Pixabay.

The most important thing that we've ever learned--the most important thing we've learned as far as children are concerned--is never, never let them near a television set, or better still just don't install the idiotic thing at all. It rots the senses in the head. It kills imagination dead. It clogs and clutters up the mind. It makes a child so dull and blind. He can no longer understand a fairy tale in fairyland. His brain becomes as soft as cheese. His thinking powers rust and freeze. He cannot think he only sees! –Mike Teavee, by Danny Elfman, from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

With most forms of entertainment you need to use your imagination because there are things missing that you have to add in. Games are part of that. You need to imagine things that aren't actually there. How much imagination you need depends on what kind of entertainment.

“A Fairytale in Fairyland”

Let's differentiate imaginative play from an unfettered imagination, which is wild imagining separated from reality, with imagination in the service of problem-solving or real-world entertainment. This kind of thinking is something we learn early as children but society gradually becomes considered “daydreaming” as adults, a negative connotation. As such, an unfettered imagination tends to be the domain of children who have more time and freedom to imagine. But even in childhood play, things are changing.

“It Clogs and Clutters up the Mind”

For example, with video games much less imagination is required than with tabletop games, because the video game can show so much more (now with photo-realism). There's a tendency these days to expect games and life in general to be highly attractive. We expect movies to be extravaganzas with lots of computer-generated special effects. We can even make a young Arnold Schwarzenegger as in Terminator Genesys.

These are all aids to imagination. As a result, imagination is no longer required nearly as much in play as it was before, due in no small part because of corporate branding. Kids don't just get a set of race cars and have to imagine the rest. Instead they get cars from the movie Cars, or go-karts from Mario Kart, and so forth.

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy is an example of the power of imagination. Originally it was a radio program in Britain, which I happened to hear when I was living there in the late 70s. Then it was brought to TV (same actors), then it was a book, then a series of books, then a radio program again, and then a movie, and somewhere in there I suspect there were video games as well. I've always thought the original radio program was more entertaining than the movie or even than the books.

As the history of Dungeons & Dragons has demonstrated, there’s money to be made in creating content. In the past, it was expected that tabletop board games have lots of attractive artwork and bits, often miniatures. The less multimedia a game has, the more imagination required. This is in part a shift for Fifth Edition, which placed “theater of the mind” as a viable playstyle that involves descriptions only and no board or miniatures. Theater of the mind eschews props, but they can easily become a substitute for imaginative descriptions. For example, I rarely use miniatures (but do use a board and pieces); yet many people won't play without them.

“He Cannot Think He Only Sees”

When we stop using our imagination, we are no longer “thinking” but only “seeing” – processing information instead of creating it. In comparison, it seems to me that imagination is used less in gaming than it used to. The sandbox style of play in D&D is very much associated with the old school renaissance (OSR) and thereby older adults. But perhaps it’s just shifted online. Children play Minecraft and Roblox, worlds in which players are encouraged to create something from nothing.

The tension behind open world video games is that it costs money to create them. Emergent play by playing in a sandbox-style world is risky; players may have an amazing experience by interacting with randomly generated monsters and other players, or they may find it boring and quit. Given the upfront investments in these types of games, it’s critical that they have a means of getting players to keep paying and coming back for more. One way is to brand them, which is why corporations want to create branded worlds that have a unique intellectual property. In video games, subscriptions are one means of guaranteeing repeat play and therefore access to the imaginative world.

In tabletop games, designers can try to help player imagination but the ultimate decisions about a designer’s work are with the publisher, not the designer. Because aids cost money. Of course if the designer self-publishes then the designer decides how to spend money in order to get aids to imagination. Since tabletop publishers can’t “turn off” your imaginative play, they can instead produce pieces of a world that you must buy one book at a time, or explore one adventure at a time ("modules").

Modules often provide player maps and other visual aids. The popularity of modules can even be argued as a failure of GM imagination. To be fair, it's also a matter of convenience in a world that poses a great many calls on one's time. Even if you do buy an adventure, the imagination of the DM and players is still required. No two games run from the same published adventure are alike.

In my opinion, the ability to use imagination has atrophied from lack of use due to changes in media. Can we do anything to change it as individual game designers? Probably not. The best we can do is keep producing and hope that tabletop games continue to offer something no other medium can provide: unfettered imagination.

Your turn: Do you see a difference in how gamers today use their imagination in tabletop play?

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Lewis Pulsipher

Lewis Pulsipher

Dragon, White Dwarf, Fiend Folio

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Social media is an incredibly powerful tool. It has transformed the world; for better and for worst.
Again, I am not here to persuade you. I do think it is hard not to look at social media and see this clear difference. But I am not in the business of debating this. This is a conclusion I have reached based on my own first hand experience with the internet and with what I have seen in the industry. It is my sense of what is going on. If you don't share that sense, it really isn't any of my concern. But I will say it is clearly a culturally transformative shift in the same way the printing press was. And I think key ways the internet and social media are different than in the past is how inescapable they are, how constant they are, and the sheer numbers of people it can bring to the same place. That can be disorienting to say the least if you are putting an idea out there and getting responses to it. And it can be hard to navigate which ideas you encounter online represent real trends, versus ones that are just well suited to the internet medium (but maybe aren't as well suited to the table). With creativity, again I find there is a paralyzing effect, because you are aware of how rapidly and widely criticism spreads even in a niche hobby like gaming. It really caused me to write with my shields up, anticipating those critiques. But in the end, it produced material that wasn't as good in my opinion, so I backed off the internet a lot. I would liken it to working at a job where you have an overly critical boss. That causes lots of people to take fewer chances and make less interesting moves. A certain amount of criticism is good. Too much, paralyzing. And in its worst form, it can be manipulated, even used as a weapon against things people dislike seeing in games. For me, it took a long time to understand what social media really represented, how to use it, and how to make it work to enhance my creativity rather than harm it. If you haven't had any issues with it, then that is fair. More power to you. I found it strikingly bad for my creativity

Thomas Shey

I am here to give my perspective, have conversation, etc. Again, if any points don’t convince you they don’t convince you. Not sure what you are expecting here

Well, when your response to any attempt at conversation on the subject is "I'm not here to debate this or convince anyone" its pretty much coming across that you don't want to have conversation.

Thomas Shey

Apparently, since I can't see a way to have a conversation with someone who apparently reacts to any disagreement with "I'm not here to argue my point or convince anyone" since it seems to leave rather little to talk about, unless the only permitted conversation is to agree with them.

I feel like I gave plenty of reasons. Sorry if you don't like how I have conversations here. Like I said, I have learned to manage social media a certain way. Part of that is not giving into other peoples demands in conversations. Doesn't mean I don't offer information when asked or that I don't acknowledge good points, but it does mean I this particular topic is at its end for me with you and Hussar. We are just going to have to agree to move on

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