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World's Largest Dungeon. Any good?

Lasher Dragon

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Psion said:
You can even adapt it on the fly if you feel your group is having too easy a time!

Which I do all the time, and it is just as easy as reading a paragraph that tells you how to adjust accordingly. You really couldn't ask for better. :D

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I have been running it for 8 session now. As some of the others have said, region A can be monotonous, but we are into B now and things are looking up.

My group is running four weeks with WLD, and then four weeks with another DM's campaign. This is working well for a break from the constant dungeon crawl, and I am not getting burned out on DMing like I have in some of the other large campaigns I have run (such as City of the Spider Queen and Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil).

Overall we have been enjoying it. But earlier on there was a lot of character deaths. In the 8 sessions there have been 18 deaths! Even with 7 PC's. Of course they don't like using anything resembling tactics, they are a bit more cautious now, I haven't killed anyone for two sessions!


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
We just got finished running some chunks of WLD at a convention this weekend and the players had a pretty good time of it. I know we DMs did.
The WLD is extremely well put-together both visually and textually and that makes it very easy to run right out of the book without much work or excessive amounts of prep time.
Now, I agree that section A gets a little monotonous (lots of the same type of monsters all over the place) but the DM could also cut out substantial chunks of it without too much being lost.


So far I've run 3 regions; A, E, & I. Soon I'll be running J.

Every region has improved from the previous ones:
Region A: Monotonous and boring. But honestly, levels 1-3 have a lot of the same things over and over in or out of the WLD. Orcs, rats, and kobolds...oh my. So do something to spice it up. I did. Hehe, my players still don't think it's funny.
Region E: Multiple factions of both good an evil. Each has its own goals. Even the good guys have some nasty friction.
Region I: Just plain icky...but in a good way...kinda. It actually states in the book that its best to run the region after watching 28 Days Later. In the spoiler thread, he adds in that watching the newest Dawn of the Dead is good too. I'm in some agreement there. My players think of it more as the fun scenes from Aliens (with the approprite "nuke it from orbit" quotes"). They have only explored about 2/3 of it, but I'm not a big fan of drow & driders so I thought of a good way to end it.

Next they will be heading to Region J - The Pyrefaust. That should be interesting.

Fire. Lava. Fear.

Read my blog if you have the time. Listen to RPGMP3 if you have the time.
There are links to more blogs on mine. (But I delete the links once the blog hasn't been updated for 2 months.)

One of the things I really don't like about major dungeon complexes is when every inch of the map is covered with dungeon - no deadspace at all. For some reason it looks fake and tacky to me. Undermountain is a perfect example. It's like the designers feel that they have to cram as much as they possibly can onto an 8x11" sheet of paper.

The thing I like about Rappan Athuk and the NG adventures is that the maps have a lot deadspace so it's not as easy to guess where things are.


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Well everyone relpies have been helpful. I only have a few more questions. 1. Are there any RPish opportunities besides what a person creates? I have a player who thinks this will just be a dule dungeon crawl and Im not real sure if there will be much for this avid Roleplayer to roleplay. 2. How well can a DM pick up a section and delve into in. Are there plot hooks and what not that a DM can pick up on and and send his group into? Again Im not sure that everyone will enjoy lots of hack and slash and I may end up sending the group out then bringing them back in after skipping an area.

Again thank you for your helpful insights and keep em coming. ^_^


First Post
Xellous said:
Well everyone relpies have been helpful. I only have a few more questions. 1. Are there any RPish opportunities besides what a person creates? I have a player who thinks this will just be a dule dungeon crawl and Im not real sure if there will be much for this avid Roleplayer to roleplay. 2. How well can a DM pick up a section and delve into in. Are there plot hooks and what not that a DM can pick up on and and send his group into? Again Im not sure that everyone will enjoy lots of hack and slash and I may end up sending the group out then bringing them back in after skipping an area.

There are built in RP opportunities. Many of the denizens of the different regions interact with their neighbors, and the PCs get chances to wind up in the middle. There is also one region that is not run by hostile creatures, if memory serves.

For your second question, the sections are pretty well set up to allow you to run them without a whole lot of prep (as others have said). Once you're in, there are at least a couple of place where you can get out, and you can certainly juggle the layout and tweak the dungeon's backstory to let your PCs leave the dungeon at different times.

That said, the initial plot hooks are very, very weak -- or at least, not very serious ("Because it's there" is actually on the list). The rest of the regions after the first one are pretty much set up as if you were coming into them from within the dungeon.

(As an aside, I'll add my comment to the others noting that Region A is really boring as written. I understand the design philosophy -- lots of spots for PCs to rest -- but even a room with no active threats needs things for the party to interact with, and many of the rooms in A are just plain dull. This is too bad, because at least for me it killed my interest in running the dungeon at all -- I chose the WLD because I thought I could get away without needing a lot of prep, and after a session in Region A and some reading ahead to B, I realized that wasn't going to be the case.)


Xellous said:
Well everyone relpies have been helpful. I only have a few more questions. 1. Are there any RPish opportunities besides what a person creates? I have a player who thinks this will just be a dule dungeon crawl and Im not real sure if there will be much for this avid Roleplayer to roleplay. 2. How well can a DM pick up a section and delve into in. Are there plot hooks and what not that a DM can pick up on and and send his group into? Again Im not sure that everyone will enjoy lots of hack and slash and I may end up sending the group out then bringing them back in after skipping an area.

Again thank you for your helpful insights and keep em coming. ^_^

#1 - 90% dungeon crawl. 10% role-play.

#2 - With over 100 rooms for most of the regions, it is not easy to just pick it up for some regions.
Region A: Easy. Find a room, kill a monster, take its treasure
Region E: Not easy. Factions galore. And factions within factions. No final boss or resolution but there is the potential.
Region I: Not too hard. General knowledge of the region is needed, but its broken down into areas controlled by monster X, Y, or Z.
Region J: I've only read about 25%, but it seems to be broken down into areas or rings that get more dangerous the closer you get to the final enemy.


A'koss said:
I'm interested in opinions on this adventure as well. I saw it for the first time last week (that book is just massive!) and I was tempted, but at $100+ CDN... I want to know a little more about it.

So far I'm getting the impression that it doesn't sound any better than me just converting a bunch of 1st ed. dungeon crawls...



BTW people, check Ebay and you'll find many DM who will try to sold their copy at a lower price because they had abandon the module.

So far my group is at session number 6 i think and they are about to became level 4. I think that most of us enjoy the module, because i made some ajustment to make it more fun and give some meaning for the PC to fight this adventures.

The main story of the module is original, but you have to find a good reason to motive the character to do a so long adventure.

But as most people said, if you don't make adjustement you could get very boring... Door, Monster, Xp... Door, Monster, Xp...

The module is easy to read and use for any DM of any level of experience, i don't think this take a lot of preparation. You just have to read in advance the room your players should encounter and that it.
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