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World's Largest Dungeon -- Closed


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Expressing my interest...I've always wanted to try WLD. I'm thinking of making a Spirit Shamon character, as I've wanted to play one for a while.

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Someone said:
Would you mind then providing some info on the setting, then? I can think on a generic background, but it´ll be lamer than the one I could write for something more specific.

Sure. I'll give a rundown of Mandala and its environs, but remember that Mandala is a nexus for planar travel as well -- your character can be visiting from any background you can imagine.

The Kingdom

Citizens of the Kingdom call it by no other name, much as the King himself is known by no other name. Even in Mandala, visitors are advised to keep this in mind, for the King has ears everywhere and considers any attempt to name him or his dominion an attempt to deny his true authority. Tales are told that indicate the King has ruled as long as the Kingdom has existed, which, if true, would make him several centuries old at least.

Much to the King's chagrin, there are lands beyond the limits of his power -- nomad-riddled deserts to the south, barbaric tundra to the north, impenetrable mountains to the west and mysterious island-nations off the coast to the east. In the past, travel across the Kingdom's boundaries was frowned upon, but with the rise of the Merchant's Guild in Mandala and the spread of its power, such travel is now a vital part of the Kingdom's economy. Still, the King intends to one day claim those lands as well.


The city of Mandala is the second-largest city in the Kingdom, and well on its way to becoming the largest. It is almost a state to itself, with the Merchant's Guild arguably holding more power within the city limits than the King -- indeed, some loose-lipped supporters of the Guild have been known to claim that the King still rules only because the Guild permits it. These careless speakers tend to disappear soon after making such claims, although whether at the hands of the King's men or the Guild's it is impossible to say.

Unlike the rest of the Kingdom, planar travel is quite common in Mandala, and helps support the thriving economy that has given it so much prominence. It's said that you can find anything for sale in Mandala if you look in the right places, although you may not care much for the price.

Many planar travellers come to Mandala with goods to sell, but others come to ply their crafts -- azer blacksmiths, tiefling assassins, and mercenaries and adventurers of all races and origins can be found here. Refugees and lost peoples also flock to the city, fuelling its constant spread outward.

There are many popular inns, taverns, and hostels for adventurers between jobs, most surrounding what is known as the Traveller's Square -- an open-air market where many potential employers seek out amenable hirelings.

Dactyl Fakim

Dactyl is a well-spoken humanoid in red and saffron robes. His skin is blue-grey, and he has a snub-nosed face with large teeth, almost tusks, protruding from his lower jaw. His race is uncertain, and he acts no differently than most of the other merchants to be found in Mandala -- preoccupied with business matters and his own self-interest.


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I'm interested, it sounds good! Unfortunately I can't decide what to play...I'll have a think and hopefully post tomorrow night.


Having heard of the unending nature of the WLD, I think I might try one of the newer classes which doesn't have limits on its abilities.

Dragon Shaman or Warlock... although I'm contemplating a Spellscale Sorcerer or a Dwarf/Warforged Knight.


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Barak said:
Here's two questions.

If we express desire into branching into a given PClass, can you give us an indication of how likely it is we'd get to take levels in it?

Certainly, although I'd advise against designing a character entirely around getting into a given PrC because something that seems great now might not be quite your cup of tea 5, 6, 7 levels down the road.

Also, do you have a time framelimit as to submitting a character?

I don't have one in place right now. I'll put out a warning a few days before closing, though, in case people need impetus to finish up their characters.


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Ferrix said:
Having heard of the unending nature of the WLD, I think I might try one of the newer classes which doesn't have limits on its abilities.

Dragon Shaman or Warlock... although I'm contemplating a Spellscale Sorcerer or a Dwarf/Warforged Knight.

Any of those would work well. I'm particularly interested in seeing the Spellscale and Knight in play, but don't let that affect your decision. :)


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Kafkonia said:
Any of those would work well. I'm particularly interested in seeing the Spellscale and Knight in play, but don't let that affect your decision. :)

Spellscale Knight, here I come! :lol:

Actually.. That'd probably wouldn't work out too well. :)

Hmm.. -Dragonborn- knight, however...


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Deities and Religion

I realize I forgot to mention, for anyone thinking of running a Cleric or Favoured Soul, pretty much any deity is fair game -- if it's not in the sourcebooks listed above, just give me an outline of its portfolio, attitudes, favoured weapon, etc.

This includes homebrew deities, or adaptations of real world ones.

Likewise, for clerics that worship a concept, as long as you can give me a good reason why your chosen concept grants the two domains you've taken (eg, "I worship Justice, giving me access to the domains of Good and Law"; not "I worship Cheese, giving me access to the domains of Plants and War." Pretty much any two domains can be paired up, but some take more thought than others.)

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