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World's Largest Dungeon in actual play [Spoilers!]


DaveMage said:
Actually, Jim, it's your 230 posts (and those of others who worked on it) on EN World that helps keep it energized...so kudos.

...But since I know you don't like compliments...

When the hell are we going to start having previews for the World's Largest City? :p

I'll agree with that. During Xmas vacation this thread almost died.
Only the presence of the senor pinto and friends brought it back from the brink.

And I don't care if you like compliments or not. You're going to accept all of them and like it.

Now to sober your up, I do have one beef with the WLD (backed up by a friend who doesn't come to these threads). Several of the maps don't "line up" with the grid. Nothing big...but it drives my almost-ocd mind crazy!
I know it's more realistic...but I get enough realism the rest of the week.

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First Post
Possibly a stupid question, but my players are asking for more history on the celestial garrison in Region E. I know I've read quite a bit on this in the past, but I can't seem to find it referenced within Region E. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

The Horror

First Post
Foxheart said:
The Horror - assuming that it is OK with the fine Mr Pinto (and AEG) I would be happy to host the maps you have made. Once he has given the nod, if you send me the files (or a link to them online so I can download them) and I will get it all set up for you!

How do I go about doing this via your site? I couldn't find a contact email on the site, and it seems I can't even send PMs here. Any hints?


DM Beadle
CrimsonScribe said:
Possibly a stupid question, but my players are asking for more history on the celestial garrison in Region E. I know I've read quite a bit on this in the past, but I can't seem to find it referenced within Region E. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

The only history you are going to find Crimson (unless I’ve missed a big piece of the dungeon text somewhere) is in the front of the book (minimal), the front of region E, and bits and pieces in the region such as the hall of Portraits, or the room where rests the Garrison Charter. I've added a couple of salvaged libraries in the region still controlled by the Celestials and used info from the Planes of Law in my old Planescape campaign setting to fill in some particulars that are skipped in the adventure (due to space saving issues I'm sure).

Due to various personal issues I've had to cancel the last two sessions of the Sanguine Sentinels (one death in a players family, one major surgery, etc), so we haven't been meeting much on the heels of our holiday break. I hope to be able to delve into Region E soon, it’s been too long. :(

I won’t get into it here, but I've been sidetracked by my Shadowrun game and a renewed passion and interest in Star Fleet Battles... guess I'm a diverse gamer type and not a true royal blood RPGer. :)

With regards to TwistedOliver's concerns about leveling folks properly, the game I'm running has absolutely developed into a room hunt, but this has some great advantages. The primary one being that since I don't fix the level room in advance but rather let it float about and decide in game where the best place for it is according to the needs of the party I get more out of the region. A lot of decisions I make about running any RPG are following up on intuition and evaluation of the way the players are feeling and what is needed at that time. This means that basically I can get the PC's to explore the entire region, experiencing all it has to offer before they move on by holding off on when I level them and keeping them hunting. Perhaps this matters little to you or doesn’t fit your GM style, but for me if I put the effort into working on a room I darn well want them to go there and play in it! This makes certain they do that.

If you have different players coming in and out of the dungeon, the easiest way to deal with it is that you keep all the PC’s at the level the party has managed to attain at that point, and just fiat players in and out as needed. If they don't like this solution they are certainly not being forced to sit at your table, and it’s a lot less of a headache for you.

I'd certainly suggest a living dungeon, but within reason. This place is huge. Don't spend time repopulating empty areas unless its vital for the story, otherwise you won’t get very far in the WLD. Use the living dungeon idea only as a way of making the place feel alive in the area they are playing, not filling up what they have already explored. Don't encourage backtracking, rather push them forward and give them reasons to enter area's they haven't been to yet.

By way of example, use abominations from region I to enter into region E if the PC's do something to down a ward while they are STILL ADVENTURING in region E... use patrols from the Celestials into region A if the players are STILL EXPLORING region A. Don't put a tribe of Ogres into Region A to repopulate it if the players have nearly just finished exploring B... or E. That just returns them to areas already delved to explore once again. It’s a heck of a lot more work for you to backtrack that way, when instead they could be going into already detailed regions of the complex yet unexplored.

Make sense?


First Post
And they're in..

Dropped the PCs into region H via the Lantern archons. Cyrlebrai tasked the archons to bring in a group of heroes to each region. They talked to the Archon via a TTS synthesizer (I think Leopold suggested it). Nice feel for the situation. They questioned him on why, who, what, where is the exit (O of course, petition the Titan to leave). He gave them a rundown on who he was (Designate H127a), on total number of dead within the prison, # of heroes summoned to celestials aid, and then bid them good luck.
They then began to feel out the sylvan paradise. They hit a wandering encounter quick and were soon escorted to meet Silmarien. She tasked them to find deserters and to assist in protection from undead and demons from the west. She directed them to find the paladin if they had any further questions in defense of the area.
When they found him, they were able to succeed in pulling him out of his sullen mood but could definitely tell he had issues with the council. They decided to join his cause and he told them of his desires to be offensive in nature and they jumped at that. So off to the west to kill some demons and undead.
The party makeup is:
12th level human monk
7th level moon elf rogue/5th level shadow dancer
12th level human Paladin of Tyr (tank 1)
11th level moon elf ranger
12th level human fighter
9th level gnome cleric/3rd level fighter (tank 2)
11th level Elan psion

So they are a frontal assault group anyway.
They head west past the teeth of the dragon and the shadowdancer sends his shadow into the dragon mouth. The evoker sees an undead creature coming in and blasts it nearly killing it. The shadow runs back to the rogue and the shadow is now a companion instead of a scout. Woohoo. After investigation, they talk to the evoker but gain very little from him (his lack of interest since they had no arcane spellcasters).
They move on into G and contemplate crossing the lava to the island but rethink it and head north along the wall. The elemental was wandering the opposite way so they miss him for now. After decimating the 3 groups of hellhounds (I think one guy took a few points of fire damage--the group's frontline fighters have minor fire resistance), they head on towards the north of the hellhound pen. The rogue hears footsteps ahead (wandering Sir Ranveed falls back hearing the approach of several heavily armored troops). Rogue spots retreating bodak and calls party forward. Spear trap hits several members and Sir Ranveed gets away. Rogue gets distracted by runed pillars and sets off Negative energy trap (search of 36 not enough) nearly losing 7 levels (made save by 1). Realization now sets in that it could be harder than they thought (were proud of hell hound ease of destruction). The other pillar is avoided and they move on. At the next intersection, I put a symbol of weakness on the floor and a pair of them lost 13 points of strength. The cleric uses his two memorized restoration spells and they move on still confident. At the end of the corridor, one of the elves "accidently" spots the secret door. They move in and get to the egg shaped room. The rogue whips out his glasses that grant arcane sight 3 times per day and he sees the trap on the floor. The monk leaps across. The tanks sit back and figure out how hard it is to jump that gap. Meanwhile, the Erinyes comes out and gets the monk with her rope and chaos starts. Before they can fully cross and engage the Erinyes, they have eaten 3 unholy blights. The monk has escaped and abundant stepped away. The tanks finally jump across and begin to pound on her. She flies overhead and makes to escape. She finally gets some separation and then teleports ahead (using line of sight rule). They begin to give chase when the elder elemental comes down the passage. The sight of this 60000 pound of earth moving through the corridor was enough to deter them from chasing any farther. They head back to her abode and hole up with watches set.

So day one in the WLD. 0 deaths. 0 unconscious. But 7 very afraid.

Depending on where they decide to go from here....
They will meet the dead heroes summoned to Region G, the ettins (with the fiendish template suggested by Jim) serving Grelka, a few dead celestials, and have their first encounter with those serving Lord Tarnaticus.

Thanks to all those that have provided ideas to this forum and keeping it going.



The Horror said:
How do I go about doing this via your site? I couldn't find a contact email on the site, and it seems I can't even send PMs here. Any hints?

I also seem not to be able to send PMs either :(

If the pictures are up online, send me a link to richard.halpin :confused: blueyonder.co.uk

Alternatively, you can send the files as Zipped format to the same address :D Then I can get them up.

As an aside, RPGMP3 are now hosting all of the official AEG PDFs for the World's Largest Dungeon maps. (Cheers Jim!).

Hal :uhoh:

jim pinto

First Post

i'm just posting... to post


just bored


its 6pm on wednesday and i've got NOTHING to do...




how are you guys?

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