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Worse. Character. Name. Ever!!

Moe Ronalds

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THX 1138- a droid NPC I created in preperation for a potential star wars game

Captain Awesome- NPC in a supers game I plan to run, he's your generic overshadowing uber-good guy, who has just about any imaginable power (though strength and flight are his constants) his civilian name is Ken Clark, and he works at a comic book store. No one can tell the difference between the two, because as Ken Clark, he wears contacts that make his eyes blue. (admittedly, this one was supposed to be bad)

Sir Neverot of Eetown- We asked one of the players his character's name, and he replied "Uh... I never wrote it down". You can see where this went...

Guk, the barbarian!

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Had a champian's character named "Dr. Zot". Is major disadvantage was "enraged when confused with a fictional character".
The GM and the other PCs thought it was a bit bizare and would never come up. But when he introduced himself to the group the conversation went:

"Hello, I'm Dr. Zot"

"Dr. Who?"

"NO, DR. ZOT! (as he blasts them into the ground.)

(OK, I thought it was funny)


Rule Lawyer Groupie
I know we're discussing fictitious names, but three real names from my time in the military stand out:

Frank Power, who at one point was promoted Captain.

Eddie Koontz, Frank's friend, who was promoted at the same time.

Leslie Payne, who eventually became a Major.

But I digress.

My worst character name was a Cleric called Hasbro The Aspirant.


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Djeta Thernadier

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After finally watching that D&D movie that came out in 2001 , I would have to go with Snail.


yes, Snail.

Lets pray he is not risen in the event of a sequel.


Back when the Barbarian first came out in Dragon and then Unearthed Arcana we couldn't wait to put a couple of them into play. A buddy and I ran two barbarian brothers named Boris Bad-Ass and Harold Hangnail.

We had another guy who was new to the group & asked what his character's name was. He responded with an emphatic "SPOCK!". That got a good laugh and since only one other guy knew his real name, we all called him Spock whenever we saw him. He still goes by Spock 25 years later. Careful what you ask for.

My favorite was in Everquest where I ran a fellow named

Bjorn Tobe Wyld

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Twist of Fate said:
Ok, yes I will fess up that this was one of my PC's names in LG

Sa'atan Darkprince.....

and before you ask, YES it has been changed, but I went 6 levels before someone asked me to change it, by that time I realised that I should, no harm no foul, he's happier being someone else :)

That's great, but everytime I see his new name, I read it as "Cybo-man".

-=The Jesster: Gatchaba Goose=-


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I think just about every character I've ever played fits into this category.

I've always hated coming up with names. No matter how unique, and original I try and make a name, it still ends up sounding cheezy to me. So, I inevitably end up using a deliberately goofy name. If its going to sound bad to me anyway, it might as well sound bad to everyone else.

My first character in any sort of lasting campaign was named simply Merv. He came from a town called Zurm, founded by notoriously bad spellers. Therefore, all names of people and things in this town were required by law to be only one syllable long.

Then, there was High Priest Gordy Eddo of the Church of the Overbob (God of Niftiness). He was a somewhat delusional 2E thief.

In one of the last 2E campaigns I played I was clicking through a bunch of random names on the character generator software on my friends computer. Not satisfied with anything I saw, the last name to come up was Kurt. So I ended up putting an exclamation point in front of it (which in several programming languages represents a logical "NOT"). So his name was not Kurt (!Kurt). I ended up deciding to answer to a different name from each of the other players in that game so long as no one called me Kurt.

Shortly after 3E came out I was reading what the PHB had to say about typical halfling family names such as "Underhill" and "Greenbottle". So I ended up naming my halfling druid Fleem Threetowels

My main Living Greyhawk character started out as simply Barb (Yes, she is a Barbarian). In an effort to be at least a little more serious, I ended up coming up with a "real" name for her, but kept Barb as her nickname. So now she's Nolvahna "Barb" Aerienne. Although she still rarely goes by anthing but simply Barb.

My newest LG character is a rather generically built Monk, who's name is Iaam. Not so bad, until I mention its an acronym (I am a Monk).

My Living Dragonstar character is named Narfman. As part of his background he has two siblings. A brother, Zortanian and a sister, Poitia. For anyone who doesn't see the theme, "Narf", "Zort", and "Poit" are the random sounds that Pinky from "Pinky and the Brain" always makes.

But for all my crimes against the sanity of my fellow players, at least I can say I never played a Human Monk named Ranma Saotome. :)

-=The Jesster: Gatchaba Goose=-
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in the spelljammer game i play in, my character is Sy Landro. The other players keep calling him Cilantro. So when it came time to deciding his patron diety, he got Oreg'no.....


First Post
Jesster said:
But for all my crimes against the sanity of my fellow players, at least I can say I never played a Human Monk named Ranma Saotome. :)

-=The Jesster: Gatchaba Goose=-

"Did I mention that it's 3,000 years old? And that Chinese Emperors feared it?"

Turns to fiancee' "You are so uncute." *Gets hit with water balloon* "Hey, look! I'm still better looking than you!" *gets picked up by a big panda* "HEY! Put me down!" *gets groped by 'granddad'* YOU PERVERT! the list goes on.....:cool:
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