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Worst book WotC made for 3.0?

Worst WotC 3.0 book(s) ever?

  • Fiend Folio

    Votes: 3 0.7%
  • Monster Manual II

    Votes: 10 2.4%
  • Deities & Demigods

    Votes: 88 21.2%
  • Psionics Handbook

    Votes: 60 14.5%
  • Book of Vile Darkness

    Votes: 40 9.6%
  • Manual of the Planes

    Votes: 12 2.9%
  • Arms & Equipment Guide

    Votes: 95 22.9%
  • Savage Species

    Votes: 29 7.0%
  • Epic Level Handbook

    Votes: 96 23.1%
  • Stronghold Builders Guidebook

    Votes: 75 18.1%
  • Book of Challenges

    Votes: 101 24.3%
  • Oriental Adventures

    Votes: 18 4.3%

  • Poll closed .


Remathilis said:
The one thing that made that book salvagable was the alternate rules for MW instruments.
Actually, that was one of the sections I found the most wonky; could have been great, but was really less-than-great.

You can read my full-on griping about it in
the review I did for RPG.net.

Remathilis said:
Runners up include Allies and Enemies (most the NPC's are not generic.)
Hey, who needs generic NPCs? :)

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Hi all! :)

I voted Deities & Demigods, though not for most of the reasons I have read from some of you.

I got the impression the book didn't know its market. I mean it didn't cater for Immortal based campaigns, since it had no rules for Divine Ascension, Progression or any other of the myriad components vital to such games.

Neither did the book cater for non-epic campaigns; it provided scant details on the deities religions; temples; spells; customs etc.

What we did get was a book primarily dedicated to statting gods for no apparent reason and even the stats themselves were fairly boring and habitually repeated the same material over and over again (In fact I would anticipate over 30 full pages are squandered from repeating the same material).

Neither the Gods, nor their Avatars, are weak enough to make them viable opponents for non-epic campaigns and the book didn't wholly embrace the epic rules so you get a disjointed feel using them in conjunction. Added to which WotC didn't seem to know how to determine a deities CR with any confidence, so it was all a bit of a letdown.

Still, the art was nice. :p

...Oh, and I'll buy your book Kamikaze Midget. :)


First Post
Tarrasque Wrangler said:
All of the choices in your poll pale in lameness to the Hero Builder's Guidebook.

"Ooooh boy! A list of goofy names by race! A bunch of min-max character builds that were immediately apparent to anyone who opened the PHB!

My thoughts exactly.
How did this not make the poll or did you not want a landslide winner :D


First Post
Li Shenron said:
But my biggest question is... what the hell is Manual of the Planes doing here? That book is simply my favourite! I want to know the explanation from the ones who voted it... :confused:
i was going to respond but woodelf said exactly what i was going to say. (except i'm very glad modrons disappeared. never liked them.)

i guess i was expecting a planar toolkit book. what i got was less than 15 pages on how to develop my own planes and cosmology and over 100 pages of one specific example cosmology that i'll never use.


First Post
The worst thing they ever came out with was the first... that conversion from 2E to 3E. Gods, I should have left well enough alone. Don't get me wrong, I love 3E, but that just wonked up my campaign something fierce. 3E wasn't meant to be upgraded from 2E.


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I really don't like jumping into threads like this because the definition of what is "best" and "worst" often depends on what the player (of DM) wants.

For example, many people hated Dieties and Demigods, because of the focus of diety stats, and lack of worship information. I however, generally liked the book because diety stats were exactly what I wanted. As I've mentioned before I enjoy epic games. After reading the Iliad last year in mythology class, I envisioned a setting where the gods were very petty and often intervened in mortal affairs (like the Greek Gods). In a lot of mythology characters challenge, even occassionally defeat the gods. Hence, the necessity of diety stats my campaign. Of course, DMs who prefer the gods to be distant entities who rarely intervene in mortal affairs will find little use out of the book. It all depends on the campaign.

Also, I hated Manual of the Planes because I dislike the "great wheel" cosmology, which always seemed too tied to the D&D alignment system for my case. I was looking for a toolkit for me to build an alternative cosmology, not a rehash of the "great wheel" concept. To DMs who loved the "great wheel", this was a great book, but to me it was not.

Same goes for splat books. Prestige classes that are "boring" for some, might not be for others. Some prestige classes might be overpowered for some campaigns, but for high powered and epic campaigns they might fit right in. Really, I think it's all just a matter of opinion and circumstance.

Anavel Gato

First Post
Arms and Equipment

honestly I think I've opened it twice since my initial browsing to find something neat to, but I have always closed it without finding something I like...


I bought the Stronghold Builder's Guidebook first printing (was there ever any more?). To say some editor should be shot is equivalent to wasting a bullet. Not only is it full of typos and errors of syntax and grammar, there's a page that just ends in the middle of a sentence (and no, I'm not missing a page). On the rules side, it proposes all sorts of mythical substances from which to build strongholds which are completely unsupported in any other resource, and which are better than adamantite. If you can make a whole wall out of something better than adamantite, surely you can make a sword out of the stuff? New things in support books are OK - new things which alter fundamental concepts aren't.

Cheers, Al'Kelhar

Voidrunner's Codex

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