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Worst Class/ PrC


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Everyone always talks about the best classes/feats/weapon/armour/etc, lets flip it around what is the worst class and what is the worst Prestige class.
Off the top of my head I'm not sure.

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The undead fighting PrC from Defenders of the Faith gets my vote. One of the prequisites is that you have 'favoured enemy - fiends' but the rest point towards paladin or cleric levels. There is even a note in the description that states most members of the PrC are multiclassed rangers/paladins or rangers/clerics.

Go on. How many people have ever seen a ranger/paladin?

And one of the dragonslaying PrC's in Dragon was pretty bad. You had to be a druid/barbarian or something to qualify for it. Again, not a likely combination, although better than the above.


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What criteria do you want? Do you want boring mechanics, broken mechanics, or just bad ideas to begin with?

Tempest is a very boring prestige class. Most of it's abilities can be gained through feats.

Templar is just badly written. The class gets way too much for little sacrificed.

Weapon Master is to general. You can't cover all weapons being mastered with the same abilities.

Storm Raven

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Tallarn said:
Go on. How many people have ever seen a ranger/paladin?

Umm, why is this so outlandish? A valiant warrior devoted to the cause of justice and right who has devoted his life to hunting down evildoers? Heck, the campaign world I designed had an order of wandering Paladins who were primarily Ranger/Paladins before the first letter of DotF was written. If my current PC in the game I am playing in needs to be replaced for some reason, a Ranger/Paladin is high on the list of possible character ideas.
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Storm Raven said:

Umm, why is this so outlandish? A valiant warrior devoted to the cause of justice and right who has devoted his life to hunting down evildoers? Heck, the campaign world I designed had an order of wandering Paladins who were primarily Ranger/Paladins before the first letter of DotF was written. If my current PC in the game I am playing in needs to be replaced for some reason, a Ranger/Paladin is high on the list of possible character ideas.

...or like the guy in my party who's every character has one level as a Ranger for the two free feats. He insists that PC has just been to Ranger summer camp :)



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Incantatrix (I believe it's called). No prestige class should grant that many benefits, nor should it require that many benefits to describe the PrC and make it unique.


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I don't know about worst but my least favorite classes are Monk and Barbarian. To me Monk just does not seem to fit. The Barbarian to me should just be a fighter theme , not a whole class.

My least favorite Race is half-orc. I mean WTF is that? Humans and orcs can MATE? just does not seem to make sense to me. The again I tend to take a Tolkein approach to orcs rather than a D&D one so to speak.


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My least favourite prestige class is the wayfarer guide. A three level prestige class... :confused: Why bother making it in the first place.

As for least favourite class, I would say probably the ranger. Seems a little to top heavy. Although the monk is one of the most "anachronistic" classes in the PHB, it is kinda funky in the right campaigns. Fits in well with my Greyhawk game (Scarlet Brotherhood anyone?), but not so well in my home-brewing ancient based setting.


I think the ranger is nasty.
Really cool first level. Then it's lame for a great many levels, and then its cool again.

I really hate the way clerics represent all organized religion as fighting priests, I like the class as a class, but I hate the way it fits in the world. Skill points make a lot more sense for running a church than armor profeciences.

Druids have horrible spell lists if you just use the PHB.

Prestige classes present a lot of options for awfullness.

The ones that leap to mind, however:

Oracle from DotF: cool concept but under and stupidly powered

Runecaster from FR: "Um, couldn't feats have given me just as much flavorless power without costing me levels?"

And the Metamind for Psionics: "I'm a Giant BRAIN!"
"We're psionicsts we're all giant brains."
"But my BRAIN is in caps!"

Omega Lord

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One word, three sylables


Ye gods what a stupid class. The only way i could even think about playing one of these atrocities is in a high tech game (a la dragonstar) then maybe, MAYBE this class could be considered an opition. If i hear one more person clam that forsakers can use psionics im going to sic my army of angry gremlins on them. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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