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Worst movies ever....

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barsoomcore said:
Johnny Depp is God. Er, no John Malkovitch is God. No, wait, Viggo Mortensen is God. No, I mean...

I've never understood how they could take John Malkovich, Jeremy Irons, Gabriel Byrne, and (to a lesser extent) Gerard Depardieu, put them all in the same movie...

... and then cast Leonardo diCaprio in two roles!

I mean, sure, Jeremy Irons did the D&D Movie, but if we forgive him that, I think he's great. And my opinion of Malkovich and Byrne is well-documented.

I loved all three of them - and Depardieu - in Man in the Iron Mask. And I thought the kid playing Athos Jr did a wonderful son-of-Malkovich. But why diCaprio?




Unattainable Ideal
Actually, I'm okay with Leo. Boy's got chops. He was wrong for that role, no question -- though nobody else springs to mind.

But he can act. I just wish he'd choose better films. Though I never saw Catch Me If You Can and heard it was pretty good, so maybe he's heading for better times.


Dark Jezter said:
I'll have you know that in my campaign, beholders always serve as watchdogs. And yes, they can be distracted by a thrown rock. :D

If i'm going into a castle and I see beholders as the guards, I leave. I don't care what level I am. If the have beholders as guards, what the heck is on the inside? ;)
Back on topic, no one mentioned Gigli? I heard it was BAD. Glad i never saw it.


First Post
I am proud I have seen only 3 of the top 100 worst movies from the link earlier in the thread. My life has more value now that I know I have not wasted it watching those movies.


First Post
Glad to see Gymkata getting some mentions here.

I usually hate to see "worst movie ever" discussions because they usually end up meaning "most overrated movie ever." I mean, who goes into Gymkata thinking it's good? Can you really say Batman and Robin is a worse movie than Gymkata? I mean, I'm much more angry at Batman and Robin than I am Gymkata, because I wanted B&R to be good ... but I hold no illusions about which movie is actually worse.

Funny, though, how the brain works. My best buddy was over my house, it was late. There may have been booze involved. We sat on the couch and flipped channels, in some kind of exhausted daze. We stumbled onto Gymkata. We were powerless to change the channel. The climactic pommel-horse combat ... wow.

As a result, we have this great amazing shared memory of an evening that otherwise would have been forgotten, of an event that is iconic of a time in our lives we'll never return to. Would that memory have been formed if we had stumbled onto Batman and Robin? Alien 3? Highlander 2? Dick Tracy (my personal vote for most overrated movie)?


Gymkata wins my personal "worst movie ever" award, but I'm thrilled to have seen it :).

SnowDog said:
Glad to see Gymkata getting some mentions here.

I usually hate to see "worst movie ever" discussions because they usually end up meaning "most overrated movie ever." I mean, who goes into Gymkata thinking it's good? Can you really say Batman and Robin is a worse movie than Gymkata? I mean, I'm much more angry at Batman and Robin than I am Gymkata, because I wanted B&R to be good ... but I hold no illusions about which movie is actually worse.

Funny, though, how the brain works. My best buddy was over my house, it was late. There may have been booze involved. We sat on the couch and flipped channels, in some kind of exhausted daze. We stumbled onto Gymkata. We were powerless to change the channel. The climactic pommel-horse combat ... wow.

As a result, we have this great amazing shared memory of an evening that otherwise would have been forgotten, of an event that is iconic of a time in our lives we'll never return to. Would that memory have been formed if we had stumbled onto Batman and Robin? Alien 3? Highlander 2? Dick Tracy (my personal vote for most overrated movie)?


Gymkata wins my personal "worst movie ever" award, but I'm thrilled to have seen it :).
Great story, Snow Dog.

I feel the same way about some of the bad ones I've stumbled onto, especially Bluebeard starring Richard Burton. I can't say Masters of the Universe, because we went to the theater and paid full price, knowing it would be bad. My two best friends and I kept saying, "Good journey" (with badly mangled versions of the accompanying hand gesture) for weeks after that one.

I am now stoked to see Gymkata! I can't believe there is a movie starring an American Olympic gymnast worse than American Anthem, starring Mitch Gaylord. At least his "gymnastic apparatus in the woods" had a reason for being there (his character practiced there). But I will not rent Gymkata. No, I will wait and stumble on to it, late one night, and force myself to watch it, in all of its horrid glory--as I, too, will be powerless to change the channel.

This happened a few weeks ago. We were in a hotel room, on our way to a con, and the ending of Star Trek V was on. We could not stop watching (there were three of us, and we'd all seen it before)....finally, someone made the Will save, turned off the t.v., and we were free.


Hope floats. My wife still owes me big for making me see that piece o' crap. Sandra Bullock went from the 'hot' list to the 'not' list faster than anyone, ever. >Shiver<

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