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WotBS WotBS: Complete D&D 4E printed version?


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I'm looking for a complete paper copy but it seems like adventure #1, the player and campaign guides are available in electronic form only. Even better, is there any chance of a hard cover version?
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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Some of the older stuff was when we sold softcovers through Lulu.com. You can get them there. Unfortunately, those files are not compatible with RPGNow's specifications.


I'm sure if there was enough demand for it, Morrus might consider having somebody put in the work to get a physical copy out into the world. Keep in mind that a lot of 4e support is starting to wind down, if not disappear entirely as Next and Pathfinder continue to catch/hold the attention of the larger mass of fans. As fans of 4e, we need to make sure we keep ourselves out there for our favorite publishers to see. Through our combined effort, we can convince them to continue at least cursory support of the edition.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
But man the 3E Deluxe Hardcover is beautiful!

Every time we asked folks if they wanted compiled 4E hardcover, they made it clear that we'd only sell a dozen copies! Same with the ZEITGEIST Kickstarter - they didn't want a big compiled one, just the three Acts. And the 3.5 deluxe, while gorgeous, did not sell well at all. So I don't think there will ever be a compiled 4E WotBS.


First Post
Such a shame but understandable. Have you considered the smaller step of making the full set of WotBS pdfs available also in print form? (ie. adventure #1, the player and campaign guides)
Going a step further, being able to purchase these as a box set would be quite nice and much less financially risky for you guys. Come to think of it, I would prefer that over a hardcover version, especially if there was a folder included that I could use to store my additional notes, etc. in the box set. Not only that but I think it would be more convenient to have a small soft cover at the table than a giant hardcover.

Aside: I'm interested in hard copies over PDF not only for the eye candy aspect but also because they are longer lasting. I still have the box of Gamma World stuff I bought as a teen back in the mid-eighties, on the other hand I have purchased video games this decade that are now completely useless. Worse, recently I was digging through old boxes in the basement and turned up a set of old 5.25" discs with really nostalgic labels. Putting aside the difficulty of finding a drive that can even try to read them, I would still need to be lucky enough to find that they can still be read and then luckier still to be able to import the really old file formats into something modern...
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Every time we asked folks if they wanted compiled 4E hardcover, they made it clear that we'd only sell a dozen copies! Same with the ZEITGEIST Kickstarter - they didn't want a big compiled one, just the three Acts. And the 3.5 deluxe, while gorgeous, did not sell well at all. So I don't think there will ever be a compiled 4E WotBS.

Sad that. I was thinking with PoD at Lulu that wouldn't be such a problem. Or is the layout work too much?

Ah well, that is a pity. Cos having them available would be the sort of thing I would save up for, especially after getting the 3E version.

Still I have the Zeitgeist KS book coming :D


First Post
Morrus, when you first replied, I popped over to lulu and saw the ebook versions but didn't realize that the printed versions was there also but listed as separate items(!) Anyways, got it figured out now but what I find is that lulu has printed softcover editions of WotBS 4E players guide, campaign guide and #1-6, while RpgNow has #9-12

Missing in softcover at either place is #7 and 8 ... ?

BTW, I received today my printed copies of Zeitgeist 1-5 from RPGNow and am really impressed with the quality of the books! Can you let me know how lulu compares? (because it's a lot more $$$)
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