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WotBS WOTBS Edarnia Campaign Journal


Summary of First Four Session.

Quick Character Update Post Session 4

As mentioned in my second post, there were a number of changes to the roster (and to the remaning characters) early on.

The players seemed to be enjoying the campaign immensely. They've all been kind enough to email or call me with feedback after almost every session. The Consensus seemed to be that the adventure was engrossing and well written, my home brewed world was rich and detailed and the in-party dynamics and roleplaying were excellent.

However, at first nearly half of the group seemed to be enjoying the campaign DESPITE the 4th edition rules, rather than because of them (but then, we're talking about a group that didn't make the change from AD&D to 3rd ed until about a month before the release of 3.5).

Bearing all this in mind, at the end of session 3 I sat them all down and asked them what it was about the 4th ed rules that they didn't like, and were there any changes that could be made either to the rules or to their characters that would improve their game experience?

Rob found that the Paladin class was not to his liking -mainly because the Paladin character in our 3.5 campaign was a complete melee monster. He couldn't quite come to terms with a 4e Paladin's role as "just another meat shield" rather than a damage-dishing machine. After talking it through, I gave him the option of designing a new character. Rob opted to play a rogue instead. Hence Torthen was written out of the campaign and Mikal introduced as his replacement.

Niall was similarly dissatisfied with the Wizards role as a Controller rather than a damage dealing powerhouse (Niall has never liked the more "subtle" version of wizard, always favouring the fireball over web, and Melfs Acid Arrow over Glitterdust, for example). However he decided Sonea would remain a Wizard rather than taking my offer of switching her over to either Sorcerer, Invoker or Warlock. I did allow him to tweak her powers and stats a little, to make her slightly more effective in her role.

Rhi had a similar problem with Shadowdancer. Shadowdancer is very much Rhi's "iconic" character. He has played the same character, in a number of different incarnations, in many different game systems over the year. Rhi likes to think of Shadowdancer in the same light as Moorcock's "eternal warrior", a hero reincarnated again and again when the world faces terrible peril. The Avenger seemed to come close to his expectations of what Shadowdancer should be able to accomplish, but even then there were a few niggling problems. He toyed with the idea of multi-classing as a warlock for a while, but when D&D Insider published the hybrid rules, I allowed Rhi to redesign Shadowdancer as an Avenger/Warlock hybrid.

I'm very happy to say that since allowing these changes there has been no more talk about converting the campaign back to 3.5 or the Pathfinder setting. It was our first experience of playing 4e and I`m happy to say that the dissatisfaction with the rules clearly stemmed more from conflicts with the players preconceptions about what certain classes should be able to do and less with the rules themselves.

So here is the altered roster for the Party as of the start of session five.

Male (race undisclosed) Warlord. lvl 2
By this point in the campaign, Shadowdancer knows Aramil to be an Eladrin. The others only suspect. Aramil has clearly supplanted Torrent in the leadership role, although by now he shares that role with Shadowdancer. Aramil seems to have found his niche as the groups "figurehead" and combat leader. Though the others worry that he is a little too reckless when it comes to deciding when to fight and when to talk.

Bomilcar - NPC
Human (Zaman) Male Defender. L ?
Bomilcar is a giant of man, taciturn and noble. Despite his great size and incredible strength he is no fool, as the Cell has very quickly come to realise.

Boomer. lvl 2
Human Male Swordmage
Boomer has shown himself to be an intelligent combatant and an educated man, though his smart mouth sometimes cause problems for himself and the rest of the Cell. So far he has been open about his service to the city and his status as a senior student at Gabal's Academy of War.

Dara Salix Castanea. lvl 2
Female (race undisclosed) Druid
Dara has increasingly distanced herself from Shadowdancer and Aramil since the revelation that the former is certainly an Eladrin and that the latter is probably Eladrinl. She has shown herself to be a voice for caution and lateral thinking within the groupbut remains on the "periphery" as it were, at least as far as social interaction with the rest of the cell is concerned.

Human Male Rogue. lvl2
Mikal has only just joined the Cell. None of the others have had much opportunity to interact with him outside the boundaries of their mission.

Male Eladrin Hyrbid (Avenger/Warlock). lvl2
Shadowdancer has earned a considerable amount of prestige within the cell, so much so that when he speaks, his companions listen. He has frequently voiced contempt for the Resistance and what he percives as its "amatuerish" practices. While Aramil has become the public face of leadership within the Cell, Shadowdancer is very much the power behind the throne. It is he who guides the direction of the cell - and then gets out of the way while the others do their jobs.

Female Human Wizard. lvl2
Sonea has been working behind the scenes for much of the mission so far, helping her father prepare rituals and enlisting his aid. Her access to and knowedge of the higher orders of Gate Pass' military and political elite has proven to be of considerable benefit to the cell.

Torthen - NPC
Male Dwarf Paladin. lvl 1
Now little more than a hostage (albiet a willing one), Torthens life is Shiallis's guarantee that the Cell will not betray her. Any harm that befalls Bomilcar will befall Torthen (and vice versa). Given Bomilcars attitude to combat, it is perhaps just as well that, as a Paladin, Torthen has the capacity to heal himself.

Torrent - NPC
Female Human Cleric. lvl 2. NPC
By now, what little respect or credibility Torrent had with the group is long gone. It remains to be seen if she has any future with the Cell.

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i've had a similar experience with my players. I've made it my policy to allow a fair amount of shuffling around with builds the first couple levels. Why not?
I'm enjoying your write ups and trying to use them as prep for my own sessions (session two was yesterday, I'll post about it later tonight.)


Thanks Durn, I`m glad your enjoying it. My players put a lot of effort into keeping these (madly typing away on a lap-top during the session) and they just seem to get better as time goes on, so it's good to know people are reading.

By the way, I`m really impressed with your campaign site on Obsidian Portal. It looks brilliant.


Session Five- Sunday 11th October 2009

Part One
Dara- Elf- Druid
Aramil- Eladrin - Warlord
Sonea- Human - Wizard
Shadow Dancer- Eladrin - Avenger
Mikal- Human- Rogue
Adahan (Boomer) - Human- Swordmage
Torrent- Human- Cleric
Bomilcar-Human- Undisclosed Defender Class

After leaving Torrent with her resistance superiors the group find themselves sitting in the temple guards common room, surrounded by a few of the men. Sonea never returned with Boomer as she was in the middle of business with her father the mage Diogeanese. Dara, Mikal, Aramil, Shadow Dancer and Boomer are sitting with Bomilcar, trying to formulate a plan of action. As it stands they need to get out of the city and head south to the Lyceum with the box Aramil carries. They also need to do something about the Arcanis cell, which as far as rumour goes, is in the city now and planning to assassinate some of the key political figures.

Much discussion occurs as they take time to kick back and refresh themselves.

After many ideas being banded around the Eladrin, Shadow Dancer, retrieves a piece of folded cloth from his person and throws it down for all to see.

Do any of you recognise this or know who they are?’ He speaks in particular to those new to the party.

The others recognise the red arm band from the attackers at the Poison Apple Pub- red fabric with a black horse head with strange arcane symbols below. Mikal and Boomer explain that they have indeed seen people in the city wearing such armbands but they don’t know who they are.

Discussion shifts to the Arcanis cell and who brought the news to Buron’s and Dara’s attention. Dara explains it was a dwarf she recognised as being the one on the gates to the depositary tower. His news was the reason Buron pulled Mikal off the city walls.

Mikal makes his way around the common room asking the guards if they have seen or know of a dwarf here at the temple. Most clam up and avoid speaking with him but one takes the time to explain the situation to Mikal.

My friend let me give you some advice. We operate in a cell structure. Even if we knew who this dwarf was we couldn’t tell you much at all. There was a dwarf here a few days ago wearing black armour with glowing symbols on it but that’s as much as I'll say. Y’know all sorts work for the resistance.’

Mikal comes back to the table. The description is quite obviously Torthen, so of no use.

Discussion still ensuing Dara stands up, obviously growing tired by what she sees as possibly useless talk. ‘We need to speak with Torrent. Regardless of whether or not she is still our leader on this mission, she has information above our knowledge and could be yaying or naying a lot of what we are discussing here. I suggest we carry this conversation on in her presence.’

Those present agree with this plan and with Dara’s decision to go speak to Torrent first as so far the others have nothing but rub the senior resistance members up the wrong way.

The others make their way down from the common room to the main hall of the temple while Dara climbs down the spiral staircase to the armoury. Just as she reaches the door there is a sudden silence and the door opens as she reaches her hand out to knock. Torrent looks out at her, looking drawn and shocked. Quietly she says ‘Bring the others here quickly! There have been new developments.’

As Dara turns to run back up Torrent adds ‘Don’t bring that Zaman Bomilcar. Keep him elsewhere!’

Duly noted.’ Dara nods curtly and continues upwards to retrieve the others.


Bomilcar is left in the temple hall with Aramil while the others return with Dara. Inside the room they find just Buron and Torrent looking drawn and pale. Badger is no longer with them.

It is explained that the Imperials have demanded that inquisitors be let into the city as part of a truce. The appeasement faction in the assembly are pressing for them to be allowed in to the city. Therefore the box and ourselves need to get to the lyceum before the assembly lets the inquisition in. The wolves at the door.

Torrent and Buron argue over the matter of escape from the city. They mention Diogeanese and Aerdum Menash.

Torrent turns back to what was her party. 'No one is being allowed to leave the city. The reason being they now have confirmed reports that imperial troops are now in the east of the pass. At the moment the numbers are described as being small but there is a presence. It’s time we planned our escape and got out of here. Or rather that it’s time we planned our escape and you got out of here. Given that you’ve not been paying any attention to my orders anyway. From now on you’ll be on your own and I’ll go back to the temple. Buron has relieved me of command.

Speaking of which, I have more news about the assembly. It seems that during the start of the attacks that earth elementals killed assembly members in their homes. A further five began this morning. The pro-resistance and anti-appeasement assembly members and families have been killed.'

Mikal thinks for a moment then asks if we have access to a good forger and some of the passes from the assembly members who died.

Shadow Dancer agrees and asks if Buron can get these.

'It’s rather unfortunate as any passes signed by dead assembly men become void unless ratified by a living one.' Buron sighs. He suggests seeking out a certain gaudy house owned by Aerdum Menash.

'He has been known to sponsor some disreputable characters in the past. But...'

Torrent and Buron snap at each over the suggestion.

Buron explains 'Torrent prefers we go through Diogeanese as you have spoken with him before.'

Discussion ensues again, questions over whether Dara has any contacts within the Gryphon riders, or if she know any druids who might be able to help? Do we have contacts with the cavalrymen? Many options are explored in quite a flurry of talk.

In the end it is decided that we should get through to Diogeanese to discuss how to get out.

Quietly, Boomer leans over and tells Mikal about the gem he’s noticed on Bomilcar’s pommel. He mentions that it’s a Cat’s Eye gem which are linked with divination magic.

Shadow Dancer attention prickles on them as his sharp senses overhear. 'Really?'

Boomer nods.

It is agreed that they will have to be careful with Bomilcar in what he is privy to.

The party divide into groups as they leave for Gabal's. Mikal and Boomer leave first.

Just before leaving himself Shadow Dancer asks Bomilcar about the crows and rats that have been following. As he has come to expect Bomilcar curtly denies it being some of his peoples, adding that he doesn’t pay attention to vermin.

Bomilcar leaves with Aramil. Dara and Shadow bring up the rear at a sensible distance, senses on edge for any sign of the followers.


Out of her peripheral vision Dara spots a rat high up in the gutters of the rooftops following their progress. She gives a hand gesture and the Eladrin takes aim and shoots with his crossbow. The bolt flies true to its target but just before hitting home it deflects off in another direction. The rat is under magical protection.

Dara moves closer throwing out thorn whip that strikes the rat but finds it immovable as if it were a much larger creature. Eldritch blast fires out from Shadow Dancer to no effect.

The rat looks round surprised, jumping a foot in the air as the second eldritch blast does nothing. The rat scampers out the way quickly transforming into a crow, flying up and over the rooftop to disappear into the city.

'What the hell was that?' Aramil’s voice is clearly heard by all.

Shadow and Dara quickly catch Aramil and Bomilcar up. 'That’s it gone for now. Let’s go quickly.'



Voidrunner's Codex

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