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WotC Backs Down: Original OGL To Be Left Untouched; Whole 5E Rules Released as Creative Commons

Hundreds of game publishers sigh in relief as, after extensive pressure exerted by the entire open gaming community, WotC has agreed to leave the original Open Gaming License untouched and put the whole of the 5E rules into Creative Commons. So, what's happened? The Open Gaming Licence v1.0a which most of the D&D third party industry relies on, will be left untouched for now. The whole of...

Hundreds of game publishers sigh in relief as, after extensive pressure exerted by the entire open gaming community, WotC has agreed to leave the original Open Gaming License untouched and put the whole of the 5E rules into Creative Commons.

So, what's happened?
  • The Open Gaming Licence v1.0a which most of the D&D third party industry relies on, will be left untouched for now.
  • The whole of the D&D 5E SRD (ie the rules of the game less the fluff text) has been released under a Creative Commons license.

WotC has a history of 'disappearing' inconvenient FAQs and stuff, such as those where they themselves state that the OGL is irrevocable, so I'll copy this here for posterity.

When you give us playtest feedback, we take it seriously.

Already more than 15,000 of you have filled out the survey. Here's what you said:
  • 88% do not want to publish TTRPG content under OGL 1.2.
  • 90% would have to change some aspect of their business to accommodate OGL 1.2.
  • 89% are dissatisfied with deauthorizing OGL 1.0a.
  • 86% are dissatisfied with the draft VTT policy.
  • 62% are satisfied with including Systems Reference Document (SRD) content in Creative Commons, and the majority of those who were dissatisfied asked for more SRD content in Creative Commons.
These live survey results are clear. You want OGL 1.0a. You want irrevocability. You like Creative Commons.
The feedback is in such high volume and its direction is so plain that we're acting now.
  1. We are leaving OGL 1.0a in place, as is. Untouched.
  2. We are also making the entire SRD 5.1 available under a Creative Commons license.
  3. You choose which you prefer to use.
This Creative Commons license makes the content freely available for any use. We don't control that license and cannot alter or revoke it. It's open and irrevocable in a way that doesn't require you to take our word for it. And its openness means there's no need for a VTT policy. Placing the SRD under a Creative Commons license is a one-way door. There's no going back.

Our goal here is to deliver on what you wanted.

So, what about the goals that drove us when we started this process?

We wanted to protect the D&D play experience into the future. We still want to do that with your help. We're grateful that this community is passionate and active because we'll need your help protecting the game's inclusive and welcoming nature.

We wanted to limit the OGL to TTRPGs. With this new approach, we are setting that aside and counting on your choices to define the future of play.
Here's a PDF of SRD 5.1 with the Creative Commons license. By simply publishing it, we place it under an irrevocable Creative Commons license. We'll get it hosted in a more convenient place next week. It was important that we take this step now, so there's no question.
We'll be closing the OGL 1.2 survey now.

We'll keep talking with you about how we can better support our players and creators. Thanks as always for continuing to share your thoughts.

Kyle Brink
Executive Producer, Dungeons & Dragons

What does this mean?

The original OGL sounds safe for now, but WotC has not admitted that they cannot revoke it. That's less of an issue now the 5E System Reference Document is now released to Creative Commons (although those using the 3E SRD or any third party SRDs still have issues as WotC still hasn't revoked the incorrect claim that they can revoke access to those at-will).

At this point, if WotC wants anybody to use whatever their new OGL v1.x turns out to be, there needs to be one heck of a carrot. What that might be remains to be seen.

Pathfinder publlsher Paizo has also commented on the latest developments.

We welcome today’s news from Wizards of the Coast regarding their intention not to de-authorize OGL 1.0a. We still believe there is a powerful need for an irrevocable, perpetual independent system-neutral open license that will serve the tabletop community via nonprofit stewardship. Work on the ORC license will continue, with an expected first draft to release for comment to participating publishers in February.


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This is total speculation, but based on what we saw from Wizards, here's what I think happened:

The initial decision to revoke the OGL was not seen as a big deal by whoever was calling the shots at the time (supposedly Chris Cao, but since we don't know for sure, I'll just call this person Cersei). They considered the OGL an obstacle to be swept aside, and didn't anticipate much pushback.

Then things leaked and there was PUSHBACK like whoa. This set off an internal struggle between Cersei and some other person or faction whom I'll call Tyrion. Tyrion wanted to drop the whole thing and re-commit to the original OGL. There were many acrimonious meetings -- this was the period of about a week when there was total radio silence from Wizards.

Eventually everyone realized that something had to be said, and Cersei, who was still nominally in charge, issued the 2.0 proposal and the "We all win!" statement. This did not help matters. At this point, someone higher up the chain whom I'll call Tywin said, "This has got to stop. Cersei, you need to fix this right now."

Cersei came up with the OGL 1.2 proposal. Tyrion slipped a limited Creative Commons release into it, then argued that it should be put to a trial by comb... er, public survey, to see if it would in fact be enough. This was done and the survey came back with results that could be summed up as "Gregor Clegane versus Drogon."

Tywin said, "You had your chance, Cersei. I'm putting Tyrion in charge. Tyrion, do whatever you have to do, but I have a meeting Monday with the Iron Board of Haasbros, and I want this whole thing gone."

Tyrion said, "The one thing everybody liked in the survey was this Creative Commons bit. If we put the whole 5E SRD under it, and agree to back off the OGL, I think that would do the trick."

To which Tywin replied, "I don't care what you do as long as I can bring good news to the Iron Board. But if I have to give them bad news..."

"I know. Heads. Spikes. Walls."

Tyrion released the original OGL from the black cells and put the 5E SRD into Creative Commons, and the common people rejoiced, and Tywin got to bring good news to the Iron Board. But none of them knew about the AI Dungeon Masters gathering beyond the GPT Wall...
I was basically going to say exactly this but you put it much more colorfully.

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Heretic of The Seventh Circle
This is total speculation, but based on what we saw from Wizards, here's what I think happened:

The initial decision to revoke the OGL was not seen as a big deal by whoever was calling the shots at the time (supposedly Chris Cao, but since we don't know for sure, I'll just call this person Cersei). They considered the OGL an obstacle to be swept aside, and didn't anticipate much pushback.

Then things leaked and there was PUSHBACK like whoa. This set off an internal struggle between Cersei and some other person or faction whom I'll call Tyrion. Tyrion wanted to drop the whole thing and re-commit to the original OGL. There were many acrimonious meetings -- this was the period of about a week when there was total radio silence from Wizards.

Eventually everyone realized that something had to be said, and Cersei, who was still nominally in charge, issued the 2.0 proposal and the "We all win!" statement. This did not help matters. At this point, someone higher up the chain whom I'll call Tywin said, "This has got to stop. Cersei, you need to fix this right now."

Cersei came up with the OGL 1.2 proposal. Tyrion slipped a limited Creative Commons release into it, then argued that it should be put to a trial by comb... er, public survey, to see if it would in fact be enough. This was done and the survey came back with results that could be summed up as "Gregor Clegane versus Drogon."

Tywin said, "You had your chance, Cersei. I'm putting Tyrion in charge. Tyrion, do whatever you have to do, but I have a meeting Monday with the Iron Board of Haasbros, and I want this whole thing gone."

Tyrion said, "The one thing everybody liked in the survey was this Creative Commons bit. If we put the whole 5E SRD under it, and agree to back off the OGL, I think that would do the trick."

To which Tywin replied, "I don't care what you do as long as I can bring good news to the Iron Board. But if I have to give them bad news..."

"I know. Heads. Spikes. Walls."

Tyrion released the original OGL from the black cells and put the 5E SRD into Creative Commons, and the common people rejoiced, and Tywin got to bring good news to the Iron Board. But none of them knew about the AI Dungeon Masters gathering beyond the GPT Wall...
I have been convinced since the OGL survey dropped, that what happened is that as soon as there was that internal struggle, someone specifically at wotc (I think Cersei is more likely someone at Hasbro, but who knows) who is there bc they love the game) proposed a modified OGL proposal that dropped all by the big red line, and gave a little bennie in the form of putting the core rules kernel into CC, and having a survey about it, asking for detailed feedback both quantitive and qualitive.

Why? Because they knew that exactly this would happen, and they and others at wotc were opposed to the OGL 1.1 from the start, and probably knew that the entire industry would lose their minds over it.

Basically the survey was a way for someone at wotc, your Tyrion, to lay out empirical data showing everyone that Cersei was completely wrong about the path forward, and do it in a way as to reduce any singling out of anyone else, and keep innocent heads from rolling.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
A few thoughts.

First and most importantly thank you to everyone that held corporate feet to the fire over this. Personally, I'm relieved that there's no longer an imminent threat to my main source of income, am understandably relieved, can put my feet up, celebrate, get back to what I was doing before all of this, and...

...and Secondly, this is not a victory, as much as sighing in relief that the dragon that wanted to eat us has flown in the other direction for now. The potential holes in the OGL did not go away. The CC thing is welcome (along with its amusing leak of IP into the commons), but still doesn't directly protect the far larger library of 23 years worth of non-WotC Open Game Content released under the OGL. It's also caused many of us to recognize that the OGL is a very weak single keystone to rely on, and that an alternative outside of the control of one single party in the marketplace is still needed, so we don't remain open to the exact same threat in the future.
Well no, it is a victory.

This mindset…I’m sorry but it exhausts me.

There are victories that aren’t complete and without concession. A dead dragon was never the win condition.

We pushed back, and we got more than we had before they pushed in the first place.

If you like, the dragon demanded tribute to not burn the village down, and it would still burn our neighbors down and eat all thier stuff.

We said no, pushed back, and the dragon said, “okay what about I patrol the valley every once in a while to keep every a little safer, and we drop the burning anyone stuff, but I’m still gonna eat all your neighbors cattle.

We said no. Resoundingly. The dragon said, “okay heard and understood I will not do any burning or eating of thing a that belong to any of you, and also the mountain pass that I require a toll to pass through will never have a toll again. I’ve already put an anti-dragon fire shield over it, so I can’t take it back.” And then flew away.

And you’re gonna refuse to call it a victory because the dragon didn’t move to another valley so it could never do any of that ever again. Because victory wasn’t complete and unambiguous enough for you.

If they aren’t going to inc
Hundreds of game publishers sigh in relief as, after extensive pressure exerted by the entire open gaming community, WotC has agreed to leave the original Open Gaming License untouched and put the whole of the 5E rules into Creative Commons.

So, what's happened?
  • The Open Gaming Licence v1.0a which most of the D&D third party industry relies on, will be left untouched for now.
  • The whole of the D&D 5E SRD (ie the rules of the game less the fluff text) has been released under a Creative Commons license.

WotC has a history of 'disappearing' inconvenient FAQs and stuff, such as those where they themselves state that the OGL is irrevocable, so I'll copy this here for posterity.

When you give us playtest feedback, we take it seriously.

Already more than 15,000 of you have filled out the survey. Here's what you said:
  • 88% do not want to publish TTRPG content under OGL 1.2.
  • 90% would have to change some aspect of their business to accommodate OGL 1.2.
  • 89% are dissatisfied with deauthorizing OGL 1.0a.
  • 86% are dissatisfied with the draft VTT policy.
  • 62% are satisfied with including Systems Reference Document (SRD) content in Creative Commons, and the majority of those who were dissatisfied asked for more SRD content in Creative Commons.
These live survey results are clear. You want OGL 1.0a. You want irrevocability. You like Creative Commons.
The feedback is in such high volume and its direction is so plain that we're acting now.
  1. We are leaving OGL 1.0a in place, as is. Untouched.
  2. We are also making the entire SRD 5.1 available under a Creative Commons license.
  3. You choose which you prefer to use.
This Creative Commons license makes the content freely available for any use. We don't control that license and cannot alter or revoke it. It's open and irrevocable in a way that doesn't require you to take our word for it. And its openness means there's no need for a VTT policy. Placing the SRD under a Creative Commons license is a one-way door. There's no going back.

Our goal here is to deliver on what you wanted.

So, what about the goals that drove us when we started this process?

We wanted to protect the D&D play experience into the future. We still want to do that with your help. We're grateful that this community is passionate and active because we'll need your help protecting the game's inclusive and welcoming nature.

We wanted to limit the OGL to TTRPGs. With this new approach, we are setting that aside and counting on your choices to define the future of play.
Here's a PDF of SRD 5.1 with the Creative Commons license. By simply publishing it, we place it under an irrevocable Creative Commons license. We'll get it hosted in a more convenient place next week. It was important that we take this step now, so there's no question.
We'll be closing the OGL 1.2 survey now.

We'll keep talking with you about how we can better support our players and creators. Thanks as always for continuing to share your thoughts.

Kyle Brink
Executive Producer, Dungeons & Dragons

What does this mean?

The original OGL sounds safe for now, but WotC has not admitted that they cannot revoke it. They say they are choosing to 'leave it in place'; to be clear, that's not a decision within their power, and as a legal matter no ground can be conceded on that. However, anybody who continues to rely on it still--according to WotC--does so at WotC's whim. That's less of an issue now the 5E System Reference Document is now released to Creative Commons (although those using the 3E SRD or any third party SRDs still have issues as WotC still hasn't revoked the incorrect claim that they can revoke access to those at-will).

At this point, if WotC wants anybody to use whatever their new OGL v1.x turns out to be, there needs to be one heck of a carrot. What that might be remains to be seen.

Pathfinder publlsher Paizo has also commented on the latest developments.

We welcome today’s news from Wizards of the Coast regarding their intention not to de-authorize OGL 1.0a. We still believe there is a powerful need for an irrevocable, perpetual independent system-neutral open license that will serve the tabletop community via nonprofit stewardship. Work on the ORC license will continue, with an expected first draft to release for comment to participating publishers in February.

I just don’t trust them. Something about this sounds slimy. People clearly meant they wanted the OGL to be irrevocable but they say “you want irrevocability” then only apply it to the Creative Commons license. The lesson I have learned from all this is, if they think they can do something, they will. If they won’t clearly acknowledge that the OGL 1a is irrevocable, they will at some point probably deauthorize again


If they aren’t going to inc

I just don’t trust them. Something about this sounds slimy. People clearly meant they wanted the OGL to be irrevocable but they say “you want irrevocability” then only apply it to the Creative Commons license. The lesson I have learned from all this is, if they think they can do something, they will. If they won’t clearly acknowledge that the OGL 1a is irrevocable, they will at some point probably deauthorize again
The entire 5.1 SRD is under an irrevocable CC license. Literally the only thing more you can ask for is previous editions to be added.




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Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Wow. We're back to where we were in December, and even beyond with the completely shocking Creative Commons release of the 5.1 SRD. This is far more than I expected or hoped! I'm certainly ready to end my boycott, and set up that private watch party for the movie again...

However, I still need two more things before I can really trust Wizards again.
1) The release of the other SRDs (3.0, 3.5, Modern) into Creative Commons, so they are also truly irrevocable.
2) I don't care how they do it, but they need to legally bind their hands and make it impossible to revoke OGL 1.0a. So the OGL ecosystem can continue without requiring everything to be re-released under ORC or CC or other licenses. (Though those that can, should.)

Until those happen, I will be keeping an eye out for more shenanigans...
There is no way to do #2. You cannot amend the exiting 1.0a by it's own terms. You can release a 1.0b saying it's irrevocable, but then you'd need to re-release everything under that for it to apply. So why not just use CC (or ORC) if you have to re-release anyway?

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