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WotC WotC Gets A New Logo?

According to the Wall Street Journal's David Ewalt, Wizards of the Coast has a new logo. His article was the piece where we learned how Hasbro was restructuring. Update - WotC just updated the logo on its social media accounts, so it's official! https://www.enworld.org/threads/d-d-gets-a-new-division-at-hasbro.678464/ Here's the old logo for comparison.

According to the Wall Street Journal's David Ewalt, Wizards of the Coast has a new logo. His article was the piece where we learned how Hasbro was restructuring.

Update - WotC just updated the logo on its social media accounts, so it's official!



Here's the old logo for comparison.



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its been on every book since Swords Coast Adventurer's Guide for 5e, it was on every 4e book, it was on the 2013 White Box Rerelease, and it was on every officially published book in 3/3.5.

It is also on every DDM and Icons of the Realms miniature package as well as the Nolzur's miniatures...
My point was not that it wasn't there (I assumed it was), but that it is not significant (or at least not significant to me). I look for the D&D name / logo, not the WotC logo.

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Baronet of Gaming
Not my jam, but whatever. I definitely see the made for digital distribution aspect of the redesign. I'll still call them WoTC "wotsee" just to mentally disturb @Umbran.

I have some emotional attachment to the old logo, as the company's products were pretty important in my late teens and 20s. But it's just a logo. The old one had a good run.

Consider the possibility that this was intentional, that minimizing the latter part of the name is by design.

This brings the logo into better alignment with the Hasbro Divisions name - "Wizards and Digital"

The typical shortening of their name I hear is the rather ugly-sounding "Wotsee". I can't blame them for hoping to turn that into "WIZARDS".

Well, the problem is that "Wizards" by itself is more difficult to trademark. Even the old logo emphasized "Wizards," though. Even in casual discussion, "Wizards" sometimes feels ambiguous and WotC is better.


My point was not that it wasn't there (I assumed it was), but that it is not significant (or at least not significant to me). I look for the D&D name / logo, not the WotC logo.
Exactly my thoughts. When it comes to D&D, the dragon ampersand is vastly more important of a logo than the WOTC logo. That is the universally recognized logo for the game.


Lord of the Hidden Layer
Vaguely reminiscent of Close Encounters of the Third Kind posters, or the "go to the light" deep-deep-sea scene in Finding Nemo.

Blue Orange

Gone to Texas
It doesn't really say 'Dungeons & Dragons' like the fire-breathing ampersand, though maybe that's the point? To be more multi-media and hedge across their various properties? (What do they own besides D&D and Magic?)

I do wonder if the 'of the coast' thing gets deemphasized because it's too geographically-tied--they want to sell outside Seattle. Also, from the marketing point of view, 'coast' tends to have a slight political tinge in the USA (and that's all I'll say about that) and they may want to be more generic.


Mountain? Meet molehill. Over there is your cousin tempest lounging in teacup.

Then again, as someone else just said, nothing I have bought for 5e has a Wizard's logo on it. D&D logo, yes, but, no Wizard's logo.

Mountain? Meet molehill. Over there is your cousin tempest lounging in teacup.
That's a bit of non-sequitur in a thread specifically about discussing the new logo.

If someone was listing "things WotC gets wrong" and a major point of discussion was the logo, then that would be more apposite.

But I'm pretty sure we're all just mocking a logo that looks like it's made by a 3rd-year graphic design student in 2004 at this point.
Welp, maybe they should have run it past some teenagers first (particularly the soliday W), because they quickly came up with some... creative interpretations and now I will never be able to unsee.
Quite! At least it's not the AirBnB logo.

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