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WotC Names 10 "Adepts" On Their DMs Guild Store

WotC's Dungeon Masters Guild store launched 18-months ago, and was a vehicle for D&D fans to produce material and sell it to other fans in one convenient online mega-store; WotC's version of the App Store, essentially. WotC's Chris Lindsay comments that the store now has thousands of new publishers on the store - something which is both bug and feature. One of the problems with such a large body of content is that it can be tough to find the really good stuff, and WotC has tried to address this is in past with columns highlighting certain products (and, indeed, there are websites which do that very well too, including the ENnie-nominated Loot the Room which posts a monthly Best of the DM's Guild column).

WotC's Dungeon Masters Guild store launched 18-months ago, and was a vehicle for D&D fans to produce material and sell it to other fans in one convenient online mega-store; WotC's version of the App Store, essentially. WotC's Chris Lindsay comments that the store now has thousands of new publishers on the store - something which is both bug and feature. One of the problems with such a large body of content is that it can be tough to find the really good stuff, and WotC has tried to address this is in past with columns highlighting certain products (and, indeed, there are websites which do that very well too, including the ENnie-nominated Loot the Room which posts a monthly Best of the DM's Guild column).


WotC has just launched a new initiative. They have picked ten DMs Guild creators, who they are calling "Adepts", and will be highlighting them in their podcasts and other media going forward, as well as giving them early copies of adventures like the upcoming Tomb of Annihilation so that they can produce content to go with that product on launch day. They even get a special gold badge so you can spot them on the store!

So who are WotC's first Adepts? They are:

I did a quick search at DMs Guild and linked to those authors I could find, though I failed my search-fu on three of them. But you can check out the ones which did work.

From what WotC is saying, it looks like this group will change periodically -- "It won’t always be the same group, and the group won’t always be the same number of folks, but it will be fun and exciting to see what wonders they create." There's more information in WotC's announcement.

One of the important take-aways for most is that there will be third-party content for new adventures on launch day.

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Dude can't even admit he said something royally dickish about someone with legit accomplishments in our hobby.
So embarrassingly typical.

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I did make a dickish comment. Based on her (IMO, POOR) interview with Matt. Everyone else is turning my comment into something else. That's on you people.

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I did make a dickish comment. Based on her (IMO, POOR) interview with Matt. Everyone else is turning my comment into something else. That's on you people.

Of course.
'It's not my fault I was a douche! That's on YOU PEOPLE'
Just take responsibility for being ignorant in this regard and move on.

I am.

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It's plausible that there is a communication mix up here and Jeff didn't mean it like it sounded (happens with text only communication all the time, especially on forums where some posts get missed or skipped or skimmed). However, I certainly hope you can see, Jeff, going back how your comment in the context of the other posts around it sounds really sexist and insulting. Going on the benefit of the doubt, perhaps you should edit that comment to reflect your intent (which has it's own criticisms IMO, but maybe not as bad as your original).

All excellent things. Though D&D has been a thing all over CA for over 40 years. I am not sure what you mean there. I lived in CA, in 1989-1990.. Travelled to all the major cities as my siblings where scattered around the state. Saw D&D there..in SF area , LA area, and the San Diego area Also Fresno.
She got DnDMelt started at Meltdown comics, a large and very popular comic book store in LA.


Ok. If that makes you feel better, then sleep well tonite.
Well then, what have you done for the hobby?
Have you written numerous products for the DMs Guild? Have you founded a Meet-Up group or developed the Adventurer's League community for your city? Did you run games and raise money for Extra Life?


did not even know it was her profession until it was mentioned (the makes sense part was I . Reference to her appearance and comparison to a "booth girl"). The implication was "she has a profession" , she should stick with it because her D&D knowledge seems very limited. Just like I"m better off in Health Care than running marathons in my spare time.

Not to pile on...
The difference is if you ran a marathon, despite your physical limitations, no one would say
'Har har! Stick to eating ice cream there buddy!'
They'd say
'Hell yeah dude! Keep going! You can do it!'

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You can see my explanation above

I mean, as long as you explain your misogyny to folks, that makes it cool, right? Right?

Anyway, having been a top seller on the guild, and seeing the work that each of these folks has done, I couldn't be more excited for this lineup, and for the possibilities going forward. These are great people who've done a lot for the gaming community, and the DMs Guild is as much a part of the community as it is a marketplace, as the Facebook Groups around (Fanclub, Creator's Circle) prove. Satine in particular took local D&D Meetup groups from a small, disparate group of 600+ folks who rarely gamed to a regular thing that packed Meltdown's game room, and shined an entirely new light on the gaming scene in the area.

FYI, I pretty much detest all online D&D "shows" and most Organized Play-style adventures because they aren't fun for me to watch or be bound to the structure of. But to think that in any way devalues what these folks are doing with Maze Arcana, Critical Role, Adventurer's League, and so on is patently ridiculous if you spend even two minutes looking at the body of work each of these folks has brought to the gaming industry.


She got DnDMelt started at Meltdown comics, a large and very popular comic book store in LA.


Well then, what have you done for the hobby?
Have you written numerous products for the DMs Guild? Have you founded a Meet-Up group or developed the Adventurer's League community for your city? Did you run games and raise money for Extra Life?

That comment was not about anyone's achievements for the hobby. It was about someone feeling the need to jump all over me for something taken in the wrong way (and you are doing the same thing by quoting out of context)

I care for Alzheimer's patients and their families. And I have my own family. Sadly the only thing I have time to do "for the hobby" is play D&D with my kids and their friends , and not enough of that.

That comment was not about anyone's achievements for the hobby. It was about someone feeling the need to jump all over me for something taken in the wrong way (and you aren't doing the same thing)
I fail to see how "she should stick to stripping/porn" could be taken the *right* way.


I fail to see how "she should stick to stripping/porn" could be taken the *right* way.

...and which is something she hasn't done in well over a decade now, because she's been writing and drawing killer comic books and ramping up gaming and ...all sorts of other great stuff that she's doing very, very well, and is barely a google search away.

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