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WotC Seeking Your Setting Proposals (was "Big Wizard announcement")

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What happens if WotC does, in fact, receive thousands of entries and it is not possible to reduce that number to 10 within the alotted time?

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Wolfen Priest

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Regdar, I seriously doubt it. Have you been part of the job[less] market lately? How many job applications have you sent in that have gotten zero response? I've found that's often the case (although I am currently employed, thank God). This is basically just a VERY widespread job application.

I really doubt they are going to bother sending personal mail to 5000 people just to tell them "Sorry, but you didn't make it." Plus, think of all the garbage they are going to be getting. Most people can't write, even if they think they can.


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Given the subjectivity of the judging, I think that it will be possible for them to narrow the field down as quickly as they need to.

Now if the deadline isn't carved in stone, I'm sure they will feel better about giving the submissions their due on the first read through. But If the deadline can't be pushed back, and they do get 5,000+ entries that fulfill the basic requirements, then they'll just have to judge very quickly and harshly to narrow it down to a hundred or so that they can thoroughly consider.

This is why spelling and grammar are very important. If they have 90 seconds to make the first read-through (weeding stage) I'm sure the entry will go in the round file at the first sight of a typo or verb disagreement. If you've already typed up your submission and were planning on sending it out tomorrow, don't. Take the weekend to re-read it forwards and backwards and to get friends, family and strangers to proof-read it. Ironically, I think that they will be, by necessity, more harsh on the first round submissions than the second round 10 page treatments.


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Ashrem Bayle said:
World of Crabs: The exciting role-playing game of pimpin and prostitutes.


I envision a world that resembles two large hams pressed together. In the center, where the hams meet, is a large canyon from which all the evils of the world burst forth...


6. What’s new? What’s different? [What makes this setting unique?]

It stinks.



First Post
Ulrick said:

6. What’s new? What’s different? [What makes this setting unique?]

It stinks.


Hey - how on Earth did you manage to get a sneak peek at my submission? Drats!

The World of Stinky Cheese: A world where the forces of gouda battle fierce muensters.
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First Post
I don't know...

Not that I have much personal experience but in creative enterprises the judges (editors) usually at least have the gumption to send out a generic rejection letter, with perhaps a few lines (words) if they think you have a speck of talent.

Also, how many proposals did you all think they were going to get? How many people write entire novels and send them in blind to publishers? The novels are utter crap, but someone still wrote them. This is one page. I slammed mine out in an hour (whether it is crap or not is debateable). Furthermore there are around a million PH-owning DnD fans out there, and at the very least 1/10th of them must be DMs. All of these have, at one time or another, set their adventures in their own world. All of these thought their world was pretty damn decent (certainly better than the much-maligned FR!). This is one page that can bring you lasting fame in the DnD community (if you make the top 10) or 20k if you win into the top 3, or the opportunity to become the next Monte Cook if you win! And all you have to do is summarize one of your past campaign settings in one page. Go out and look on the web sometime for the number of original settings, I've seen listings (in one site) of over 500. You know that every one of those people is going to send one in. Furthermore almost every d20 freelancer or professional will try his hand at one. That easily brings us well past 1000 (more like 2000). Then there are all the ancillary people who inhabit boards like these (50k on the Wizards boards alone). I'd be surprised if there were only 5000-7500. And I'd be very surprised if the judging took only 8 days.


What?!? Are wizards completely MAD? They give away 120000 bucks for the greatest ideas, and they put RESTRICTIONS on the ideas? The technical stuff is alright, like page numbers, but why in the name of JESUS do they remove the oppertunity of "different" settings, like planescape or some modern world? They already HAVE Forgotten Realms.

Don't they realize how GREAT ideas they can get for $120000, without the silly medival "i love elves and magic - i love elmister!" restriction?
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