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WotC Seeking Your Setting Proposals (was "Big Wizard announcement")

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Tom Cashel

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Zappo said:
You mean that geometric positioning of the sheets influences the legal effectiveness of the agreement?
If it's true, it's really pathetic.

It certainly wouldn't be the most absurd thing that's ever happened in the history of jurisprudence and contract law!

Tom Cashel said:

But, I repeat: *shrug* I don't think it will make a difference, as long as everything's in the envelope. Hopefully AV will clear it up, so we won't have to worry about it any longer.

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I can't imagine that they'd be that concerned about it, but the FAQ did say that the submission agreement had to be "above" the submission. And according to the FAQ here, staples or no staples isn't important.


Tom Cashel said:
It certainly wouldn't be the most absurd thing that's ever happened in the history of jurisprudence and contract law!
True, true. Every time I think I've heard them all, something will come up from jurisprudence and astonish me again.

I know I shouldn't second guess myself, but here I am, doing it again anyway. :eek: Not only am I unsure of what order I placed my papers, but when I put my NAME in the lower left-hand corner of the proposal template page, I didn't number it. I numbered everything else though (1 through 6). I didn't think they'd alter the submission guidelines.

Originally, only six things had to be numbered:

1. Core Ethos Sentence. (check)

2. Who are the heroes? (check)

3. What do they do? (check)

4. Threats, Conflicts, Villians. (check)

5. Nature of magic. (check)

6. What's new? What's different? (check)

7. Name? Name? The name had to be at the lower left-hand corner, BUT THERE WAS NO NUMBER SEVEN.

After I sent it, I remember checking the Wizard site, and lo and behold, the guidelines were slightly altered so that you were supposed to put in a number 7.

I indeed put my name in the lower left-hand corner of the page. I wrote my signature in the corner by hand. I also printed my name (in pen) right above it. Am I doomed? I know I keep saying that, but I'm hopeful they won't castrate my submission over this stuff. I mean...they changed the rules a bit, right?

I supposed I shoulda checked the site every ten minutes, but I just couldn't. Maybe I'm just being paranoid. At least I hope so....



Ok, I don't know in which order the sheets in my envelope are, I have placed my name (print and handwrite) in the lower left corner but without '#7', and I can't even guarantee the envelop will arrive before the deadline (I did send it on the 17th, but by normal mail, who knows...).

I trust WotC to be smarter than trash valuable submissions over petty issues like those.


Troll's Choice said:
I know I shouldn't second guess myself, but here I am, doing it again anyway. :eek: Not only am I unsure of what order I placed my papers, but when I put my NAME in the lower left-hand corner of the proposal template page, I didn't number it. I numbered everything else though (1 through 6). I didn't think they'd alter the submission guidelines.

<snip for brevity>

7. Name? Name? The name had to be at the lower left-hand corner, BUT THERE WAS NO NUMBER SEVEN.

Settle down.....

There was no word official or otherwise that said you had to name the sections.

To paraphrase what was said, Anthony said that as long as the six section were clearly identified (by numbers, lables, bullets, wads of gum, what have you), that the submission was acceptable. The point being that they wanted each section in the order listed, and clearly identified to make their jobs easier. There wasno need to actually number any item on the submission form, just clearly identify it.

The guide sheet had number to make it easier for folks to understand that WOTC wanted 7 items on this page, and that your name HAD to be one of them. That is all.

Matt Black

First Post
Re: What are people actually writing?

Morgenstern said:

Did anyone else treat it as a marketable product line proposal first, fantasy world second?

I think I'm with Craig on this one. Wizards have a marketing department to write blurbs for their games, and the reviewers will be more than capable of identifying marketable elements based on a straight (or even rambling) description of your campaign world. They're unlikely to be swayed by glib sales pitches when you only have one page to describe the actual content of the world. We spent our page talking about the best aspects of our game world and trying to convey the flavour of the setting. Sure, we selected these aspects based on their intended use (broadly-scoped campaign world, card games, miniatures, novels), but we certainly didn't belabor the point.

In the end I think it will come down to how unique and compelling the overall concept is. Wizards are casting such a
wide net here because they know that there are some kickass ideas floating around, waiting to be grabbed. These ideas may not be in the hands of salesmen or even professional game developers.

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Re: aaaarrrrrgggghhhh

isirga eth said:
I DID put the agreement last. If I'm eliminated for that, I'll seriously start considering suicide...

Of course, you will never know why you were eliminated. They will only reply to people who make the final ~10.


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