• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Would I Recommend It?


Yes. For all its problems, for all its short comings it has one thing its predeccessors did not. It hangs together. It is a coherent whole, not a mismash of disparate elements plopped in hither and yon simply to have neat stuff. It is, in a word, an organic setting. There are elements that don't make sense, but overall the world does.

It has much that is familiar, and much that is new. It takes a new look at old things, and presents new things in a way that makes them familiar.

Besides, any D&D® setting that pays homage to John Wick's Orkworld is worthy of consideration. (Orc druids, 'nuff said.)

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First Post

I lurk on these boards sometimes, and I am very interested the Eberron setting. Like others, I was skeptical at first (so I ignored a lot of the early Eberron threads), but I've spent 2-3 hours perusing it at B&N; and I'm probably 90% likely to buy it now.

I've seen some of the Eberron threads involve someone not buying it because of his religious beliefs, which is certainly a valid reason. However, discussing it with him and/or argueing against his reasons is a good way to get a thread closed around here, which I'd rather not have.

I'm more interested in things like:

Have you baught the book AND;

Have you DM'd the setting OR

Have you played in the setting?

and what have your experiences been (whether good or bad), esp. regarding the unique features of the setting (e.g. warforged, dragonmarked, etc.)?


First Post
I wouldn't recommend it blindly to everyone. If people like the magic tech and want the feel of a land after a great war this would suite them. But there are plenty of people this in't for.


Codragon said:
Have you baught the book

Have you DM'd the setting
Yes—two sessions of the introductory adventure.

Have you played in the setting?
Sadly, no. I pulled the DM short-straw.

and what have your experiences been (whether good or bad), esp. regarding the unique features of the setting (e.g. warforged, dragonmarked, etc.)?
Generally my experiences have been positive, and my players are enthusiatic.

1. Warforged. Instant hit with my players. Two out of the three PCs are warforged (and we may have a trifecta nesxt week). The players love them. As a DM, I find the Adamantine Body feat a little powerful for a 1st–3rd level character. I know it will work out, but I prefer my D&D balanced through all levels, and mister Adamantine is overshadowing everyone in combat (even the other fighter).

2. Dragonmarked: I love the idea of the Dragonmarked Houses (I could care less about the dragonmark abilities, I just groove on the extra-national Guilds and the inherent intrigue and conflict they bring).

Would I recommend it? Yes, but only if you;re looking for something different—but not too different.
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First Post
Snoweel said:
Apparently Kai Lord liked it at first but ultimately had some reservations. He should be here any minute now...

na... see he's like the Candyman... he won't come and start a flame war unless you say his name five times....or you link to a thread he's managed to kill.

Mac Callum

First Post
Codragon said:
Have you baught the book?
Yes. Amazon. I really liked the WotC previews, and the threads here on the board convinced me.
Have you DM'd the setting?
I'm incorporating elements into my homebrew. My wife doesn't want to go full-blown Eberron, as she's already established in the world she's in.
Have you played in the setting?
Sadly, no. I'm currently playing in the Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil. It'll be a while :)
What have your experiences been (whether good or bad), esp. regarding the unique features of the setting (e.g. warforged, dragonmarked, etc.)?
I really like them. They get my imagination going. I would recommend them for that alone. I really like it, but then the tone may not be for everyone. I think the elements which I plan on introducing will really make my homebrew more interesting.

I would recommend it, even if you can't play in a pure Eberron campaign setting.

Codragon said:
Have you baught the book AND


Have you DM'd the setting

Yep. Just today ran the second game of a 4-to-8-game mini-campaign I'm running.

Have you played in the setting?

Yep. Played in a one-shot at Origins.

and what have your experiences been (whether good or bad), esp. regarding the unique features of the setting (e.g. warforged, dragonmarked, etc.)?

So far, all excellent. I had a blast with my warforged character, and my current campaign includes aspects of the political ingrigue between nations, the use of the lightning rail in an "Orient Express" type capacity, will eventually involve a bit of exploration through the uncharted wilderness of Xen'dric, and ultimately takes full advantage of the pulp adventure/horror/noire potential of the book (or at least I hope it does, and my players seem to agree so far).

It's not traditional fantasy per se, and it won't appeal to everyone. But I have to say, I've become a serious believer, and I can't recomment strongly enough that people at least give it a look-see.


I got dice older than you.
mythusmage said:
Besides, any D&D® setting that pays homage to John Wick's Orkworld is worthy of consideration. (Orc druids, 'nuff said.)
mmmmmm. That actually made me sit up in my seat...

I'll probably thumb through it now.
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