D&D General Would It Matter To You if D&D Books Were Illustrated by AI Instead of Humans?

Would It Matter To You if D&D Books Were Illustrated by AI Instead of Humans?

  • No

    Votes: 59 29.4%
  • Yes

    Votes: 142 70.6%


do you know what bugs me why is it ai invading all the jobs we honestly like doing and not the jobs we hate?
Back in 2017, Fukoku Mutual Life in Japan fired 34 employees and replaced them with IBM's Watson Explorer. It probably won't be too long before actuators for insurance companies are largely a thing of the past as they're replaced by AI. And more recently, and McDonald's in Ft. Worth just opened where customers are interacting with fewer people. They still have a crew cooking, but ordering and receiving your food is mostly done through machines. You can bet they're working on automating food preparation as well.

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New Publisher
This is hard. My biggest month ever is 105 dollars in sales. If I don't add art, that never goes up. How do I afford art?

The cat is out of the bag. Just like finance and accounting jobs. Just like inventory systems. Just like millions of other jobs. It's pretty hard to find a big company that hasn't automated other jobs. How is that really different?

Would I prefer a world where artists were valued more and more of them could fund their life doing what they love? Yes.
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This is hard. My biggest month ever is 105 dollars in sales. If I don't add art, that never goes up. How do I afford art?
I would suggest doing it the same way we've all been doing it since before AI art was a thing. Stock art. Only now it's actually a better time to be a small time publisher, because the stock art options are way better than they were 20 years ago. Man, if Dean Spencer's art was available when I started? I could have saved a lot of money lol.


New Publisher
I would suggest doing it the same way we've all been doing it since before AI art was a thing. Stock art. Only now it's actually a better time to be a small time publisher, because the stock art options are way better than they were 20 years ago. Man, if Dean Spencer's art was available when I started? I could have saved a lot of money lol.
I find it hard to find stock at that is, for example, a dragonlance. But then, last time I looked was over a year ago.

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