Whenever a player uses a significant resource I am happy to allow interesting interactions. It's not like they can do this all day, and they are doing these actions instead of other actions. I don't see any reason why such an interaction would be suspect. the effect they are achieving is cool but not broken. if it feels strong it is because you are seeing the end result of preparation and the use of more actions than just the one attack. imagine instead each action was used to cast another damaging effect and see if it leads to similar damage. Maybe the sorcerer fireballs a half dozen enemies. Is the flame arrow giving much more damage to the combination than that?
Pretty much. Like how the end result of my tempest cleric having spiritual hammer up, spiritual guardians up, and then casting another spell. Yeah, it's really good. But it took me plenty of resources and actions to get to that point in the first place. I encourage player creativity, so I'd at least see how it worked in game play first. I don't see how it's game breaking at this point. And if it is? Then we talk it out as a table.