D&D 5E Would you change a monster's hit points mid-fight?

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Very true.

But even then both players are on equal footing by the rules as written. Which is what makes chess a real game to me.

If one player chooses to take it easy, that's a personal choice independent of the game.

D&D no matter how you play it, whether its me DMing or Exploder Wizard, is a much murkier beast.

There is no actual cutthroat professional tournament D&D. There can't be, its too loose.


Do people actually consider that a game though? I honestly don't know. I don't know if I ever even met someone who's played in a game like that.

So the DMs if those games have any judicial discretion?

I would argue playing verbatim through a D&D module isn't either DMing or D&D.

Many of the classic TSR modules were unpublished tournament adventures before they were modules. Some people enjoy tournament play. I enjoy home campaign play much more.


I can only speak for myself, but I like how the variables in the mechanics help to dictate how the story moves along, not just to my players, but to me as GM.

When something unexpected happens, whether it's the PCs take the unexpected path, or the dice go crazy and cause either an NPC to go down quickly or a PC to die, I find it's a lot more fun for me to roll with it. Coming up with the consequences of something unexpected is what I find most fun about GMing. Changing results on the fly to fit with what I might perceive is best for the game in order to keep things predictable would be dull. But again, that's just my point of view as a GM. I would have no problem playing for a GM that wanted to just make up everything as they went, as long as they're good at hiding that fact and at least make it look like what the players do and the dice say matters.

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