D&D General Would you like there to be a new publication of Dark Sun?

Would you like there to be a new publication of Dark Sun?

  • Yes (with or without additional conditions)

    Votes: 88 65.7%
  • No (with or without additional conditions)

    Votes: 46 34.3%


I'll be honest

I only wanted Dark Sun because it required Psionics and WOTC would only make the Psion in 5e if a setting required Psions.

Outsideof that, Dark Sun felt like an edgy nonsense setting where a powerhungry DM used slavery and racism to excuse his class and race bans and railroading. Like it sounds like something you heard on RPG Horror Stories or a forum post from a player complaining about a DM.

If there was another setting that promoted Psionics I'd push that far over Dark Sun.
That makes about as much sense as saying the only reason people wanted to have Dragonlance back was for the DM to afflict players with Gully Dwarves

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That makes about as much sense as saying the only reason people wanted to have Dragonlance back was for the DM to afflict players with Gully Dwarves
Gully Dwarves are not a major aspect of Dragonlance.

My point was that many of the aspects that attracts people to Dark Sun isn't special all in fantasy. Dark Sun just has an aura of uniqueness because WOTC has barely created any unique setting ideas for D&D with D&D in mind for over 2 decades.

On in simpler terms. If WOTC or TSR had made or pushed a third as many Magic Post Apocalypse settings or "Psionics is as big as Magic" settings and they made "Middle Earth but more magic and monster" settings, few would be talking about Dark Sun.


It seems to me that it's way past time for WotC to do a psionics system. I know that there have been a number of attempts at it, and there are some options available now (a friend is playing a Soulknife in our Dragon Heist campaign for instance).

Just doing a quick search on the interwebs, there are already systems out there, just pick one of them if the staff in house don't have the time to make it work.

The Warlord has entered chat

I have said other times in the past WotC will have to choose if they are going to allow other classes in the setting, for example ki martial adepts.

We don't know the level of fear about any possible toxic lobby. Maybe it is not our fault at all, or by WotC, but troubles linked with a new wave of moral panic could cause serious economic damages. Other potential controversy is the climate negationism. Here it is not fault by WotC but DS could be used as a satiric allegory by both sides. I repeat, the IP can suffer a serious damage in the prestige because it could be used as a propagandistic weapon by both sides.

The main reason for the delay is the "crunch" is not ready, and we have to await until the event with Vecna because WotC may be planning a reboot of the D&D multiverse.

Other reason is if WotC wants the lore of DS to allow space to create stories about warlords and their armies. And these not only need weapons and armors, but also water, food, medicines.. Have you played any strategy+citybuilding videogame?

Maybe it could return if Paramount believes it is too interesting to not produce an adaptation.


I wonder if really it is so problematic, or really Hasbro fears some toxic lobby who proclaim itself to be "the voice of the people"
but no toxic-lobby would rather to complain against that megacorporation.
they will be stopped if they fear too much the complains by some toxic lobby who proclaims to be the voice of the people but they only want money.
We don't know the level of fear about any possible toxic lobby.
You keep using this word 'toxic'. I do not think it means what you think it does.
Hey so, I chose not to say anything earlier @LuisCarlos17f regarding the repeated mentions of a toxic lobby, since no one was really engaging with you about it. But now that @Vaalingrade is, I would, respectfully, like to ask you both--before it starts--not to resume the politics argument that keeps recurring in these Dark Sun threads, taking them to 40+ pages and getting them locked.

This thread is just meant to be here for the poll, which I think has run its course (since there's the same roughly 60/40 split now that there was at 50 votes, we largely know the community's answer to the question).


I don't really care for Dark Sun and think it would subdivide the audience, so I'd prefer if it remained dead. This is just my subjective opinion, I respect that others like the setting, plz respect that I don't.


Biological Disaster
I loved Dark Sun as a setting. I also think it's part of a functionally dead genre that large parts of the current gaming culture are openly hostile towards, for a mix of reasons. And WotC's 5E would be a terrible system for it.

I would love for the IP to be released into the commons instead of being locked in an IP vault, but I have that opinion about a lot of IP that quite frankly has no business not being in the commons at this point.

Hasbro could make money with collabs in videogames, for example.

I guess after the even of Vecna and the black obelisks the D&D multiverse will be rebooted.... again. I like the idea of Athas being within the demiplane of the desolation, and later other worlds added to the "Athaspace". This could add enough flexibility if players want to add more classes or species.

Other option could be to create an ersatz or clone of Athaspace within Spelljammer. Then unlocking a new DS in DMGuild wouldn't be necessary yet.

Or DS could be published by other media, and later the TTRPG.


I don't really care for Dark Sun and think it would subdivide the audience, so I'd prefer if it remained dead. This is just my subjective opinion, I respect that others like the setting, plz respect that I don't.
I appreciate that you replied. The whole point of the poll is to gauge how widespread your point of view is here on ENWorld, as compared to people who are fans or relatively positively disposed to the setting--and to do so without getting into an argument about it.

I loved Dark Sun as a setting. I also think it's part of a functionally dead genre that large parts of the current gaming culture are openly hostile towards, for a mix of reasons. And WotC's 5E would be a terrible system for it. [...]
What genre is that? I don't mean to be coy; to my thinking Dark Sun is a mix of sword and planet, sword and sorcery, swords and sandals, and post-apocalyptic fiction. Which of those genres do you view as unwelcome in the current gaming culture? (and why?)

That WotC would need to support, say, the sword and planet genre with appropriate optional rules and character options is a large part of why I would like to see them publish Dark Sun content in the future--even if 5e isn't the perfect fit, system-wise.

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