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Would you like to see any of the oWoD rules converted to d20?

Would you like to see any of the oWoD rules converted to d20?

  • Poll closed .


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Well, I had another thread asking how NWoD worked, and one of the posters asked me to show him my Werewolf d20 conversion. Unfortunately, I had converted D&D to the oWoD system, not oWoD to the d20 system. However, that gave me an idea.

I am now considering converting oWoD (Werewolf, Vampire, Mage) into the d20 system. If you are interested in this, would like to see it, would like to help, or just have 2 cents to throw in, please let me know. I'm not an enormous fan of d20, despite my collection, but it is a good system, and it's also a popular one. So, in the interest of my fellow gamers out there, if I get enough responses, I'll start working on a d20 conversion for Werewolf, Vampire, and/or Mage. Let me know what you think!

For those of you who don't know me well, I've been converting systems for personal use for 10-15 years. Given access to a computer and plenty of free time, I can get a working prototype in a week or two. However, this particular conversion has a lot of stumbling blocks, and I don't have a lot of free time, so it may take a few months.


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I voted "Other"

I had to. I'm not going to embark on this project unless there's a good base of people who want it done. I rarely play d20 anymore, and when I do, I'm GMing. My players prefer the oWoD, with the rare exception, and so that's what we play.

So, what I'm saying is that I need a good base of people who are interested in the conversion before I start any serious work on it.



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I voted no, not because I don't care, but because I wouldn't have any use for them. In the oWoD, our group plays Changeling, which isn't on your list. I'm also of the opinion that the rules you use for a game flavor strongly the style of game played. By converting the WoD (old or new) to D20, you loose some of the flavor of the game. Not having seen your conversion, I don't know how much.


First Post
I understand.

I have no experience with Changeling: The Dreaming, otherwise, it would be on the list also.

As far as losing "flavor," I understand completely. I prefer the oWoD rules to d20 rules, and my group uses the basic system for almost every game we play, from Star Trek to Dungeons & Dragons, Star Wars to The Wild Wild West. It's faster, simpler, and easier, and has a degree of "grittiness" that d20 hasn't been able to match.



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Voted no, just because I don't think they systems carry over that well. I have been working on a similar type of Ricean vampire for my D&D campaign, one that is not necissarily evil or energy drains. As they gain in power they can get various feats that simulate many of the powers. Toying with a template plus prestige class (only available to those who have the template) but still, I don't think the entire thing needs to be carried over to D&D directly as the mechanics are too different.

Shadowrun however. I did a WoD to Shadowrun 3E conversion a few years ago for vampire and werewolf and posted it to alt.games.whitewolf because it works with minimal changes and increases the avaiable resources for Shadowrun greatly. From there my players got hired by vampires to hunt down werewolves and got involved with the werewolves battle with toxic spirits (which they called Wyrm tainted).


Yes. I would download all three coversions. I have the GURPS ones, and played in WW Vampire and Mage games and use material from them in my D&D/d20 games.


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I voted no, as in it would be an abomination to all that was good about the old WoD. I've played sessions of Vampire and Werewolf where we never even picked up our dice, we just roleplayed. I've never seen that replicated in a d20 game. d20 is too reliant on its game mechanics to adequately allow that kind of roleplaying emersion. And d20 relies on combat for experience (yeah, yeah, I know you can award XP for non-combat stuff, but that's not how the game is actually played). Part of the point of WoD was to avoid combat if possible (unless you're running a Sabbat campaign), because no matter how tough of an elder you were, a couple bad rounds of combat could destroy you. Think about a 15th level human fighter, and how hard that is to kill. Now make that a vampire.


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Bardsandsages said:
I voted no, as in it would be an abomination to all that was good about the old WoD. I've played sessions of Vampire and Werewolf where we never even picked up our dice, we just roleplayed. I've never seen that replicated in a d20 game. d20 is too reliant on its game mechanics to adequately allow that kind of roleplaying emersion.

I agree with you. I much prefer the oWoD system. It just seems to encourage actual ROLE-PLAYING more than d20.

That said, I've got some phenominal players. I've run D&D games without ever picking up dice. When we role-play, we role-pley.

But then, I'm a Performing Arts major.

I'm mainly just considering the conversion. If I get enough interested parties, I'll do it. If not, I won't.

Has anyone played Witchcraft? Is it any good?



First Post
Opinion - WoD conversion

I didn't like Wraith, but I liked the other four in the series. Unfortunately, the math skills of the original author were lacking (difficulty 10 was just as tough if you were rolling 1-9 dice), but with a few minor patched, the worst holes could be fixed. As for converting those:
Vampire: I think it could work well.
Werewolf: Again, I think this could work well.
Mage: I'm not certain how one would convert the magic system. If one succeeded, though, that would be very neat.
Changeling: Personally, I have problems with the base game. I see no intrinsic reason why it couldn't work, though.

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