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Pathfinder 1E Wreckta Lich


So we're playing in an E8 campaign (boring) and I have been bugging my DM since the game started about wanting my character to become a lich. He (character not DM) is a necromancer/antipaladin and I think it suits him well. DM was upset about me wanting to play an evil character and said no at first but I talked him out of that (with a LOT of effort).

Anyway now we're level 8 and I again started asking him about the lich thing. I could tell he wasn't into it but I REALLY want this for my character so I didn't let up. Last week he told me he did some reading and there is a kind of lich he would allow in his game and my character can become one, it's called a wreckta lich. I looked it up online but can't find it anywhere so I am wondering if anyone here knows about it. I asked two of the other players and they said they heard about it and it would suit my character's personality really well so it sounds great but then they were laughing so I'm now wondering if they were pulling my leg or something.

Can anyone help?

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wreckta lich = rectal itch. They're totally playing you.

If being Evil is the only issue, there exists a form of undead that are powered by positive energy called Deathless. The template for an undying is detailed in the 3.5 supplement _Book of Exalted Deeds_. This book's content is notoriously broken, so tread carefully... they also exist in the Eberron Campaign Setting.

There is an "any alignment undead" option in the Libris Mortis 3.5 supplement. You still radiate "Evil" and do all the usual Evil stuff expected of you as an undead, however.

It seems like your DM is not prepared or willing to fulfill your wishes, so is there a compromise somewhere? What is it about becoming undead that appeals to you? What is it about lichdom specifically that you want?

If its just being undead, 4e has made the Revenant a PC class. There could be a non-evil option unless your DM subscribes to the "all undead are evil-aligned" 3.x baggage.


I am going to *KILL* them!

I'm going to kill their *CHARACTERS*, and then I'm going to kill *THEM*!

I knew something was up when the DM said that wreckta liches aren't so much powerful as they are annoying and persistent.

How *DARE* they laugh at me!!!
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the Jester

This is awesome. :)

Sounds like you have a hard time taking No for an answer. It also sounds like your dm has already bent his rules to accommodate you. I'd let go of your desire to be a lich and quit hounding him.


...(boring) and I have been bugging my DM... DM was upset about me wanting to play an evil character and said no at first but I talked him out of that (with a LOT of effort)...
I could tell he wasn't into it...so I didn't let up...

I cut snippets of your post out to indicate the prevailing attitude you're communicating here. Read this over carefully.

I need to second @the Jester here, If the DM has said no a few times in polite discussion, and you keep pushing, than now he is saying no in an impolite way.

Quit pushing so hard, enjoy what you all can agree on.
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First Post
Amusing though this pun is, it's worth pointing out that it only works when people mispronounce the word Lich- it's actually supposed to be pronounced "leek" (more or less).

Of course, a "wreckta leek" could be a fart I suppose, so maybe it works either way!

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