Wrong place at the wrong time.

Pate Pot Pete

First Post
(This introduction is told from Zar'fans point of view for no real reson)

You and Master Farrin, were in a run down cantina trying to find information on the Seperatist's new General, Farrin had come over to you and was about to tell you what he had learned when a squad of Battledroids blasted down the cantina door and tried to "arrest" Farrin. In a blur his lightsaber was out and the first two droids were on the floor. A few more seconds and the remaining five were down. Then HE arrived, a giant, even for a Wokkie he charged your master, with a strange sword in one hand and a blaster in the other. Farrin threw you a datapad and yells "You've got to get out of here. I'll meet you at the spaceport." As he says this his lightsaber swipes at the Wookies sword but the lightsaber misses the hilt. You run out the back door and into an ally. Where you see a RL-E-1 droid and A grizzled old man, with an unkept appearance. wearing different shades of tan and green pants shirt and a vest. The latter of which is more or less hiding his slug thrower, fighting two Battledroids. The old man's slugthrower hits one droid squarly in the chest and sparks fly, as the droid collapes. The remaining battledroid tries to fire on the old man but is interrupted by another slug. THe droids head explodes leaving nothing but a burnt out shell behind. Unfortunetly another three battledroids are moving down the ally. What do you do?

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R-LE quickly looks around the alley for all possible escape routes. So far there seems to be the back door into the cantina and the mouth of the alley (from which I believe there are three battledroids approaching); are there any other exits? Assuming the droids are going to attack the humans and they in turn are going to attack the battledroids, R-LE moves towards the two fallen battledroids to avoid geting in the middle of a fire-fight. At the same time, R-LE will try to tune his internal comlink to the frequency the battledroids are using to communicate with their remote processor. R-LE will listen in on their communications to try and determine what their current orders are and how many battledroids have been dispatched to our imediate area.

Pate Pot Pete

First Post
As you hurreldy move out of the line of fire your internal comlink manages to gain acces to the droids frequency. You hear a upper-crest human voice saying "I want that Jedi, and everything with him dead! Also Lt. if your battledroids don't get the job done, then I bet my Wookie team can." After around a second a Nemodian says quickly "Don't worry Colonel I am rerouting additional forces to the area, within minutes I will have sealed all means of escape out of that allyway." The human snaps back "Very good, over and out Lt."

Pate Pot Pete

First Post
As he slowly moves towards a crashed hover-taxi Rollan's slugthrower hits one of the batledroids dead center and leaves a LARGE hole. There are three battledroids directly in front of you and five Super battledroids entering the ally mouth.

Initiative: Rollan, Battledroids, Zar'fan, "Arley", and the five SBD's.


Pate pot pete, could you please describe the scene more fully? I'm a little confused about this alley we're in. You've mentioned the door into the cantina and the "mouth" of the alley through which the droids keep coming, but are there any other doors, windows or exits from the alley or does it dead-end at the cantina door? Are there any stairs or ladders up or sewer grates down out of the alley? You mentioned that Rolan is moving towards "a crashed hover-taxi". Is this thing completely wrecked or does it appear functional? What else is there in the alley besides it, the three of us, two non-functional droids and eight attacking droids? Any empty containers? Trash recepticles? Other wrecks? How wide/long is the alley? How much room is there between us and the attacking droids? Are they advancing on us or only firing their blasters from the mouth of the alley? Does the back entry into the cantina have a door? A lock? A computer port? What time of day is it, how is the alley illuminated? Any additional details would help us to plan our tactics. ;)
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Pate Pot Pete

First Post
The ally is a small dingy deadend side street through witch the cantina back door opens into you are currently more or less against the back wall of the ally. The mouth of the ally is around 40 yrds alway from you. The cantina door is currently closed but has no lock or security devise. It is around 5:00 PM local time the sun is still out, a crashed hovertaxi is completly plowed into the ally the front of it is litterally blown off by what looks to be a missle. THe battledroids are slowly approching you holding thier fire until they get closer. Aside from the crashed hover-taxi thier is a street glow-lamp post and a stairway into an abandoned building on the side of the ally.
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