• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

X-Wing Minis


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There are many version of the Tie Swarm and this is the one I like best. The biggest problem is the need for a lot of Tie Fighters. I keep an eye out for the base set cheap and so far have been able to pick some up for under $20.

--Stealth Device

--Stealth Device

Academy Ties (x5)

Howlrunner stays in the middle of the five academy ties to help them get the reroll. Backstabber is flanked out to come in and hopefully take advantage of his ability. The stealth devices are there to help keep the key ships alive a little longer. Some people prefer Hull upgrade instead. I find it fun just fly seven ties at once.

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Currently, my favorite is:

Y-Wing (Horton Salm)
Ion Cannon
(Proton Torpedoes)

Makes for a helluva tank (keep moving 1 and using the ion cannon), as long as it doesn't get swarmed. It's really good for drawing fire then using the ion cannon to disable a target for one of your more maneuverable ships to take out. If you've armed it with PT, you can use them to blast anything you've ionized before they can regain control. Personally, I find this combination a good counter to Tie Interceptors and other quick imperial ships.

So I got into this game over the holidays and picked up a bunch of stuff.

I've had fun (though only moderate success with) lists built around a Roark Garnett HWK-290 and an Ion Cannon (counter-Phantom list) with another ship using Swarm Tactics (either Garven Dreis X-Wing or Nera Dantels B-Wing), filling out the rest of the list with Z-95s. That gives two ships firing at PS12 each round, plus a 360 ion and torpedo capability.

To try some high end pilots I'm going to the game store tournament night tomorrow with a fully-loaded Tycho Celchu A-wing, Maxxed out Nera Dantels B-wing, and again some Z-95s for blocking. I'll see what a pilot who can ignore stress can do while Pushing the Limit with Expert Handling and an Experimental Interface.

Yes -- playing local game store tournaments you face up against whatever shows up. Thematically I prefer to play rebels vs imperials, but you can learn a lot from imp v imp or reb v reb matchups.


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I gave mines away right after it started because I had no one to play with. Then it blew up with tournaments everywhere. I am not paying another $300 to get back in. Who knows If I could even find all the stuff I had again at the same price.


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I haven't played for a while. Work has been insane but once tax season ends I hope to be able to find the ships I don't have and start back up again.

One thing I have been doing is finding some sales or people getting rid of ships. I pick up a few extras here and there so when I do get back into it I can have more then enough ships for friends to use.

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