X4: Master of the Desert Nomads - IC


Bevin Rockhammer Dwarf Rogue2/Enchanter6, AC20 FF17 T15, HP44/44, F+4,R+8,W+5

Bevin says, "Tell me Father, just what is it that convinces you that there is a curse involved in your misfortune? And what signs have been witnessed that some arcane force is to blame for this?" Bevin will inspect carefully the area in question, bringing his arcane knowledge into play in the inspection.

Skill Checks:
Spellcraft: 15 (general) 17 (enchantment)
Knowledge Arcana: 21
spellcraft check (general -- +2 for enchantment); knowledge (arcana) check (1d20+14=15, 1d20+14=21)
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Aram allows Riley to take his mount, offering the man a nod of thanks. When the Abbot shows them the blacksmith's shed, the dervish examines the are carefully, looking for any signs of a presence or resident. "What form does this curse take, Father? Does it have a physical manifestation?"

Walking Dad

First Post
Girgal, AC 23 (T15, FF20), HP 59/59, F +11,R+8,W+13

"Thanks, but Ripclaw is more a firend than a mount. And we both don't need more space than any human." Girgal says.


Hide+11, move silently +9

used Spells: Detect Magic

Ripclaw has:
Full Attack: 2 Claws +7 melee (1d6+4 plus poison) and bite +2 melee (1d6+2) and tail + 2 melee (1d6+2 plus poison)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Leaping pounce, poison (DC 14 1d6 Dex/1d6 Dex), rake 1d6+3
Hide+13, Move Silently+9


The abbot sighs. "I hate to admit it, but the curse was placed by a former monk here. We quarreled and it turned ugly. He came to believe that a faster route to immortality could be found in the service of the one known as the Master, and thought we were fools not to join him. When he left he pronounced the curse. A few weeks later, it was no longer safe to be out here at night."

There does seem to be an unusual chill in the shed, especially around the hearth, but you don't know what might be causing it. Coals from the hearth are scattered all around the shed; it looks messy.

If there are no further questions, Fuller takes his leave. "Good luck again. I'll pray for you. And thanks."


First Post
Having not found anything of interest in the blacksmith's shed, Aram nods to his companions. "Let us drop our gear at the guest house, and then return here after darkness falls, once we've had a chance to prepare." With that said, Aram leads the way to the guest house, dropping to his knees and pressing his head against the red circle in a gesture of respect.

My impression of the red circle of clay is that it is on the ground in front of the guest house, and one most kowtow and press their head against it in an eastern fashion...is this correct?


OOC: You're probably right about the circle, Rhun, but I still thought it was funny to have Bevin be too short to reach it without help. That post has been edited, however.


First Post
OOC: You're probably right about the circle, Rhun, but I still thought it was funny to have Bevin be too short to reach it without help. That post has been edited, however.

OOC: Isn't it funny how two different people imagine two completely different things when given a description, though? It is definitely an interesting phenomenon.


ooc: Rhun, it is as you say. (That's all the module says but I agree with your interpretation.)

The main entrance to the two-story guest house is divided into 2 small chambers, both bare of any furnishings or decoration. There is a secondary entrance but this, you are told, leads to a small chapel not connected to the rest of the house.

Beyond it a small, tiled court that allows fresh air and some light to reach the lower rooms. All the rooms and balconies around the courtyard have windows. In the center of the courtyard is a statue, a stone rod that rises 6‘ into the air and is topped by a oval ball somewhat larger than the rod.

The sleeping chambers are small rooms, each suitable for one person. All of the rooms may be closed off by heavy drapes. There is only a little furniture in each: a hard wood pallet and stone pillow, a traveller’s chest, a stool, and a chamber pot.

The kitchen seems long unused. Dust covers the one table and the hearth. A few cooking pots are piled neatly in one corner.

Upstairs are more bedrooms (there are four on the lower level and for upstairs) as well as a few other rooms.

Near the stairs, upstairs, is a small chamber lavishly decorated with paintings representing what might be various deities, each surrounded by symbols of its power. Along the bottom of the pictures runs a series of smaller paintings that presumably represent the stories associated with these deities.

Also upstairs is a small, empty chamber and a terrace. The terrace overhangs the outer edge of the abbey. From here you have a clear view of the Black Mountains. It is a 400’ drop to the ground below.

ooc: How will you prepare, and will you do anything else?
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ooc: Rhun, it is as you say.
OOC: Oh, brother! As if his head wasn't swelled up enough as it was. Don't you just hate people who have to be right all the da**** time? ;)

[sblock=Rhun, OOC] Though I must say, Nijel Bladesong does miss fighting alongside Roak the Cairnwalker[/sblock]
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First Post
"I suggest we settle in, drop what gear we don't need, and then head back to the blacksmith's shed to investigate this curse." The dervish scratches his jaw, where the stubble of a beard is growing in dark. "I suggest we sleep upstairs, and post a watch. While these monks seem pleasant enough, there seems to be an oddness to this place..."

After picking out a sleeping chamber for himself upstairs, near the balcony where he can get some fresh air, and dropping his pack of non-essential goods, Aram takes some time to conduct a search of the guest house, looking for anything unusual. He places his enchanted spectacle over his eyes, and moves room to room, taking a few minutes in each to inspect the walls and floors, as well as any furniture that is present.

Search +15

And after looking at Aram's charsheet I noticed that he doesn't really have any non-essential goods to drop off, due to his handy haversack! Also, have we been keeping track of experience points at all? I don't think so, but I just wanted to check.

[sblock=OOC for Leif]
I too miss having Roak and Nijel fight shoulder to shoulder against the ogier hordes! Any word from JA on what's been going on? I know he said he'd be busy until Jan. 1st, but it isn't like him not to post a little something here and there.
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