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You may or may not have realized this, but Xanthos is a creation of Russ for his PC in this campaign. I wanted him to be able to tailor the god/religion to suit his needs to some degree. (Indeed, many of you have already realized that I want you to have a fair amount of input into the game world and I will help you shape it to fit the world at large.) As a result, I have very little information on Xanthos and his followers. So, I thought I would pop a thread in here for Russ to elucidate as he has time.

Russ, when you are able, please post a bit about Xanthos so everyone can get more of a feeling for the religion. Feel free to do it in character if you would like, or out of character as commentary.


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First Post
BardStephenFox said:
Just a bump to bring this back up into the visible radar.

O.K. Here's a little note on Xanthos. I've been meaning to give the info sheet to everybody to read on their own but never got around to it so here's the overall flavor in a post.

God's Name - Xanthos, known to his devout followers as Xanthos
the provider, Xanthos the protector. Known to heathens as
Xanthos the fish god.

He holds sway over the sea, the wind, and fishing (bounty from the sea)
He also shares commerce and travel, he controls the portion over the
water much as his counterpart controls the same over land.

He reveres a balance in nature and elemental (natural)power. He opposes
undeath as it is a perversion of nature, and opposes excessive greed as
it tends to create imbalance and injustice though he has no problem with
normal business and personal profit within limits. Money leads to power,
power leads to corruption and corruption leads to evil, which unbalances
the course of life.

Holy days - Every full moon. The light of the moon represents the true light
of the path to wisdom. Increased fishing harvests usually occur around
the time of the full moon and so it is a time of increased bounty, a time
of plenty.

Temples and shrines - They usually overlook the sea. Major temples have a
lot of ornate decorations - gold, pearls, etc.... usually depicting items or
events from sea related activities or historically important scenes that
would be relevant to the religion. Minor temples or shrines may be nothing
more than stone grottoes with small sacrificial altars (mostly symbolic)
with fish, oysters, coral, small statues or other offerings being presented
to gain the blessing of Xanthos for whoever placed the offering.
Sometimes these are decorated with some of the rarer, more beautiful
types of coral. Major temples are always open so that those in need of
blessings may offer up their prayers or thanks day or night. During the
Full Moon ceremony and specialized events - more ritualized and lavish
ceremonies are celebrated

Priests - Though officially called "Priests of Xanthos", many informally put
"brother" before their given name. I am called brother Oceas by those
who know me. This name was given to me by others at the temple when
I could not remember my true name as I was brought from the ocean.
The most senior priest will usually preside over the temple and day to day
activities. There is an appointed 2nd in command and if it is an extremely
important matter of faith or regional interest, then a council of 5 brothers
will be convened to debate policy, procedure or politics as needed. If
there are not 5 brothers among those at the temple then word will go out
to the nearest brother to please attend and sit as part of that council.

Causes important to the faith - Spreading the faith so that others may see
the power, beauty and bounty provided by Xanthos. Gathering knowledge
and information is important to the order as that can be studied to further
our knowledge and power and because information/knowledge can be sold,
or bartered or used as leverage as may be needed by the faithful.

General info - Most often the everyday wear is robes of a dark color (brown,
gray, etc... but NEVER black) Special ceremonies may call for blue robes
and the Full Moon ceremony always uses white robes. It shows well in
the moonlight and exemplifies our purity of spirit in the ceremony itself.
The ceremonies themselves vary in duration depending on the number
of followers present but normally are between 45 minutes and 2 hours.

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