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I created some rules for xorvintaal (PC's play as a XOr. Dragon)
.Staying true to the flavor they're complicated (only a dragon can understand the finer points of Xorvintaal). There is alot here and its not perfect, I would be very glad to get suggestions:

XORVINTAAL RULE: this is a risk styled D&D variant that you can play with no DM just two or more players (although a DM would help; without a DM you must trust the other players and the question of what the world looks like will be difficult to determine). You choose a dragon and begin trying to establish territory, etc; time would run different in a game like this, maybe play it month by month, not day by day; If you want to conduct things in secrecy without a DM then you can just not tell each other anything and trust each other when you say youve gained or I losed, etc.
The rules are still a work in progress. I wanted to stick to the flavor and make the rules alittle complicated.

A hoard is simply an area where you conduct affairs, keep resources, keep exarchs, etc.
You have control of a hoard if and only if you are given control of a hoard via the rules of the game (if so then you MUST start establishing a hoard there within 1 month or you lose control), or if you have started establishing a hoard in the area; you may start establishing a hoard in another Xor. Dragons area only if that dragon cannot maintain defense of the area; you lose control of a hoard if you cannot establish the hoard successfully or if you cannot maintian security of the area or if you fail in a claw test for control over the hoard;
Successful establishment of a hoard occurs if and only if you can secure and keep secured the area of the hoard for at least 1 year;
You lose security of an area if and only if you either lose a claw test against a dragon which has call you out, or if you cannot defend off intruders that attack the hoard;
YOu cannot defend against the intruders if and only if, when attacked, you either retreat, or your exarchs retreat, or if you (or your exarchs) are forced out of the area because the intruders are more powerful, specifically, if the intruders out number you 3 to 1 then you cannot defend the area, if another Xor. Dragon is responsible for you losing defense then that Xor. Dragon automatically gains control of your hoard and can start defending it too try and gain security.
A hoard is a seed hoard if and only if you only indirectly helped in the establishment of it and you NEVER once visited the hoard (you can scry or use divination spells to see the hoard though); if a hoard is not a seed hoard it is a personal hoard, you can have many personal hoards(many Xor. Dragons create networks of telportation devices so they can easily travel from one hoard to another, since, even if they are not their to defend their personal hoards the attacking dragon still gets bonus rituals appropriate to an attack on a personal hoard).
A Xor. Dragon may have one and only one base camp,fi you have more than one personal hoard you must choose one of them to be your base camp, you can only choose a different base camp at the start of every year: A dragons Base camp is its lair for adjucating Exarch abilites that send an exarch back to its draons lair; the base camp is a personal hoard and its not significantly different than any other persoanl hoard except if another Xor. dragon gains control of your base camp or successfully castles into your base camp or successfully establishes a hoard at your base camp then you forever lose your Xorvintaal abilities and the privilege to play in the great game.


QUASI-WINNING CONDITIONS: you win if you are the only Xor. Dragon left that is within 4 age categories of you (younger and older); if you win you automatically gain double the amount of exarchs and resources also you gain a special "master of Xor." ability of your choosing; otherwise the game continues for you and you have to do after stronger opponents.
You can win multiple times (for each time after the first time you won add 1 to the age category difference to determine if your a winner, if you win once then you win again if you are the only Xor. dragon within 5 age categories and so forth.
If you establish a hoard in a city you gain resources enough for 5 rituals. If you make a city leader an exarch you gain 5resources enough for 5 rituals.
If a dragon gives you exarchs or resources then they become yours and that dragon cannot later take them back; you must pay back the dragon that gives you resources (according to a contract that both of you agreed too) unless you successfully take the Dragon out of the game (if you try to take a dragon out that has given you resources no adverse affects come about, except the dragon will probably hate you, you still owe them)
Must be Young Adult True Dragon (cannot be older or younger); No other Xor. Dragon is told of your becoming a Xor. Dragon. If a Xor. Dragon asks you whether or not you are yourself a XOr. Dragon you MUST tell them the truth;Usually a younger Dragon will get help from an older veteran dragon at the beginning but nothing is free the older dragon will want something in return; the resources and exarchs and help Xor. Dragons give to one another are in addition to any bonus rituals or resources they may attain through the game.
Xor. Dragons cannot personally engage each other in combat unless both agree to a personal claw test.
Start with no money and no exarchs; you must give all your money and possessions to Xorvintaal to enter. There is an imparial panel of gamemasters that are mediators between Xor. Dragons. They go to Xor. Dragons and tell them if they losed any exarchs or if they gained any exarch, etc. (this way a level of secrecy can be maintained bewteen Xor. dragons);
At the start you can gain a maximum of 12 exarchs by performing a ritual of Xor, you can choose to give an existing exarch 5 tokens by performing the ritual as well (you may gain more as dictated by the game); the ritual to designate an exarch is free but it takes 1 hour.

You must find and secure an area (a base camp) within 1 year of starting the game (sometimes this is just as easy as making friends with a generous Xor. Dragon), if you do not have a base camp secured within the year you lose all your exarchs and resources, and you must start out as if you just began Xorvintaal. In addition, if you ever lose your base camp (or all of your hoard stashes/base camps if you have multiple areas secured) at any time during the game you also lose all your existing exarchs and resources and you must start as if you just began Xorvintaal.

If a Xor. Dragon is three or more age categories younger than you you only gain 1/8 of the bonus rituals and resources gained from winning a game, rounded down, minimum number of rituals gained from winning a game is 1; fi teh dragon is 5 age categories or more older than you then you gain double the exarchs and resources for winning one of the below games.
A Xor. Dragon cannot try to castle, establish a seed hoard, or a personal hoard, or call out to a claw test, or try to hoard check another Xor. Dragon that is 8 or more age categories younger than itself (also the dragon doesnt gain any bonus rituals or resourses from pulling of a seed sham or any other point gaining manuever). However, a dragon that is 8 age categories younger than another Dragon can attempt these moves and if successful gains 4 time sthe exarchs and resources

Safety: Safety applies to a single hoard, safety occurs when there is no other Xor. Dragons hoards within 100 miles of the hoard in question; a hoard only qualifies for safety if you have successfully established it and have control; Safety bonueses occur if and only if For every hoard: if a Xor. Dragon can prevent all other Xor. Dragons from successfully establishing a hoard within 100 miles of their hoard then they gain 1 bonus ritual for every year they maintain safety for every hoard that is safe; if a hoard does not have safety and if it later attains safety you automatically gain 5 bonus rituals, this does not apply if you establish a hoard in an already safe location (if you maintain safety for a year you gain 1 ritual and 1 ritual evry year after, you do not lose anything if you lose safety; however, if the dragon responsible for you losing safety gains 5 bonus rituals; safety does not apply if there are no Xor. Dragon hoards within 1000 miles of the hoard in question
If you maintain safety over a hoard for 100 years you gain 1 Xor. Ability (for each such hoard, and for every extra 100 years ou gain another Xor. Ability)

Castling: To gain resources from the Xor. gamemaster you must move hoard A from location 1 to location 2, in addition you must maintain power over location 1; if you do not maintain power over location 1 then you lose 1 exarch and you cannot gain castling bonus from the movement of this hoard at this time (so if you are forced to move your hoard you do not gain bonus rituals, also, if in the time you were moving if another Xor. Dragon takes location 1 over you lose an exarch, etc.).
Castling Bonuses If you move any one of your hoards from one location to another location then you gain the resources for 1 exarch ritual (i.e you gain 1 bonus ritual); you must move 50%of one hoards resources and exarchs to another locstion (you cannot move some resources from hoard A some from B some from C and move it to location X then say you castled you need to move at least 50% of one hoards resources to another location) If you move you hoard into a location that is within 100 miles of another Xor. Dragons hoard you gain enough resources for 2 exarch rituals. If you move within 10 miles of another Xor. Dragons hoard you gain enough resources for 4 rituals; if you move your hoard into another Xor. Dragons hoard you gain 10 bonus rituals, if this is a dragons personal hoard you gain 20 bonus rituals (so if you take over another dragons hoard at the same time you are moving you hoard you gain the rituals)

Seed Hoard: To gain resources from a Xor. gamemaster you must not help and can only be indirectly involved with the establishment of the hoard, also you may not personally occupy the hoard;In addition you may only gain bonuses for esablishing a seed hoard if it is within 100 miles of another Xor. Dragons hoard; bonuses from establishing a seed hoard stack with bonuses from castling (so if you move one hoard fromloaction 1 to loaction 2 and if you do not help with the movement and establishment of the hoard and if you do not intend to personally occupy the hoard then you gain the appropriate castling bonuses and the approprate seed hoard bonuses).
Seed hoard bonuses: For every year you maintain control over a seed hoard you gain 1 ritual bonus; If you successfully establish a seed hoard within 100 miles of another Xor. Dragons seed hoard then you gain 1 bonus ritual and the Xor. Dragon loses 1 exarch; If you successfully establish a seed hoard within 100 miles of another Xor. Dragons personal Hoard then you gain 2 bonus rituals and the dragon loses 2 exarchs; if you successfully establish a seed hoard within 10 miles of another Dragons seed hoard you gain 2 bonus rituals and the dragon loses 2 exarchs; if you successfully establish a seed hoard within 10 miles of another Xor. Dragons personal hoard you gain 4 bonus rituals adn teh dragon loses 4 exarchs; if you successfuly establish a seed hoard in another Xor. dragons hoard you gain 5 bonus rituals and the remaining resources in the dragons hoard, if this is a Xor. Dragons personal hoard you gain 10 bonus rituals and all the remainign resources in the hoard.
If you maintain control over the same seed hoard for more than 500 years you gain 1 Xor. Ability, even if you lose control for only a day you must restart the timer (this applies to each and every seed hoard, also for every extra 500 years on top of the first 100 years you gain another 1 Xor. Ability).

Seed Sham: A seed sham occurs when a Xor. Dragon makes it seem like it is trying to establish a seed hoard but really the area is set with traps, etc. that are designed to take out another XOr dragons resources; you can have no more than your age category in exarchs at any single seed sham (so a great wyrm can have no more than 12 exarchs at any given seed sham); you gain 10 bonus rituals if you successfully Sham another Xor. Dragon; you successfully Sham another Xor. Dragon if and only if that Xor. Dragon personally investigates the area where the Sham is set OR if a Xor. Dragon continues to send exarchs and spend resources investigating the sham for 1 year; If another Xor. Dragon calls you on a Sham then you lose 5 exarchs in addition the Dragon who called you on the sham gains all of your resources and exarchs that are within the area where the Sham is set; if another Xor. Dragon calls you on a Sham and it is a real seed hoard then you gain 5 bonus rituals in addition you gain control of the closest hoard (and all the resources and exarchs at the hoard) that the Dragon which called you out possesses.
There is no difference between a personal hoard sham and a seed hoard sham (if you do make it seem like a personal hoard but really its a sham hoard then adjucate the bonus points as if a seed sham occurred)
If you successfully pull of 5 or more shams against the same dragon within a year you gain 1 Xor. Ability. If you successfully pull of 15 seed shams within a year (against more than one dragon) then you gain 1 Xor. Ability.

Claw Test: A claw test is a pre-arranged battle that occurs between two or more Xor. Dragons (more specifically between two or more Xor. Dragon's Exarchs). A Xor. Dragon cannot personally engage in the fight. Before a Xor. Dragon calls another Xor. Dragon out for a claw test they must figure out exaclty how many resources they are going to use in the claw test the dragon called out then must figure out how many resources they will use, neither dragon knows what the other will bring.
You can call out another Xor. Dragon to a claw test anytime but both dragons must agree to participate.Also, every 250 to 1000 years all Xor. Dragons must engage in 1 claw test with a dragon that rivals it in power, this is prearranged by the Xor. high council; if you lose this battle then you must forfeit all of your resources and exarchs to the winner and you forver lose you Xorvintaal abilites and privilege to play in the great game (this weeds out the weaker and dumber; usually though ot many resources are left since a dragon will use most if not all of its resources in the claw test so that it ensures its victory, knowing that it will never be able to play again if it loses);
Otherwise you can force a dragon into a claw test if and only if you believe that the dragon is conducting a seed sham within 100 miles of one of your hoards (no battle occurs if it really is a seed sham, instead you gain the bonuses as noted above, if it is not a seed shame you lose as noted above AND you still must fight the battle), OR if you believe that another Xor. Dragon is trying to establish a seed hoard within 10 miles of one of your hoards. If you call another out on a sham and it is not a sham then you lose as noted above, if you call someone out because they are trying to establish control within 10 miles and its really a sham or they really are not trying to establish a hoard or oull a sham, then you must give the other dragon all resources you were going to use in the claw test; OR you may call a Xor. dragon out to a claw test if you believe that another Xor. Dragon is castling within 100 miles of one of your hoards (if the dragon is not trying to castling then you lose all the resources you were going to use in the battle and no battle takes place)
You lose a claw test if you lose the battle (decided at the time of battle but usually its the last ones standing); If you lose a claw test then you must give all resources and exarchs that are at the hoard closest to the closest hoard of the opposing Dragon; in addition if you call a dragon out on a seed sham then you gain the appropriate bonuses as noted above (if you lose the cla; if you called someone out on a seed hoard then the losing dragon cannot
If you want to establish a personal hoard within 10 miles of another Dragons hoard then you must call that Dragon out to a claw test, if you win then you gain the privilege to establish such a hoard (the dragon can still try and run you out though; normally the dragon that is called out does not know why it is being called out although its usually easy to figure that out, but this enables a dragon to call out dragons win a claw test and try to establish a hoard within 10 miles of that dragon without it knowing)
You may call out a dragon for control over one of its hoards, however it must agree.
You may call a dragon out on a personal claw test however the dragon must agree (however these battles are extremely risky are rarely occur). It is a one on one battle bewteen two Xor. Dragons. The battle is to the death and if you lose you forever die and the power of Xorvintaal prevents you from being resurrected; the losers resources (excepts all of its exarchs) are given to the winner.
There are some ways to force a dragon into a personal claw test: if you can prove that the Dragon has somehow cheated in the game and that its cheating has effected you (even in the smallest way), for example if you can prove that a dragon has been directly helping a seed hoard get established within 100 miles of one of your hoards then you can call them out, that still doesnt mean you will win the battle though);
since a Xor dragon cannot break the rules it is very difficult to prove that a Xor. Dragon cheated but not impossible.
If you win a claw test you gain 1 Xor. Ability.

Hoard Check: A Hoard Check occurs when one Xor. Dragon directly attacks another Xor. Dragons hoard. A hoard check may occur during a castling or during the establishment of a seed hoard or when neither a castling or a seed hoard is being attempted. Although the dragons cannot enage in combat with each other personally they can still be on the field of battle at the same time.
If an attacking Dragon successfully gains control of an attacked dragons hoard then it gains a number of exarchs and resources equal to the number it lost during the hoard check (the other dragon must provide these rescourse, if the losing dragon cannot provide all the resources and exarchs it will provide what it can and the rest will be provided to the winner by the council, if the loser cannot provide all the resources then it has to start over as if it just began Xorvintaal);
if an attacking dragon is unsuccessful then the attacking dragon must give the Dragon it attacked a number of exarchs and resources equal to the number the attacked dragon lost in the hoard check plus the number it lost in the hoard check (if the attacking Dragon cannot do this then it starts over as if it just began Xorvintaal but the attacked dragon still gets the appropriate amount of resources)
If you successfully pull of a hoard check you gain 1 Xor. ability (no mattter if the hoard check was part of a castling or a seed hoard or neither).

DISCLAIMERS: Simply establishing a hoard does not gain you bonus rituals unless you maintain control for a year then you get the normal 1 bonus ritual per year.You must establish a hoard through castling, or a seed hoard to get bonus rituals;mainly this means that if you simply move your hoard within keeping control of the hoard moved away from or if you are forced to move your hoard you do not gain bonus rituals).
All resources besides exarchs are gained via means not accounted for in the rules (meaning that you can gain an unlimted number of resources besides exarchs, adn teh way you gain them are fair game unless you break any fame rules).
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First Post
Did you get any ideas from WotC? I know at least one Forgotten Realms book has dragons playing this game.

Thanks for posting, I dont think anyone will want to read such along post. I read the section in MM5 on Xorvintaal. But, I did not know that WotC published more on the game, Ill have to try and find the forgotten realms book that references the game.

blargney the second

blargney the minute's son
My thoughts on Xorvintaal, since the first time I read MM5:



Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
Thanks for posting, I dont think anyone will want to read such along post. I read the section in MM5 on Xorvintaal. But, I did not know that WotC published more on the game, Ill have to try and find the forgotten realms book that references the game.
I found it. It is [ame="http://www.amazon.com/The-God-Catcher-Greenwood-Waterdeep/dp/0786954868/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1333319529&sr=1-1"]The God Catcher[/ame] by Erin M. Evans.

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