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XP for BBEGs


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The party assaulted the Temple of Evil. They weren't prepared well, but survived, taking down a mess o' mooks and a couple of lieutenants. The high priest and several other named NPC's survived. As the Forces of Evil were pulling back to regroup, the Forces of Evil-Crushing popped away with a couple of well-timed teleports.

Question: who gets how much XP?

The party gets XP for each kill, to be sure- but how much for surviving the encounter if not exactly trouncing the Baby-Eating Blackguards? Partial XP rewards for forcing the BBEG & Co. to regroup? How partial?

At the session itself I gave the PC's full XP for kills and half XP for the foes that were survived. The baddies *were* regrouping if not precisely retreating. The party fled. Do the baddies get full XP or only partial because the party wasn't destroyed outright?

How much XP given to the Society for Global Annihilation? The entire party survived, but the assault on the temple was repelled, albeit at the loss of some Soon-To-Be-Undead. I love levelling BBEG's (recurring villains are so much more satisfying when you finally take them out for good) but want to do so fairly.

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Slaughter McSlaughter
I have done similar effects

If the bad guys have had a chance to rest and regain spells, health, then I award them full experience if they manage to take them out as it is just as difficult to take out the big bad guys. The bad guys may choose different spells because they are also aware of the party members so it may be more difficult if the party is still unprepared.

This is why you adjust the xp based upon the difficulty of the encounter, if the party takes out guys with no difficulty, then the challenge should be reduced, and only partial XP awarded, if the party manages to take out the enemies with great difficulty they can get more XP.

It is all ad hoc, but it takes into account the difficulty encountered.


First Post
It is all DM's option.

Do the baddies get full XP or only partial because the party wasn't destroyed outright?

Upon reading the title, my first response was "Why do BBEGs need to gain XP?" I'm not sure what mechanic you're using if you keep track of XP for opposed NPCs as well, instead of simply raising them levels as needed to keep them credible threats. Are you trying to see what additional items the BBEG can make with XP components in the meantime?


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credible threats

It's more that I want them to level in a credible fashion- not just when I want them to. But I take your point- don't so much sweat the small stuff as keep it believable and challenging.

I just wanted the Bad Guys to play by the same rules as the Good Guys.


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Quidam said:
It's more that I want them to level in a credible fashion- not just when I want them to. But I take your point- don't so much sweat the small stuff as keep it believable and challenging.

I just wanted the Bad Guys to play by the same rules as the Good Guys.
As long as you don't feel you are putting yourself through more trouble than it's worth doing it that way, go for it. Otherwise just don't sweat the small stuff. ;)


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small stuff

I hear ya- it's enough trouble running all the bloody NPC's without having to worry about levelling them, too.

I use computer aids though, so it's not that hard and I only really spend time levelling NPC's when I'm caught up on my other prep and can do a little extra on the side.

Shin Okada

kanithardm said:
I would hive full XP in that situation because they defeated them, whether or not they actually killed them.

I am second to this opinion. Basically, PCs get full XP if they have "Overcome" the encounter. Whether if some opponents have survived or not is irrelevant. Actually, many encounters in commercial modules are suggesting to let big clever villain (especially dragon) run away rather than to let them fight til die.


First Post
I agree that they should get at least pertial XP for this. Sometimes stopping the baddies without killing them is harder. Even if they didn't totally eliminate the threat they have thwarted their plans and at the very least forced them into a retreat.

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