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Yay! I get to play a high(er) level character (Help me make it cool)


I usually DM and one of my friends is starting a game to play on odd nights on our game night.

Its 15th level Characters with mages etc being dubious as there was some magical cataclysm recently and they are rare and mistrusted.

We are currently playing Ars Magica and I have a crazy elemental summoning seer so my normal druid and full caster leanings are fulfilled.

I was thinking about playing a straight class scout with mage slayer, pierce magical concealment and pierce magical protection? what are peoples views of this being interesting to play?

The other tempting one which some one posted on enworld is a Scout X/Thief acrobat X for the full-speed-down-the-wall-through-the-mooks-smack-the-caster-for- load-of-damage-and-back-again-ness.

The other thing tempting me is a barbarian/bear warrior with terrifiyingly massive strength.

Inspire me people :)

Stat gen will be 4d6 drop lowest not rolled yet, i'll do it with someone else around.

Am open to other non caster cool concepts. The scout appeals with HIPS, camoflauge and blindsense. Anyone think shadowdancer is worth it for even more hiding goodness?

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Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
I've only played Ars Magica once and the setting/period used was the British Age of Sail. I doubt I could be much help to you but perhaps if you describe the setting/period your group will use I could give more general ideas about what might be important.


rereading what I've written its a little confusing.

Due to the fact we are playing Ars Magica separately I don't want to play a mage.

Instead I was fancying a melee/skill type with some interesting abilities.

And thanks for the link, I'll take a look when I'm home from work.


I have been considering a build for a Chinese inspired mini-campaign that might work for you

Monk/Fighter build centering around twin sword attacks.
You need the following feats and a good Str, Dex, and Wis
Monastic Training (from Eberron, lets a Monk multiclass)
Whirling Steel Strike (From ECS as well, makes longsword a Monk weapon)
Two Weapon Fighting
Weapon Focus Long Sword
Ovesized Two Weapon Fighting (Treat one handed weapon as light for purposes of TWF)
Two Weapon Rend (PHB2 -deal more damage when you hit with both weapons)

Throw in some manuevers from Bo9S via the feat that lets you pick them up one at a time (Forget it at the moment) and you have a cool martial arts swords man who is going to have an unbeliavble number of attacks per round thanks to TWF and Flurry of Blows. If you can spare the feats add in TW Defense for better AC.

Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
Snowy said:
rereading what I've written its a little confusing.

Due to the fact we are playing Ars Magica separately I don't want to play a mage.

Ah, I see. My bad. :eek:

I like the idea of the barbarian bear warrior. Can't get much further from arcanery-chicanery than that. :)


not at all, any input is appreciated.

Failed to catch the DM to roll my stats last night :(

Still honed things slightly.

Its either going to be a barbarian 7 / bear warrior 8 (with the plan of finish bear warrior and take war shaper till 20) looking something like Barbarian 7 / Bear warrior 10 / warshaper 3 leaving me with tasty bear warrior epicness or finishing warshaper at 22 and epic warshaper.

Feat along the lines of extra rage, destructive rage, improved grapple, clever wrestling (depends on reqs.) failry typical brute force type, oh yeah and track for the scent based tracking goodness.


A scout thats a weapons platform/radar array/stealth specialist. point blank shot, precise shot, rapid shot, track, quick reccoinoter, mage slayer, blind fight (meh!), pierce magical concealment, pierce magical protection.

still vaguely tempted by a prestige class though, so many tasty concepts.


Can I suggest taking 2-4 levels of monk and 2-4 levels of fighter? E.g. Bar 6 / Mk 2 / Ftr 2 / BW 5? Or Bar 4 / Mk 2 / Ftr 4 / BW 5 so you can get Melee Weapon Mastery goodness? Many of the cool monk abilities are still usable if you're an ex-monk and in armour.


interesting gives unarmed attack for the punching people apart before the turning into a bear. also sets you up for improved grapple? tasty

hmmm some crazy ass alignment shift required, doable, have to check if its alright with the DM. Its a nice slide from lawful ordered up bringing to Crazed frothing at the mouth warrior to crazed frothing bear as the beast side takes over, almost like a were creature style progression descent into savagery.

That sounds Cool, I like cool.

Also in the party we're going to have.

A monk secret police enforcer type, all about the sense motive and the smashing peoples faces in.
A sacred inquistor? ( some sort of rogue/paladin prestige class with smite anything, player likes super scouts)
A spellcaster who is going to play a lich apparently (LN)

The setup is for mages to be wiped out in a massive mage war with the survivors being butchered for the massive destruction.

Mages are really rare any that are around are now allied with political factions one (i think) of which the party as high level ex-adventurers are part of.

Healing is uncommon using the pain of healing rules from Iron Kingdoms, hmmm, fixing will be hard to come by I think.

I think being able to nuke from a distance may be the way forward.

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