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Yogsathoth and history: Leopold, here it is (Shadow)


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Ok, this here is the thing I was talking to you (Leopold) about in a nutshell. Now, I read your remarks and I am open for some changes so that this all fits in. Ok, now without further adew, the history of Yogsathoth according to legend and myth mostly.

The beginning of his myths and legends began before the records of recorded time. He was looked apon with great fear for he was undeniably evil, sick, and twisted. He hated all things of good and all living beings. He was seen as the "Father of Evil" by many. In these unrecorded times though there was a war that had occured...the fabled war between good and evil. All good beings and evil beings from all over the multiverse gathered under the powers of their gods and lashed out at each other using the prime material plane as the battle grounds. The multiverse was filled with chaos, fighting, depression, and death. For a time, the gods of the darkness were winning and the most powerful of the gods of light was slain by Yogsathoth using his Staff of Pure Evil. The fight suddenly became bleak for the beings of good but it was not time to give up yet. The other gods of the light, angered and saddened by their loss, they combined their energies and all their powers into one last hopeful attack against Yogsathoth in hopes that he would be rid of. With all they could, they bestowed a powerful curse on him, he screamed in pain as all the powers that made him were drawn out of him in billions of sparks of an eerie green light. Each power drained from him was thrown away somewhere in the multiverse and the power itself was encapsulated in a fine, hard, black, rune covered sphere. (These spheres are the embodiment of each of his powers, ie: Fireball, Shocking grasp, Deeper darkness, Thrall, etc.) Once all the powers were drawn from him all that was left was a powerless slain god and his Staff of Pure Evil (This staff is created of the hardest substance of all, be that what ever it may be. The staff also contains a bit of himself in it.) The slain Yogsathoth was then banished to a new, distant plane. With the deaths of the two most powerful gods the war was let up for both sides. The beings of good grieved and built temples to honour their dead lord and attempt to return peace and law to the chaos that had befallen. The beings of evil were driven from the lands of good and most were slain or banished while the rest escaped and went into hiding in the wastes of the world. The few that survived the war went off into the bleeding ridges and there they built a temple to Yogsathoth, amongst the second highest peak of the ridges. Afterward they travelled into the wastes beyond and the war was all but forgotten. No written record exsisted of this war.

Years later, in the years of great poverty, a child was born named Draako. At first, he grew and was like all the others around but once he grew more inot his early teens, he began to show signs of great magical power...he was born to be a sorcerer. Soon, he began trying to harness these eerie powers but needed help...and help came...in the form of a being that came to him at night. This mysterious being taught him all that he would need to know to excel. As he grew into adulthood, he took on a new lifestyle, that of a secluded and studious sorcerer. He became a conjurer of infernal beings. He kept to himself, hiding his dark arts and enjoyed the company of these fiends. He constantly conjured and conversed with them and wrote of all his meetings in a book, now known as the "Book of Inferica". He had listed and discribed thousands of infernal beings in it...including something he heard of a being known as the "Father of Evil". With a few more years passing, he became drawn to knowledge of this "Father of Evil" and sought any information on him. It drove him day and night to conjure and converse with all the beings of the infernal planes. Years passed though, and not so much as a scrap did he hear of this being, but now death was nearing and his goal had to change...if he was ever to succeed n his task he would need to be free of the worry of death and with that, he turned to his evil companions. In return for some horrendous deeds, Draako was granted lichdom. Years passed and he reached the age of one hundred. By now he had amassed a great following, mostly of young men wishing to become masters of the dark arts themselves. Infact, at any one time, Draako was followed and helped by four followers. Within a year after his hundreth year, he heard some news...there was something in the desert that was a map of a sort to a long forgotten temple built before time. His eyes sparkled and he immediately headed into the wastes for about three years before finding what he was looking for. Amidst the uncharted wastes there stood a lone, broken statue much wonr by the rigors of time adn covered with cryptic runes. Draako looked upon the broken statue and for months tried to decipher the runes. When he did he was left with a cryptic message: "Leave the wastes of time and follow the strongest path of blood, at the cut continue forth to the heavens and above. Amongst the shadows, lost in time, you will find the dread gates of Nazir.". With that, Draako turned towards what he believed to be what this was mentioning...the bleeding ridges. He travelled to the base of the bleeding rivers (I am not sure what they are actually called) and there he built a small shrine to this "Father of Evil". He then continued up the mountain side following the strongest ebb of the river and beyond the point that it arose from. For days he climbe until he reached the peak and amonst the darkness of a cave at the peak there lay the dread gates of Nazir. Draako crumpled to the ground at the beauty of this ancient, forgotten temple. One the outside of the doors stood great pillars, carven adn covered in pictorals and runes, and along the edges of the gargantuan iron doors where carven walls of runes and more pictorals. Draako then proceeded further into the temple and found that it had rooms by the thousands as it was built at the peak of the mountain and indeed extended into the very depths of the earth. Magical fires lit the halls, illusions were everywhere, secret doors were amongst every room, and there was a large central chamber...unfortunately, the entrance seemed at the time impassible by any means both magic and not magic. With the locating of the temple of Yogsathoth, Draako declared that this temple be his new shrine, that he and his followers could worship here. As years passed, finally, as by accident, the doors of the chamber in the center where opene. In the middle of the room was a staicase leading up to and altar and a staircase leading down onto a fine carven floor. The florr was carven into a gargantuan circular pattern with thousands of runes and billions of fine little half-spherical holes...and some of these were filled with fine black spheres covered in runes (these are some of the stones of power). Besides the grand altar and circle was in the middle a huge status of Yogsathoth. It looked as a cloaked being with skeletal hands and the head, a skull of a bull. The statue was carven right out of the rock and was made standing facing the altar with its right arm outstreched and open. When Draako traversed the steps to the altar and being appeared atop the altat...it appeared to be Yogsathoths likeness! As Draako proceeded upward this thing, now know to be an illusion produced by Yogsathoth, it told Draako all he wanted to know about the temple, and of the "Father of Evil". It told him of the power stones and the staff. It told him how Yogsathoth was trapped but could be set free if the correct power stones where returned to the temples circle at the foot of the statue. With that, Draako created a cult, the "Order of Yogsathoth". Evil beings from all over the multiverse began to slowly trickle in and soon it had grown to immense numbers and secretive parties wre formed and sent across the multiverse in search of the power stones and the staff. In return, Yogsathoth promised them godly powers.

As the years rolled by, Yogsathoth slowly became more powerful again but not without being noticed by other memebers of good. These great celestials warned the others of good that Yogsathoth was beginning to stir and thus was formed the "Opposition of Yogsathoth". There goal was to grow as the cult of Yogsathoth and to chase and hunt down all of the cult, the power stones, and the staff. The hoped to destroy the stones and the staff once and for all to be rid of the threat of Yogsathoths escaped. For many years a secret war was waged against the opposition and the order. Unfortunately for the opposition...it was too late. Yogsathoth had gotten enough of the powers back to at least possess another being and control it, and Draako was the one.

Now, out of the history for the time being, this should be discussed now for any changes. The next things that happens in the story is that Yogsathoth does come again apon the prime material plane and thus builds an idea for a plot within the history of daemonforge. Any changes or ideas for it, please feel free to take a look at it. This is the history...along with it there are numerous other things such as NPCs (Draako, Yogsathoth, the Kindred), items (the Power stones, Staff of Pure Evil), and all according stats. All of those are already done...jusat waiting for the siganl. Check it out...e-mail me, write here...anything. Enjoy, and play around with it.

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hrm... Interesting concept, but what are your ideas for fitting him into the campaign? Remember, in Daemonforge good and evil both arrived at the same time during the first fiend war. They always have exsisted. If he is some arch fiend then he would have to be incorperated as another fiend lord, or he would have to be resideing in hell right now waiting for the gates of dusk to open again.

Also another important thing to point out, is I belive it was decided that Daemonforge does not exsist in a multiverse. It is more like the center of a cube with the 4 elements boardering on the sides, heaven above, and hell below. Unless his powers were scattered to the elemental planes I don't really see where they could go. Technically speaking it would be impossible to travel from Daemonforge to Dragonlance, Darksun, Forgotten Realms, SpellJammer or anything like that. It exsists as the sole prime material plane in exsistance in this universe.

I know I say this to a lot of new people, but I'm honestly not trying to rip appart your ideas. I think he's actually a really cool character concept, perhaps as a sort of "sleeping fiend lord". If you were to work his fall into the background story somehow. Perhaps he could have even been killed in the first fiend war before mortals even existed and he could be a sort of legendary threat who's true existance could only be found out by searching through old ruins and manuscripts that had survived from that time period. Finding and distroying him could even be the mission of a secret society, (The "Opposition of Yogsathoth" as you called them) under the command of probably either the Grey King, or The Pale Lord who are the two most studious of the patrons.

Anyhow those are just ideas, Hopefully we can figure out a way to work him into the campaign without changeing your vision of him too much.


First Post
Thanks for the reply, Imperialus. Now, on to the topics in your reply...also Imperialus I am not new to crafting gaming worlds so I understand all that you have put before me and I see that you are trying to help me out (which is what I want). Now, into the reply. First thing about Yogsathoth is he originally is supposed to be a long forgotten dark god, now, I understand that in this world gods are dead or dying but there are a few things...first of all, Yogsathoth was already killed once before (being a god, he retained enough energy though to survive) hence, he is now an undead god. Now, technically if it will be too hard for the incorporation of a dark god then hey, a dark lord of some kind is fine by me, the only thing is I do not want him to be some weak fool whom is under the command of others. He seeks to enslave those he can and destroy those whom rebel. He is evil and I wish to keep him quite powerful. Now, what are the gates of dusk? It may be interesting to place him within hell, just beyond the gates...that seems likely. You see, one of his nicknames is actually the "Gatekeeper". Possibilities, possibilities. Ok, next thing...about the multiverse...now, that is my history of Yogsathoth but remember...I am willing to change that history to fit in with Daemonforges so...fit it in as you see fit with as little changes as you can. Also, yes, the powers were spread even through the elemental planes. Now, your idea at the bottom of your reply I like. The thing is, Yogsathoth is more a "firestarter" so to speak. The thing is we could somehow incorporate him into the long forgotten pasts as you say. Unfortunately I will need some help incorporating him in the past of Daemonforge without some help from someone who knows it better...help me bring him into the long forgotten passages of time, him, his powerstones, staff, the order of Yogsathoth, the opposition of Yogsathoth, his temple, and Draako. After that is done, I will send stuff in on the powerstones, the staff, the temple, both orders, and Draako.


First Post
Perhaps he was one of the Original Fiend lords from the first Fiend wars or one of the Evil Beings of the Bygone Age

A Yuan Ti overlord or a Lich Minotaur of Legendary Powers

"Many things from the Ages that have come before are unknown to the Loresingers of the Modern day. Dark things once walked the Kessel, and Roamed in the Mountains of the World, and they warred against the fair creatures"

The Mistress to her Red Ladies

Personally I see Draako coming from one of the Kesselan Cities such as Egran, Red Harbour, or Abbaye ( Preferably Abbaye) and that the Statue of Yogsathoth would be in the Burned lands, and that the Gate of Nazir would be in the Mountains south of the Forge.

Personally I would describe the Gates of Nazir as to large Statues of some unknown evil creatures. and that the Temple is truthfully an ancien ruined city in a mountain valley with a large black tower at the center built to form one large evil arcane Circle. have Yogsathoth be in a Stasis field of a sorts.
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First Post
Ok, this is great stuff. I am finally getting some suggestions and help with this thing. The suggestions given so far are acceptable and understandable but which would fit better? Which would fit better into the history of Daemonforge? That is a question that I myself cannot answer. So, Yogsathoth is to be a long since forgotten lord of a sort...great, that is fine. Stasis field thing though...I think that should go but I think the idea that Imperialus spoke of would be better...you see Yogsathoth is to be more of a threat than a real, visible problem. Basically, I like the idea of having him trapped without, hence his name the "Gatekeeper". Now, about the temples location...I think that the location of the temple being in the mountain is somewhat better...rather distant from other places, hidden in the clouds, with the doors in the depths of a cavern. As for the gate of Nazir...the gate of nazir is not a true gate but it is rather a portion of the gates of numer (there are nine gates in all, nazir being first). The gates are like doorways, one after the other but they serve a much darker purpose as the gates to the hells. each gate can be "open" one at a time with the correct rituals and thus allow a certain amount of minions through. The temple is not on a mountain side but rather the doors are at the top and it extends down through the mountain and into the depths of earth below (a very dark and forboding atmosphere). Your ideas about Draako though, I do accept and I shall incorporate them as I can. Also, the placement of the lost statue of Yogsathoth is settled with your remarks. Now, once we can all work together and fit this thing into the history of Daemonforge then I shall bring up Draako, the powerstones, the staff, the order, the opposition, and other minions at Yogsathoths side. Thanks for your help and...keep it coming.


First Post
Remember, in Daemonforge good and evil both arrived at the same time during the first fiend war. They always have exsisted.

As Imp said Yogsathoth either woud have A) Been one of the first wave of Feinds to enter the DAEMONFORGE B) one of the last C) One of the few Arch Fiends who were trapped in the limbo between the DAEMONFORGE, and Hell at the time of the Great Seperation.

C) Gives the most potential Yogsathoth sensing that the Gates of Heaven and Hell were about to be destroyed attemps to flee the world but falls into the darkness when the gates are destroyed.

The foul magics of the Nether realm of Limbo twist and darken the Fiends heart further until he is in a rage against the world of DF. and both the Creatures of Heaven and the Daemons of Hell.

If he is some arch fiend then he would have to be incorperated as another fiend lord,

Not necessarily true Imp,
Yogsathoth could have been one of the Generals of the Fiendish Army perhaps led by the Burned God, I could see Yogsathoth at Mount Barakus slaughtering as he glided from one running mortal to the next.

or he would have to be resideing in hell right now waiting for the gates of dusk to open again.

Or like I said trapped between the two. Yogsathoth is able to take the control of his Chosen through the elementals of earth, and fire.

Also another important thing to point out, is I belive it was decided that Daemonforge does not exsist in a multiverse.

Yep no multiverse You have the elements the Celetstial, and Fiendish Realms and then that which is Beyond.


First Post
Thank you all of you for helping. I believe we are making progress here. This is great. Anyways, onto the latest post. Now, it appears for the time being, the big questions are what is Yogsathoth and where does he fit in the time line. Now, the suggestions given...I have choosen two and need help deciding between the two. The first was not mentioned by anyone but I believe it may be because you do not understand it yet. The first idea is that Yogsathoth remains as he was originally was, a god. Now before you start ranting on the "no gods" thing let me try to talk you into this one...there is a possibility that it could work. Yogsathoth was a god that is now undead and trapped within another dimension near the world. All of his powers were lost, and his powerstones were lost, along with his staff. Yogsathoth was trapped from the very beginnings of time and had been all but forgotten save for a few manuscripts and his hidden temple. Now, as you can see, Yogsathoth being a god, may still fit into Daemonforge being that he was not slain as the others were...infact he passed throughout time in another dimension, locked away, awaiting the powerstones, and his staff. He waits on the other side of the nine gates of numer along with hisd minions, awaiting to be released so that he can take over the world. Yogsathoth wishes to enslave all, and to destroy all that is good and alive. Now, as you can see, perhaps it would not be so hard to incorporate him as a god. Now, if that is impossible then I will let him pass for an Arch fiend though it does his power no justice (trust me, his stats are extreme). Now, as for being a general...perhasp...but the thing about Yogsathoth is he is power hungry and seeks to dominate all that passes before him. He seeks to be omniscient and omnipotent. So, then being trapped behind the gates of duck if he is an Arch fiend. Ok, so I believe that about covers it...take a look and if you area new reader I suggest you read the rest of the stuff prior to this. Ok, the big choice is up to you...trapped, forgotten god or another trapped, forgotten Arch fiend? Read it over a few times, hear my arguement, think it over. Replies are all welcome. Help me out here.


First Post
Personally I have no problem with him being a God considering that in my opinion Dieties should be a cultural thing not a whole world thing.

When I first began writing for DF I put out a Divine being known as the Asha, I was told no new gods, However we have one God still about who is not widely talked about I believe named Bungaboo or something like that

So perhaps Yogsathoth is a Fiendish Deity trapped on the other side of the Gates of Dusk waiting for HIS Fiendish generals to reopen the Gates. Unfortunetly for our dear fellow Fiendish God his generals have forgotten he exists as a God and are content to fight among themselves and the Celestial Hosts.

His one Temple built by His Clerics during the first fiend war lies alone in the mountains a forgotten temple to one of the Seven Gates of Numer ( The Gate of Nasir, and The Gate of Dusk being the only two which have been found)

What this allows us is for the DF to have different areas of Hell/ or Numer to exist

Numer The Daemonforges equivalent to Hades, or Hell a dark land of Daemons. fiend broods, and other deformities seperated into seven layers.

Aqaaba - The Layer of Burning Death " The Endless Desert" Home to the fiendish djinns, and burning spirits, the Pyroclasmic Dragons, and the unholy Dark Naga's. Aqaaba is a trackless desert with no oasis to promise an end to thirst.

Mithrask The Gate of Dusk The Pit of Numer "The Great Darklands" Home to the Creatures of the Night, and cold foul monsters created by vile acts. Nightshades, Demons, Devils, and Fiendbroods, Deformations, and the Fleshless come from this layer of Numer. Known as the Breeding pit for the Dark Pantheon.

Nevrama The Layer of the Foul Waters, Nevrama is home to the fiendish Black Dragons, the fiendbred krakens, and the Leviathan it is a plane of swamps, and befouled seas, and ink black rivers Many a monstrousity was secreted into the World above during the first fiend war that now roam the Endless Sea hidden from the cares of all but the Mistress. The Gate is located in the City in the Sea, Amrana, a City that was said to have slipped beneath the waves due to foul magics in the bygone age.

Fenyrathoth The Layer of the Ice Demons, Home to every form of icy monstrocity imaginable Fenyrathoth is a land of endless ice flows, It is a land of Giants, and Winter wolves, of Wargs and Fiendish Orcs said to be ruled by a warped Elemental Lord whose heart has chilled, Fenyaronde, who still nashes its teeth waiting for the day when it can begin another Ice age in the World above.

The Castle of the Not Dead Deep in the heart of Fenyrathoth a Castle rises as a spire up into the snowy sky, Here within exist the City of the not dead, a dreaded place of mists, and phantoms, and other darker monsters. All who draw close find the city insubstantial, made of vile vapours, at its gates two ferocius Hell hounds stood their eternal guard, and its battlements, who were decorated in severed heads mounted on spikes, are unscalable.

The King of the City is the Giant Geirrod who long before had plotted to kill the Elemental Fenyaronde. Instead, Fenyaronde had seized Geirrods frost bitten sword and threw it with such strength that the blade pierced through Geirrod and sank deep into the icy wall behind him. Yet dead though he was, like some vampyric spirit he continued on to rule the City.

Sethramas The Layer of Carnal Sin. This layer is also known as the Land of a thousand seductresses consists of one thriving metropolis, flesh daemons, vampires, and Leanan Sidhe are commonly found in Sethramas. It is the Land of worldly sins, a endless city of brothels, and daemonic pleasure houses. Ruled by the Daemonic Council of Sethra, mostly made up of demonesses, and Fiendish Drug lords, this is the Layer in which most of the Dark Pantheon come for relaxation, and a little original sin. In the dark alley ways of this city one might find tainted nymphs, night hags, or most forms of Naga's, and the spirits of those that died due to carnal sins.

Engbadorn The Land of eternal slaughter. While Mithrask is known as the breeding pit of the Dark Pantheon, Engbadorn is its training grounds it was here that the armies that flooded into the Daemonforge were tested before the went into the world above. It is here that the Dark Pantheon found the Fiendish Generals that would later become the Fiend lords. Engbadorn is a mixing pot of every form of demon, djinn, or deformity in existance. It is under the direct command of the Lord of Slaugher Engarron who rules the lands about his fortress with a brutal hand.

Yogsaard The Private realm of the King of the Dark Pantheon Yogsathoth this layer is made up of an endless maze whose multitude of passages finish at the stark grey walls of the Dark Kings Fortress of Numeron at the gargantuan gate of his keep two giant deformities stand guard, both once related to the Race of Minotaurs, but now utterly corrupted by the hand of the Dark King's Sorceries. Yogsathoth joys at letting captured celestials, or good mortals loose into his endless mazes filled with death traps, and foul beings. Currently Yogsathoth waits for the Opening of the Gates of Numer to unleash his wrath upon the world above. Through unknown means it would seem he has found a crack through which he can focus his powers into the Daemonforge little by little.

A little about the Dark pantheon Ruled by the Dark King Yogsathoth, and given into the command of the lesser four gods
Fenyaronde, Amrana, Sethra, and Aqaab-ab Saras the Dark Pantheon is a multitude of high placed devils, and demons, fallen Celestials, and other nameless beings who have been given one command to prepare for the conquest of the world above and from there the pearly gates of the heavens.

It is out of the Dark Pantheon that the Fiend lords were taken
When the Gate of Dusk was destroyed many of the Pantheon felt that all hope was lost, and as the endless ages rolled on most have given up hope that the conquest of the heavens will ever come to pass. Still they follow the commands of Yogsathoth trusting that the Dark King understands all. None but his four comanders know that the Dark king has taken over the lich Draako.


First Post
Thank you sidran, I finally feel that Yogsathoth has been placed and quite to my liking. The original ideas of Yogsathoth still stand and for now it seems he has a place in the forgotten lore of Daemonforge. Good. Now, as you know, Yogsathoth is not the only thing that needs explainations...there is Draako, the staff, the powerstones, his minions (basically a few new lords and underlings for game play; related in some way to Yogsathoth and also partly forgotten), the order, and the opposition. So, if there are no more changes then we can begin (even though I will continue anyways). Next to deal with for now is something quick...the powerstones. The powerstones where the powers of Yogsathoth when he was whole...unfortunately, each power was removed from him one by one and encapsulated in each of these powerstones (each stone contains one powers energy and a small essence of Yogsathoths being). Each powerstone is black, and shining...like a gem. One it, carved in red, is a single rune. Each stone contains one main power (basically pick a power and place it in the stone for DM's). The stone is sentient as it is part of Yogsathoth. Its purpose is to return to its master and it does this through the use of its hosts. Hence, what they do is attempt to corrupt the person weilding the stone...they try to make the carrier serve Yogsathoth and return the stone...in essence, they attempt to dominate the carrier. The power within the stone can be accessed like any other magical item though it is hard to activate. There are no charges. Simple. Now, the powerstones...there are thousands of them, each contains one spell or power. Ok, so question is...simply, do you have any suggestions for these? If no, then we can carry on...oh yeah, the stats for these powerstones...I will give them later on...for now I just want to get the idea clear and looked at. Reply as soon as possible so we can continue...perhaps next we will deal with Draako...


First Post
No real notes on the Stones of Power

Though perhaps you can write in one or two special stones that carry the essence of Yogsathoth.

An Idea behind the fall of the Fair Kingdoms is that it was in their tradition to pass down the Sacred Stones from one Generation to the next Some of these Sacred stones were believed to be the spirit stones of some Vengeful ancestor of the royal families that carried them and that the stones would transform their owner into a Tyrantical monster.

Legends say that one of these Nobles was driven so mad that he slew all of his servants, his wife, and his children in the name of some dark god.

The Twin eyes of the Dark King [ an idea about how Draako may be tied into the stones, and how he might have been corrupted]

These two stones carved in the shape of a serpents eyes out of star ruby were once passed down the line of the House Tyragian in the Tall Kingdom of Elustrial, Treasured as a sign of protection from the Nagvorn, a smaller form of the wyvern, They set over the family Manors grand hearth in the Boarder City of Tyram.

The city had always been a place of sullen people locked into the stern grip of their Dukes, men who most of the Court of Elustrial said where fey touched. Then one dark winters eve news came to the King in the Capital that the Duke Elivarias Tyragian had begun a Rampage of Terror against his cities citizens. The king immidiatly sent orders to the Duke of Myriam, the nearest neibhoring city to Tyram, that he was to send immidiate aid to the People of Tyram. When the Duke of Myriam arrived the city was a slaughter house its citizens either fled or lying as corpses in the streets. In the keep the Duke came upon the Grand hearth and found Elivarias hanging from the candlebra.

From Tyram Keep the Duke of Myriam took only two things the Hearth stones of Tyragian, and the small son of Elivarias, the boy he named Draako after the motto of the ill fated house.

" Adra Draako 'Nias Nagvorn siadla karim du Larin dor"

Not dragons nor nagvorn shall keep us from our rightful place"

The boy grew quick and began to show signs of unnatural talents, Great Wizards came and tutored him, and went.
His Surogate father came to him one day and told him the story of his fathers fate, and gave to him the Hearth stones of his fathers keep"

Late at night Draako would find himself stairing into the blood red eyes. At night he would dream lucidly of the Slaughter that his father wrought upon his family and his city. It is in his dreams that he first saw the dark figure.

Draako began to take an active interest in the history of the stones using divination, and conjuration to divine the lore behind the hearth stones all to naught until the day when a grey haired toothless man wearing a crimson habit stumbled into the Palace Libraries.

The man claimed to know the stones history, and told the child tales of a Dark and Glorius king in the Mountains who joyed in the torment of Evil beings. This man who named himself Evranias began to teach Draako the arts of the Dark King, and soon draako had begun to master the vile spells of necromancy.

Draako was thus corrupted and subverted by the Evranias into the Servitude of Yogsathoth, a crime for which Draako later sacrificed the old wandering prophet....
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