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Yogsathoths Stats: Needs work...


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Just to let you people know that are reading this...I have begun to post some stats for Yogsathoth (much better than before with a couple suprises along the way in the near future). Check above for some of the stats with more on the way. Thanks.

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Sure thing Sidran. This book, D&Dg rocks. Yogsathoth is gonna be quite the god even though he is intermediate...also, Sidran check may last post in Yogis history...I got a bit of a story for Yogi based on acsension and the DF setting...needs some work though to make it fit. Thanks, I be working on Yogi. Oh yeah, and in case you havent yet...please look over Yogi as I added more and changed a few minor details. I am not sure whether or not he should be a sorcerer or a wizard. Yogis strength is in his magical and divine power not his might (as you can see by his strength score). Since he is a dominator, I focused alot on Charisma and thus...the sorcerer is the best magical class for it. Personally, I like the sorcerer class but perhaps you have another reason I do not know about. Thanks.
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Perhaps Cleric 2/ Rogue 10/ Sorcerer 10 just to round him out a bit or even Some levels of a Prestige class "Dominite" That gives him adds "True Names" to his abilities

See the thread in General Discussion from back a few days to get the Idea.

Other than that it looks good very good keep in mind however that some things from the D&Dg book can not be used without permission. (Divine Rank, Salient Divine abilities, and reference to the new feats and a few others for which I am not so sure I can bring to mind without looking into the book)

Also teleport with out error, and planeshift do not fit DF at all so they should prolly be replaced with something more to his taste.


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Well, its good to know your getting better Sidran. Thanks for your help. Ok, now, into the post. You say I should round him out more...why? I am juts wondering...doesnt cleric 20/ sorcerer 20 work juts as well? You see, the thing is Yogsathoth is not much of a fighter in the physical but rather a master of magics. For example, I see Yogsathoth more as the type that woud attempt to dominate masses of enemies and turn them against each other rather then fight. If he must fight...he would rely on his powerful spell casting, spell-like abilities, and divine abilities rather than fight-fight. He is not physically powerful so he ignores combat of that sort as much as he can. Anways, I will wait for your reply on that matter and perhaps you can yet change my mind. Also, what is the prestige class Dominate? Is it a class or is it an idea for one...either way, let me know. Now, as to divine ranks, abilities, etc. What can he not do, just for interests sake, and why? Why is the whole idea of divinity so touchy here, curious to know besides the fact that most gods are dead or dying. Something just decided? Is there a major reason? I am trying to bypass as many of these barriers as possible so Id like to know what other road blocks lie ahead for Ygsathoth. I am trying to keep things balanced on a thin line so I would like to know. Know, as to teleport without error and plaeneshift...Ok, I am not sure why these powers are not allowed...why not? I mean, next to every powerful fiend lord has planeshift and nearly every fiend has teleport without error. I dont know. At most, you could probably pull away planeshift but teleport without error is a problem as almost every fiend has it. Anyways, I need some replies to this as soon as possible so I can continue sorting out the last bits of Yogsathoths stats.


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There is no ability to planeshift in DF none whatsoever, Teleport without error does not work either in the Setting thats why on those.

What I meant though was that it is not part of the Open Gaming Licence that lets us do any written work for a setting So things like the name Salient Ability, or Divine Rank are in essence Product Identity of WotC, thus if we were to use it for our own product, we would be doing what is stealing product Identity, In the begining of almost every WotC book it says that none of the rules, fluff or what have you in the book is OGL means we can not touch the really cool stats for gods without permission.

As far as rounding out Yogi with a class of warrioresque is because yes he is Magically superior but like all gods I am sure that he will want to be able to defend his holy self if a lucky epic hero comes running for him with his +10 Uber herring of Diety destruction ( Yeah its a joke).

I think a Prestige class ( 5 lvl) would be an interesting Idea for him something such as an Arcane Archer, or Arcane Knight.

Other than that good job,

Oh and if I don't post sometimes right now its cause I can't get into the boards due to there problems.


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About the slow posting...I got you. I had alot of trouble awhile back and hey, I guess its your turn now. Anyways, into the reply. I still do not understand why teleport without error will not work in DF...now, I get planeshift but teleport without error? I need the story reason why thats all. Now about OGL...Jeez, that absolutely sucks...the thing is shouldnt it not matter though? I mean we are not selling it or anything...we are just using it as the book says we can. What would be the point in buying the book if you cannot actually use the stuff for your creations? The thing is we are not selling there ideas so the problem is what? Please post back on this topic of the OGL(perhaps Ill start a thread on this topic elsewhere after I take a look at my law stuff). Anyways, Ill take you up on the change to Yogi...Im not sure what to give him yet but itll hit me as I think it over and Ill change the rough paper copy of him then post the changes. Anyways, when you get back here gimme a post on this stuff here. Thanks.


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About the OGL/ Not OGL thing don't sweat it to much it will eventually be in the OGL, eventually.

Teleport, Teleport without Error, Plane shift, ethereal jaunt, and Phasing do not work in the Setting do to the nature of the world and how it has been sealed from the outer planes. (BM NEED YOUR REASONS WHY)

Maybe make Yogi 5 levels of Blackguard or Assassin, or well just about any evil thing you can think of...Perhaps a Psionic class.

About posting man I get frustrated when I can not get my daily fix of D&D talk in I have a campaign to plan for and all so it really sucks to not be able to read posts from people like Piratecat, and Doc Moriarty.

Anyway Cheers

And happy all hallows eve.


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Ok, I wont worry much about the OGL thing. I dont understand why we cannot use the stuff for a free setting thats all. I mean, if someone wants to know what stuff means then they have to buy the books. Take me for example...I had to buy D&Dg to get the info I needed...its not like I posted how to make a deity or anything. Now, beyond that...as I said before, I can understand planeshifting and ethereal jaunting but I still dont get why teleport without error is not allowed. The others have to do with planar travel but teleport without error is not planar travel. I still need some reasons here for teleport as the stroy says is not good enough for me as I see it as perfectly fine so far. Anyways, if you got the answer to that question, Im all ears for it and perhaps you can change my mind on this subject. Now, as to extra levels for Yogi to round him out...I took inot account what you said last day but I did not want to make any major changes to his pre-exsisting classes so I added 10 levels of rogue. Why? Well, it rounds him out more...allows him to be better at attacking (and saving himself as a rogue). I really want to stay away from adding prestige classes to him as they have requirements and expectations of those in it. Anways, feel free to reply on this matterl...either way...Im gonna update Yogi.


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Anways, for you people out there...Yogsathoth has been updated with some new information, including Yogsathoths unique salient divine ability...Supreme Foresight...check it out. I will continue working on his stats until I figure its about complete. Soon, very soon. Anyways, any ideas or suggestions...

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